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111:'\\ l1ghlt~r I"'OUI llll' Bn al'. hut whir-h onr-s at'c' tlwy'( 011(' iook8 like a hllmh.>". Am,wI>"!< ,,1I'f' on the last page.



Aptil 1950

No. 304





time a plane goes higher, i:lster or farther, new haza-rds are created for the men who By it. Eadi new step forward in aviation imposes a barrier 01 human problems which the science of aviation medicine has to surmount. Not only must hese problems associated with the e_pallsioo QfAight into realms where man has never traveled before be solved as they appear, but the £"act that they will escur must be predicted. Inaviation's infancy the barrier of anoxia resulting fr III high altitude Hight was met by furnishing upplementary oxygen. Recently problems connected witla decompressien have been taken care of by cockpir pressurizati0ll, Now that the soclc b'allcer is

falling to the onslaught of aeronautical science, a new challenge faces the men v hl) dey te their lives with leal to tile endless probJen1s ,Iil[ aviation medicine, Navy and Air Force [~sea:r(b' in this field covers a wide r-ange, It breaks down naturally Into several division, each with Jts spe ialists, One phase is phy ioJogy. tudies He made of re-actions of the body to unusual €OlildLtions. Psychol-

ogical research plays 'an irnportanr part tOQ. Nat as obvious but just as importllnt is he field

of basi research. Such w ck is done at- the N val Medical Research lnsritute. Bethesda. Md. 10 the limited space available here, aviation medicine research Gao be given only a "once over lightly."

T~I imieed
, 1$

'I~H~ il\':etage .,WiUt;?f, ~e ~~:e _oJ .~le Ai,sht S::-rSt:011 to s.aym:g, Say All, and B~(l.q oyer. As a sciennst, howeeer, h is work ho't q'ulre as OP\,iou,'i,

With dl"vt)l;joncornmoll to all researchers, In,' delves into lhe unknown with ulTcmling Wl'iosity nod stamina, Naval Aeronl1!llli.;:aJ Medical research is ssattered. Some of it cal} be fOW1J lit the ~a\'!.d School of j'\1'iation Medicine ~Il Pl"riSac{ljo.l.. Basic wqrk is donJ:: at the Naval Met! leal Research 1nstitute ar Bethesda: Md, G res test :tcti\'il'y is Iound in thePhihdelphi:t .arca, The busiest pl<l<:c there is the Aecona,utklll Medical Equipment Lnpoflilory whil.'ll operates under the Nav'<11 Air Experimenral St.ttion at the Naval Base, PhWll.Jdpl1ia. Abo in the areu i. the almost human celltriJug~ at JonlIsvill'tO, Some evaluasion work is done at NATe PATW::tiNT RIVEil. Md. l'Jlt.' Navy',~ research i~ pa.r!' o.f all overall plrul adrninistered by the. Secreta.ry oJ through the COl1lmiHee on Medical Sciences of the Research and Develepmenr Beard, Ai r Ferce iIviati!;>fI medkine work is done rna inl}' by tile Air 'Material CQmma.nd,. the Air Ufliversity Schoo! of Aviaricn Mtldil.-.ine sad the Arctic Aerooibutica:l Laberator'y. This articte will J.eal with the N~vy's part jn aerome"dit"al research, Heading tilt prQgnvn iii R;AJm, Bertr4:!rJ Groesbeck, n{slstnJlt {bid the Bi.lrenu of Med1ti.rlt' and Surgery for A·viation and Operational Ml;didlle. LjL~~$OI1 between BuASR. Bl1M~n Il1ld DCNO (Air) is maintained by CapL J, C, Early. Cdr. N. L. Barr is BllMJ,1J Iiaison offlOer.

It i~ only logica.l thar basic work be done at Bethesda, Re:KtJO(l.'$ to 101.v lemp'eralure.~; low prt;%.uICS tlWl flOCei.' erations 00 the human bodXllrt $\:udiEJ in detail. Thesestudies tie ja with rhe gen eral work' of the enter whose acti\'ilie~ encoll\f"a:~s the L'T1ti re rnrrgc or mjl.itary meJicitH:', How mucb ran a pilot drink and ~lill Jiy elfi(i!>ntly? What

<.lffert does benzedrine h,il'l: oil him? Should he take untihis!',!-mines bdore flying? Dr. S. W. Eyer 11.t Bethesda with his team of researchers is coMinuinl; a gueR! for answers ro lhes" qoestiol'ls. By human '"guinea pigs"in Link trainer" and givin.g them measured amQuntsOt d nJg.~. attempts Wel:f;: made 10 gJlllge r(,anions. One ~nswarobtrtirR'cl 8.0 far b. that rhc trainer isn't lhe idealWtiy of mea:)itlring el1ects ot drugs.

!\IDU te.~l renditiens all rnd ii' i<.1. ual who is given drugs tends to make a ,gf~ter effort lhll.ll~orrnll.L!y. 10(1'5rnurh as a ceurat e measurem ents are J1(lcJed, 11 w i II be neces~nIy to ~'0ntinut: the te~tjng by Jiffer~l"lt ITll'.'tholls. Bo::;nte· drine, alrehel and other drugs have their efled~ and Ilviators -are warned: ngainst rhem, but fot the answer 011 how much ,e:ffe.ct they have, there ~tiiJ remains much work to he dOne.


In many proJects blind alleys ere Found. Then another pllth has to: be sought eut, . The hernan boor can withs.tand II 'certain amount of

pb~!jjcaJ punishrnen], The answers to "hew much?" i1IC bcin,g found by tt!$ti ng human. bones and rep! icas of the human b.o,dy. The Bureau of Standards is: workil11J; with






Berhesdn 00 testing the mechanical proratics, of bones and other strurtu res, 111US the telera nee {I f the body to met:haniGld forces in cn-shts may be determined. plll'a:chute. By using II durnrny, a new ch_ut~ With less ~hock is be'ing developed. A Fanty term is .. resplr.n!ory physiology." Simply. rr is the etEcienc>, wit}, whlch the body sbscrbs and uses oxyg~n) and the Wily it handles other g,ase-s. With 111M Hyil'J.S hightl. and bigher. his limits must be den'l1it'Cly known. Some work on ~cdimatiza.tion of tell); ~o Illgh altitu4ts is- In pwgres.s at Penseeels, 111(' Navy. wbic.h I:'la$ :il sr:rJJ11! low $ pei=rl, inertia type human centrifuge there, is (.'011, dllcting studies under the guidal1ce of Lt .. f, R.. Stauffer.
N FUGH1' te_s_[jn~of new aircraft, much data is serrt to _ the ground vm radio. This is called !ek'melerinJ,t_ Now [l project .rs underway at Bethesda to td~mett:r physiologi(.,;d data from rhc p-i lot, It cou Id he J_ life saver for !l rest pilot. AIJ_()J(j~ is- Ln$idious. If the ground personnel noticed tbat !h(o' "'J.nger p/)il'u was n:tl.chcJ inoxygcll 1ilck, tht, pilot could be ordered to take remedial action. Likewise body ternperuture, skin temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, electro cardiographs and electro cn!;-ephalQgra_phs fan be read on: the ground, The OiJire of N,lIial Research is ~o'pi1-M:ner in til is pr=Pjelt. An ifl~en:~ting ~ideU1':ht on abilJ!}' to absorb o'Xyscn at high -altitude was d iSi.:ovr;red ~t B.ethet;d a. By transf us ing fed blood cells into 'a man, hi's dCl_lrec of anoJi;il,l Wn5 dirninished. TtllS increased the oxygen <.:a:padty and content of the blood, All excess of red blood cells is called polycythumia. DJJring p-oJ)'C}'themi-1l the pulse was slower, The conditi.on lasts :tholJt~ix weeks, For those -you who rend ttl gain in f'irth and wei~ht here is what's been fo~md, Ltl.edically oop(''llking. The medical ailments, which grow uul of obc~ity are one of the greatei?t medical problems between lhl:: <Ifl:e~ 30 1,060. A report ~tal!:~. ··TIl.., small J1~[Jnher of cases of ob_e~ity .dlet tlie !lgQ- of 60 is due to tile fact that the obese do net Jive that loJ1f~. ·'Oi'l't-~-ily ;I;.~ a menaee to guod health Has been classified ss enviable, laughable and pitiable. But ill the light of recent shRli);:); it must be revised to unforeunate, mow unforfunate and di~aslrnl1.~. No c4lss1hrntion of lab-c"ity is J"o:l;stble on: the hn.~is_ of cause. It is all alimentary." Fat

Alan,!; this line is ,the eH'ftct of the (;)pcnjt:lg shodc



C_APf. A. G.RA'fcB1El, IU!i$EA.R,cH HEAl)





boys, take







in conn(!ction with the S(1)ool Pensatola. Capt, A~to[] C?mybifti of the wo~k clon(" there In vclves there are plenty oftheln available

note, Som,e im'(!st'gafions




at a labornrory


of Avia(ion Medicine at I~ head of tilt- 4ib, M.urh

nurnbe rs of
::IV mtQr,


rrr the



C un, the

Gtin-srecl, ,I pSycllQlogist,_ is trying ~o. find out s,pccd ar whtch peNom arrive <It <lC(:I"itons. By showing a ri10t di,fferb"lt kind~ of pairs of pictures ant! recording the timt' 10 make ,ad.etCil'ion, lit' finds the varlanon from others 'rest("d, Individuals are influenced by diflerent type.;, of materi!ll,~, When thvn: is no emotional factor invoi'.'l:J, II beils dO.Wll 10· something similar l_O pkking ODe pil;:(e of (andy over another. AJI studtnts who leave the;(:ht ]lfOSOlll1, whatever the reason, Me interviewed by CdI. Gsinsted, I~esults \!till be "1tl:',gmled intlli requirements for Might candidates, Radium painted instrumertts h~IVC been anulyzed by DI', FI. _S~hat'lfe_r, who rounJtl1ll1 lhey Cli'mh;l~e radon gas in

unharrnf III quantities.

On 11' ,"jrl"tutlsl':.tflle\i. when~ the conCAPT, popp.eN, RAIIMs SW4NSON AND GROESBI:CK SE~ .SEAl

dition mi_ght become dil,nj!;cmM, would be ill <l. pressurimd cockpit where lhe -ait was rrot repl;l:ced. only oxygenated.










a! 0 determined, bJI theoretical sLudies. Ulat, flying al 90,000 feet, human would need tilt: equh .. lent of a centlmct,cl' thickness of lead protection (com a harmful _rays. It hils also been di;srQvered that, above 72,000 feet, high speeelammic nuclei pierce live tissues about four inches, killing cells in their pIll'll four Of fin! tells aCross. Th is is such an infinitesimal amount I:hl1t they fire replaced b}i some body tissues s fast as they are killed and no permanent damage results. Nerve and mlJ~ct(t tissue never re:gcn.e.r\lte hoWeVllf. Each nerve lny musde rell thus destroyed is lost forever. Destruction by nuclei is by mechanical collis ion , not electrical pbenomena, peech intelligihiJity j, a prcjee which determines what word' aft' more casily understood than others •. This invalves the u e of acoustic rooms. This project is in part being pursoed by Prof, John Bleck of Ohio tate Uni\'ersrty. The school has a contract with ONR for the wlJrk. VISUal illusions plllY all important role in. IlIg11t ~igbl. It has been di, overed that looking at a lighted object set llgainst uni orin background causes the viewer to think the object i movin~. ').'1Ii5 c!l'\lse~dlsor1l'!nt:t!jon :l.J1c! ver!1go. Also psychology cernes mloplay when a -persen becomes fascinated with an object. This research is aimed at edueating pilots as to what 'en atiQIl,'i"hey will encounter and to t be prepared for them.
R. SCHA..EFl'rut














