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Charts for the design of circular columns to BS 8110 Introduction When CP 110" was published in 1972, Part 3 included a series of design charts for circular columns and prestressed beams. The British Standards Institution found that sales of CP 110: Part 3 were not high, so these charts were not included in BS 8110 when it was published in 1985. ‘The charts for prestressed beams do ‘not seem to have been missed, but both the British Cement Association and BSI have received a steady stream of enquiries for design charts for circular columns. This publication is the response to these enquiries. ‘The charts are presented in a form which is as close as possible to that in CP 110: Part 3 so that they will be familiar to users of the old charts. The derivation of the charts is, however, slightly more rigorous than the method used in CP 110. This will be discussed further in the next section, The charts in CP 110 were developed, not unreasonably, for use when designing members in strict accordance with the Code. It was therefore necessary to cover only the specific grades of conerete and steel recommended in the Code. There arc. however, situations where non-standard concrete grades have to be taken into account, or possibly where the reinforcement to be used is notin accordance with the appropriate British Standard (for example, when designing for jobs abroad, or checking an existing structure). To cope with these situations, four extra charts have been included which use non-dimensional parameters and which can be applied to any grade of concrete or steel. These charts are not as rigorous as the main set because they do not allow for the slight changes in geometry of the parabolic-rectangular stress block with change in cube strength. Nor do they allow for the fact that changes in the Yield strain of the steet with change in steel grade will have an influence on the lower Parts ofthe curves. These effects are, however, relatively minor. Contents Derivation of charts References 4 Notation . a4 Figures 1-7. 5 Design charts : - 9 43.503 First published 1989 ISBN 07120 13805 British Cement Association Century House, Telford Avenue ‘Crowthorne, Berks RG45 6YS ‘Tel: (01344) 762676 Fax: (01344) 761214 All advice or information from the British Cement Association is intended for those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of ts ‘contents and take responsiblity forits use and application. No abt (including that for negligence) for any los reslling from such advice ‘or information is accepted. Readers should note that all BCA publications are subject to revision Irom time to time and should taeretore ensure that they rein posiession of the latest version. New or revised British Standards Update for BCA publications New or revised British Standards for concrete and for most cements have now been published. These changes may result in parts of some BCA publications being out of date. This insert will help readers by outlining the main changes in the British Standards and explaining how the information in this publication, where relevant, may be converted to accord with the new standards. Specifications for cement BS 6610: 1991 Speiaion for oso pavers fut ash cement Most parts of a new European Standard for the testing BS 7583: 1992 Specification for Portland limestone cement ‘of cement (EN 196) have been published. This standard peifiation for Portland Test will have little effect on concrete practice, but itshould All these cements contain Portland cement clinker as a benoted that the method of testing cementstrength by “main constituent’ using concrete cubes (BS 4550) has been replaced by a mortar prism test (EN 196: Part 1). This gives higher results, and an approximate relationship between ‘mortar prism and concrete cube compressive strengths, forthe same cement, is given in Table 1 Most cements are divided into ‘strength classes’, defined by a number (32.5, 42.5,52.5 oF 62.5) that is thecement’s specified minimum strength at 28 