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Name ______________________ Date __________ Per ______ WWII Events

Guiding Question: What were the successes, failures, and turning points of WWII?
Terms: Axis Powers (what countries?), Munich Conference, Invasion of Poland,
blitzkrieg, Fall of France, Battle of Britain, Mediterranean Front, Eastern Front, D-Day
Invasion, 1939, 1945

Timeline of WWII Events

Task: Read p.491-505, 509-511 and take notes on the major events of WWII to analyze the
successes, failures, and turning points of WWII.
Skills: Research Skills, learning to pause and reflects on readings.
DUE DATE: _______________________ (Worth 20 points)
Before the ___________________________: Trying to please Germany.
war (1) Secretly forms alliances with other countries to create the Axis Powers
(a) ____________________
(b) ____________________
(c) _____________________
(2) March 1938: Hitler sends his army into ___________ and takes it over as part
of Germany. The people do not fight back because many support unity with
(3) September 1938: Hitler invades Czechoslovakia and justifies this action as
taking care of the 3 million German speakers who live there, who he says is
being mistreated.
(4) September 29, 1938 ___________________ Hitler promises to respect
Czechoslovakia’s new borders, if Europe lets them keep the land he already
invaded. Britain and France agree. The Prime Minister of London, Neville
Chamberlain, tells cheering crowds that, “I believe it is peace for our time.”
Russia is angry because they are not invited to this conference.
(5) ___________________: Agreement that Germany and Russia will not attack
another; and that Poland would be divided between Germany and Russia.

Start of WWII Invasion of Poland 1939

(1) What was Blitzkrieg? What made this strategy so devastatingly effective?

(2) How did Britain and France react?

(3) In your opinion, was this appropriate response? What potential problems do
you see with this response?

Fall of (4) Why did France fall to the Germans?


(5) How did the French keep fighting back even though they were conquered?

Battle of (6) What was the German strategy for taking over Britain?

(7) Analyze: Why do you think Germans thought it was necessary to take this

(8) Why were the Germans unsuccessful?

(9) What lasting impact did this Battle have on Europe?

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