Chapter 2 Notes

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IST 201 Chapter 2 Notes

Network or interconnection devices are used to connect individual hosts to the network.
Network devices are also used to connect multiple individual networks to form an internetwork.
Some devices used in networking are:

Communications Servers

Intermediary devices such as routers help retime and retransmit signals, manage data flow, and
determine pathways for data to travel.

Management of data flow is very important on a network. Intermediary devices manage data
flow. Intermediary devices help determine path selection. Path selection is important for
optimizing data flow and increasing performance. Intermediary devices rely on overhead to
notify devices on a network that errors have been detected during transmission.

Network protocols identify functions required for communicating between layers on a network.
Protocols require layer dependent encapsulation. Each layer contains a Protocol Data Unit or
PDU. Protocols define the structure of PDUs.

Encapsulation is used to identify pieces of data as part of the same communication, to ensure
that data pieces can be directed to the correct end devices, and enables reassembly of
complete messages at the destination device.

The encapsulation process adds headers and sometimes trailers at each layer of the network
model. Header and trailer information is used to
Assist intermediary devices, such as routers, with path selection and processing
Identify source and destination devices
Manage error recovery and data integrity

As data travels from source to destination headers help uniquely identify hosts. Protocols are
used to determine the structure, type, and purpose of labels and addressing.

Application layer protocols are used by applications such as a web browser or web server.
Some application layer protocols are HTTP, FTP, TFTP, Telnet

The TCP/IP model contains four layers: Application, Transport, Internetwork, and Network
Access. The Application layer contains the same functions as the OSI model Application and
presentation layers. The Network access layer performs the same functions as the OSI data
link and physical layers.

Network protocols and reference models are developed using a layered approach. The layered
approach assists with network troubleshooting by:
Allowing competitors to design products at different layers of the model and have them
work together
Make network communication easier to understand
IST 201 Chapter 2 Notes

Prevent technology change at one layer from affecting technology at another layer of the

Network protocols describe processes such as the form and structure of the communication
pieces, how and where error messages are passed between devices, and establishment and
termination of data transfer sessions.

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