BLAST 'AT fAr;:~




to recognize Sl1t!L, has been investigated at Pensacola. The SNJ gIves more warnings than most planes on the apprQ!ldl or R -stall, hUI it- still isn't enough. This was proved through IS,OM st-all'i under the direction of Ist Lt. 1- J. Hill. U Me. It is possible rurure plane will incorporate stall warrnng Je ice. All the research into the physjology and psychology of the aicbome fndividoal must be tieil Into practicttl applications somewh ere. That is the job of tbe Aeroaauucal Medical E9u~lPmfint Laboratory, skippered by dr. K. S. Scott. No pilot or inrewrnan in the Navy :all eScape its influence. E ery pIece 0 gear wluch has any thill'S. to do with aircrew comfort and dtldt'flty has the mark of AMEL on it. The laberatory's job is ~Q prepare tile high f1yil'g human to withstand 11 rugged environment; Thus in AMEL's blJllding at the Philadelphia Navy Base, we see a variety of development rrom rlebbn solk-; tc Buck Rl}g_(:,fi,h outfit:.. Most of AMEL's. work is started 111 it'S Human lln~i. neering division. In generul, it must u'Jllliidtr lh(; ~ lerance personnel to low pressures anJ extremes in tll!ll1per.lhue!>j (ry t<:l overcome rile harmful e£fecrs of Jlig.b lKccleradon,


Vision comes in for dose scrutiny. The psychological and physiologi • j aspects of vision are considered in designing new lighting for the instrument panel, the cockpit nd the exrerior of the plane. Oxygen equipment in 8feat vtl(iety is designed, Th] IS


never ending part of the work at AMEL and as long By higb the project wiH have top pricrity,




shop. expert tailors ami specinlisrs in many other lines. The

low pressure chamber is one of the bigge.~t in tbe

rescue gear, acceleration and conditioning and high ..Ilitude suits. Before we take a look at some of the more in~resting project', it must be explained that the lab .ould net fun rion without hig111y,skillecl scientists, a complete machine

test;'! oxygen



improves ~esi-gn and dothll'lg. emerprotective devices, cabin


pilot, protection is lbe desired result, all cCj'oipmcllt win work nutnrnatically, A mask-helmet comblnation Will redure the effects of high peed air blasts,
The Ejection scat, nowetandard ill most jet I1ghtc;rs, is still be-in,!!. improved. A new idea would have the drogue chute bring the seat and pilot to a lower safe altitude and then
automatically release- the bigger chute for the final desrenr. Also under development is an ejectable cod:.. il whi h will p reduct" the hazards of air blast till to the future is the


equipment {or high altitudes

is being de:;;;~ncJ. lnsoflU' as possible

way too. Lucite is being tried and altitude

for cafti(;~ arrcraft are bc~ng. u(lvclo,PeJ.

iliJi:cator lights

One of the bll~aboo~ of Jet engtnes 1111.) een rite fear 0-1 b personnel workiL1g aroUJ'l.d them that the high Irequecry norse 1$ harmful. A sound room at AMEL tests hearing.
Tests are continuing and protective measures are being developed .. de ices and sdel'y

pilot cap ule,


March 19iO.)

An ejection seat trniner at AJ\1El. is used to indocrrinate fleet pilots. This tower fires d chllrge, Lifting the ~eal .about .fO feet ljP a lower. A portable trainer whi,h can be folded up :1M uno rported on .1 tHlCk i being constructed through the Special Devices Center on Long Island, Another indoctrination iob i 10 pressure breathing. Cmsh.cs and W~la.t Lhey do to hurnuu ltfl:'. tested _rnlct-i· call}. That deesn t mean crashing planes. It done by the RG·l catapult. A car on a track is moved by ,1 ram. B

N rr-:TTlloi~l.t'.J"G phenomenon


to .Lght



PbdllueJplna when <In F'll[J was bt'mg tun Co the growld. A deflector plate oehilld the e):h;11,,1~tsentsound u pward. WeatJler con ditions. were such tLHlt day til at reports were rereived from a, circle four to live miles away. A projeet I underway at tile Naval Air Development
Station. tention. johnsville, whf·h IS due to attract world wide atIt is the Navy's new human a:ntrihlge, constru' ted- on a. scale never before attempted. It is being built by Special Devices under the plidcm::e of R. ~opp n, (M ) and LGdr R. L. Christy. The centri] uge-, dn en by

The ',li' winds up in arre,stm[;: gear after a l'_UI'l o_ 15Q fro Barriers, seals and cockpits are also tested, In each case there i (om) lere instrumentation to secure informarion for use In future design. 10 AMH1's d'al'k room was developed red lighling for aitcraft Itlstrume-a.lpaoe!.:;, It is well known that ultraviolet Jigb t dest'roys \Y isual 1~11ple, hu l !.hill red J ight retains r it. ow red Ii,gntj,ag has been accepted as standard by both the- Air Force ~uld the N,lV}'.
Tile "sneoperscope" principle of

u~lng dummies and plane part

• crash can be .simulared.








u ed in illumins ing planes coming in rot night I~ndings, FOJa it would be a pitch blal;k but the LSO. wearing a. 'scope, would ee the plane Improvement of exterior H~hting of aircraft is

artier night, easily .. under-

t,rqJcd is commissioned sometime early in the summer, ANn\ swill ca'fTY a separate story on it. 111 many places the Na\'y'-s Bigbt surgeqn:; continue their work. Their jQb is to keel' fOI.l flying.

mo~t modem laboratories ill [hI;' world. A gdndohl which can be decompressed is moun ted on gimbals. at the end of the arm. It will be able to turn l'!ny direction. \X'hcn this

in drarneter,

hI" electric motor, welshing ] 60 tons and 11 () ft. .is b01.1Sed in a building containing some of the;

As Adrn, Groesbeck says It, "We want to know what makes :1 geed combat pilo], and hen we have him we w~m to .ee that he ts able to fulfill hls miSSIOn witb the

best medical ,mpPQft pClisible."

B6$tri ted

He Had a Hard Time

Ed;t,or.$ Note: Allco meclillgIDontliJr deadlines tor seven year.s" the pgWC~S aedd.ed that Grmnpa ..' was tnritIed .to 30 days. Ieave ~J1 at Ollce, JUSt helot·., shoving off, the old boY' warned the office force. that he didn't want "any young squirts louiilngup hi.-; page." He said lie bad been. saving

sure autO lean mixture and decidlld that WIl,'i best t.... 113~ i!ltain since speed i", getling. 0.., I of the overca st wa mere im portant t ban maximum e~{ll1l11'1'ly. My tyl.ioder head ternbut LIIe engine was running srnnothly so r had Dot worried, I now tried 10 biJllg it np by plItti1tlg the P~()I" in [ow p-ltdl • n.d (Ipe-ning throttle to 35 inches for three minutes, hat it did uot me, so- 1 returned \() my former puwer and RPM 1$l!lliog 11l1d ceased, to worry, Most of tbe time 1 flew WoO feet. but rlcrn~iol1aJJy would fly at ~OO feet for til [I rninu re pe riods, often d~ scending to 200 feet, fn an attempt to break out,

perature had been tOO· for ovee an bour,


thillpilot's statemen t for ~J< years ror just au occasion. After f4i!ading Lhi~ hair· raising account of <10 accident that dido { ha ppen, we woode!: if G f(J11I paw has a D)r IJIIlr1'! yarWi_ like lb~ in his files . , , if s we might let him .go on kaye .again in 1957:

parked un Ibt" bow .is though tu muke room the earner and agaln went jnttJ overcast, b~H carne out on tht port bow. The carrier Was. !low <'nd1n$ blinker and the aN} was being pu~h~d toW«rd the .stern fOl" \ake·oH. Again h called and told us to keep I:irdj ng. I tried to read

bow of

for us In

orne ,lmI3.d.

I turned iu the

• r U[lO on the morning 0 10 Nov, 45-, I took ('Iff [rom AS GUlNVUlW, rJlli1l'li6, a, pIlOI (If II 'l'l!F'I, leading the second ~ecti,>n of a. division c(lmposed of one NJ. three TUF'~ nod one SUQ.... Our mission W3 to qualify in carrier landing. aboard the U Ir~ (}!"6,ill~. (.£ ole: This was one of two ().It! burning, side wheel, Bat .tops that operated is Lake Michigan duans- u,e- war). •'\V e n·'H~" d 1 he 'ani.~r Jnel shot '51x e
we had to secure operatrons ,jue to heavy snow fall. At 141) we cornrnenred landing operations again. 00 my se QIlJ I. OIling ill the afternoon, J was reId n er the ship's peeker system that 1 was lun,IUlg, when

rhe blinker but flew tile stern of the ship,

inio the overcast ot

Twire r climbed to to,OO() feet trying to £et nbove but with no luck, "1 ~wilCbl1td to alternate aIr III .mOIlI 16;1[1 !IS the outside air ternperarure continued It) drop, 1715n:\11~ aruund with still 00 luck and I decided J tr:ul httter stay 11-1 ,,00
feet'. I went down to ;lOO feet at 173tl and

bank. 18U" 111m m pnrr ~nd broke cru~ into


tumed ul()~ to port strumeo and then flew straight about lin!! II nlw"l .. lh"l1 rtJJtle


~ lO"

In: ahea~

carne out in-to a farm land, I-lOUSes

SnOW, enough


and barns tbrough the 1 began looking lor a Jield I1d to set her down in, I passed over



qu"Ufied and


circle the ~hip -aber taking

Clff. A pJane hMdlet climbed M thi' wing and handed me 11 note lllting that J had qUlllilied andg~ve the bearing and distanre

to P,~nf Option at 14~(} 111297", 2~ miles. After taking off I made a wid", circle around the carrier ;IInJ fastened my chute straps, then jlHllN up On the aD. -whn ""riS flying'be TBP'$,

lin open space, but coutd not see the carrier. I let down to 200 feet turned port 180· and proceeded to Iry 1('1 Hy l1i square search t find lhc Ship. 1 flew on instruments tontinnally tightening the square search then I. <st~ttC:d e.xpandmg it but did not sight the carri~r.At 1450 I heard the c,arrier cn.1l the SN] and say that 'Inc pl.lne bore 160· distance W!es.! """,5 in a thin overcast then- and osu ld see the water from 100 feet, bur no sign @f he ship. 1 immedintely turned to 3.(0' and llew for lour minutes

a J]eld wbirh was brewn and which lbo-ked like an elC-whe-al field that had been pastured in dover. 1 turned to 1"01'1 to t;tk;e another Icuk and passed over -3 town e)f about IO,o(m popularien, I went down to 1'0 feet and passed over the field n-guin anti saw two (OWS and several hogs on the north side, hut 1J1C ~oulfi ~idr: IO{1~ed so lid lind feee of







on instruments an,d did nnt 5ight the-


1 tarted '" square search B,ttlllll., fiying at 20Q eel hut -l1Jter fivt: minutes "'Jth 110 luck I Hew twn xnJnutes tuwnrd the center Df

"BD, s,tleU'lg me on hi' wing shd uut and ft~v wlns_ on me while r lei! thl-' .>f)l(md secuon, We CIrcled the ship I> number of limes .tlways PilS inF into the clnuds lIh!!"".\>I "f ·th~ ship, then cqmpllrll.tNely free OJ.f tbem QO the bClIV, E-al'h time we j ded U,e amit'r a J ittle tight~t anJ 3S
the weather in, th~ 5;11'",,-1 was given by thl" It'Jlci pll1l1C tv lower w J1£e!s, :Iod b'Jth phtnes 1fT tht: first ~"rtirlfl ll/wl'.ed
~PntjDued to elme

'THIS lime, about Lot"l5, rt S1;1rli:d 1(') ~n.IW o!g-,'l-in MId the douds WEn; elming in all arOund (be. cutler. Visibility W~5 ~b!,)llt three miles the ~dljIlg less thllll 1000 eel. We circled the ship once, then the T


the area I had ~e;lrdwd then ),e~dt'd 19- 0 toward Point Optien, '1 climbed to 500 fetr since I was afraid lUll >'() J turned to '2.84 which, had I been at PI unt Ophl(ln, weuld IlJl,VC taken f\1~ til th<; str st,ltion, distance 7 miles. Aguin I di~ not break (mt ~(1 J decided t1~e best lhiog to clo, for the lim!:, Wt)U [d be fl9 el1st llnd west and !,erh~ps I WQiJJd break nut ~"'m!:· ~ heel'.
0 ,

()f hiU;r!g some high building nr water tnwers, Aftc:r ciSlit mmutes I diJ not break

smcke to tell where the wind was from ':;0 r flew hn<!k 1<1 town. I figured J had better put the tarhurett.r a tr on idirecr rnm II} fly over town Sl' I pllsht'u the- control lever In -:LOd started looking ftl[ chimneys un..] smoke litacks but {ollld find none with ,'IT!(lke .cuming out. I drd~d the tewn twice theb ligured the fntling snow SIlould tell me the wind 50 r turned until it was a.lling thidt<,sl and I noted I was heading n(l~, Then ItUl<necl tv 1IH1' and passed -over





iF I could find some

town 118~ih OInd lh~ snos





my starboard hand ~q L blta~<:J hHt toward the 11cld ftJ,'ain .and passed Ovtjr ~I

1\'1/ altitude to the we~. .1 W;I.$ convinced the wind W35 lturn the west <lind. as 1 pas~e!i! !:oy llie hpl.lS-e. 1 n(ltlceu the :f'U1!leI" and his
wife n the bllck pt1r!!b poin6qg a BJsh· light t(lward tile :field J .I'tad chosen. , j_ clullbed lei 200 reet JJi w biclJ ,ddti,lde

thd[ wheels llnd wrnt'd lq. "In the- meantime tilt!




du .... wind n

., [ ilew east .,. rnirmles. we~t III minutes, then 1 llew' J squllre wltfl 5_ix:.mlllut~ J~ SI.,trling m helldmg 03!) and -enditr~ '10


Then ! ruIn~d
aGnl.s tht


01~~ and Hew

I CQuJd 10' t eli tin,gUish UJ(~lield and tfied








rlt!T Qrdllred

~ ..

