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The legend of Zelda split timeline theory

First of all to make a correct timeline one must know the story of every game. As the
technology advanced the games got more stories with the time and they became more
complex. At first they were simple stories, later they are more complicated. So here are the
stories of the games, in the order they went off on sale so the timeline is
shown later

This is as far as I know; I do not know the complete story of each game
and all this work is mere speculation.

Chapter- 1 the legend of Zelda I & II

-The legend of Zelda, 1. In this game Ganon, the monster, after escaping
of his seal, kidnaps the princes and is trying to take the power over Hyrule. Link, the hero,
stops him by killing him with the silver arrow and giving peace to Hyrule.

-The legend of Zelda, 2 the adventure of Link. This is the direct sequel
of the legend of Zelda. A mysterious wizard casts a spell into the princes
making her sleep and the only way to awake her is by taking the 6
fragments of a magic crystal and enter the temple where the wizard is
hidden. Here Ganon´s minions (the wizard) are trying to resurrect
Ganon by killing Link. Obviously they fail and Link continues living.
These first 2 games were released to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).

Chapter 2- The legend of Zelda a Link to the past

In this game an evil wizard called Aghanim kills the

descendants of the sages who sealed the Triforce on the
sacred realm which later became the evil realm where

Ganondorf and Ganon were sealed. After the wizard starts the ritual to free Ganon from the
evil realm, Link has look for the spirits of the sages to know how to kill Ganon. Link gets
the Master Sword, stops Ganon from breaking of the dark realm and kills him.

Chapter 3- The legend of Zelda Link´s awakening

Link, after defeating Ganondorf, sails onto a ship in the search of new adventures but he
gets caught in a sea storm where the ship loses the way.
Link awakens in a beach where Marin spots him and takes
Link to her house. When Link asks about the island he is
told that is a pacific island but recently monsters called
nightmares have appeared. Link starts to search in the
island and an owl tells him that to destroy all the
nightmares and return the peace to the island, he has to get
the wind fish instruments that are all over the island, get to
the wind fish egg, play the instruments, and awaken the wind fish. After the wind fish
awakens, the wind fish tells Link that all the island is a dream the wind fish was having,
nightmares appeared and disturbed the dream, then Link appeared and the owl (which is
like the subcontinent of the wind fish) found Link and convinced him to destroy the
nightmares. The wind fish awakens, the island disappears and Link is at the sea looking at
the sky.

Chapter 4- The legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time

There is only one child in the Kokiri Forest who doesn’t have a fairy, this child is Link. He
has been having a nightmare where a man with
evil eyes is following a woman escaping with a
girl. The great Deku tree summons Link to see
him and tells him a wizard has sent something to
the Deku tree. Link is given a fairy called Navi
and the mission to destroy what got inside the
Deku tree, he enters the Deku tree and kills
Ghoma (the monster that entered the Deku tree)

and then the tree tells Link that he is not a kokiri, he is a Hylian. The Great Deku tree tells
link that long ago 3 goddess created the land of Hyrule, before they leaved; they left behind
the sacred power called the Triforce.

When the royal family had 10 years established, a civil war broke out and a mother fled
with her baby into the Lost Woods, and that baby was found by the fairies and token to the
Deku tree, and that baby is Link. When de war ended 7 sages hid the Triforce in the Sacred
Realm. As the story goes, Link finds the 3 spiritual stones and opened the Sacred Realm,
and then Ganondorf enters the Sacred Realm and stoles the Triforce turning the sacred
realm into the Dark Realm and Hyrule into a dessert land full of zombies. Link being 7
years older, since when he opened the sacred realm he became the hero of time, has now to
awaken the spirits of the 7 sages (that Ganondorf sealed away) into the vessels of the razes
of Hyrule and kill Ganondorf to restore the land. After Link awakens the sages and sends
Ganon (the monster) to the Dark Realm, Zelda sends Link back in time to his childhood,
where link sets on an adventure to reencounter Navi (who disappeared after link went back
in time).

Chapter 5- The legend of Zelda, Majora’s Mask

After Link gets back in time he searches for Navi in the Lost Woods, after he gets lost a
skull kid with a strange mask turns Link into a Deku scrub and escapes with Link´s horse.
Link follows the skull kid and gets into
Termina, where he finds out that the Mask
salesman had the Majora’s mask but one skull
kid stole it from him. This skull kid is kind of
crazy so he uses the power of the mask to
crash the moon within 3 days.

