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Jebel Ali Power & Desalination Staion “L,”~ Phase 1 Desir Training Manual TRAINING MANUAL Table of contents MULTISTAGE FLASH DISTILLER VOLUME 2 ~ Operation Section Description 8 Unit Shutdown i FISIA NTALIMPIANTI JEBEL ALI POWER AND DESALINATION STATION "L” - PHASE | | Doc. CNEIO15I02 -F-00-6-M 40990. | | (OPR Is 001 DUBAI ELECTRICITY & WATER AUTHORITY Rev. A on 29/10/2004 Page 1 WATER PRODUCTION ISLAND OPERATION MANUAL 4.04 UNIT SHUT DOWN, 4-2 DUBAI ELECTRICITY & WATER AUTORITY “L” STATION PHASE I AT JEBEL ALI- DESALINATION PLANT OPERATION MANUAL ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS OF SECTION 4.04— UNIT SHUT DOWN PARAGRAPH TITLE 4.04.1 ‘SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES 4.042 VARIOUS PLANT SHUT DOWN SITUATIONS Partial Shut Down 4.04.22 Shut down of Short Duration 4.04.23 Extended Shut Down 4.04.24 Emergency Shut Down 4.04.3 PLANT SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES, 4043.1 Reduction of Load Steam to Brine Heater 4,043.3 Condensate from Brine Heater 4043.4 Sea Water Recirculation Antiscale Dosing 4,043.6 Sodium Sulphite Dosing 4.04,3.7 ‘On Load Tube Cleaning System (Brine Heater & Heat Recovery Section) Brine Recirculation 4043.9 Distillate System Antifoam Dosing Make-up Blow-down 4,043.13 ‘Vacuum System On Load Tube Cleaning System (Heat Reject Section) ‘Sea Water to Reject and Sea Water to Utilities Operator Managed Start-up by FSG 4.044 AUTOMATIC PLANT SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES BY DUC 4.04.5 EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN Full Emergency Fire in CCR 4.04.53 Failure of Instrument Air or Instrument Electrics 404-3 4.04.1 INTRODUCTION This Section contains the relevant information required to shut down the desalination plant from its normal operating state to cold and allows for a restart sequence as detailed in Section 4.03 from this shut-down condition It includes in Paragraph 4.04.3 the instructions which have to be followed during a normal controlled shut-down and in Paragraph 4.04.5 the instructions for emergency shut-down situations. 4.042 4.04,2.1 408-4 VARIOUS PLANT SHUT DOWN SITUATIONS ‘The shut down situations which may occur in the plant are usually: Partial Shut Down, Shut-down of systems not vital to the functionality and safety of the plant do not require the immediate initiation of the shut-down procedures for the whole plant. During partial plant shut-downs additional precautions will have to be taken by the operating personnel to ensure the safe operation of the plant and it is at the discretion of the operation supervisor as to whether the plant is safe to operate. ‘Systems which may be shut-down under this stipulation are: a. On-load Tube Cleaning (Shut-down procedure Shut-down of the On-load Tube Cleaning system will not immediately affect operation of the evaporator unit. In time however, with scale build-up increasing, a continuing drop in efficiency may become apparent. b. Sodium Sulphite Dosing (Shut-down procedure The sodium sulphite dosing system may be shut-down for a time without affecting the operation of the plant. However, it is desirable to restore sodium sulphite dosing as soon as possible in order to minimize the corrosive effect of oxygen in the recirculating brine. c. Antifoam Dosing (Shut-down procedure a. The evaporator unit may be operated for a period with the antifoam dosing pumps shut-down, However formation of foam in the evaporator will cause contamination of distillate, ‘Shut Down of Short Duration These shut-downs arise from unexpected troubles in the evaporator unit or essential utilities which can be rectified in a short time. These shut-downs are followed by an evaporator unit restart, according to the procedures set out in Section 4.02 immediately after the fault is rectified. ‘As suci, they do not require the implementation of any particular isolation procedure detailed in Section 4.05 other than the operations detailed in the shut-down procedures, Paragraph 4.04.3. ‘The mest common cases that require an evaporator unit shut-down of short duration are: a. Leakages of water, or steam from main system valves, safety valves, pipes, flanged connections, water box and stage manholes, etc. b. Any problem with the automatic control valves ©. Any problem with the antiscale dosing system which necessitates its shut-down. . Any minor problem with the brine recirculation pump which necessitates its shut- down. fe. Any minor problem with the sea water supply pump which necessitates its shut- down when no other sea water supply pump is available. 