days, in N/mm’, asmeasured by the new mortar prism test. —____ Thisnumberis followed by a letter (L, Nor) that (Table 1 indicates alow, ordinary, or high early strength. The | Vue of motar prism compressive strength, y(N/ strength classes specified for the various cements are given in Table2. concrete cube compressive strength, x(N/mm)_| Ageat | a | Nostrength classes are specified for cements to BS-4246 teetdays | 2 3 7 28 and BS6610, but they must comply with specified i minimumstrengths. yx | 1s | at 1st | 130 In this publication, when relevant, the following Inanticipation of a European Standard for cements equivalents may be assumed: EN 197), new British Standards havebeen published as Where ordinary Portland cement ismentioned, follows: the equivalent is Portland cement - class 42.5, BS 12: 1991 Specification for Portland cement complying with BS 12:1991. BS 146: 1991 Specification for Portland blastfurnace ‘@ Where rapid-hardening Portland cement is coments mentioned, the equivalent is Portland cement - @) Portland slag cement class 52.5, complying with BS 12: 1991, or Portland b) blastfurnace cement cement- class 42.5R, complying with BS 12:1991. BS 4027: 1991 Specification for sulfate-resisting Portland © Where sulfate-resisting Portland cement is cement mentioned, the equivalent issulfate-resisting, BS 4246: 1991 Specification for high slag blastfurnace Portland cement class 42.5, complying with cement BS 4027: 1991. BS 6588: 1991 Specification for Portland pulverised-fuel Although there are some changes in cements ‘ash cements complying with BS 4246, 6588 and 6610, the a) Portland fly ash cement information given on these cements still generally ) pozzolanic cement applicable. Table 2. strength classes of British Standard cements —_ Strength class - - i a ee wasn | 425 | s25L | 525N | 625N wi ra - 7) - rr BS 146, “ ‘ ‘ v . ‘ y jo 4027 y v an 4 : BS 6888 ‘ ‘ : ‘ ‘ : ¢ : BS 7583 v Yu 7 v jie : y |: Concrete mixes 1BS5328: 1981 has been replaced by a new edition, published in four parts, as follows: BS 5328: Concrete Part 1: 1991 Guide to specifying concrete Part 2: 1991 Methods for specifying concrete mixes Part 3: 1990. Specification forthe procedures to be used in producing and transporting concrete Part 4: 1990 Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and assessing compliance of concrete The following types of mix specification are now included: Designed mixes ‘There were in the earlier edition of BS 5328, and almost no changes have been made. Prescribed mixes ‘These are essentially the sameas the old special prescribed mixes. Standard mixes These are similar to the old ordinary prescribed mixes, but the designations have changed as follows: C7.5P becomes STI C1OP becomes ST2 CISP becomes ST3 C20P becomes ST4 C25P becomes STS C30P has been deleted. The workabilities of these mixes have increased to Sand 125 mm slump to reflect current site practice, Jan 1996 INF 109-0196 © British Cement Astociation 1996 Designated mixes These are new mixes, introduced in BS 5328: Part 2, Section 5. ‘They may only besupplied by a plant that has third- party quality assurance, so that: © The specifier or purchaser needs to specify only a mix designation, chosen from BS5328, and a few other essential items applicable to the end use. © The producer then supplies a mix complying with all the requirements of BS5328 for the specified designated mix. © Conformity is assured by the third-party quality assurance scheme, 50 there is no need for purchasers todoany acceptance testing, although they may do soif they wish. Itis expected that designated mixes will be the usual ‘method for specifying ready-mixed concrete in future. More details of designated mixes are given in Designated mixes for structural applicationsand Designated ‘mixes fr housing and associated works, obtainable from the BCA, When using any publication for guidance on specification or practical applications, the latest revisions of British Standards and similar documents should be consulted. BCA British Cement Assocation