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Narrator: One day a hare was making fun at the tortoise.

Rabbit: Ha, ha, ha!  Your feet are so small and you walk so slow that you take too long
to get to a place.

Tortoise: You may be as faster as the wind, but I will beat you in a race.

Rabbit: That is simply impossible. Ha, ha, ha!  But, I agree, let`s have a race.

Tortoise: Very well then.  The fox will choose the way and will wait for us at the
winning post.

Fox: Very good!  I will be waiting for both of you.  Let`s see who wins!

Narrator: On the day of the race the two started the race together.

Fox: 1, 2, 3, Go!
Tortoise: I will not stop walking.  I will keep walking slow but at a steady pace straight
to the end of the finish line.

Rabbit: Oh well.  That tortoise walks so slow that I have time to take a nap.  zzzzzzzzzz

Narrator: When the hare woke up.

Rabbit: Oh I fell asleep.  I have to run as fast as I can.  I think I wasted some time.

Narrator: Then he saw the Tortoise had reached the winning post.

Rabbit: How did you do it?  This is impossible!

Tortoise: While you slept, I kept walking.   I may seem slow, but I am constant and
patient, so I won the race.

Rabbit: You`re right Tortoise,  Being fast doesn`t mean that you will win.  I learned my

The End

By: Aesop`s Fable

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