FINANCE Boosters

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granted. Boosters are a necessity to M-A athletics programs, providing a support to students and coaches of all sports. They are
nonprofit organization that gather donations to help support M-A’s extensive athletic programs.

$155,674.51 of the school’s operating budget was spent on M-A’s 50 athletic teams last year. The M-A Athletic Boosters
seek to supplement these teams and cover costs that the District does not.

This year, the Boosters were able to grant the requests of every coach, giving a total of $47,888 to M-A athletics, providing
roughly 30% of the M-A sport’s funding. The Boosters receive all contributions from private donors. With the exception
Me of $15,000 that is kept in reserve for the future, all donations go directly to M-A sports teams.
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sch ough i lly a cl across The Boosters raise the bulk of their money through direct donations, the Big Bear Run, and eScrips, a credit card pro-
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A major objective of the organization is ensuring suitable compensation for coaches. The District only pays head coaches,
and even they get a stipend of just $2,500 to $3,000. With over 950 athletes at M-A, many teams have eighty-plus players
on their roster and the Boosters seek to reward coaches for supervising these teams. Coaches can also submit their grant
requests for equipment, uniforms, and other costs.

This year, the organization paid the stipends of eight different coaches, and Boosters submitted a check for $10,000 to
help cover the $25,000 cost of the new scoreboard.

Clearly, without the Boosters, M-A would not be able to support such a successful athletic department.

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