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Greek Literature

Final Examination, Fall 2007 12 Dec

Please identify 5 of the following characters stating in which work they appeared and what their
significance was (4 points each):

The Nurse Antigone Teiresias

Kassandra Patroklos Kreon
Haemon Iokaste (Jocasta) Pylades

Please define 4 of the following terms and objects. Include source and relefance. (5 pts each):
The Beacon Deus ex Machina
Physis The Purple Tapestry
Moira Dike

Please discuss one of the following statements. Take a few minutes to organize your thoughts
before writing. Remember that specific examples are imperative!

1. Fate versus Free Will: Since Fate played an important rôle in ancient Greek culture (e.g. the
popularity of the Delphic Oracle and the reading of entrails at every sacrifice), it is not surprising
that Fate functions in Greek tragedy as well. To what extent do characters seem bound by fate
(Moira), and to what extent are they responsible for their own actions? Please discuss the
workings out of Fate in the literature we have read.

2. Tragic or Violent Action: Violent action in Greek tragedy does not take place on stage, before
the eyes of the viewers. And yet, violent acts are often an integral part of the drama. What sort of
violent actions occur in the plays of the three tragedians we have read? How are they mediated?
How do the playwrights differ in their treatments? Are there elements of similarities?

3. It has been said that characters in Greek epic and tragedy often suffer from a narrowness of
vision in that they tend to view society and other human beings in terms of their own world
view, or Weltanschaung. Do you think this a fair assessment, or not? In your discussion, please
use examples that support this view, and others that contradict it. Which case do you find the

4. Nomos versus Physis: Generally these two types of ‘laws’ work together to promote a healthy
society. When when an individual or society goes against one or both of the laws, however a
disjunction occurs, either in the individual or the society. Please discuss infractions against
physis that you have come across in Greek literature.

Extra credit: What was your favourite scene or act in the plays or in the that we have read, or in
the Iliad, and why?
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