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Diagnostic Procedures

Procedure Body Area or Sample Description

Amniocentesis Fluid from the sac Analysis of fluid to detect an abnormality in the fetus
surrounding the fetus

Arteriography Any artery in the body; X-ray study in which radiopaque dye is used to detect
(angiography) commonly in the brain, heart, and outline or highlight a blockage or defect of an artery
kidneys, aorta, or legs

Audiometry Ears Assessment of the ability to hear and distinguish sounds

at specific pitches and volumes

Auscultation Heart Listening with a stethoscope for abnormal heart sounds

Barium x-ray studies Esophagus, stomach, X-ray study to detect ulcers, tumors, or other
intestine, rectum abnormalities

Biopsy Any tissue in the body Removal and examination of tissue sample under a
microscope for cancer or another abnormality

Blood pressure Usually an arm Test for high or low blood pressure

Blood tests Usually a blood sample from Measurement of substances in the blood to evaluate
an arm organ function and to help diagnose and monitor various

Bone marrow aspiration Hipbone or breastbone Examination of marrow under a microscope for
abnormalities of blood cells

Bronchoscopy Airways of the lungs Direct examination for a tumor or other abnormality

Cardiac catheterization Heart Study of heart function and structure

Chorionic villus Placenta Examination of a sample under a microscope for an

sampling abnormality in the fetus

Chromosomal analysis Blood Examination under a microscope to detect a genetic

disease or to determine a fetus's sex

Colonoscopy Large intestine Direct examination for a tumor or other abnormality

Colposcopy Cervix Direct examination of the cervix with a magnifying lens

Computed tomography Any part of the body Computer-enhanced x-ray study to detect structural
(CT) abnormalities

Cone biopsy Cervix Removal and examination of a cone-shaped piece of


Cheryll Dueñas
Culture Sample from any area of the Examination of microorganisms grown from a sample to
body (usually a fluid such as identify infection with bacteria or fungi
blood or urine)

Dilation and curettage Cervix and uterus Examination of a sample under a microscope for an
(D and C) abnormality of the uterine lining

Dual X-ray Skeleton, focusing on specific Study of thickness of bones using a type of x-ray
absorptiometry (DEXA) regions, usually hip, spine,
and wrist

Echocardiography Heart Study of heart structure and function using sound waves

Electrocardiography Heart Study of the heart's electrical activity


Electroencephalography Brain Study of brain's electrical function


Electromyography Muscles Recording of a muscle's electrical activity

Electrophysiologic Heart Test to evaluate rhythm or electrical conduction

testing abnormalities

Endoscopic retrograde Biliary tract X-ray study of the biliary tract after injection of a
cholangiopancreatograp radiopaque dye using a flexible viewing tube to reach the
hy (ERCP) biliary tract

Endoscopy Digestive tract Direct examination of internal structures using a flexible

viewing tube

Enzyme-linked Usually blood The sample is mixed with a sample of allergens or

immunosorbent assay microorganisms to test for the presence of specific
(ELISA) antibodies

Fluoroscopy Digestive tract, heart, lungs A continuous x-ray study that allows a doctor to see the
inside of an organ as it functions

Hysteroscopy Uterus Direct examination of the inside of the uterus with a

flexible viewing tube

Intravenous urography Kidneys, urinary tract X-ray study of the kidneys and urinary tract after
intravenous injection of a radiopaque dye

Joint aspiration Joints between bones, Examination of fluid from the space within joints for
especially shoulder, elbow, blood cells, crystals formed from minerals, and knees,
fingers, hips, knees, ankles, organisms

Laparoscopy Abdomen Direct examination for diagnosis and treatment of

abnormalities in the abdomen

Cheryll Dueñas
Magnetic resonance Any part of the body Magnetic imaging test for any structural abnormality
imaging (MRI)

Mammography Breasts X-ray study for breast cancer

Mediastinoscopy Chest Direct examination of the area of the chest between the

Myelography Spinal column Simple or computer-enhanced x-ray of the spinal column

after injection of a radiopaque dye

Nerve conduction study Nerves Test to determine how fast an impulse travels

Occult blood test Large intestine Test to detect blood in the stool

Ophthalmoscopy Eyes Direct examination to detect abnormalities inside the eye

Papanicolaou (Pap) test Cervix Examination under a microscope of cells scraped from
the cervix to detect cancer

Paracentesis Abdomen Insertion of a needle into the abdominal cavity to remove

fluid for examination

Percutaneous Liver, biliary tract X-ray study of the liver and biliary tract after injection of
transhepatic a radiopaque dye into the liver

Positron emission Brain and heart Radioactive imaging to detect abnormality of function
tomography (PET)

Pulmonary function tests Lungs Tests to measure the lungs' capacity to hold air, to move
air in and out of the body, and to exchange oxygen and
carbon dioxide

Radionuclide imaging Many organs Radioactive imaging to detect abnormalities of blood

flow, structure, or function

Reflex tests Tendons Tests to detect abnormalities of nerve function

Retrograde urography Bladder, ureters X-ray study of the bladder and ureters after infusion of a
radiopaque dye

Sigmoidoscopy Rectum and last portion of the Direct examination to detect tumors or other
large intestine abnormalities

Skin allergy tests Usually an arm or the back Tests for allergies

Spinal tap (lumbar Spinal canal Test for abnormalities of spinal fluid

Spirometry Lungs Test of lung function that involves blowing into a

measuring device

Cheryll Dueñas
Stress test (exercise Heart Test of heart function with exertion

Thoracentesis The space that surrounds the Removal of fluid from the chest with a needle to detect
lungs (pleural space) abnormalities

Thoracoscopy Lungs Examination of the pleura and the pleural space through
a viewing tube

Tympanometry Ears Measurement of the impedance (resistance to pressure)

of the middle ear, which helps in determining the cause
of hearing loss

Ultrasonography Any part of the body Ultrasound imaging to detect structural or functional
(ultrasound scanning) abnormalities

Urinalysis Kidneys and urinary tract Chemical analysis of urine sample to detect protein,
sugar, ketones, and blood cells

Venography Veins X-ray study to detect blockage of a vein

Cheryll Dueñas

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