Century House, Telford Avenue, Crowthorne, Berks RCA 6YS ‘Telephone: (1344) 762676 Favs O14) 761214 Alladvice orinformation rom the Bish Cement Asocation intended for thse who willealate the sgifcace ad hnnstions ofits content and ake "esponsbity forts use and application. No ably incudng that for nepigenc) for any lee euling fom such deo nero sseeped, Renders should note that all8CA pubiation are soy oreisons rom time to mean soul thereon ensue thal they aren proton ote on Derivation of charts ‘The charts have been drawn using the assumptions set out in BS 8110 clause and the stress-strain curves for conerete set out in BS 8110 Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The stress-strain curves are reproduced here in Figures 1 and 2 and the application of the assumptions is illustrated in Figure 3 (see pages 6 and 7). CP 110 : 1972 stated that circular columns should contain at least six bars. This provision does not appear in BS 8110, though it is believed that the omission was inadvertent. Six bars seem a reasonable minimum so this number has been assumed in developing the charts. The charts will be slightly conservative if more bars are used, but could be unconservative if fewer than six bars are present. In CP 110, the charts were drawn on the assumption that the arrangement of reinforcement relative to the axis of bending is as shown in Figure 4(a). However, it has been discovered that this is not necessarily the worst case for all combinations of axial load and moment since the arrangement shown in Figure 4(b) is more critical in some circumstances. In producing these charts, the more critical of the two arrangements is chosen for each combination of axial load and moment. The effect of this on the shape of the curves is illustrated in Figure 5, which shows the interaction diagrams for the two arrangements of bars for a particular steel percentage. The curves on the design charts are envelopes of these two cases. In carrying out the calculations for the charts, the forces carried by the concrete are obtained by dividing the compression zone into 20 strips, assessing the stress in each strip from the parabolic-rectangular diagram and then using numerical integration to obtain the total force and moment on the concrete. The non-dimensional charts, numbers 25-28, have been produced simply by changing the chart axes drawn for 30 Nimm? concrete and 460 Nimm? reinforcement. To indicate the magnitude of the approximation involved in using the charts for other steel and concrete strengths, Figures 6(a) and 6(b) compare curves drawn for high and low concrete and steel strengths. It will be seen that the effect of concrete strength is negligible, while the curves will be slightly conservative if used for low-strength steels. Slender circular columns BS 8110 does not give any indication of how slender circular columns should be designed. In fact, the derivation of the equations for additional moments is equally applicable to both circular and rectangular columns, and the research report ~ where the derivation of the CP 110 method is described ~ reports parameter studies on both types of column. Design of slender circular columns is intrinsically simpler than design of rectangular columns since the section dimensions are the same in all directions, and moments about two axes can always be transformed to uniaxial bending. This makes clauses to of BS 8110 redundant and reduces equation 34 to: 8, = (1/2000) x (Ln)? where h is the overall diameter of the column. The only modification to the Code is in where Niu needs redefining. It is suggested that, for circular columns, this may be taken as: Nout = 0.15 fou h? This definition of Noa, was used to calculate the K-factors (defined in equation 32), which are presented as a series of straight broken lines on the charts, Charts Examples The charts are drawn for 460 grade steel, the only grade steel generally used at present in the UK, for concrete grades of 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 and for values of h/h of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 and 0.6. 