.radicJ to COil imie clrctiog the sliip :lod not to come- .1:nllard. The BO was frILiUng wuy behim:l rue so 1 deddedttl ~t.lJ' dell! '1()(~ :lnd 1 left th<: fonnatjon 35 tIley turned IJPwlrrd. r !Jew dose ltboarJ to tllfMru'd

my CQur.:>t' and 1 maitltaintld jt. My deds;lltl wu~ it. would be best 11.1tty ~nd fly out Qf the ~ti:lrl11 hi [he sClutb ,inrc it sctlmcd iropossihle tCl b.renk out here ill the
norlh. " 1 hll.;l b eeoo ~r U L~ing 'lt 150 knot!; with I i()O RP;M and 25 inches of manifold pres-

~'llJare and l~e:n_ I lH,''1,dlng 090". At llioo 1 SO" WJS


the C!lnil,'r at 500 feet altItude 1lnd o heed the SN) whi 'h was fa lead Us home

mnve:,. J pr(lkl'" it part W~[J' tQose and turned an tlle Iutetll:tte- rut but the motor ,tacted spllttering '15 J Glme jnto the- down. wind leg. J put lhe wbeels 'and il;-rps dowo-, IQ~ed the ~h.r(;Jtde as- much as. 1 ('-I;luJd and the: engine quit, J irr!meilliltdy forgot :Ill :o<bout the en_gjne and made a J 80 o· turn into tlle fi~Id frC)m20(J fl!et aDd ~el her clown lail wheel linT, nevet tllll hing the


blakes, She ro.~l~d 10 ~ S:top ahout Lil yardsFrorn the fenre heul~d direct I)' into rhl:" wind. the pm P j u~.[ I;(IH;5 t i1l8 til a Sb:Hld·.'iti11. HJ shut ul! the swlrrhes and Bas off. I<'l eked the d""a jUt 1tl!tJ .111 rOll!; W;'! h til t_ e
$l1fl'l)' Witli




uf Ba~f Fi(!td.


He said .1 "'35 twu milC'!>t'-.tsl "f g. Irul in na, \YJ e took the ~n,gfn~ cover nut of the·~ courpurnnem and .cnvueJ the ~Qgjne rhen h'I~de;J. Itu:k nn farm.
Greensbur the r,u~Jer

helt, Mr.

rI unbed


and ~h[l~\k hands " tht nwnmo[ the

Wayne" about 31J~ on m)' starboard bWN, d (!I.,ance 15 mile". I headed fnr Lbtnn hut ~'j]uld see no nbstruetlon or runway lillbt s, 11.1.51hm" 1:WO' fiiLshi:ng d,l':o, In tine" minutes [ ! ~o~ld see one lighted runwav, with Ih", r uel needle bll\,lno,;i ng [,do" 111(' tfI g~llr1n mark j hr."I~J the Jield, "J III G('Jrnmg in." w 'Ih '"'1 tu rt leha!;" IJEllt, g·ut ,.I grel'fl lighl frum the rower ,mJ mtldu " Navy appreach and .set her down w,ing .th" runIViI}'

of b(}~I'l.k I got

mJ' chute


ll.IlU' we weli t


the hrruse whctv


[ ('.111~~ 111e

Ile, but got ne response. from bis engine. The Bl!arrdl hit ~()O feet' short of the LSO with the left wing down, The win,1i tip broke oJ! on impad. and the plane WilS righted and rolled 300 feel' angling '.l;:rosS'~he runway. Wht:11 it hj~ a soft ueca the Faf .fli~pcd over and skidded about 35 led on lIN back, The pilot's shoulder harness and ~af~ty belt were LIght and he was weariog a pwtecti:,'e' hdmxj,t-re.~tilto----NO

N AS G J.IrNV).~"".

plMe thaI nigHt while r ,!Mit up nv,e tim~ 10 see if ~he \V,,~ OK. Ne;H morning a rBF, pJ1t'tl!d by Lr, , landed n! H'lwd! ,Field, Rushville, In djll>na, with two ITwd,"~it·s and {;ll 8" no", of ga~oli{le ttlr my pl.uie, The :'tate Police hrnught them tv Greeruburg. They S'uG:t'ed~cl in )'taning, the I.:llgrl'~- ~t 1645. J ~no 1 made a three poim \lItituLI" [,lk(> nfi' Ilut the field, ('[<'ded il tlmte !UIlC;<; and headed nOM {l;)llowing S!~le w,u! t" RIl~h'llllc n~ .I bad been 111SIl'U ttl-Jt' 1 .I(I, At Ilw t iInc n f rake oil' 1 h,ld IN) b>s11Inn~ of gasoline and we figu red th;tl. ,J Jra:n lilli/it', ulldJ t!!fLle.1 ~I L,· Fty~jr~, lI,diitrr(l., on the 1!i."I), Irl Glirn<l;e\\'.

'1'11", J.ncHalW. Sl1lte Pulice



I ralled NaYf Glenview and next dav, NovembEr I 2. the~ ;:ent sn !iNS pilJ)tecl hy WHir Lt. to Baer Fidd. I h:ltl her j u~JeJ and dTeck.ecl ,.l;nd tile Anny put an engine lit-ater on licr and (Inn" ;!gl,in she 'V;'a:, [e~ld~ to g!).


"41 tfir"", minutes past HlP!) she was pa;rked in rna 7.10 of DC-.I', eight ga!lo[1s :of f~eJ ;!;bO<'lrdl buJ!!;lJI;' and .~Ulscm.tdwd and r~hl(jn~ vi':ry proud .IOJ.! daiikl,IlL

Rid.e "em Cowboy!

The p.ilot of UilSc


rhl:l> urne ------dimh~J Lt.

the (ol'kpjt wllHe:- I (Iimhe(! inti' lilt passenger's .I~iU ill. the SBD. Hv 1630 we were all badt .11 Navv Gll!l'Ivil!w.

one and u half hours, He lowered IIi~ gL'lIr. but noticed that his r,ighL land lng g<:!ur ind [cater d id nor register flill down ruthl)ugb he ha.d l450 Ibs. of hyd raul ic prr:.,s;;urc. 'The pilot raised and lowered intu his g~J.r for'll peried of 15 minutes.

trouble wll'h his landins geaf when he returned to the field 11 fb.;r a ~ ight




The CO-l' emergtni>Y ~ystertl was used. Another .aiccraft flew aloQ.gsidc.
but the pilot couldn't say l'or sure that

wmputer. Pe-fflap.s r did wt()ng; fl'il1tll! the W~(lDg <:1,,('.$\0[1.'1, >\n~ mhc:tltulated the lime frora G,'~rn¥but'li to Rushvrlle, but -eerralnly I did t!J ~ best J knew und er the. to n J it ;(\Il. und at all times I kept the sdt'r}' of the .ship Foremost in mind. "T regret the delav I hilVCc.I1J~ed tlJt Navy in reprll ttl usitlg the .sbip and the Holt' Ii ~<lst tbe offi'Ccts lInd men ",,1m Ml J c,)t),ld Wt whm l'wk~d 'fike ,1(1 'unligh(ed "Illy t' til ml' re~<:(IC'. J qiIl hilpp)' iJml I ~irflclJ t'J rhe J ighl Q.f lhe road leJJLl1g intn W~5 able tIl lirif1g her tilcr,Jtl81, lhI'!i!' h(!ur, StIU,rl.1 I)~rt ()f j,nwn, T '<luld ~~~ nv ajr\I{ ln~lrum~j)t ffig:hr t.r ." ~lif"lt !~!lcl1ng, [;pt t,Jancs I drd"J Llw ltll'm for f-:; mirm:te£, cnlleJ em tI,e If"<lh'r~;'I~ h¢t llii ,li'ltin .IDa ~lJJely inli:> lln(llller fi'eJd with no Jle,lp 'Ithe, than my WTl1p8SS. Cer. f.requ,,,,rwy "fI{1 Nil'Y GI~rwi~w f.rtqJ.lCII'l', (uilli) (;".1 Wl)>i with m" IIII the w;,y, hut girl no IlfIswer. "I. wish h, t~'1]l'w'sl thill, Vi h~tt'"er nd inn ".b:l.1'kness had set 111 nil\\' ,'nJ 1 d~l2JdcJ Iii taken jn regmJ to 1':r.· ulflJ\td d lu:.rn_,g that I o;).adJ not Ii nd .M t. h"r~ 'We )c"1st fe" WI)'.:;. fl" dlll11,gt: Pe' m,.Ide in nOr ':ou Id Ill' find me. I ht;~ded "II) ~ hopmy pre:.enl- "dt>r; r rOltl "'J1J:or.J! rl111,~1 !fa; niDg i.o.g In make $f,'ut F;<lld. In HM1")mh~. 'l~.d


1'~I.J.,oWm . Rund #3 passed nver Ru~h~i~J"

lind l'm.,.,.,decl



two cinl'S I ran only wish, '<IS I did thea, thilt 1 had had proper maps, a :tI<brk HI hoard :<JId a computer, just these and ':! Dalton



the past

the wheels were fully down and jOGked .. The F6F pilot bhen flew past the rower twice and the gelJr appeared to be f wlly to lund. He- was also ututiooecl not (0 at~empt a tum ·off the runway until the geM had been vi:Hlaily chocked after the bnding roll-out, The pilot made his ilp'prOa(~ din:ctl.y into the setting sun, llad .was pa.rti3l1y

down and locked,


he was

[nsl ruded

on to Newo:t."tle be[ul'e I realized thnt I \\Ill!. t!Jfl fill (1('.U,. I had irr.~p~~tt:d e ,'''')' town my tfRxk (or n !leId with a TBF in it but $"\\1' mine. I nnw bund ~outh a1iJ Circled ealh ruwn with -nil J11)' l.igbb ttIrn~ll on but could lind 110 airfield. Bad, tit the It,,vn wb ich 11'\J~l have b~eo .Ru;;Jwill~. ~r.


blinded by the glllJe, He: atternpred to keep the plane's weight off the ri)<ht gtllr ,1'1ld ·hesit.ated to '1\ pply right D-fllkt! whcfiI the rl~ne swetvqd to the Jcft of the runway. He did not sec. thOlt he W<lS

find Mr. WJl. tinp then~. A! 18] 0 I 1111J n.Qt ~ight(,;d Ifl(li~n~p"Jit. S\' 1 ligwed lmusl be tem f:t.l "aot """d Pl\lh~111)' wmevth;tt fl(lltu by D()'~. J ..:Irew <l rmrgh lflap ,,( 1"..1iana on Illy rughl "yura!l", "oJ pJ<>n".,;J In r"rt Way fie and L:IF~l'e.tte <Ul,:j


tire flr:eL

I",., .r~" ~j uJ Iy.

of the GCA truck which wa;s P!ll'ked 1)0 feel- hom tilt' edge of the landing runWtly. Tbe ;drcraft tht.n ;swerved