Link breaks the curse the skull kid sets to him

and searches for the 4 masks where the giants
had been sealed. After he found the masks he
quickly returns to the town and uses the

ocarina of time to call the giants, these giants stop the moon from crashing on Termina and
Link is able to get inside the moon and stop the skull kid with the mask. Once he gets to the
skull kid the masks takes consciousness and fights link while the skull kid is fainted. After
Link defeats the Masks the moon returns to where it belongs and so do the giants. Termina
is safe and Link returns to the search for Navi.

Chapter 6- The legend of Zelda, Oracle of the seasons and Oracle of the ages

In The legend of Zelda Oracle of the seasons Link, after recovering the Trifore, is
transported to a land called Holdrum where Din (one of
the 3 goddess) is kidnaped by the dark general Onox.
Link gets the 7 essences of the seasons and the rod of
seasons, which can control the seasons in all Holdrum,
and gets to the castle of Onox and defeats him. Once
Onox is dead and Din free, Link is told that another land
is in trouble and he must help that land. He gets to the
temple of Holdrum where the Triforce is and is
transported to another land.

The legend of Zelda Oracle of the ages is basically the same thing as oracle of the seasons.
Here Link, after recovering the Triforce, is transported to
Labryna where the dark witch Veran has kidnapped Nayru
the oracle of the ages and one of the 3 goddess. Link gets the
harp of ages and travels through time to stop the
construction of the evil tower in the past and kills Veran in
the past to return Labryna o its original state. After Nayru is
safe with Ralph and the land has return to normal, Link is
told that another land is in danger and when he gets to the
temple with the Triforce in Labryna he is transported to this other land.

Chapter 7 The legend of Zelda, Wind Waker

Long ago there was a land with the golden power laid hidden, a blessed land with green
forest, tall mountains and peace. But one day a man of great
evil found the power and took it for himself, he spread
darkness above all this land, then the hero of time appeared
and banned the evil man restoring the land. People thought
the evil had been sealed forever but it came again with its
desires of darkness. The kingdom disappeared but the legend

When kids reach a certain age they are dressed with the
clothes that once belong to the hero of time, a tradition to
remember the hero who saved once an entire kingdom. On
the same day Link reaches this age and is dressed as the hero of time his sister Aryl is
kidnapped by an enormous bird and Link sets on to save his sister. As the game continues
Link gets the Master Sword (the sword that vanishes evil used un the legend of Zelda
ocarina of time to seal Ganon), finds out that the pirate Tetra is actually the descendant of
the royal family and is actually named Zelda, discovers he is an actual descendant of the
hero of time, earns the Triforce of courage, reaches the original Hyrule and kills Ganondorf
in the ancient Hyrule (the original kingdom) in the deep of the sea.

Chapter 8 the legend of Zelda 4 swords and 4 swords adventures

The 4 swords is about a wizard called Vaati who kidnaps the prices and link uses the four
sword, that allows him to divide into 4 different Links, and rescues the princes Zelda from
the hands of the dark wizard.

In 4 swords adventures is basically the same but here Zelda calls Link to protect her and the
6 maidens from Vaati. When they start the ceremony to reach the
four sword, Dark Link appears and kidnaps the 6 maidens. To rescue
the maidens Link must take the four sword and divide himself into 4
Links and stop Vaati. Link kills Dark Link and before defeating
Vaati, he releases Ganon the monster from his seal. Link Defeats
Ganon and seals him into the 4 sword, now protected by the seals of
the 6 maidens and Zelda.

Chapter 9 the legend of Zelda Minish Cap

A long, long time ago when the land was on the edge of being swallowed by shadows, the
tiny Picori appeared from the sky bringing the hero of men a
sword and a golden light. The hero drove out the darkness and
with the kingdom in peace people enriched the blade with care.
Now the king has made a tournament and the winner, the dark
wizard Vaati, has the chance to look at the Picori Blade (which
is also the master sword). When Vaati is infront of the blade he
destroys it and turns Zelda into stone and uses her to try to take
the Triforce (the golden power), Link is given the mission to
reforge the blade and stop Vaati.

