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Stages in Brand Building

Brand Creation
• Brands are created by the augmentation of
core products with unique values for
distinguishing them from those of the
• In order to build a brand, it is necessary to
deeply understand the emotional and
functional values used by customers when a
choice is made by them between brands.
Brand mark
• Form of symbol, design, distinctive coloring or
• Registered and legalized brand mark
A brand includes…
• A slogon
• An identity
• A logo
• A company
• A source of information
• A means of identification
• An image
• A person
• A product
• A service
Source of Information
• Brands are built by a combination of seven
1. Quality:
It is essential to build quality into the
core product, which should accomplish the
basic functional needs expected of it. Higher
profits and a larger market share are achieved
by brands with higher quality than their
2. Positioning:
Creating a unique position in the market
place involves the careful choice of target market
and establishing a clear differential advantage in
the minds of the customers.
Positioning is an opportunity for the company
to communicate to customers what it strives to
achieve for them i.e., functional needs, and what it
wants to mean to them, i.e., emotional needs.
3. Well-balanced communication:
Brand positioning shapes customer
perceptions. A brand needs to communicate its
positioning to its target market. Awareness needs to
be built, brand personality projected, and
favourable attitudes built and reinforced among
customers. The brand theme needs to be reinforced
by advertising, sales people, sponsorship, public
relations and sales promotion campaigns.
4.Being first:
Pioneer brands stand a better chance of
success than follower brands. The brand is
afforded an opportunity by being first for the
creation of a clear position in the target
customers’ minds prior to the entry of rivals
into the market. The pioneer is given an
opportunity for building distributor and
customer loyalty.
5. Long term perspective.
Building customer loyalty,
communicating brand values and generating
awareness take time. The level of investment in
the brand must be kept consistently high. While
the sales may not be likely to fall considerably
in the short run if investment is cut, the brand
equity may be eroded in terms of intention to
buy, brand associations, awareness levels etc.
6.Internal marketing:
Many brands are corporate brands,
i.e., the marketing focus is on building the
company brand. Most service brands are marketed
as corporate brands. Training and communicating
with the internal staff is crucial because service
companies rely on personal contact between
service providers and service users. Brand values
and strategies must be communicated to the staff.
7. Repositioning:
As markets change and new
opportunities arise, repositioning is needed to
build brands from their initial base. A
successful brand may be rendered irrelevant
if the needs and circumstances of the
customers in its target market change.
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