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Level 5 Leadership

Jim Collins

“You can accomplish anything

in life, provided that you do
not mind who gets the credit.”
-Harry S. Truman
Mike Shaner, Ph.D.
Why is it called “Level 5”?
Level 5 Level 5 Executive = Humility + Will

Level 4 Effective Leader

Level 3 Competent Manager

Level 2 Contributing Team Member

Level 1 Highly Capable Individual

Level 5 Leadership
9 Level 5 leaders look out of window to
apportion credit to factors outside
themselves when things go well
9 At the same time, they look in mirror to
apportion responsibility, never blaming
bad luck when things go poorly.
The Two Sides of Level 5
Professional Will
1. Creates superb results

2. a clear catalyst in the transition from good to great

3. Demonstrates unwavering resolve for best results

4. Sets standard of building an enduring great company

5. Looks in mirror to apportion responsibility for poor results

The Second Side
Personal Humility
1. Demonstrates a compelling modesty,; never
2. Acts with quiet, calm determination
3. relies principally on inspired standards
4. Channels ambition into the company, not the self;
5. sets up successors for even greater success
Encourage the heart
• Keep going when times
are tough
• Simple actions /
dramatic gestures
• Reinforce to motivate
Model the way

•Set an example

•Deeds match words

•Little things = success

Challenge the process

• Meet and overcome


• Never fear failure

Inspire a shared vision

•Team goals

Do you demonstrate these qualities?

1. Encourage the heart

2. Model the way
3. Challenge the process
4. Inspire a shared vision

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