June 3, 2011 Newsletter

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Kindergarten News

Curriculum Connection: What are we

learning about? June 3, 2011

Dear Families, dents visit their new teach- What is our theme? Contact Information:
ers and classrooms for an Phone: 482-6208
As I write this, I We wrapped up our
am having a hard time be- hour and get to know their ladybug unit last Friday by Email: mjohnson@cssu.org
lieving it is June and we new classmates. releasing our eight ladybugs
only have ten days left of What’s happening in math? into the H.C.S. school gar-
our school year. It seems We are wrapping up our dens. We hope
like just yesterday that work with the Bridges work that these
your curious five-year-old stations and are revisiting lovely ladybugs
was stepping off the bus on some of the favorites, in- will help pro- Important
their first day of kinder- cluding polydrons, pattern tect our new Dates:
garten! It is amazing how blocks, and number story plants from
much growth and progress aphids throughout the sum-  Tuesday,
has been made by each mer! We also enjoyed a June 7
What’s happening in liter-
child. They are excited and tasty ladybug cupcake treat P.i.E. Meet-
acy? We completed our last
ready to move on to the together! Please visit Mrs. ing 7-9:00
unit in Fundations, and are
challenge of first grade! Johnson’s blog to see pic- p.m. in the
spending time reading “just
Within the next few weeks, tures from this unit!
right” books in small read- Flex Space
you will receive information We had a fabulous
ing groups. We continue to
about your child’s place- time on our field trip to  Friday,
practice writing sentences
ment for next year. On Shelburne Farms. Thank June 10
in our journals using proper
June 10th, we will have a you to everyone who chap-
letter formation. Move Up
“Move Up Day,” where stu- eroned! Day, School
BBQ, Field
Visit Mrs. Johnson’s Blog!
 Friday,
Go to: http:// June 17
Last Day of
mrsjohnsonskindergarten.blogspot.com/ School (Full
to see some of the hard work that we do
each day in Room Eight!

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