4.04.23 4.04.34 4-5 Extended Shut Down Extended shut-downs are usually programmed for the preventive maintenance of the plant or for extended outages. They require, besides the operations included in the shut- down procedures implementation of the isolation and, where applicable, the plant preservation methods detailed in Section 4.05. The most common reasons for an extended shut-down are: a. Nommal preventive maintenance of the plant b. Heavy scale deposits on heat exchanger surfaces, necessitating implementation of acid cleaning. In this case, additional operations will be required as detailed in Section 4.06 for the isolation of the evaporator and associated systems. c. Deaerator to be examined internally because of high O2 content in feed make-up to stage 22 4d. Stage demisters or condenser tubes to be examined because of high distillate conductivity. ¢. Brine heater tubes to be examined because of high conductivity of the condensate. £. Vacuum condensers tubes to be examined because of vacuum loss in the distiller ‘because of low sea water flow through the tubes due to fouling. Emergency Shut Down This may arise from equipment failure, from a utility failure, or from human error. ‘An emergency shut-down ultimately will result in a shut-down for a short duration or an extended shut-down, according to the importance of the emergency condition. ‘The most common reasons for an emergency shut-down are: a. Breckdown of any vital equipment or systems b. Firein the CCR . Failure of the instrument electrics 4. Initiation of any trip which implements plant shut-down ¢. Failure of main power supply. ‘Because of the abnormal nature of emergency operations, during an emergency shut- down all operating personnel should be on the alert for any occurrences due to other unsafe conditions occasioned by actions taken to rectify the initial emergency condition Emergency shut-down procedures are given in Paragraph 4.04.5. 4.04.3, PLANT SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES The plant shut-down is performed through 13 related procedures, each pertaining to a corresponding process system, headed and linked together by a flow diagram which provides the overall control information to the operator. The flow diagram here enclosed is arranged to give a clear indication of the sequential steps the operator has to perform for shut-down. Within the flow diagram the following conventions are used: 1. The sequence reads from the top of the diagram towards the bottom with arrows indicating the progression from one procedure to the next, 2. Where there are two or more closely related procedures which may be progressed concurrently, they are shown vertically adjacent. 3. Where the procedures are not closely related but must be progressed sequentially, they are shown staggered and separated. 4, Where procedures do not have to be progressed sequentially or are not related to the normal shut-down sequence, they are shown laterally. 5. The flow diagram is divided into blocks so that the procedures can be easily identified. Each block is identified with the procedure number and system title. 6. A procedure must not be progressed until those previous to it have been completed. Each procedure has reference to the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram of the system that is considered. The diagram included in this Section act as a guide line for the different plant shut- down situations. 404-7 1 | REDUCTION OF LoaD ta | ram Cooter 7] SANTO BARE HEATER > | CONDENSATE FROM BRINE HEATER i 4] anmscaLe oosiNG > | Sona Soe ONLOAD TUBE DOSING CLEANING, zi BRINE RECRCULATION L, @ | ostuate system 'ANTFOAM DOSING 10 MAKE UP | stow pow faz] vacua sysrem SARERTS Tas REJECT ANO OUTLINE OF SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE SEQUENCE FLOW DIAGRAM 4043.1 Reduction of Load Step ) 2) 3) 4 5) Action With the TBT controller and the pressure controller in manual mode, decrease the LP steam flow to brine heater step by step thus lowering the TBT Following the decrease of TBT the Ist stage brine level will increase Decrease gradually the brine recirculation flow rate. Following the decrease of brine flow the Ist stage brine level will decrease. Note: When the brine recirculation flow reaches about 17,000 m’/h do not decrease the recirculation flow anymore Ensure that the variables that are in automatic cascade control follow the TBT and distillate production variations. In particular: a. the TBT variation should be accompanied by the automatic variation of the following set points + LP. steam to brine heater temperature + Ratio antiscale/feedwater make-up b, the distillate production variation should be accompanied by the automatic variation of the following set points: + feedwater make-up flow Exsure also that percentage of opening of valve GDK. 70 AA 051 at Ist stage inlet varies according to the brine recirculation flow variation When the TBT has been reduced to about 45 °C increase the condensate level in the brine heater hot well to at least 500 mm to ensure that condensate will be available at the steam desuperheater when the plant will be restarted ‘The shut-down procedure for the steam to brine heater can be implemented The shut-down of all subsequent system can now be performed in accordance with the shut-down sequence diagram and relevant procedures 408-8 References GDC 40 CF 001 GDK 21 CL 001 GDK 20 CF 001 GDB 80 CT 002 FC GDN 25 CF 001 FC GDP 72 CF 001 GDC 40 CF 001 4,043.2. Steamto Brine Heater Reference Drawing: CNE/01S/02 F 16 G R 40640 Step Action When the TBT has reached about 45°C, act as follow: Close the pressure reducing valve > Switch to manual both the L-P. steam temperature controller and its set point station and close the temperature control valves 404-9 References GDB 80 AA 051 GDC 46/47 