~mrbo~m;J:win!,: of the

oi renly for ~l1t GCA b'llCk l,lntil he was within about 60 )!l1.tdsof it The




Ro~ghJy J gu<'w.lcd,wing r I,c;a;l,ed OlU~ u.nd "edm, ..d R 17M b"m lui'll! \,) !4~O ,uta 11IIul.,ftolw rrl'~surl:' to !~ ;nl;be- .,ml o:t!lse(.j ~t 1.311 ktIPls. ultil1ldc 1::;01} fttt Tlte mllo.>n llt,J riSell Ul'lJ the oillht W;IIS deJ.F', ctll.J aml, b~aUl ifuL r t;fHd,;i e~si Iy di61Ingui,b Ih'!' (]lIl1llJl!S M the ~·.[]o·w.mvCT~d ner.fs lX'Juw_ J clrdctl ~v~rnJ I.,.!'g~ ,tnWrh [lOuking !tor '11',[,orts and OflNl fiew off illY my ptl'Mlm(:;d pos,[ion.
tilL! ll(';lJlll~ loft. W~ynl:" .i.$ 010°, fer 11 I ~ 'kMI wlml f~(lrn 17()~
1(101' 1'j mile. to [tlSp&.-t 1I11!;h rng b~a{'II!:i~ ,1nd I"fg~rl;"Wlll< but fOJ.lnd nO ail"" llellk B)' L84~ IIII' fl.lei I'te~5W:~ tbd dropped ta, :!oem Dn my ]"tt winS wok anJ Ill}' c.elller mucin dod J w.u Uf! my 1'15~ :!() 81111lHh it! the right wi "S' "I lr kd l'J ie:Jn hn lJu~ ~bme Il1I1(It b.1l CrJ.lJrM! felT

ENS. --_ ---, tl5i\TR .V.S. A ':heck of tile .reeo ..ds sh')1vS that this stutl"'''t's wi~b W"':so, .He !Comple;Ui'd ope fa ti 0 (taltr a ,,,,1',,& :tt(,d WIlS .l! 5signedlo a <1arrIc:rsquo1dron. Howe.v"". j a year he. f:o.!t his life in iI mid-

air rol!,~i6il fil;)ttn

Qf New Guinea.

Protective Hel~et
The pilot of ~,is

Pays Off

in FCLP,

aprlied l'I:uot-



sharply ro the right lind r:lo~t:d Up. Th(; fllseiage broke art of th.: cockpit.
~ ~. Grdm(!<1n> P:eui/Jotle 5:(,1,'1; Say, Lh:lt Fof l(job like a buc'k-

ing bronco! I think ir'~ understandable [hat !.bb Ed!!:>wtr~ep: to k~p· the w,e!gh~ of floe pl>lne ofl'tlie right. gear, bUI. it W'ould
],<lV;' bel;'nw""",hwhile 10 wait a minute or '~wo radlllr rb;in lane whh Inc SW1 .selting ·SO dos\!. to his IiI1ll of v lsion th <It he wa.9


110 5\l(ceS~ Ie





I lM~'_'t1 8m] PflIY""! HH·!) 1 picked up tile



~e ·where he was !.Wing.







'-" O£CR~SE

place tl~e Navl does throule Jockeys -the "shove the throttle up tQ ehe fi~e wall "-it is Aylo@; jet airc.mftal high altitudes, It is one: thing to star a Jet engine ar sen level, give it a boostof g!1.5and speed up the turbine blades, Then again. it is something else toAy at 50,{}OO feet and try to give the jet plane more power. Fighter pilots of the rurure bave. some new things to think about besides the enemy plane's nllJJ1CUV(;C5 when they try to dog-fi·ght -:it 11igh altitudes, For one thing, he cannot MtJ1 .his tJIlrQtHe ahead, The extra squirt 0'£ ga. will 91.len h the- fire in hi jet engille and there he will be, a gilder. Restartinghj~ engine may takt 100 times as
1'HE'ItE I O,~i::

I"men, who net need eager

as eJ;c:iting 10 read as Desperate Dan comic book, but It contain' some pretty vital "word." as passed on by NACA's scientists. as to what Ihey're doing, to help Navy jet pilots to Jive Longer. The ptoblc:rn of starting turbojets, at "ery high altitudes is much more dlfM ull than starting au the grou.nd, Drat interrnediate iill'itudes" because the- very low pressures and temperatures"llt high altitude affect fuel igflitian. combustion
and eNgine


the results Found in the test arc shown in the chart at the bottom The curves show U1C ill flow velocities past the spark plugs at 0, 25 and 54 feet a second. At 0 veIGel!}l, the energy requir-ed to ig.nlte aL :;0,000 feet is 35 times as ,great a: that reCJ ired to ignite at sell. u level, As th~ rur How speeds l1p the energy required increases. The next chart shows that the airOM R OF'

S of tbe next page, lcf].

much spark at It took when be fired off

on th~ ground. It ma1 not start at all The problems of high altitude starting and a((;eleratioft have been studied Py the Natiooal Arkisory Committee for Aeronautics lit its Cleveland Sight pre" pulsion lab. T1Jt~y have SOffi_e things to report which all Jet pilot should know, This article may n{)~ be

In starting an engine at altitude. the pilot li-"$t opens the throttle and then turns Oil tl;)e igrtition.The loration aPd intensity of the spark in the combustion chamber: must be right if ~he gas-nnd-air mixture around it is to burst into f.LRmes. Turbojet ellgtoes have sparkplugs in only two of their many combustion chambers, A(t<lr those chambers have "fired off," the rest have to be ignited through "flame propagating tubes" COnnecting the chambers, Once they all are burning, the pilot's problem is toaceelerate without blowing eut the flame or ~etti!lg excessive: turbi-ne temperatures, As well as flying the airplane, be must arefully maaipulate the throttle so as (lot to do either of those things. That's-where the heavy banet is bad medicine. Accelersrion at very ~ljgh altitudes may require several minutes, How can you dogfight with that handi itp? A good question. Gt!trrng· a. combustion chamber to light off is a problem. One or NACb'!i demonstrations showed the gasoline igniting ir-t a tube simuX~tIng a jet engille ~lt 3'0,.000 feet altltude_ The flame catches quickly, but when the air pressure in the tube is reduced, to lhat fo_uml 3~ 45,000 fcet the gasoline will not

getting a jet eosine to ignite, 1t show.'; that energy required for lgnitien is much less i r the mixture is neither ruel rich nor fuel lean, lncreasing the flow velocity from j to )4 feet a secoud. doubled the energy required, These data show the imporlance of so locating a spark plug wirhin rhe engine thai the electrodes would be in D [egiGn where the £ow velodty Is low and the mixture composition at an
optimum value.

fuel mixture also affects the difficu lty in.

Starting ot AltiltJde One of the problems. of gettill,g a jet engine EO light up at altitude, .once it

ha: stopped. "Is to get thl' gasolin spray

ignite. The energy 131' the spark plug

must be increased three times ro 8et the gas [0 flame und ignition commenced.

fo,r igpitiofl to t\lke place. when cold thickens the fuel, if likes to come out in :1_ dribble and Ul:!t won't uo" The problem [$ ~o develep a spray nozzle (re-e pbQf,o)
At altitude,

!in,l' enough

the spt'l-rkpl_ug under all conditions ef temperature an d p ressuce. At altitude 'starting 00 ndi t ions, bow· ever, the fud flow required by an engine is !/3f!J of rltat at maximum powef 1,It !i~- level and fuel pressure 1/900th. This low -p_r;es.surewin net give !l good spra)' with p_Pe$ent nozzles. and igni'tion is vety d ifIi rul 1:-. camesout in dribbles and will not rgni~e with the spark plug in normal position, whereas a Mzzh! that would giire II satisfactory spray under low pressures would enable igrJition. Such nozzles. are under develoPIIJoot. N ACf,. research found, however. that by mo'vtng the lh:,ed noz~le- closer to

which, throws


a, COIJe

of sFr~y near

At 40" 1~_.thespraf




For example, at 58,00.0 feet, the turbine power is only 1/6 of tJ'lllt at sea level, With the high inertia of the- rot8ting rarts,_ this. results in .'1 lag in engine ac-celeration. Tn addtt-ion. we- havt also the ptoblam of avoiding exressl..-e turbine te!ilpe-ratares and blow-our, Squirt too much gas into [be co mbu,s tio 0_ ihlJ.tnbets, and lhe temperature goes up, Open the throttle too mpidJy )'OU blowout the flame !lnd~he engine is de:ad, e pil'o-I hiJJ to llIn.,liprnale hir th,'ottle CI!INIJ.d!y to (IIlold that tffJtlb/.IJJ. Take a look at the chart at the :rop of the previeua page (+igbt). Note the hump-back!;d curve showin:,B e08ilHl ee-

ating c.onditiort-s. The chart, lower right,. showS; how a variable-area nozzle can help, The solid bars show the time

-speed with the variable-alta nozzle in closed . -posit~on. This eorrespcnds to

operation exhaust

required to ncceleraee the engine to full

with a standard





At the lljghcr altitnde there is an increase .ia the time required to Rccelerate the engine to (ulJ speed. Wben an acceleration is with Hit.' 'i1lciabl!;:.area exhaust I'lQ"Zzle- n the open I position. as shown by the cross-hatebed bars, the time regulI'ed to ucrelerate to full speed at both high lind loW altitudeii
appreriabJe was cut in baJ(,


as the pilot advances

the throttle

r~ridJy at low akitudc,


a Iook

the electrodes and IJliillg: It mere irltt'nse SPM}; ignitlQn eould be secure-d, By these -dlanges, altitude,limits


starting is the difficulty in _.getl':i:ngthe

bQ spread (rom the two cembuschambers willi the spark plugs.

were r;:tised 50%. Another problem

of high


_off BUJ the Ilame goes 0l.,lL How is a .jet pilot going to dog-fight when be has dUlse bandculls 00 him? This effect of al_titode 011 permissible throttle advaaee is very critil"lL! For the pllot_ At Irigh altrruoe be must slowly manipulare it to accelerate and at the same time Ay his plane in combat. One this cannot increasetbe rate of acceleralion of lhe engine even ~hollgh they will avoid excessive turhine temper_atures and c-ombustion blow-out, NACA is looking Into another idea
to Increase turbojet engine power at hi,gh aJtjtude.~. PO:\V!!!', drops ,rapidly as altitude is. iarreased. But this power Gao be boosted by increasing the presmethod of rellevlng the pilot of these du,ties IS Lo u-se auton';lIHc controls; hut

at the increase he gets when he shoves it ahead al high altituol!-nonc., It falls

mum ~Ime alilowed to 3c\Oderll,te the engine at altitude, then it rsn be seen that with the vad.,ble-:uea exhaust amzle it is possible loaccelera_fe at a higher altitude in. about the same time


.is considered to Fe the maxi-

interval, This irnprovernentnmounts a 30% increase in altitude,


Another method of improving altitude ~ccele:ration 1-5 ~o decrease the weight !lnd therefcre the inertia of the

larger tubes- between

GI:Qs.~·fifing .-was





problem accelerating his engine without eo.rountoring- combustion blowout Or O\'er~e,atin$ the turbine. That. is where thE' hglit t91Jcil pays off. Conslderlihese
questions: The weight of rotating pam in a -je_t (,tlgineis the same nt alritudees at sea level, and the power required to tum

High Altih.lae Acceleration. The high lItr'itude jet pilot has



combustor and using a hu:ger spark gap and higher Spark energy, doubling the cross-section of tb;e cross-Arias tubes, and inst-alling a- "aI"lab1e.a.reaexhaust nom¢. have raise.-dthe maximum altitude at which the pilot on] ignite the fuel,

r0tating pa.rts. NACA is working on this problem also. .sUMMt\RY-Wfr have seen rbil't in$c:rtrng the spark plug rurthe( into the

su re drop across die turbine, This can be done by lowering the pressure downstream of the turbine




the air flow through the engine and hence the power available to the turbine drop rapidly as altitude is increased,




the s,ame.Howe\'et,

the nozzle area can be reduced to that [or best performance under normal ope~·

exhaust-nozzle area, This requires use of a variable-area exhaust nol;zl,e:. (See photo top of preceding page, IelL. ) After uccelerstion Ius been obtained,

expect all the butner.~ to be '1ufcldy ignited aDd ~((d¢rate the engine, This altitude at whidh starts can b€ made- is ne-.I;rly <is higb as that limiting npetatlen 0'( the en.gjne at cQo:staM eogine s~<:ed. These Htnirs of Stll.ltioS

operation ate adequate jet aircraft. Research

upward to tomorrow's

current tllrh_Qis pushing these meet the requirements of planes.


