Tumblr CKV Verslag

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Ever needed a place to just do what you want? Say what you want?

well here it is.

What is tumblr?
Tumblr lets you effortlessly share anything. Post text, photos, quotes, links, music, and
videos, from your browser, phone, desktop, email, or wherever you happen to be. You can
customize everything, from colors, to your theme's HTML. They launched 4 years and 2
months ago out of an office in New York City. They have grown from two people to over ten
people in just a few years. The makers say “ Tumblr is something we’ve always wanted, and
we’re thrilled so many people care about it as much as we do”

We all know the basic social network sites such as Facebook (and in the Netherlands Hyves)
but a lot of people do not know anything about tumblr. It as simple as a blogging site only
you can do so much more than just blogging. The posting of songs, pictures, texts, quotes,
movies and all sorts of things makes it a piece of you.

Tumblr hopes to do for the tumblelog what services like LiveJournal and Blogger did for the
blog. The difference is that its extreme simplicity will make luring users a far easier task than
acquiring users for traditional weblogging. Anytime a user sees something interesting online,
they can click a quick "Share on Tumblr" bookmarklet that then tumbles the snippet directly.
The result is varied string of media ranging links and text to pictures and videos that takes
very little time and effort to maintain. There is little to no learning curve involved in using
tumblr. Features are intuitive and quick to establish. Users simply sign up and begin posting
in a minute.

And everything you posts comes on your HTML, but also on a dashboard with all the people
you follow. The follow idea goes like twitter. You see someone who you find interesting
(looking at the things he or she posts) and then you follow him/her. The thing is with tumblr
you can be completely anonymous and that way post whatever you want, because your
name isn’t being displayed on your site. You decide what you want to do with it.
What can you do on tumblr?
Of course it is fun to know what it is, but how does it actually work. Well this is a small and
clear introduction of all the features that are available on tumblr.

 Text
The first thing every blog needs is text. Well even tumblr has the feature that allows
you to post any text you want. When you have made your account it allows you to go
on your own personal dashboard with the people you follow and then you see a row
of things you can do and one of those things is posting a text. You click on the icon,
decide a title and text and you can post it right away. It even allows you to spell check
it in every languages you want to.
 Photos
The thing that makes tumblr so unique isn’t the fact that you can post photos, but
allows you to directly link them from other sites without even opening tumblr. You
choose any photo you want and then you upload it to tumblr. No it isn’t against the
law to post a photo that isn’t yours as long as you say it wasn’t yours nothing really
can go wrong.
 Quotes
You see a text from one of your favourite artists or just a quote that was once made
somewhere. You just copy the text and paste it. You have a special feature on tumblr
that allows you to post quotes and that way you aren’t stealing anything from
 Links
This is actually what you think it is. You see a site and you think that somebody needs
to see this and you post the link so everybody can click on it.
 Dialogues
Did you ever watch a TVshow/film? And thought well this scene is actually
magnificent? You can put a dialogue on tumblr where you can see the people talk to
each other and that is the way you can share your favourite scene with the whole

The song you are listening to right now or the song you just adore or maybe even hate.
This allows you to post a song out of your own files or maybe with an url of youtube. You
can post what it is or why you posted it at the description section

 Video
This actually goes the same way as with Audio only this time it is with actual image.
 Slideshows
If you made a slideshow you can upload it to tumblr and let your followers see it. This
also has the same principal as Audio.
These are many features on tumblr, but certainly not all of them.

Tumblr gives you the ability to fully customize your theme of your blog. There are many
themes you can choose from and you can make themes yourself. The last option does
provide a lot of work so that’s why you can choose from hundreds of themes in the theme
garden. Once you have chosen a theme you can (most of the time) customize it yourself by
changing the colours or insert other things and change the background.

When you customize your blog you can change the title of your blog which you have chosen
when you made it. You can also make a description about you or a text you want to have
standing there. Depending on the theme you choose those things are shown. Just like your
photo, there are themes which show it and themes that don’t.

Ask and submitting posts.

You already know how to submit posts and things like that, but you can also submit posts to
other people their blogs. (If they haven’t enabled it) there is a button on their blogs with
submitting posts. This way you can post something through someone else his/her blog. They
do have to approve it.

You can also ask questions! How that goes to work is the following. Again on somebody’s
blog there is an ask url. If you want to ask someone something, you can click on that and ask
someone a question. The person doesn’t have to answer, but if he or she does it comes on
your dashboard so that everyone can see it. You can also make it a private question and if
you do that nobody can see it anymore.
If you look at tumblr this way, it is more than blogging. This is really something personal and
a piece of you. The many things you can do on tumblr makes it something that we all know
exists, but is far better than what is already on the market.
My personal opninion.
The world doesn’t need another blogging site, but I’m glad they have made it. The thing with
tumblr is that you have Blogspot Tumbleblog and many more sites, but there is always
something that can be done better or different. Personally I find that Tumblr has a more
personal touch to things. You can do so much more and way more easy than with most blog
sites. You don’t need someone to explain it to you. You just immediately know what to do.

The five things that make tumblr so unique are;

 That you can post things with extreme ease. You click on the icons on your dashboard
which for example says text and you can start immediately.
 It is something personal. You can change everything into something you want to. You
can make your own themes or change themes into something you love.
 It is fast! If you want to reblog a photo? Well in two clicks you are there. That counts
for everything with tumblr!
 You don’t even have to post something yourself. You can reblog the whole time and
that is why it is so easy. If you see something you like, you don’t have to be like “A
darn why didn’t I come up with that”. You simply reblog it. It isn’t just a way of
getting it on your blog. It is also a compliment to the person who posted it. You don’t
even have to reblog something if you like it. You have a like button just like on
 And last but not least. You can be someone completely anonymous! There is no fear
in posting something you like, because if you want to you don’t have to mention your

Not a lot of people know this and that is one of the upsides to tumblr. It is the best blogging
site I have visited so far. It is easy, fast and personal, which makes it the ultimate blog site in
my eyes. I’m giving it five full stars!

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