AA 051 Condensate from Brine Heater Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 GR 40640 Step i) 2a 3) 4) Action Stop the brine heater condensate pump on service Close the discharge valve of both brine heater condensate pump Set to "Manual" the level controller and ensure that the level control valve is shut Set to "Culvert" position the "Auto/Culvert" selector switch for condensate 404-10 References GDC 31/32 AA 003 GDC 40 AA 051 GDC 40 CQ 001 Sea Water Recirculation Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 Gr 40605 Step Action 1) Set to "Manual" the temperature controller of sea water to reject 2) Stop the sea water recirculation pump 3) Close the inlet and outlet valves of sea water recirculation pump 4) Close the sea water to reject temperature control valve 4.05-11 References TC GDP 20CT 001 GDP 70 AP 001 GDP 70 AA 001 GDP 70 AA 010 GDP 70 AA 051 404-12 4.04.35 Antiscale Dosing Reference drawings: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40655 Step Action References 1) Set the antiscale stroke controller to "Manual” and decrease the GDN 25 CF 001 antiscale flow to zero 2) Stop the antiscale dosing pump that is in service GDN 21 AP 001 or GDN 22 AP 001 4043.6 Sodin ulphite Dosing Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40635 Step Action 1) Set the Sodium Sulphite stroke controller to "Manual" and decrease the Sodium Sulphite flow to zero 2) Stop the Sodium Sulphite dosing pump that is in service 0k 13 References GDN 85 CF 001 GDN 81 AP 001 or GDN 82 AP 001 4014 4,043.7 On Load Tube Cleaning System (Brine Heater & Heat Recovery Section) Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 GR 40690 Step Action References 1) Stop the automatic cleaning cycle. If during this action one cleaning cycle is on, the same will be continued till the cleaning balls are collected in the ball collector OHS 4,043.8 Brine Recirculation Reference drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40610 Action References 1) Setto "Manual" the brine recirculation flow controller FC GDK 20 CF 001 2) Stop one brine recirculation pump GDK 11 AP 001 or GDK 12 AP 001 3) Reduce the brine flow by acting on the control valves and recirculate in cold condition and steady flow up to reach a brine temperature of about 45°C 4) Stop the second pump GDK 11 AP 00 or GDK 12 AP 001 5) Close the brine recirculation flow control valve GDK 20 AA 051 6) Close the differential pressure control valve GDK 70 AA 051 405-16 Distillate System Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40620 Step Action References 1) Stop the distillate pump in service GDM 31 AP 001 or GDM 32 AP 001 2) Set to "Manual” the distillate level controller and ensure that Lc the level control valve is closed GDM 19 CL 001 GDM 40 CL0si 3) Set to "Culvert" position the Header/Auto/Culvert selector switch for distillate GDM 40 CQ 001 4) Close the discharge valves of both distillate pumps GDM 3132 AA 003, 404-17, Antifoum Dosing Reference Drawing: CNEVO15/02 F 16 G R 40645 Sten Action References 1) Set the antifoam stroke controller to "Manual" and decrease the GDN 55 CF 001 antifoam flow to zero 2) Stop the antifoam dosing pump that isin service GDN 51 AP 00 or GDN 52 AP 001 404-18 4,043.11 Make-Up Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40605 Act n References 1) Set to "Manual" the make up flow controller and close the GDP 72 CF 001 control valve GDP 72 AA OSI 408-19 4,043.12 Blow-Down Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 GR 40615 Action References 1) Stop the brine blow-down pump GDK 81 AP 001 2) Set to "Manual” the last stage level controller and open the evel control valve thus allowing the complete drain of the flash chambers by gravity. Le The complete drain of the flash chambers will take place only GDK 39 CL 001 after the opening of the vacuum breaker valve. GDK 81 AA 051 During this phase, the level in the last stage could increase, therefore if necessary start again the brine blow down pump. Vacuum System Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 G R 40630 Step )) 2) 3) ads Action CCoose the motive steam valve to the first stage ejector that is in operation Close the motive steam valve to the second stage ejector that is inoperation Gradually close the MP steam to vacuum system ‘Open the vacuum breaker valve 4.04-20 References GDB 52 AA 001 or GDB 53 AA 001 GDB 54 AA 001 or GDB 55 AA 001 GDB 50 AA 002 GDU 21 AA 001 aoeel 4,043.14 On Load Tube Cleaning System (Heat Reject Scetion) Reference Drawing: CNE/015/02 F 16 GR 40690 Step Action References 1) Stop the automatic cleaning cycle. If during this action one cleaning cycle is on, the same will be continued till the cleaning balls are collected in the ball collector 4.04.22, 4,043.15. Sea Water to Reject and Sea Water to Utilities Step » 2» 3) 4) Action References Set the sea water to reject flow controller to “Manual” FC GDP 20 DF 001 Close the flow control valve of sea water to reject GDP 40 AA 051 Set the sea water to vacuum system flow controller to FC “Manual” and close the flow control valve GDP 38 AA 051 CDP 30 DF 001 Close the isolation valves GDP 20 AA 001 and GDP 20 AA 005 on the header to each desalination unit 4.04.23 4,045.16 Operator Managed Start-up by FSG The operator is allowed to stop each system of the desalination unit by enabling the relevant Functional Sub-Group (FSG) start-up sequence. For reference see the following Chapter in which all the Functional Groups sequences are detailed. 