Link finds in his search of a way to reforge the blade he finds a cap that can speak and is
called Ezero. Ezero knows how to reforge the blade and he tells link to get the essences of
the elements to make another sword. Link with Ezero gets to meet the Minish who live
hidden all around Hyrule and the Minish make another sword which will now be called the
4 sword. At last Link gets to Vaati before he gets the Triforce from Zelda and defeats Vaati.
Vaati is also a Minish and the student of Ezero, but Vaati took the Minish Cap and got

corrupted by its power. Ezero and Vaati get back hidden, jist how they should be ad Zelda
is returned to human.

Chapter 10, the legend of Zelda Twilight princess

In this game Link, a simple rancher, goes to the Hyrule Castle to deliver a sword to the
King of Hyrule. When he is about to get out of the
village, monsters kidnap the kids from the village. Link
goes to save them but he enters Hyrule in the Twilight
form. He destroys the monsters that had kidnapped the
kids but since link became a wolf in the moment he
appeared in Hyrule as Twilight, and all the people looks
only like a ghost, Link cannot do anything. He goes
inside the Hyrule Castle in search of someone who can
help and he finds Midna who is actually the Twilight
Princess, sister of Zant the usurper King who has
fussioned the Twilight Realm with Hyrule causing all the
trouble with the monsters and Link become a Wolf.

Midna promises to return Link to human for sure if he helps her to gather the 4 pieces of
the Fused Shadows. Link little by little returns Hyrule to normality by awakening the old
spirits of light returning to human in some times to gather the Fused Shadows. After Link
gatherer the Fused Shadows and returns to normal he finds out that some years before, the 7
Sages were warned that a man called Ganondorf would destroy Hyrule and they tried to kill
him. As the Sages failed, since the only way to destroy evil is the Master Sword and they
did not used it, Ganondorf was sent into the Twilight Realm where he corrupted Zant and
made Zant the Usurper king by cursing Midna and vanning her from the Twilight realm and
sent her to Hyrule. As the game passes the ghost of a warrior called the Hero Shade teaches
link some particular moves to be able to fight better and accomplish his mission.

Link gets the Master Sword and gathers the parts of the Mirror of Twilight so he can enter
the Twilight realm and return the realm and Hyrule to
normality. He defeats Zant and Ganondorf returns to
Hyrule. In Hyrule, Link kills Ganondorf and Midna
returns to her original state being the Twilight princes.
Midna destroys the Mirror of Twilight so none one
can enter Twilight again and the peace returns to

Chapter 11 the Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Here the pirate Tetra (Zelda) is in an adventure with Link in the search of new lands. In the
search for the New Hyrule Tetra gets lost in the
Ghost Ship and Link goes to save her. Link and
Tetra are transported to another world where the
King of Sea was cursed and the sea is in danger.
Like the King of the Sea is transformed into Oshus
he cannot do anything but tell Link information
about the sea. Link goes to find Tetra when he
reaches the Ghost Ship and at last the curse from
the King of the Sea, Link finds Tetra and the King
of the sea (being now the whale it was before the
curse) transports Link and Tetra to their world where only 1 hour has passed since Link and
Tetra fell to the sea.

Chapter 12 the legend of Zelda Spirit Track

In the beginning, people followed the spirits of good

and all was peaceful. But that peace era soon came
to an end. The evil Demon King destroyed

everything on his path, and the spirits of good had no choice but to face him in battle. As
the war seemed to not end, the spirits of good subdued the Demon King though they could
not destroy him. With their power, the spirits of good buried the spirit of the Demon King
in the ground. They built shackles (the spirit tracks, they are train roads all over the new
Hyrule) and a tower that acted as a lock. With their power drained the spirits of good
returned to the heavens. This is the story of the land.

He pirates arrived to the land that has this history and 100 years after Phantom Hourglass,
Link has to solve the mystery of why the spirit tracks are disappearing and when he is
searching with Zelda the minister appears in front of Link and Zelda in the form of demon
and defeats them. The spirit of Zelda comes out and the minister steals the body to use it as
a vessel for the evil Demon King Mallaus.

Link, with the spirit of Zelda, must encounter the missing parts of the Spirit Tracks and get
to the tower (now fractured in some segments) to seal again Mallaus. At the end Mallaus
takes the body of Zelda and uses it as vessel. The body of Zelda rejects the spirit of
Mallaus, so Link and the Spirit of Zelda defeat Mallaus taking back the body of Zelda and
returning peace to the New Hyrule.