altitude operatiorutl and cotr5taoi~speed













Budget S ashes Hit Air Shows

that pur in bids for military planes Ilist summer, . Many were gcanted: most ol them had (on.gress!onai backing, The services were snowed under by

Congres~mt'n were tJ]eir con!ilrtucnts to mmQ partiCipatlon In events v{hkh often ~l1CW Were ···$m>J.lJ potatoes."
S~OL with

the the





into training squadrons rould do. Every week-end they had tally over somebody's celebraeicn Instead .of gettiog in their gynncry or instrument fiying. Funds for
!!:lS'oline began nlI111ing put • and l1balf months

demands cu-t h!;t,ndlj' the- Fleet and Reserve

• The OlieF of Na'l'1lJ 1m Training

it:ed that in three

Llst fail pilots had to make lJ j fly· overs whicb ate up $59.000 worth of their gasoline supposed to be used for tCllininJ) Local sponsors pay for gesoline IU1a oil used ;[It dernenstrations but AI1:RIAL. PAR'AOE$ LlI(ErH~E5E C.B2.'$ ....1 IDLEWI LD IN NEW YORK CRAM~ED TOD ...Y III' LOW BUOGErS ('hat does nor rever- fuel used to By 200 or 300 miles to lhe lown tI.I1d back Lo planes wiU land und perhaps put on 9,,(1 their stnrion, They could call it "train]j:CONOM~' campaign in the Dedemonstmtion, lJ;oJl third, the Ing." bUl the actual benefit to the, pilots _ parr.mel'll, of _!Jefense has hit the aerial open house where planes are displayed was ~,~di.ngly smell, arr show business m the head. and demonstrated itt govem men t instalWith less money for gasoline and oil . ·To'I~e. BIlI.1? IIllgeJ.r, Navy's- crack I!XC' lations. lubllJoo Iliers, for example, . bum up Jlh'l fewer llitplfLl1c::, to do necessaey The whole: .husiness of furnishing aerrr"ining in, the Navy and Air Poree 2,400 gallon", gasol.irre and 75 gal· have been ror-.:;ed ttl declare a "new ial demonstrations has proved to be ~ lens of oil at eacb demonstration. The d·l:a]'" in kfidil:1g militllfy supporl to headache [ortO;Tu:r.t\tnding officers of Marine!>'exhibitien ream. DOW dissolved, community air shows. .air stations, those in higher echelons <\l.50 appeared ;it m,my events, ,It a Since 1 Janu~ry. a new poticy has and even members ot Congress. Every s1milar cost. Giant air derncnstrarion ... been ii'l effect which will do !TIm:]) to crossroads town phrlllung a Coma:to festi$1.1(']] as the NiI'l'y and Air Force- PUt on valor dC'ciicatiog. a new b.idS€: wrote at the Idlewild airport declictttion ill restrict mil it1l1'Y airrra to mil ita ry purit! CQngres~m\m to get the N,wy and New York two yealS ago fOi I:l .ne days roses. People rtot close to the Air Fercc ,u,d Navy publLc information o:Rite will Air Forte to send over a couple <l!ir cost lMge sums tJlal were not [overed gro",ps plus the my/i·r AI1l(-l!h [0 enterb), the sponsors' payments, Th(; Navy bl.: ;o;r:trtl.ed a;t the l100d of requests t-J in [he poruhl.ce. Before a. ceord i~l't:a which have been received in the- P,1St put -100 l-lirpllUl¢s in the air in one lil:l)' I;)olicy wal) auopccJ Q}' the services, it ,mrJ in st all I;jd (O~tJ y (."fll.a pUlt and il>rrestfrom all corners of th.t.: Umced Sl"lltes frequently did, Knowing the. rivalry irl.J.; gear Of! the field to demon SU;lI.lf' (i?Jr plnrres to feature some local (debra" between' the services, some sponJiorl> tetbniC] ~jt:.~. rion. played one Ilgu.inst the ether to get the Tl")<1i dedit'<"iriona.nd others not onl) 1101" t'J\~mrJe. In thJ' three months bj,ggest pllrticipllti on. bu roed gaso] inc. they took the rime of June to ALlgllst. 194,), the Special thO<lsanas of men, PLlt time on ,lir., Events ~l1!ltion oJ rhe Department reR>'lqtJe.51, carne tn (o_r .111" dltmOn~IT:1' ('{;jw:J requests from !J7 dl1Terf·!:Il t lOns a t dam ded ieatlons, veterans (01)~ pJancs an d (OSl the services Iltf,gtv,e-ntiof1.'i. park ded imrions, business examounts which they now no lonh'<:( (1.111 places. Of this tolul, s~ events received afford to Ji vert frOID tra in ing because \'.aryjt'!!l .l~tee.s of pli:rtici r;lti,orl Il.rH.1, 42 positiens, junior drarnber Ch;lriL~' shows, pi budget CUI.~. The Navy 1110n'l:" will Wl.'ft di!lappmved, In 7" llli:)ifent of the k.. i fc and fmrk dub Ilona!" rcn Len I'}lal n thkf b.el.tef than 20% cut in number 01 cases, the state's Congrt5i>lUl.::ll or Seru- relebmtions, A.<:t,!! day pafadl;~, ch€tr)' tors requestedthe Navy, Malin~g or Air f~ti\'l!h, state r(lI)vention'5. funds rais- <If''e_ri1.tmg airplanes anJ Byiug hours i.n Force 01' .ill three to participate, L951 1is011 year starting this coming ul.g dl'n'"t.i.. model :li-rml.ft meers, tree July. That mwn-s Fewer a~ii!L1 demonjubilees, peanut FI::ittv[I!s. und pnrades The new policy, contained in Nr.lli'l ~tm!i(ins anddoser w,atcbin~ oJ theEommemom!ing <i'lurly :f:xpJoref';). D~/lJ1l'tTIII!!'1 Bf.llli!!nl I" D~l"mher purse strings (1.11 .lIon.!;: the line. j \>1:l~ wh irh went rnto effect this year. These requests not only came [rom Clc.vehmd Air Raozs .urd )'.Hanli Air 1'\lL~ down in black WId w.hit~ what Oil. MON'fHS the J1n'L cennnands. the s(:"t\'lces ean a.nd will "to to help out Shuw_~ but tllsQ from such plac-C5 as .ttaining commands and indil'jdull Yoakum, Texas: NlIp~. Calif.: HOiY local celebration.>. AI! parucrpariou and :.ii! stations bave been Ihe Spr~l]g. N~.; Brantferd, Ontario, Verrub1k ~leIflDnstr'l~rQn of m41itUf}' planes Depnrtmeor of Defense that tlwy be are llmieed to lxttr:iotir ".1I.t/o.niU lmlld:,y:; nil, Urab: Bellows, Q'lhu; Lubec, t.di-t:ved .of some of the burden of 11yMaine; G-,uL"dt'll, Alabama: porta.les, <lnJ (events or national impcrtance, like lllg for Iocal celebrarions so thei r .1lrnlted New Mexico, Deer Paik, Wusbington: the Cleveland Air Ru,(e.s-. Only three funds will be- available for uses for Donaldson, Geor-8ia, and M~JJdOn, Ne.w types of p!1.rli6pa~io!l are anthorized-« which appropriated. Under the new Brunswick, ClInQ:lW. These are :1 £Ii'w t-he flycver, major shows where military






Re tl"ta~ed

over-all policy adopted 1 j anuary, this will be more nead}' possible, although the Air Forte and Navy still participate in maier events to some e~f.ent. Tbe Special Events section now requires -all organizctions requesting military aerial demonstrations to submit satisfa.nory proof that they have adequate

New J-48 Jet Drives F9F-S Panther

property. They must have fire lighting equipment and ambulances availahle 1I11d must r urnish finl'lntial details of the
event; hotel Sponsors

i accidents involving spectators and

te protect

the services

in rase

lor the planes, and transportation for service personnel before and during the event. In ,general, they must have " well organized plan of QPeratlorrs, They must be civic-sporrsored,

mili('iW:Y planes, guards


for gas and oil of

(or private gajn.

\'Vhcn they had the time, funds and l1i~n 10 do the- job, the two ser ices were willing to go all-out to cooperate with local celebrations. In these cl-ays of slashing budgets, !ceducing flying rime, Ill,y~ng011 oC thousands of pilots, Ieldillg up air stations, deactivating carriers <lnd demmmissioning scores ofqu.adon, the picture has changed. 'their primary job is to defend the nation. and ,training for this job must necessarjly come Ii rst, The Services all;: not
.lb:mnolliing their

ties, but are taking a closer look .at e.v~l1t in which they can. afford to par {lnpl1te. oordlnating the requests for Navy and Marine paeticipaticn in the Special E ents section is lCDR J. C. Midieel,




PiUJ'iber througb the air at well over 6{)O IDpJJ, has been announced by Bureau of Aeronautics and

of the Grum.lllan

mr. jet engine, J A capableNavysbcoting a- newtheversion of




Whitner Aircraft.

while Air Force matters

are handled

1st Lt. H. Thomas Tausis_


NAS Dallas Plans for Meet

To- Play Host,to Model Plane Makers

NAS DALLAS is buckling on its spurs, pbnning ~ real Texas welcome for the more than 1_000 centestants expected to attend the 19tb arioual Model ALtplane Met'! (rom 2;' to 30 JulyA!thollgh the Navy has stt"ed as host for till' last two years, his j, the first time that the meet Will be held It NAS DilL.LA...~.Following the. (llitl~ern set.last year at AS OLATHE. the station '9.1U rr~1Vide quarters and meals for the rontesran Ls al tosl :IJ1J will make a vailable all its rerrentional faci lities, In addition. the Navy will spoaSOI two of the meet events, In 0.111::, ilIvypcnsorcd contest mudd [,lanes will be (.ltapulted and l!111ded ah93 rd 'I simufated carrier Hisht deck. In the other, radio-controlled planes will drop bombs .u tiny targets_ The meet, which last year attracted some 80,000 ·pect:..~tQn, is sponsored by
the Nuticrtal Ex(bange Clubs. Peizes to winners of the variou events are offered.

ersion of the F-S6 abre, also has the J - 8 engine, The J-~$ i I:!<l'uipred witb water injecucn end an ulter'oaIller, both of whirl: provide substantial rower increases over the ba I,e rating for hort period At the high operaling speeds o'f the l wo nght!::I5 with the new engine, the planes will have about J t .000 horse)'lower at thei r J iliposal, ITI0 re th all that UIiCU. to drive ;'L tcur-eng.oed bomber ot World Wac II vintage, At about 670 mph. oae pound til ru t equals about tWQ horsepower from ;a conventienal pi.stOIl engine, La add mon to more than 20 uc.cessfu[ fl1,ghts in the F'\F and F-(JdA, the J-~s h", cernpleted 1.ROQ hour of growlJ developrnenr testing. During those test. the ellgiot! actually delivered considerably more than it's guar!lJlt~c1 rarings both wirh and without after~

To be placed in the 119F-5:, the nes (;entrifub' anw will deliver 0,2-50 pound rhrust compared to 5.00Qfor the )-42 Nene already installed in the E9F<l. An Air Force fighter, the F-9:;A. a larger

opecated In the air. of the engine was done & Whitney and RollsEngland. The British ersiorr is known as the Tay and does flat have: the.sfterburner. The two firms collaborated in building the 1-42 Neue for usc ill AlllcricOlU fighters, P&,:W using the basic Roll!!-Royce dCs'it;n. Alt)1ollgb it develop l'Onsidembly more rower, the )-4!! is :dmo t identical in 'ize with the J-,g. Both ate
entrifugal Row. The j-4tJ

afterburner and Development jointly by Pratt Royre Ltd., of

who reported it took ),:300 'peciat reels. 9,000 operation sheets for sbo[\ ~1.iidnnce, I ,1;188 different kinds P:H_tli7,022 pieces in ;til-to make II J-~l-

in diameter and 8' to" in length without afterburner. rt Iras :1 :single stage compresscr with clblJbJe-faced impeller and double air entries. JI has a single. ~tage turbine and rune combustion chambers. Fuel is- injected Into the!{; chambers at hlgber pre sure than in any other American jet engine. lt will bu rn. kerosene, g,a.wline 01' J p'" jtt fuel. An idea of the complexity of modern jet engiJles can be found in a slatemerit by Wf. P. 'wion, head of P&W,




burner. Initial

• NA5 T~\'(I YORF.-Tbt: Supply gf4lUfI in \~. ,"" ili 0 If to ,1 A l'ing start Q n j ts flew " agenda lUI: t,mining. which includes IG'ture~ -arrd seminars GO ~uppr" and ulijbu.l'Sll:lS subl<:,ctS' wirh Professor CliMer of NYU ~}ilted

production COl' t r,1d_ has been let by the Navy [oJ' 264 J-4R 1 urba If'aSPJ to powe-r the Grumm-an r,9H-~. Besides its grou~d. tests and flight use, [he engine was installed in the bomb
a, B-2',

as tht Jir5t sFea~er.

