Central Dogma

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All living organisms, including human beings, need to 1. Initiating replication
reproduce, so that at the end of their lifespan, they have Origins of replication
produced at least one other individual to replace Prokaryotes: single
themselves. This ensures the continuation of their species. Eukaryotes: multiple
Babies inherit from their parents a copy of all information Replication bubble - Replication proceeds in both
needed to develop into a functioning number of their directions
species. This information is carried as deoxyribonucleic acid Replication fork - Where new strands of DNA elongate
(DNA), mainly within the cell nucleus. DNA is organized into Helicase - Untwists and separates DNA strands
functional units called genes, which themselves are a part Binding proteins - Stabilize strands
of a bigger structures, the chromosomes. The name given 2. Priming
to all the genetic material in the cell is the genome. Reason: DNA polymerase can’t synthesize nucleotides
from scratch
DNA – deoxyribose nucleic acid; composed of deoxyribose Primer - Short stretch of RNA
sugar, phosphate group and nitrogen bases (AT – Primase - Makes primer
pyrimidine, CG – purines) DNA polymerase - Replaces RNA primers with DNA
RNA – ribonucleic acid; has uracil instead of thymine Antiparallel strands
3. Elongation
chromatin = DNA + protein (histones) DNA polymerase - Can only add nucleotides to the free 3’
chromosome – chromatids, kinetochore and centromere end
DNA elongation: 5’-3’ direction
Processes in Central Dogma Leading strand - Continuous synthesis; Only one primer
DNA Replication – DNA makes a copy of itself; Lagging strand synthesis - Discontinuous synthesis
semiconservative model; ‘Coz of antiparallel problem
Transcription – from DNA to RNA (messenger) with the aid Solution: Okazaki fragments - 100-200 nucleotides long;
of RNA polymerase (enzyme) Each requires a primer
Translation – from RNA to amino acids to proteins; Ligase - Joins Okazaki fragments
happens in the cytoplasm with the help of ribosomes

Ma’am Bec Crisol/Biology 9 – Iron/http://grade9iron.multiply.com

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