The Relations Betwenn Indonesia and South Korea: New Project Create Some Jet For Indonesia

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Name : Dewi Febriani Subject :


NIM : 1042500858





The relations between Indonesia and South Korea are more promising. South Korea is
helping Indonesia in military equipment for production Jet KF-X together. This policy is actually
planned from several years ago and will be begin on next year (2012). They’re agreed for this
policy and signed that agreement in Seoul. This policy is aims to supported their coorperation
and guarantee Indonesia to get the profit of this coorperation because it’s can absorb technology
and South Korea also can reduse a production costs and helped in combat aircraft sales business.
That’s also aims to reduce dependence of weapons from other countries.

The government of Indonesia will send 30 best engineers in the field of defence industries to
South Korea to launching the project to create Jet KF-X. This coorperation is involve 150
engineers belong from South Korea. Indonesia is participate 20% of this project. As many as 30
Indonesia’s enginering was taken from PT. Dirgantara Indonesia (DI), BPPT (Badan Pengkajian
dan Penerapan Teknologi), and from ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung).

South Korea choose Indonesia as its partner because Indonesia has friendship with other
developing countries. Another reason is because Indonesia has a good skill to create a aircraft by
themselves. The coorperation between Indonesia and South Korea are expected can get a

satisfying result. In addition to the development of the project Jet KF-X, South Korea will also
buy some military equipment from foreign companies.


From the sources i was read that the project South Korea offered to Indonesia as its
partner to support the fund and some engineers for South Korea. Indonesia is consider as good
partner because Indonesia has good ability to create some aircraft supported by PT DI and
Indonesia also has a good relation with other developing countries. So, that’ll be practice for
South Korea to launch their project.

Several parties didn’t hear a plan of this project and not too agree until the government of
Indonesia give them the information about the purpose and the background of this coorperation.
They’re also asked to the government of Indonesia to describe the source of funds to be used to
finance programs of the coorperation. They’re wanted to know is it will be good for Indonesia or
not, because they’re thought that if its just useless, it would just wastfull the budget.




The new project (launch Jet KF-X) between Indonesia and South Korea are so important.
This project begins when South Korea is need some partner to support it. Then, South Korea
choose Indonesia as its partner because Indonesia has a skill to create an aircraft and Indonesia
also has a good relations with other developing countries, so that’s can helping South Korea to
present that project.

They’re developed their military equipment with production new combat aircraft named
Jet KF-X which designed by South Korea. These two countries are agreed with this policy and
signed it in Seoul with comissioner for South Korea’s Defence ministry and defence ministry
secretary-general of Indonesia, Eris Herriyanto.

South Korea was launched this project in 2000 by the President, Lee Myung-Bak when
there’s a tension between South Korea and North Korea, but because of lack of funds the project
was stopped then the jet will be continue next year on 2012. This project takes a long time for get
an excellent result, estimated it took until 2020.

That’s aims to reduce dependence with other countries from the military sides. Another
reasons are give some profits for Indonesia because it’s can absorb technology and it’s can
reduce a production costs for South Korea and also can helped to sales the jet. Indonesia was
donated 20% of the costs and will get 50 jets that has more skill than F-16.


To supported the project, the government of Indonesia will send 30 bestest engineers to
South Korea to help create jet KF-X. According to Agus Suyarso, the project will involve 150
engineers belong from South Korea. As many as 30 engineers will be take from PT. Dirgantara
Indonesia (DI), Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), and from Institut Teknologi
Bandung (ITB). They’re will be send on July lately.1
1,20110518-335237,id.html accessible at 21:55 pm

There are 6 groups will be learn to research and development 5 prototype jet multi-
mission 4.5 generation that called jet KF-X. So, if there are 30 engineers work for one group,
there would be about 180 engineers for 6 groups. Every group will be rotate once for every four

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) claime that they’re ready to create that jet KF-X for support
the coorperation with South Korea. PT DI has a good competence to help create the jet with
above average ability. “ designer, engineers, technology, and controler of quality have been
ready” remarks of the headmaster of PT DI, Rakhendi Triyatna. 2 In 1986-1980 PT DI has got
production 7 components for 40 combat aircrafts F-16 with the excellent result. I Wayan Midhio
as the defence ministry of Indonesia said that RI (Republic of Indonesia) will attempt for create
that jet KF-X in Indonesia.

KF-X is the kind of stealth aircraft with ability more then Dassault Rafale or the
Eurofighter Typhoon, but it’s still under from Lokheed Martin F-35. Its combat capabilities is
also no doubt because it’s more superior than the F-16 Block 60. To support the availability of
advanced tools, production of jet KF-X will be coorperate some international companies to
provide radar systems, data links, designs, engineers, stealth technology, weapons, and other.


This cooperation expected to bring the profitable for both. Indonesia hope that of this
project there’ll be a transfer of technology so that’s not be useless or bring the disadvantage. This
is time for Indonesia can afford to production military equipment by itself after its engineers gets
the transfer of technology optimaly from South Korea. So, Indonesia no longer need to buy the
military equipments from other countries.

Indonesia must be neutral in international world so Indonesia not to follow one of the
conflicting block. Indonesia must prepare funds and engineer for Indonesia and South Korea to
can succeed in this coorperation. Both hope there will be no technical errors and will be available
current funding. So, this project can be completed as soon as possible.

http://www.berita seputar indonesia » Indonesia Mampu Produksi Jet Tempur.html accessible at 22:15 pm

Even though South Korea has coorperate with Indonesia in production this jet by
theirselves, South Korea will still buy some military equipment from foreign companies.

I think that South Korea just empower Indonesia as the media to finish and present the jet
KF-X to public. But it doesn’t matter for Indonesia, because Indonesia will get some profits from
this project such as get 50 jet KF-X, tranfer Technology, and can reduce the budget to purchase
military equipment from other countries.

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