bay of

cemple e with

Its long

NA~ Cr.)II~US_CHItISll-The bim,-est ingle pucknge ever eeceived by he poet litorivecl recently [rorn t~(\tJd Harhor, jJ RBM Q"per;rtklll:ul li'gbl trainer. Th .. bv," was 3;1':0: 19'J<14%' and weighed 3'5,Ullil 1"'l.Iocis_

Be trided



agD H- young ~nsigll engaged ill C'Jl"rier (lual!n Ja.ndmgs flew into the barrier because Qr his (jUlrut: 1:0 answer the L " lignaL A couple of J,ay- before 11ehad been involved in a similar accident. The LSD submrtted a: tatement after the second accident whlch ended WIth Illest- words: "] r this pilot isn't grounded, he- will kill himself." 111 spite or th is recornmcndar ion, the rilOl was nOI grounded, 'Three- day~ later. on Ilis next attempt to qualify, his 11ght~r j!urJ.!=lI.l'Qver the side of the carrier. The pilofs o body WJ;S net recovered. The facl that this youn.g officer WM dead and th,t'I!'= l'.Lmes \ ere \ re{'ked before even the first of the three :tcciclent reports reached the Flight Safety ection of the Nivy Department. indi ares the necessity for on the pot action to preent tragedies of this sort. E"jclcmtly the landing signal offker wus convinced a1'te.r the second crash that this pilot lacked the high degree 0 coordination required of a (:1.1'rier pilot. or that he- needed ,<delltiona] FCLP. The- ~u,H:lron Comm'ancliog Officer hat! sig"!1t:cl each arcident report and prf;:suroahly nlld di$CI.lsjcd tbe oclZident w3tb the ISO, but he look no aeLLo~l to gmund the pilot, As for the pilot, he W,L undoubtedly strongly motivated eo complete hi~ hnding qualilication. No doubt he argued that he vlnsn't worried over the first two a(ch.ients. and was nrc that he could meet the fCCjuirement5 if he were jus; giyen another chance. But that third chance cost him his life. Respol1Sibility for .~afcty or flight mus be assumed by those in command at all level if there is to be 3.0 appreciable. re,ludiofl iJ1 the rmmber of aircraft atcjdents. The individual squadron ~kippcr IS chnged with t,hc responsibility far :;aJ~ operaticn within his command. In fart, be hirnsel ( may be reromruended for rel?lac£men~ as comman din!!: offirnr if the safety record of 111 squadron indicates a laxness of command fespon iibility a. regards nviation aJdy. ACL 2"-47) areful investigation and arrurate reporting of ea. h accident will aiLl ill the prevention of imilar llHjdents in orbes <IUOMI'Ol1. The attitude of the il1vest::ig~ing officers is extremely important. An aircraft accident is 11 tartiiDg lind shotkillg OOCLltrence. There is. intense interest fer a brief -trime, but this interest .SOOll fades. Little remains except the written report of the accident. Too oBtco invesriga,t01:Sesperlence a let-down when they have explained the Il.cdtleflt to. their Own satisfactlon, They fail to pul
Ai fl

S neatl


suflicieut elIorL lind thou.ght into he preparation of the aircraft a tident report-the only l,!,StinE record (If their invesngaeien. This is a seriou mistake because these reporu form the basis for future action to prevent similar accidents. There IS litt!e point in uncovering Iacts if they arc to remain buried 11'1 the minds of the inve "t-igati ng board. The following questions have "been prepaced as a, sort of ~er5QJla[ eheck-oH lisl Cor Comrnanding Officers who ace anxIOUS to improve the lUght ~~fety record I)f their squnrlreus: 1, Which pilots in my command ~'U1 be (ounted on t(l take the correct action in t1,(! event of an ill-Hight ? 1. Do the pilot in my command plan heir fligbts intelligently? What aetiorr can ( take 0 improve he level Qr flight dis ipline and overall profiCIency among the pilolsin my command? I, How m~nr pilots inmy command 0111 ad!J1illy cernplete n cross COuntry Jli~hl under] FR cndiricn without vioiruing one or more Civil Air Regulations J What 0I1l I do to improve tile I:,>ene(ltl level knowledge of the pilots. In my command in regard to these regulation ? ') Do the pilot in my command realize the serious onsequences willful vi lations of Bight discipline? (h Wbat a..Jd.itional supervision (all 1 give to m lntenance officel's and maintenance men to prevent defective cr Improperly servl-ed planes from eftmg into the air? Wbllt Can r do to impress ll[lon each pi.lot lhe necessity for reporting minor mutenul deleds irnlnedj~Llely after each Bigllt?



flight is the patamoU1ll oaslderarion in peacetime traiaing ? Is he suffidendy familiar with the limitations of the planes and individual pilots thal he can exercise sound judgement in dearing lliehts? 51. 1 my squndren Bjght 'tfety really doing a good job. If not, is there someone else to Whom J ShOll11 assign these duties: It). How many planes were darn aged , how mmy pilots killed or injured, in my command in the past J 2 months? Was there !Illy action that 1 could have taken to reduce this tell?

R. Does my operations

cfficer realize that snfcty





Eje ctio n Seats

In News

charge, but personnel should treat it wi!h the same Jovlng care they be tow 00 loaded 20mm cannon or rockets with their pigtail~ plUi'lged in. Adequate safety measures are provided if only individuals will observe them by following rroper procedures.

Marine Makes It On Fifth

Wheel Almost Causes Accident Sidney dV'ilian walked on 17 VMF-}121 E[. Toxo-s-t st U. Pisher nccel'ted dellvery PH his lif f/ insurance polley when be Into hi' .quadren headquarters






current merh!UV'esn 11 igh i speed jets until u h time a' they ar supplanter! by ejection "capsules," (00" (j due to make news on several f rants, Out at £1 Centro, Calif., live jump were made the fort: parr of March in three lypes Qf manufacturers" Seats. TIlt' Chance Vought, Mcl)onneiJ and Doug. La seats were tded out with jumper from the Parachute Experirnenta] Unit riding the seats out of a In-. (_lee I") fil (I ). The Grummau-type seat already had been 'dleckeC! out wiul dummies and personnel. As a result of a recenr Fail u re of an n;u st:a~ to fun cti(m, the Navy issued conversion kits for all Chance Vought seats 111 that- airplane. Changes were made in the firin,8 Janyard, the filCC curtain connection, the curtain itself; and the mount of force- required to fire the rrrrdge 111 th_t:' ej,eelion seat was consid!!Hlbl), reduced. When Lt. J, L. Holbrook, test pilot from Patuxent, atternpn-d to take II from Mustin fic;l:d at Philadelphia on 26 Jalluary, his 1'6U plane faUed to dear obstructions at the end of the runway, A wheel stru k, knocking it oE. The Pira» had been at NAMe for groulhl blast deflector tests and dUTitlg that time safely wires had been put on the face I:u.rtain handles and pre-ejection lever of the ~1!atto prevent acddental1idng. When Holbrook took off. the safc~ wires were still in place, He continued Lo tt1imb the plane to U,OOO Jeer and attempt d to bail out off Atlantic: City. He removed the- safety wires and pulled the face curtain, but still it did' not J;1'e the seat out of the airplane. After three futile atrempts, he turned the pLane oyer on 11.$ back and bailed out .. Bxtensive tests were made late! by

P od ofejection sears,Ui.e saving aviators'

BuA~:R, Chance Vought and NAMe and it was found the fan yard a.nd [,IC'e l'utbrio firing connections were marginal and did nnt always Iire the sear cart· ridge. The change kit was I SJ> ued , and all activities having Fr.U'S were directed W modi fy the seats to p~event recurrence of the di_fTIcult}'.The type curtain to be installed in the F7U was included in the kit to replace the F6 installation. A third news event involving ejeotion seats occurred at AS QUON~E.T POIN'! jn Januar),. Two Q&R employes were looking at a wrecked F~F thathad been dltrhed in the water. Out of curiosity, th~y attached a Iine to the fidog mechanism of the ejccnon seat and pulled, to see if it worked. It did. The seal oared but of the plane, A~ high into the air and landed with a -en).sh among parked cars some )0 feetaway. Luckily the men had been at some distance [rom the cockpit; had they been lean iag over Joo1dng iu, their heads would have gone' with the seat. . 11~ motIva.ting force b~hind .a pilot ejecnon seat IS an expiosl e cartridge, -Plenty Qf -saJety provislons are buill iota these seats, but 'I.l.JSioU5 meddlers can always fioJ a way (0 fin: the dHlrge. I usr as they can an. "unloaded ,[,'Un." So Ear, nobody has been hurt by this

He went out and got into his l'·1U -'1B and soared off into the wild blue yonder -and almost didn't get back, Cb{«JUng his landing gear laeer, be found he could not ;get the right wheel to lock down. He tried all the tr.icks without avail, Four times he descended on the field, bouncing his good left wlteeL in- effor.ts to:! jolt the Jocking device- into operation. No luck, His fuel began running out He got orders 10 set it G0Wn anyway. A throng of persons gathered to see the landing; emer~e:o'cy crash crews, fire. engines. doctors and ambulances 'toad by. Instead of the expected dlsaster a ground -leop Hash, oCllQo~r$ saw a near miracle. The mechanism locking wheel was jotted into proper place by the jar- of centact.




Safety Board Made Colorful

Boit For VF-152 Pilots Is Cheesecake VF-l52. PAt';IF1C~Lt, (jg) R. M. Buller of this squadron .has formed the "Society {or the Prevention of Aircrati: Accident Reports." Buller is tbe quadran safety offic::,er.

LT. lJGl







He doesn't claim to be original but his stlfely board is one of tile brightest, Constructd of %" plexiglas, the board is lettered a.:uu edged in ted in tgnia paint and bangs in the ready room. On il: hangs the All Pilots beard, SPAAR-tbe initials of tile above mentioned -Qciety-and other attention getters in color. A bit of cheesecake is used as bait. Grease pendl (1111used on the pleXiglas lind can be erased easily,






















U Aeroproducts

SE O,F two (QuNer.,rotll,tillg

I 'i-foot

propellers OJ:] ~he Ca1P/'1lh XPS\'·I high·speed seaphme marks the si~t<h time since 1940 that the Na,vy has ttied out theccunter-rotating theory on cembataircraft. In all other cases, the double- prop~ were u~5'ed Oil reciprocating en;gi[l(!'s of fi.gbters Or dive-bombers, and FOr various reasons; none progre.s5cd to ,the opl'r:l-tional stage. lu the case of the big Con$olidsted·Vultee seaplane, however, the props are beiog hitched to tmh(;lprop ~ng[Q~s~which, it is e~"pl2cted, will giv{: less vibration trouble. !3[it~sh nghters and torpedo planes huve used rounter-rctating prop.ellers for- some time with SlICceSS. The id~a Ins its advaatages and disadvantages. The lOOO-pound gearbox which rrnist be ll.ttadwd in Frcnt of the reciprocating engine does not help the phme's balance Of fueJ·carrying capacity_ In the past the gears h~ve hsd dffficulty in :itanJ.i:ng up under the vibrations set up during operation, prol;lably th¢ bi'!lg~, the Navy has no eeuneerrotating [")rop planes today, On the J"al'ornb[,e side the ledger, ~hc countcr-rctaring prbpeller can deI iver mope power win~ "liorter f:,l;tdti> because II has six or eight .. paddleJO:' TIl is holds dOI"ll tip speed of the hili,]\!:> .• IIl~ gives moredE.rienl L pro· pellers, It ill(J;(,.~r:s the water clearsnce or I'ht· blade tips in the (ase of seaplanes and lessens propeller d~lmage f rom spraY'. In ~he case of single-engine planes, (quntet-rotating props do 'lway

with tprgw.e, <l ml£lbty hand}' thing in case of carrier wave-oIfs. Torque is the force tli;Lt twists a fighter when power is applied 5u.Jdenly -and ptlll$ the plane to tho: left so lr F1llh off' on one Wll1g_. PIlOn ty of 1"1Iots are dead today because of rorqoe .. .In case the six-bladed rounter-rotatLl1g propellers on rhe XP5Y-! do oOt
work out, the Nav)1 has an ei,gh.l-bb.ded