Chapter 13 the legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword

This game has not been released yet, but there are spoilers from Nintendo. These spoilers
say that this is the beginning of the saga.
There another land above Hyrule, called
Skyloft, which Hyrulians have never seen
nor heard about. When the kingdom of
Hyrule is in danger Link (the hero of men)
goes to Hyrule from the sky to save the
land. People think that the girl who appears
besides link is the spirit of the Master Sword, and will eventually become the Master Sword
at the end of the game.

Chapter 14 important points

-The Triforce

The Triforce was made by the 3 goddess: Nayru, Din and Farore. When one of the chosen
by the gods dies, his or her part of the Triforce will return to the Sacred Realm.

-Ganon and Ganondorf

Ganondorf is the only male in the Gerudo tribe, and he was raised by Twin Rova (2 Gerudo
witches). Ganondorf has so much power that he creates Ganon the monster, and these both
can live if the other is killed. Ganon is one of the 3 chosen by the gods to have one part of
the Triforce. Ganon wants to be the ruler of Hyrule no matter what.

-the legend of Zelda ocarina of time

The important thing of this game is that there is a time paradox created because link kills
Ganon the monster and seals Ganondorf in the Dark Realm in the future, but in the pasts he
goes to warn Zelda about Ganondorf. Then the timeline is divided in 2 because the games
return to Zelda ocarina of time if it is the child ending or the adult ending

The Master Sword

The master sword, also called the Picori Blade (in minish cap the sword that is broken
seems like the Master Sword), is the only blade that can completely seal evil and banish
evil for good. This sword appears in several games and it later reforged as the 4 sword. It is
always returned to the Temple of time before it appears in another game

Chapter 15 The start of the timeline

First of all Hyrule was created by the 3 goddess who left behind the Golden Power, also
named the Triforce. Then the land is in danger and Skyward Sword happens. The spoilers
of The legend of Zelda Skyward Sword tell that this is the first game in the timeline. So
when Hyrule is in danger Link and the girl go to Hyrule from Skyloft and save the land
from shadows. The girl that is seen in the cover turns into the Master Sword and the Link
from Skyloft becomes the Hero of Men.

After that there is a civil war that breaks out about who is going to take the Triforce. 7
sages create a realm called the Sacred Realm, where the Triforce is hidden and also a
mother flees with her baby into the Lost Woods. The baby is Link and the events of The
legend of Zelda happen. Here is where the time paradox is created and the timeline divides
in 2. In the adult timeline Link kills sends Ganon and Ganondorf to the evil realm and is
sent back in time. The child timeline is when Link is sent back in time, he goes to warn
Zelda about Ganondorf so Hyrule is not destroyed in the future. This essay will first talk
about the adult timeline and latter about the child timeline

Chapter 16 The adult timeline

When Link seals Ganon and Ganondorf in the Dark Realm he is sent back in time. The
years pass and as Link and Zelda die, their parts of the Trifrce return to the Sacred Realm,
which is the Dark Realm. Ganon finds these parts and has the power to break from the Dark
Realm. This is when the events of The legend of Zelda a Link to the past go by. Here Link
has to stop Ganon from breaking through the Dark Realm. Link gets the Master sword and
kills Ganon. Link takes the Triforce and returns to Hyrule castle, where then teleports to
different worlds that are in trouble. These 2 worlds are in The legend of Zelda Oracle of the
ages and Oracle of the Seasons.

Here link saves Nayru and Din (2 of the 3 goddess) from Veran and Onox respectively.
After Link saves the 2 goddess he enters a temple where Twin Rova revives Ganon with the
power they took from the goddess while they were kidnapped. Link kills Twin Rova and
Ganon for good. From this point on Ganon the monster never reappears in the adult
timeline. After link has killed Ganon he returns the Master Sword to the Temple of time,
everyone is safe and centuries go by.

Ganondorf, being inside the Dark Realm, gets the power to break through and take over
Hytule. Because of this, the 3 goddess flood the entire country of Hyrule and the only
remains of Hyrule is the legend of the Hero of Time. Here the legend of Zelda the Wind
Waker happens. Here Link kills Ganondorf with the Master Sword and the ancient Hyrule
stays in the depths of the sea along with the Master Sword.

The direct sequel from Wind Waker is Phantom Hourglass here Link and Zelda are
transported to another world because they encountered the Ghost Ship. After they break the
curse of the King of the Sea, Link and Tetra return to the sea an hour after they fall in their
world. As years pass Link and Zelda split continue in the search of the new Hyrule and
Link gets caught in a sea storm. The events from the legend of Zelda Link´s awakening go
by. After Link awakens the Wind Fish he somehow encounters Tetra and both discover the
land which is called the New Hyrule.

