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1.   To start with let us have a look at the definitions of

consumer behaviour. Blyth (2008) says that all people are consumers and all people
behave but all those behaviours cannot be defined as consumer behaviour, thus
OǯDougherty et al. (2007) have defined consumer behaviour in a more specific way.

2. º      ! It is found from the
research that customer behaviour is affected by some internal and external factors
as a result there are four factors discussed by Kotler and Armstrong (2003) which
affects consumer behaviour. These are:
- ?ultural factors
- Vocial factors
- Yersonal factors
- Ysychological factor

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Need Information Evaluation of

recognition search alternatives

Purchase Post purchase

decision behaviour
å %#%

High Involvement Low Involvement

Significant #('% %+

differences  %
between brands

, (%
Few differences
between brands $ 

ü $ º$&'#(!
¦ Brand awareness
¦ ÷evels of brand awareness:
¦ Achieving brand awareness:
¦ „ffect of brand awareness on consumer buying behaviour

) $(%$
X Aida model
X ierarchy of effects model
X Atr model

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* ($%
X Yerceived quality
X Yrice:
X Brand loyalty
X Vales promotion
X Influence by others
X Yroduct uniqueness

Previous research findings ---- The effects of brand awareness on consumer buying behaviour (Research

¦ uiscuss Research findings (What the previous authors found)

¦ asing theory to support discussions
¦ Identify the relevance of theory

Previous Research Findings ʹ The effects of brand awareness on consumer buying behaviour on uiscuss
Research findings (What the previous authors found)

¦ asing theory to support discussions

¦ Identify the relevance of theory
¦ consumer electronics (Research Papers)

Finding Gap

Statement (End of LR): What I have found, where the gap is and what I am going to cover

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