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Melting Point is the temperature at which a solid changes into a liquid at a particular pressure.

Freezing Point is the temperature at which a liquid changes into a solid at a particular pressure.

Boiling Point
1. the temperature at which a liquid changes into gas at a particular pressure.
2. the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid equals the environmental pressure.

Changing States of Matter
Elements and compounds can move from one physical
state to another and not change. Oxygen (O2) as a gas still
has the same properties as liquid oxygen. The liquid state
is colder and denser but the molecules are still the same.
Water is another example. The compound water is made
up of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. It
has the same molecular structure whether it is a gas, liquid,
or solid. Although its physical state may change, its
chemical state remains the same.

So you ask, "What is a chemical state?" If the formula of

water were to change, that would be a chemical change. If
you added another oxygen atom, you would make
Sun has more matter than all planets hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Its molecules would not be
water anymore. Changing states of matter is about
changing densities, pressures, temperatures, and other physical properties. The basic chemical
structure does not change.

Fan Sie Hwei(F4SC1)

EXTRA : Naphthalene is the chemical name for moth balls. It is a hydrocarbon with the molecular
formula C10H8. Naphthalene is used to make dyestuff. Naphthalene has a characteristic odour and is
used as a cockroach repellent. According to doctors, naphthalene odour may cause nose cancer.

Peh Leon (F4SC1):

Edited by Tan Sien Yi (F4 Sc1) on Jan 15, 2008.

Phase Diagram of Carbon Dioxide:

Phase Diagram of Water:

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