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Course M T H 1 0 1 Course Engineering Mathematics -I

Code: Title:

L T P Credit Weightage
(or Max. Marks) CA MTE ETE
3 2 0 4
40 20 0 40 0
Pre-requisites & objectives:
This course is offered to B.Tech Engineering students who have studied mathematics upto 10+2 standard. This
course is designed to make students enable to solve calculus related problems.

Course Contents:
Sr. Topic Approximate
No. No. of

1. Matrices : Review of matrix algebra, rank of a matrix ,linear independence of Vectors, 9

Solution of system of linear equations, Gauss Elimination and Gauss Jordan method, Eigen Values
values and Eigen Vectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Diagonalization of matrix.
2. Functions of several variables: Function of two or more variables, Total differentials and 10
Derivatives, Approximation, Derivatives of Composite and implicit functions, Homogeneous
Functions & Euler’s Theorem, Jacobian, Taylor’s Series for a function of one and two variables,
Maxima and minima of function of several variables, Lagrange’s method of undetermined
Introduction to the standard cartesian and polar curves, Curvature of cartesian and polar
3. Infinite Series: Sequence,series,convergence,geometric series and p-series,comparison test, 8
integral test,D-Alembert’s ratio test,Logarithmic test,Gauss test ,Raabe’s test, Cauchy root test,
alternating series,Leibnitz rule,power series ,uniform convergence, Weierstrass M-test
4. Integral Calculus : Area of standard bounded regions, rectification, Double and triple integration, 9
Change of order of integration, Change of variable, Applications of Multiple Integrals to find
area and volumes.

Laboratory Work: Nil

Grewal B.S , Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers,Delhi,2007.

Additional Readings:
Chapters 2,3 ,Jain R.K. And Iyenger S.R.K, Advanced Engineering Mathematics,Narosa Publishing
House,New Delhi,2007.

Component of Continuous Assessment:

Sr. No Component Frequency in term Marks

1 Attendance 10
2 Assignments and based test 8 72
3 Term paper 1 18

Total 100

Additional Passing Requirements (if any):

Salient Pedagogical Strategies

Better and real time examples will be given.

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