(lither contract was signed with Aeroptoduct-s Ce., successes to, the former

R-2S0Qengine 00 lUI F-tU,"~.




one under development



may be

The first use of 11 cOlmtc.r-.rolating proptlJeron a plane dates back 1:0 it Geuniltl nam~d Helmut Hirth back in 1912" 'The Navy did not try 'the prillCipl,e out -until 1940 when it, let: a rcnClad. with Engitwecing Pro(h1(ts Co., of Dayton, Ohioy [orhvo 13-foot, threebladed propellers to be tried out on an

Hamilton Standard was signed up to develop Iwo 14-foot, four-bladed counter-rotating props for the B....;aGll engine an the xra.zp. Curtiss Wright contracted to put twuthtee-bbded, 14..{oot. propellers on the XBTC-2 plane. Neither that nor the Douglas worked well. Aeropreducts Jarer in the wn rer~'lcd a contract to put two three-hisded PfQPS, L3' 6" in diameter, on the !{FSl,H, tIle only plane Boe-ing has made for the Navy since the famous F4Il. last Navy plane which tried to use the rount-er.wt~!t[n8 prop was th<: Curtiss xrue-}. Two thrt:e,blll:<led, 14-foot ProFS were hitched onto the R:1$(IO engiQe. A~ in the case of all the Qtln~r four planes, it did not work out, principle on a turboprop engine instttaa of the piston engine, The 1:,.0 Gen~rtJ.l Mowrs rurbeprof' engine is ill reality two sri'mU turbojets which are hitched by long drive shafts to 1.1 common gear box close to the propellers. After some d.e· lil}' in perfection of tl r~ engine. the four huve been insralled in the XP,.W-1. Mld the S'Cl.lplaur: i~ ready to Ay_ The Air Fbr(e has tritod out cnunrerI'QhULllg prap~ awJ. lik~ the Navy, 1.1\1 __ \ not had too good luck With them, Dna fighter. the ]>-75 Eagh' h, Fisher l10dy Co .. them, Two bomberhad them; the FI)iH,;; 1['.?l1'18 'lo.."B'J..i had [our engines, each with (Qllftter·to~'lbng Navy N iOu_[lte:r-roLlting
O\Y/ TIm is tzyillgout tile











fans. and the X1H2 IVougb

with rts propellers

was the xr-u



it:s tail.


A fOUI~b plane In







out c:ffidenlly,. the Wcsthml L the Avro Sh.1(MIt'/~m, the Fnlrc}' cn'lf ASW plane and on the gtanl B"(Jb(lZOI7 transpOrt. worked


Jrave the S(Jd/i.J'e 47 011 counter-rotating principle







For Aerial


F9F Proves Good

VF· 'j 1- To ,~iS[1fOVC tlre lheory lhal jets arc just lugh. speed r.a~ers. Iour
pilots of VF-"i I olFct a Vl1!W of a sligbtly-bertcr-thao-everage t,a.rgel sleeve after >1 small encounter With [our of their FI.iF-j'S. A total "7"1 rounds of 20 mm. ner, and an over-all gmdc of "outs~alldu.g" was attained by the (<_Jut pliors. The over-all Wl.'eragr: was $I): percent

The Navy 1/0"-' no! Qtt#! d~cor{l(IJ Ibe Air Force lmt -ttl Ihi~ (;tIS~ Cltr. H. D. Hilton. I)J VP-4 PfrlJ (It I Ai .. Medal 011 CliP!. RJ,IJ.fQll G. A'IIJerlrm, U AP. 011 J'lty no« [or a ye(1r flJ;th V P·4. CaPt. A.r.<de-rJY;JfIo flion th~ medal 011
Ihd 81i:1-fir~ Airlift,

ammunition was fired on the 6' 30' ban-



gmJe. TIle flig-fJ! was accomplished a<,:~o,rc!ing to AirP:1c uj,lllingtl[]d rornpetiuen manual, txcepl that the banner was not on the re(juirecl "ic'j" cent, The mernbe rs 0 f chis 5'1111Il:lr-o 11 and v F - 5! h :1.V e made !til enviable recor I l11 aerial guonery through inkll5ilied training and praetice cI1Jc;~~t7d to lake full advantage
the capabilities of the HF. Men in the llw)n1l'l1nying photo were. le t
If'! right; A. L_ V,UJm, AO]; V. R. McDI'Mcll, A03; LL (Ig) R, • Oechslln, 1.1. (ig)






100 missions 011 it. o/ft(er 1/Q1/J [or V (1.4.

above th.,t required ior an "outstand-

. A, D. Pollock.. CO; Maj. T. Connl!r. U 'AF; G. A. Russeac, AOAN: W It. Prot'how. AD" !!I'\dE. Dorninguy, AflS. Pieroni,

Sportsmen See Navy Display

Naval Air

First Jap


Is Closed
to Fold June 30



Air Station

M(i)re than a quarter-million outdoor enthusiasts got a gllmpse of their i"Y 'It the ten-day, National Outdoors (Boat) Show On Chlfia,gO's a.vy Pier, The show included an 8,600 square foot -j.U-Navy dfsphly ponsored oy the Naval

The air station where the first American casualties 01 World War II ecrurred at the Japs' hand. is being dosed.

the severe cold 01 Canadian arr, WIllIe rbe snow was 'lppre iated by ski enthusia t aflcd nature lovers, the cold


Stor.m aftee rorrn Jiwept over the statien in January to blanker it. with a

mow .J?=lantle




presented multifold

problems to keep

On 30 June, ~AS






Rear Admiral A. K. Doy[~.. Chief of Naval Au .Reser'l'e 'tFiliniog, with ChI·

cago's M.1.yor Martin

C/Jirago nibrilte.

Robert R. McCormick, publisher oC the

for. the The Navy's huge disp1ay was made possible through the coopera~~o.n of


find CoL

cut the tape 8how'$ officflll opening,

Jap planes A.yingiLl to hit Pearl Harbar 011 7 December 11)41 killed their first Americans nt Kaneohe.

Hawaii, will be inactivated. The largest naval air installation in Hawaii dUL109 the war. it has b:en on a reduced maintenance tutus since June 1949. After it is dosed, the station may be leased in whole or in part,

the planes flying. Public \Votks department used snowplows on the runways a.rol1na t~e Glock when necessAry. Sqoadrens ta kled the rask of keeping airrrafr fre: of snow and engines warrn fb( st:lrtmg. Not the Least of the rrohlems were heating, plumbing and pwper readiness of tire Personal mconveruences mounted as the weather increased its wintry tempo. bur ever-leave among Navy men and absenteeism among civilians was low.

and crash e'Jllipmenl:

many ccmmends. One of the bIggest attractions was the builder's 22' scale model of the Mi(iuM)' in plexiglas,

Winter Snow Hits Whidbey

Weather Worse Than at Kodittk NAS WHIDBEY IShANl}--Tb.e worst winter 10 many yea(s hit Puget 'o~lld
in [anunry and February. makmg from this island base dili'iroh Of " ear -impossible. Just as tl. comp:t~i·on,·Kodiak:, had three clays with SUQW and rain In ),mWLY; Wbitlbey had 21. Kodiak:s




to see

partrnentaliun lind 'shipbonrd

RIghI;. panel

fixtures. The Spr..'tial Devices Center furnished




an engineer's




student pilot trainer and several training aids, The Naval Aviation Material Center provided an aviation medical exhibit. NA WIl.bOW GROVE ent a
cutaway let engine and NAS Gt.ENV1E\V a seven-man [ife raiL BuDoCKS furnished dtydock models. Also included were models of practically every plane in naval service today,

,l\'erage temperature was ;4.4 and t~IS ttltion's 24. Coldest day was 21 In Al;1sb and -1 ar Wbidbey. Average wind was L 1.3 knots at Kodiak and

Continuous movies, indudln,g the new II7'"e~el1cllf?-.1mon fiJm", were shown.


unusual winter, the average ,tenrpe~a4 ture here was 14 degrees below normal fl)t Inc: previous six years- of rc:c:ord.

at Whidpcy.




was an

For wInning If laM <Ire- (,/11 the- flight deck of tho ValllfY Forge, 13"k TF'righl, Los Ihlgdu IU!IJ/];0J'; '!I/lI~J d ml)(l?J 6'1nJhe~, ill! rdei,·"'.J. Ille pr'i:te /1"'/1 Capt. H, B. T em/de of liN! earner, rhl! JI;;;" u<:u_ lio~t If) ~~) (,i",l"~i who laW 'iMl,wl r/,1'1«iN11 I1f IU1/011.












put Bomblng ONE HUNDRED FOUR into commission lO April 1943 at Kaneohe Bay, Hf.lWllii, it Fashloned () hard-hitting team from VP-71, a Cttd!ifM

W Squadron

perscnnel co the new heavy bomber squadron. Cdr. Harry E. Sean! USN, headed the Btlccansers. But commissioning did net mean that the veterans wenL into [",tiOIl at OO(e-. There were personnel to be assigned and trained, new PB4')'-t'S to be ferried from an Diego" lectures to be heard and' women to be married, alrhough thelase was, of course. a voluntary act beyond the call or duty, These matters having beet! attended 10, the squadroa landed on rhc Marston matting ar Carney Field. JrholJjjlh lcmdalcmaL WItS behind the lines by August 1943, ir wasn't far from the front by air. Long patrols took the Liftt>ratot'J where enemy bomber were @ccasionully engaged in similar l'CCIllTInaissance; and then there wns a light from which a Pil4Y-] had no neetll to run. Lr, C. J. Alley and 111$crew had 110 trouble in idenrlfying a. four-engine miles out. Seven seconds after fhe openiog bursts bqtfl starbearu rmgi ~es 0 F the Mmli.r caugbt fire, flames tmiLiGg a plane length behind. 'Ehe enemy ntJsecl oyer sud spiralled in smoke unci! it crashed inter the water. An extra divldend of victory w'as One or the most dramatic series of eombar photographs. Lt, Anderson polished off a rwin-

qtuld:on which contributed half of its.

p.roceedillg smoothly untll a shot-out eng[ne sept the LibO'fa!(lr horne with II confirmed four sunk, one probable and the si uh badly damaged, to be greeted with 41 welcome accolade: "For this one plane blitz. well dOlle-HALSEY;" Lt. Wbitlley Wright was OpeJ'lltions Officer in the true sense of the word-> he loved to operate on [aps, Some 0 bjs patrols ~e.:e fabulous; f.or iI¥tllflCe, the time he Jomed the Is.ndmg CIrcle. at perier speed. In rhe firsr shot. he W!iS Nauru and shot down a fat Bert.)! wttil aJmost upon her; in the second, he war its wheels down, Thirty minutes later litt!ralJr 'Hying formarion at 50 yards. he was still swatting Zukes while makThe B¥tly feU 011, her port wing smokIn!? for hOIDe. On another otrcasion near I ng and was shot to sh. eds, r th~t same spot, a ship full of aIDll1UI1il:be "flying skipper" set [he .pace! Lion blew up as he WaS over irs rnasr. On aOl ~dy mission, Cdr, Seats· llcrW Thoogh 700' miles from horne, be mira· formation 011 a twifl·~ugine Nell whid: culously got buck and landed his wound. his bow to cop gunners expenly drilled. ed crew at Carney without benefit of duddng irnglllems Irom the cxploslon btakesol £laps and wttb no further which followed Two weeks Iater, the di!mag.e to his pl!t[le_ MisS10DS like skippei' and his men made repeated these woo for Wrigbt the Navy 0'055. masthead attacks 00 a frdghter oiler the- first of l04 to be ~p houored l ""hith went up ill flames, Lt. Bob Van Benschoren was ODe November. tretching the outgo- rounding srunr of siaglehandedly scaring an enemy task force into biding. illlg It;g of an sOO.mile night search long bet ate T ruk was more than 1I dawn round the Libel'af(Jt' ever 8. canmystery wrapped up in armor, Van Ben voy of two lO,D.QO-tOI1 tanKers (tsmrted dlmced UP(ln a Japanese force. which by two DO's. Jinking, masthead run through the ack-ack left both oilers included several heavy cruisers. At once he began sending word to our dead in the wliter, 00e hurning briskly forces, Wbareler ilrrack che Japs: and the other badly dllmtlged. Less Q_il planned W1l5 cancelled. Aware that they for the lamps of Rabaul: were sporred, .hey made a run tor Truk, Two weeks later on a dismal December day, Cdr. Sears spotted six nonN' (, Fr..a.llUARY 19t4 .•VIH04 moved tell descript vessels trying to sneak from Mllllda Field, New Georgia, to Truk tlil Kavleng, Treatment Abfe was continue operations. .By the end of its tour 29 MtlfCh. the quadron had piled up an out ...tancli.I'lg record of sccomplishmenr in their 7 ~moO[hs of nc-




really hit pay di:rt 4



who pulled off the as-

A-1;a-viJ. intercepted

at 9.QOO feet, 700

engine bomber with C;:Qt1W facility. Aody sighted the Betty and chased it for 30 minures, employing his altitude ad vannge to couneeeacr rhe B'eltlj'l so-