1. Short column Design the cross-section of a circular column to withstand the following moment and axial load at the ultimate limit state: M=153.5kNm N= 2400kN ‘The column is 400 mm diameter, requires 30 mm cover to the main bars and will be ‘made using $0 grade concrete. Assuming 25 mm bars, the cage diameter, h,, will be: 400-2 x 30-25 = 315 mm. Therefore hy/h = 315/400 = 0. Chart 23 will be near enough. From chart 23, 100 A,/A: = 1.95% Hence A,, = 2450 mm? Use six 25 mm bars = 2946 mm? 2. Slender column Design the critical section of the braced column shown in Figure 7. The column is 300 ‘mm in diameter and will be made of 40 grade concrete. (a) Estimate the effective length. The end conditions are best described as Type 2 in Table 3.21 of BS 8110 at both top and bottom. Hencel, = 0.85 x ly 0.85 x 7100 = 6035 mm Hence slenderness ratio = Lf = 6035/300 = 20.12 (b) Resolve moments to uniaxial moments, Thisgives My = -19.80kNm. M.= 41.34kNm © @ ) Oo Moment near mid-height = greater of 0.6 x 41.34-0.4 x 19.8 = 16.88 or 0.4 x 41.34 = 16.54 Additional moment Myas = 1/2000 x (Ie/h)? NHK 1/2000 x (20.12)? x [1700 300/100] x K kNm_ = 102 x K kNm Steel area Nik? = 1700/300? x 1000 = 18.89 Muh? = [(16.88 x 10/3007] + [(102 x 10° x Ky300"] = 0.63 +3.78xK ‘Assuming 25 mm bars, h, = 300-2 x 30-25 = 215 hyh = 0.72 Use chart number 14. AsK is unknown, trial and error has to be used. (i) Guess K = 0.5. This gives M/h? = 2.52. Using the chart gives Aq/A, = 4.7% and K = 0.42. (ii) Since the moment will be smaller than assumed in (i), ill be below 0.42. ‘Try K = 0.35. This gives M/h? = 1.95. Using the chart gives A,JA, = 4% and K = 0.34. This is near enough. Hence Ay = 0.04 x 300? x TH/4 2827 mm? Use six 25 mm bars, which gives A, = 2946 mm*. Check other sections. Final design moment was 1.95 h* = 52.65kNm ‘This is greater than the maximum end moment (41.34 kNm) and also greater than the minimum end moment plus half the additional moment (37.7 kNm). Hence the design is controlled by conditions at mid-height. 300/20 1700 x 0.320 kNm_ 25.5 kNm_ ‘The design moment exceeds this, hence no action is needed. ‘The minimum eccentricity (€min) Hence, minimum moment References Notation P> ? x BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. The structural use of concrete. Part I: Design, materials and workmanship. London, the Institution, 1972. CP 110: Part 1: 1972. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Structural use of concrete. Part 1 Code of practice for design and construction. London, the Institution, 1985. BS 8110; Part 1 : 1985. CRANSTON, W.B. Analysis and design of reinforced concrete columns. London, Cement and Concrete Association, 1972. 54 pp. (41.020). = Area of concrete = nth?/4 = Total area of reinforcement = Characteristic strength of concrete Characteristic strength of reinforcement - Overall diameter of column Diameter of reinforcement cage Additional moment reduction factor = (Clear height of column between end restraints, Effective length of column = Design ultimate moment = Initial design ultimate moment near mid-height of a braced column = Additional moment induced by deflection of column = Algebraically smaller initial end moment Algebraically larger initial end moment = Design ultimate axial load = Design axial load capacity of a balanced section = Defiection coefficient Figures 067% 15 stoes Figure 1 ‘Short-term design stress-strain curve for normal weight concrete. Figure2: Short-term design stress-strain curve for reinforcement. Figure3: Assumptions, iso iran a — @ © Figure 4: Arrangements of reinforcement assumed in calculations. Nie ‘Arangemest() ZF Figure 5: Effect of bar arrangement on interaction diagram, Me Ny Figure 6(b): ita, 4 02 o ° 005 0 Influence of concrete strength on shape of diagram. — y- 250m? ° 005 oF Influence of yield strength on shape of diagram. 