The New Hyrule has its story from before Link and Tetra arrived and here the events from
Spirit Tracks happen. This game happens 100 years after the legend of Zelda Phantom
Hourglass. Here Link, being an apprentice of train engineer, has to repair the Spirit Tracks
and recover Zelda’s body. At last Link kills the Demon King Mallaus, recovers the body of
Zelda and returns peace to the new Hyrule. This is the end of the adult timeline.

Chapter 17, The child timeline.

This is the other side of the timeline and here after Link was sent back in time, he warns
Zelda about Hyrule. Zelda tells the King of Hyrule and he calls the 7 sages to kill
Ganondorf. But since the Master Sword is the only one that can vanish evil, the sages fail,
and they sent Ganondorf into the Twilight Realm. Meanwhile Link, from Ocarina of Time,
is in the search of Navi, his fairy, who got separated from him at the end of Ocarina of time.
Link searches in the Lost Woods and he finds a skull kid with a mask. The skull kid curses
link and the legend of Zelda Majora´s Mask happens. At the end of Majora´s Mask Link
gets back into the woods to search for Navi.

After some years another Link has to stop Ganondorf, this is the Link from Twilight
princes. The Link of Twilight princes is actually the son of Link from Ocarina of time. This
is known because in the legend of Zelda Twilight princes there is a character called the
Hero Shade that teaches Link some attacks so he can continue his quest. Latter the Hero
Shade admits he was one of the Heroes that had to vanish evil from Hyrule, also his last
words to Link are ‘‘ go and do not falter my child’’ which tells that he is the father from
Link of Twilight pinces. Link, at the end, kills Ganondorf and returns the Master Sword.
From this point on Ganondorf is dead but Ganon can revive.

Centuries pass and when the tournament made by the King of Hyrule ends, the winner has
the chance to see the Picori Blade. The winner, Vaati, thinks that the Golden power was
sealed into the blade so he destroys the blade when he is looking at it. Here the legend of
Zelda Minish Cap goes by. Link takes the broken sword to the Picori and it is reforged as
the 4 Sword. At the end Link stops Vaati from taking the Triforce, returns Zelda to normal
and gives a little peace to Hyrule. Until one night Zelda summons Link to seal the 4 sword
and the dark energy called also Vaati, kidnaps Zelda and Link uses the 4 Sword to save the
princes. When Link and Zelda are again sealing the 4 Sword, now with 6 maidens, Dark
Link appears and kidnaps the maidens so Ganon the monster can revive.

Here the legend of Zelda 4 swords adventures happens. Link now divided in 4 has to reach
Dark link before he revives Ganon. Dark Link succeeds and revives Ganon, but Link
defeats Ganon. Once the monster Ganon is defeated the 6 maidens and Zelda seal him into
the 4 Sword. Centuries pass and when the seal weakens Ganon escapes and kidnaps the
princes for trying to take the Triforce. This is the very first Legend of Zelda. Link finally
kills Ganon with the Silver Arrow and in the legend of Zelda 2 Dark Link, a wizard and
Ganon’s minions try to revive Ganon by killing Link. This game marks the end of the chld

So the Timeline is arranged like this

The The The The legend

The The legend
legend of legend of legend of The of Zelda II
legend of of Zelda 4
Zelda Zelda Zelda legend of the
Zelda 4 swords
Majora ´s Twilight Minish Zelda I adventure
Swords adventures
mask Princess Cap of Link
The legend legend of
of Zelda Zelda
Skyward Ocarina
Sword of time
The The The The
legend of The legend The legend
legend of legend of legend of legend of
Zelda of Zelda of Zelda 13
Zelda a Zelda Zelda Zelda
Oracle of Phantom Links
link to Oracle of Wind Spirit
the Hourglass awakening
the past the Ages Waker Trakcs
Chapter 18 Conclusions

-Every one of these games has a different history. Nevertheless each one is linked to
another game.

I only find one mistake in this timeine, but I think it is the best way the games could be
arranged in an order. The mistake is that in the adult timeline, Link kills Twin Rova in the
Gerudo temple, and later in oracle of ages and seasons Twin Rova (which should be dead)
revive Ganon.


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