404-24 4.044 AUTOMATIC PLANT SHUT DOWN PROCEDURES BY DUC For the automatic Shut Down procedure refer to ANNEX | to Desalination Unit Operation Manual 4.045 404-25, EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN A situation may arise where it is essential to shut-down the evaporater as quickly as possible without being able to follow the normal controlled sequential shut-down procedures given in Section 4.04.3. to three sub-sections which provide the instructions +h may be encountered in the This procedure has been divided i to cover the main emergency shut-down plant. The sub-sections are: Full Emergency ‘This procedure gives the instructions for the emergency shut-down of the plant in case of any major breakdown, initiation of any trip or partial failure of 11 kV or 380 V main power supply to the motor drives. It is assumed that auxiliary electrical power and instrument air supplies remain available. Also it is assumed that the operations can be performed in the CCR and in the field without restrictions duc to fire and smoke. Fire in CCR when the CCR becomes untenable due to fire and smoke. This procedure will be appli Failure of Instrument Air or Instrument Electrics. This procedure will be applied in case of instruments power supply failure to the magnetic flow meters and conductivity meters. Full Emergency 4.08-26 The procedure includes all the instructions required for the complete shut-down of the plant, However it may not be required to progress some step as the corresponding action may have already been performed automatically by a trip initiation. Step » 2 3) 4) sy 9) 7) 8) » 10) rn) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Action Shut the pressure reducing valve and relevant inlet isolation valve Change condensate flow to waste by tuming the Auto/Culvert selection switch to "Culvert” position Stop the brine heather condensate pump Close the motive steam to the vacuum system Change the distillate flow to waste by tuming the Header/Auto/Culvert selector switch to “Culvert” Position and close the valve to distillate auxiliary header Transfer to “Manual” the brine recirculation flow controller and reduce the flow to about 17,000 m*/h Stop both the on load tube cleaning systems Stop the antifoam dosing pump Stop the sodium sulphite dosing pump Stop the antiscale dosing pump Stop the product distillate pump Stop the brine recirculation pumps. However keep the pumps running if at all possible, in order to assist with the plant cooling down Close the make up flow control valve Stop the brine blow down pump Close the flow control valve of sea water to reject GDP 40 AA 051 and the isolation valves GDP 20 AA 001/005 ‘When the emergency shut-down has been completed, each system should be checked and the valves lined-up in accordance with the normal shut-down producers References GDB 80 AA 051 GDB 80 AA 001 GDC 40 AA 001 GDC 31 AP 001 or GDC 32 AP 001 GDB 50 AA 002 GDM 40 CQ. 001 GDM 40 AA 003, FC GDK 20 CF 001 GDN 51 AP O01 or GDN 52 AP 001 GDN 81 AP 001 or GDN 82 AP 001 GDN 21 AP 001 or GDN 22 AP 001 GDM 31 AP 001 or GDM 32 AP 001 GDK 11 AP 001 or GDK 12 AP 001 GDP 72 AA 051 GDK 81 AP 001 Fire in CCR If unable to bring the fire under control, proceed as in Full Emergency, for all evaporators. However, if smoke and flames preclude implementing the full emergency shut-down procedures before enforced evacuation from the CCR, proceed as follows: Step » 2) d 4) 5) Action Shut the pressure reducing valve and relevant inlet isolation valve Close the motive steam to the vacuum system Abandon the control room and stop from field all the running pumps Open the 11 KV and 380 V incoming line and bus tie breakers to all evaporator units Implement isolation procedures of all systems as detailed in Section 4.05 References GDB 80 AA GSI GDB 80 AA 001 GDB 50 AA 002 4045.16 404-28 Fire in CCR, “The failure of the instruments electrical supply will result in the failure of ail control valves, conductivity instruments readings and flowrate readings where magnetic flow elements are used. Failure of magnetic flow rate readings will cause the evaporator to trip. Failure of conductivity readings will create an unsafe operating condition as the product distillate and return condensate will have no purity control. In this case it will be evaluated, by the Operation Superintendent, the opportunity to maintain the plant in operation for the time necessary to restore the normal conditions or to implement an emergency shut- down. It should be noted that in the event of instrument electrical supply failure all control valves remain in their position. In case of instrument electrics failure all pumps will continue to run and these must be shut-down and the plant cooled down as described in the emergency shut-down procedure, Full Emergency. The instrument electrics supply for the completion of the shut-down is ensured by the UPS.

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