8 200mm slab 200mm slab os 7 Xeais Yeas | s00mmo it Figure7: raced column. Design charts The charts which follow are drawn for 460 grade steel, concrete grades of 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and $0 and for values of hy of 0.9, 0.8, 0.7 and 0.6. Chart numbers are given in Table 1 below. Note that charts 25 to 28 are non-dimensional, 1, = diameter of reinforcement cage h = overall diameter of column Ratio Concrete grade Non- hh 2 3 35 40 45 (50 dimensional 0.6 e517 eal 25 07 Qe Ge 10se tt sian 2 26 0.8 Sid) 115-15) 19) 2123) a 09 4 8 2 16 20 24 2B Table 1: Chart numbers Chart 1 ogo 4/84 4 se M4 quawaaJOsUTau jo eave 12303 = I5y v -2 yu = “Y 2Ww/N y e4/W € 0 6 s or = 3 7° = oz 5 ae se oe se Chart 2 2Ull/N U/W L 3 s y é 2 t 0 ozo 4/84 quawaruojsutas 40 ave [2303 = I5y OE 10 SE Chart 3 ogo 4/Sy 4 se 75 quawasuojuTau 40 eave 12303 = Sy Jr. 3 wu 7 2Ww/N U cu/W u 2W/N uu/n Chart 4 O60 4/Sy quawarJosutau jo eaue 12303 = Sy + La am = *Y 24/N 2uw/N 2 Chart 5 oso 4/84 2WW/N ose K-— U/W & Ny oe oF £ quawaasosutas 40 eaue 12303 = Sy +. a 24 , Foey se oe Pio td ge Chart 6 2 UW /N ’ cu/W E Juawaduosutas 30 eave 12303 = 25y 0 | 5 OF = +> z o> =e sz 0 Lod ce Chart 7 oso 4/84 osy Ay oe 95 quawaauosutad 40 eave [e303 = 78y v 3 am" Y au/N quu/N Chart 8 060 4/84 og = Ay oe quawazvojutas jo eaue [e303 = ISy Sy 8 am 7 *Y v oF st 02 Se oe SE 24/N 2Ww/N 16 Chart 9 090 4/84 oxy Ny se 75 quawazuojuTas 40 eave [e303 = Sy v = Oo am- 24/N 2UU/N uv Chart 10 ozo 4/Su os = se 4 quawaduosuTas 40 eaue 12303 = I5y Ln am" z2UW/N ¢U/H “L 9 s y E 2 t 0 24/N 2UU/N 18 Chart 11 ogo 4/Su quawarsojutad 40 eave 12303 = 25y v = 4 mum - Y 2WW/N U/W v € oF st 02 se 0E SE 19 24/N uw/N Chart 12 060 4/Sy 4s SE nay quawarsojutad 40 ave [2307 = ISy v 4. ub oy 2WW/N e U/W oF st 02 se OE se 24/N 2uu/N Chart 13 ogo 4/8 ow = Ay or 95 Juawaauosutas 40 eave 12303 = 28y 2UW/N _ U/W v — a ge Chart 14 oL'0 ov u/8y Ns ng, quawadvojutad 40 eave [e303 = Sy v 2 Y. yy oy 2 /N v c/w — oF St 02 se 0€ SE 24/N 2ulw/N Chart 15 ogo u/Sy Ny or 795 quawaduosutau 40 eave [e303 = 7Sy v 3 2M 7 2Uu/N _U/W ’ e OF eo T st au/N r 02 2uu/n 7 se 0E SE Chart 16 oso 4/Sy os = Ay Oy 794 quauaasojutas jo eave 1230} = Sy 2WW/N ’ cu & 2u/N uu/N Chart 17 oso 4/84 4 sp M5 quawaasojuTaJ 30 eave 12303 = Sy Ps 3 v7 Y L 9 s ’ € 2 5 2uu/N U/W ° 25 Chart 18 ozo 4/84 4 sp 94 AZ quawaduojutas 40 " eaue [e303 = Sy v a wus: 2a 24/N 2uu/N Chart 19 2WW/N U/W L 9 s v E 2 ' 0 ogo u/Sy osy sp 795 quawadJojutau so eave [e303 = I5y v . 24 7 a 2U/N quu/N Chart 20 ogo u/Sy 2WW/N gU/H S v € quawaasojuTau jo eave [e303 = Sy Oey + OF st 02 se oe SE 24/N 2Www/N Chart 21 2WW/N U/W 29 2u/N guw/N iz 9 s y é 2 J ogo 4/Sy 4 os 75 often (---b-|--f---}-b-f---f- ou pha eo eT \ UA of QO ES . - “a f BS y - Y NS ' 3 / 1 > } ! quawaasosutas 40 ; F P Hl eave [e303 = 75 e303 V te, . } i 1 fw. 3 s pilgeee c Chart 22 ozo 4/Su Ny os 7% 2Ww/N ¢ U/W o-tey 24/N quawazuojuTas 40 eave [e303 = I5y v = 3 wm 7 2Uu/N lL Se 30 Chart 23 2WW/N U/W quawarJosUTad Jo eave [e303 = ISy yo. 3 wm 7 2U/N 2ww/N 31 2WW/N ¢U/H “ 9 s y € 2 J 0 06-0 4/54 4 os 7% quawaauojutas 40 eaue [e303 = Sy b = 4 2u ’ Chart 24 24/N 2uU/N 2 Chart 25 (non-dimensional) quawaavosutas 40 eave [e303 = **y v m= % 020 st 0 ™4eU/W oro soo 02°0 soo 33 20 v0 ™42U/N g°0 80 oF ional) limensional Chart 26 (non-di oco 4/84 S quawaasosuTau 40 eave [e303 = 25, Vv ye U/M 02°0 sto oro S00 ory \}-A--4--74-F Lb - 4 -- ---f--4 OK DTA \d- . | sto oR TX] DT N\A RK iN ae Eo OX D 7 o be 7 7 2 ox $ q ( ty , 7 0e'0 sto oro so‘o 0 2'0 v0 =z z = 3°0 80 or ional) jimensional Chart 27 (non-di ™4c4/W 0e'0 sto oro s0°0 35 ogo 4/Sy avy f(y -E-Y--4 edo NeXT NEAT N-N KP ANT ORK IY’ "4 2U/N quawadJosutTau 40 25, eave [e303 = *y s ‘ = ¥ aa 2ull 02°0 sto oro soo Chart 28 (non-dimensional) yuawadvosutTau 40 eaue [e303 = “*y $e U/H 020 stO oro so'0 ry often] ~y Ter “PP Tr {4-4 ao ee ee < xp - a = a aT l | x . . LiLitit | | LU 02°0 sto oro soo 0 20 v0 4 $ * a0 80 or Charts for the design of circular columns to BS 8110 W.G. Batchelor and A.W. Beeby BRITISH CEMENT ASSOCIATION PUBLICATION 43.503, conGrete CuStB L i Ha4 | _() UDC 624.075.23:624.04

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