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Perbandingan leadership

21st Century 20th century

Discontinuous change Predictability
Speed and responsiveness Size and scale
Leadership from everybody Leadership from the top
Permanent flexibility Organization rigidity
Control by vision and value Control by rule and hierarchy
Information shared Information closely guarded
Creativity intuition Quantitative analysis
Tolerance of ambiguity Need for certainly
Proactive and enterpreunial Reactive risk
Corporate interdependence Corporate interdependence
Virtual integration Vertical integration
Focus on competitive environment Focus on internal organization

Velvet glove iron fist Characteristic of admired leaders

 Positive anger  Honesty
 Quality not quantity  forward looking
 You cant fight human nature  inspiring
 Listening to the critics  competent
 Never switch off  fair minded
 Believe in something  intelegent
 In touch with tomorrow  straight forward
 Stay one step ahead  courageous
 The big picture
 Study your rival
 Putting together in team
 The key to gratness

Defining character of east and west management

East West
 Masih menerapkan system hubungan  Aturannya lebih terbuka dan konfrontasi
kesenioritasan dalam organisasi  Lebih fleksibel dan kreatif
 Penganalisaaan yang berpola  Mendorong empowerment dari
 Mendukung adanya penggunaan karyawan pekerjaanya
sesuai usia dan menentang sewa dan  Lebih suka pada analisa berbau statistic,
pemecatan karyawan dan database
 Lebih menentang asusmsi dari posisi  Berorientasi pada produktivitas, tidak
wanita berorientasi pada orang
 Lebih menitikberatkan pada kuantiti  Menghargai intuisi perorangan disbanding
disbanding kualitas mufakat dari kelompok tertentu
 Lebih mementingkan keuntungan jangka

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