Mace LAN'D measure

r~rg"t'\ received full of 11l4's b mb power


Here rs one maritime victlm of a $1Jcres~folsweep agllinst shlp~int


MJnl' a Jap bnmber mel Its d'OI1m s~rc;unJng 1 '" bit tlicit targel

tion, They had made 1.2 -2 sorties while AyillC> nearly 12,()OQ h.OIH:>. They had de.stroyed or d:unaged 30 enemy aircraft, sunk or seriously dn.rh:lgesl 51 bernbiog raid OL\ enemy installations in the South P,!cific .. What really distinguished VB·IO~ is best st.lted in its P {fSIdential Un it Cttetion, the fir'st in the war. to 11 patrol squndrou: "Rendering pioneer service ill chnngin& the passive, defensive S(!lHc11 into a daring and powerful offensive, BOMB,ING SQUADRON ONE HUNDRED FOUR has utilized to the Full the -potentialities of the PB4Y and its equrprnent, strikjr\g rlt eoemy task ftuce units and inj,tjating the hazardous masthend bombing sttack to Insure direct hits on the tar d." To analyze this success is to :rceo.';nize the dements whkh made lbpossibl e. The courage, devotion to duty and the self-sacrifice of those who did not come back will 11 ways. be all illS['lil!ation to their teamI mates WIlO aid.

srups and completed many an effective

Lt. (jg) Eltl Bitexploded a 200-tOn S1.lgar Dog off TShigaki Shima afler m~~sia.g with three Hi0-po\ On his second tun, the ship" blew ur just 11S Bittenbender was at the release point at an altitudeal 75 fed. Debris thrown up illto the plane damaged wings, ailerons and rudders. The #4 engine cowling was bashed Ill, and the #2 Re-forroed and re-named 15 M:!y cosine was put out: of commission. 19'1-1nl N AS, Keatn¢y Me~"" Callfornia, Heading for the nearest landing field, VPB~IO,I after five and u half months Lingayen. :;')0 miles away. Bittenbentraining relurnet] to tile Pacific Theader managed to get the plane b:tck. ter, arrivins at Morotni ill the Dutch Bill it was the Liberator's last Hi,ght. Four hours later. coming Over the nrea, East Indies ;3 November for au y with On :2 March 194:;. the squadron was Burton saw the ship break up and sink, l~AW·17. The primary mission of the transferred to Clark Field from where quad ron was search :md offen ive reconLt. Henry S. Noon will long rememthe China Coast was covered to within ns lssance .. ith ernpha is on shiFping. v ber 10 December 1944. On that Jay, 30 miles or Shanghai. Ihe northeen In the firsl month, then: were "iG he 311d his crew carried On a running (\4bt fo~ .i1J1 hour. The Liberntor was search included chI;; entlce coastline of enemy .air raids ~o M0Co~a.i. but despite Arnami 0 Shima as well as OKinawa tbe fatigue 3li1I interruptlons rau ed by attacked by cight Zek.ei and two T(myr these regolar stacks, VPI.H(\.:l rolled. up six miles out of Balikpapan Harbor. The and Dalto jima, To the end of May, an excellent score. It. Cdr. Whitney en~.rpy fighters made runs from nea ~ly WB-IM made its :steady drive against orne the enemy_ Wright. the new kipper. opened the every position on the dock. On it second combat found, from 6 action for Screaming 104 on 6 ovemhead-on runs were mnde while the bee when hiS Libef<ltnr got three direct Ub(';fdl;)r was :at 6'5 feet n1btl)de, the Nevember 1944 thnIlLLgfL 31 May 194~. VPB~IOI Iud flown approximately 12,500 hits on a 90-foot lugger and sank it. figbters passIng underneath and forcing hOL1r , destroyed 49 aircraft, of which The crew encored this surcessful at- the Pf~~Y-1 LO pull up to avoid collision. la! k with aO}itber on a lu.gger loaded One Zrike burst into flame and hit the 3R were airborne, and scored 12 probable. It had sunk 254 vessels and with oil drnms. Set fire by 1500 r.ounds water; two othel'$ d isappeared after of 50 caliber ammunition, the lug.ger being hIt in lheengioe,<; and wi?.8 dernaged 262. Its raids 00 in tallations burned until it sank. roots, They pmb!tbly never IIew agar.ll. had been eostly to the Japanese, all 12 November Lt. Paul F. Steven "he effectivel'lcss of the creaming During a successful attack on. shore 1104's did Dot .?O unnoted, 1;\ PreS· sighted three enemy freighters convoyed in taU~\tions 12 December by Lt. Josepb by three destroyers. An attack under in. D. hea,a£k-ack from the "hip and idential Unit CltaL-iOI1 for its second round, made 1041 the only squadron to ten e AA lire was made a,li;.>ainst the ~110re:b!ltl:eries holed a gas line from the be thus honored twice and heralded its column of ships, The lJb"t'alor sub- main wing cell and lilled the plane with jected the shlps to heavy strafing and gas fumes, l?ive aircrewmen were over- tremendous conrribocion to our victory.


one F'I'B was unk by three direct hits. Just before the release point on the FLB. the bow turret was knocked out by a: hit, -eriously injuring the ,glll1J1er and wounding (he bombardier. Neady two weeks 1ruter Lt, Georg~ , Waldeck and his crew were the victors in an air battle over Balikpapan, BOrneo. They bad gone into the harbor where they found one a. two FTA's, and three ugm' Cbat!Je.J. Just before the Llbl!I'tZtfli" reached the Iiarbor, it was attacked by two 0.,r1:41'5 and three Zelie;. The tight was on as the Osrers dropped seven phosphorus bombs. two explodingdJIlgerow;Jy near the Liberaror. One Zeke orbited above while the other Iour planes Game in for high side runs, One Osrar was h it at 3uO yards. broke away and left the scene. One Zelle was smoked at 200 YlLrds. "Ihe other Zde and Oscar pulled away fast, In December. VPB-1C!+ started operating from Tacleban, 00 the first, Lt. John H. Burton. bombed It 1500~toll Fox Tare Charlie. One :JOo*lb. bomb landed at the bow, skipped to tb~ stern una blew off the mast. ne IoO·pou~)der bit the stern and set the ship on fire. As Burton left the area, S01D£' 1 QO men .tbl1mloned sh ip.

come. AbbOtt WJ$ iostw'hen be becarne unconscious Jnd fell thrQU~h the bomb bay dcor as he heroIcally transfeued enough ~as foe the long !rip home, AU the o~ber_ recovered, In January 194), special empha is wall placed on search and reconnaissance cluring the Luzon operations, and no bombs were carried during this month. In consequence, the sbipp[ng tonnage sunk or damaged decreased. But the next month. bomb loads were resumed, nod the sq uadron sank 5 ~ V"CS5el.~ fot a total of 11l~880 tGOS. Eight enemy airpliU1es dived earthward for the last time, 111lming targets of 104.

O tenbender























first pounds.



plane 1.18) hp each on takCQff, An excell-tilt close-suppctt plane, the &-26

U. S. Signal Carps pOI!I.giU: its Wright brothers biplane back in 190a, a 25-ht:> biplane .wIth a 01 speed of 40 mph. I~ wt'lgheJ 1360 Forty-one yenrs later, military aircraft a exemplified by the Ail Force's B-36 weigh up to 326,000 pounds. Its six (lnttines him out .21,000 .hersepower.
Fighters like the r.t!(. have

d:ty. the Ih'Zo, 13-36 :6.,29 :md B.~O are .r propellered jobs, and the rest are jets, The I.H9 Flylll'lJ rIVing has been litteJ with bolliprop~ and jets. This !'l.rtlcle will deal brieRy with those eight types of bombers, from a re ogrutien standpoint, ghring a few
facts on size and performance, fall in three classes, the light, medium

can cover 2,000 miles and carry a maximum load of 5;000 pounds. The Air Force has recei .... 2,5'00 of the planes, ed Besides using it fot a standard light


bomber, the &-lQ al 0 erves It a reconnaissance plane and for lowing tllfgetS.

7QO mph murk and research plane. like the ;:(-11[0""n far pa.'lt the speed of




In the Air Force's _~t.lllble of more heterogeneity than in bornhens. No, two planes closely .resemble U1~ ether in shape or Sf'Ze. Ease of recognition 11:15 improved. but witb the vast in rease in speeds of jet bomber the time to recqgnize: has dropped. The jets. Br higber.too, and will be no
planes is there recognition problem
10 ground


hClfVY bombers. World Wilt LVs heavy bomber. the- B-29 S"/JerfrJl'trrJJ.i, is today's medium, aloog with its big S:lst!:r, the B-SO One X mode], the xa~Sl by Martin, IS included althoLlgh it has not yet bcc0fue operational like the
8-26 In,v-oaer The on Iy Wodd

The attack version has a solid nose and packs vnrious combinations of guns from .50 to T'i 111m tanaon. If !l.tn1nng is wanted, the plane has been loaded with .1& marlY as 18 .5Q cal machine

all under central fife control.


The B-26 is pretty familiflT to most ra:ognition spotter. Its high, square tail, thin rl.l.~1"1~gey uuderslnng nacelles and long narrow wing make it an easy
one to spet, The Air Force has a lot of 8-25'5 Bylns around today. but they


H bomber



who won't be able to ee them 1Jnyway, Nobody is gClIng t-o mix up the I!-JG ·with its sL'l pusher propellers and stovepipe fuselage with the Boeing [>-17 with
slx jets in underslung pods and

swept back 3)°. The. Air Foree mixes -propdlered planes and jets in the. bomber ReId, whereas today' lighter stable is all jet ~ itb tbe e..weption of the P'S2 '1 wit! JlIJrl.rtdtlg. Of the eight AFbpmbers currently in the ring to"


8-36 called the JO'1 anti used for target tnwin g an d other util ity purposes. Probably the most-discussed plane in Classed as a light bomber IilOllg with the world and certainly the bil5gest rnilithe speedy n'47, this propellered plane 1.s rary plane flying operatiQnally today is consider!WJy smaller, weighing only the six-engincd Consolidated Vultee 26,000 pounds. Two long. $1im nacelles a-ss, Recqg!1itionaUy $pealdng. the extend far forward of the thin wing's plane (all be seen a; long war off because leading ~(jge and aft of the trailing of its extreme size and reccgrrized [ust edge. as far. The o·nly military pJane with Two P&W R-280Q engines give the pusher propellers, it is powered by six

jng the war it was known number were procured

tive today in the Air Force besides the ubiqmteus B-29 is thca'26r blWd(!(. Dur-



the the



lire used mostly BighL time.

for utility

bops and




p&W 11.-4360 engines with water injection. ,Badl engine develops 3,500 hp and drives 19·foot Curtiss propellers .. The Icng, cigar-like fuselage, higb tail the ~oejng d.esign, wept-back wmg Iccared m the middle of the fuselage and pusher props make it ~ll.S.y to spot. A number of B'J~' are being delivered as long-range, higb-nltitude reconnaissance airpl nes, designated RB-;«)·S. The Air Force plans to put jet pmih on the underside of each wing. with two General Electric )-47 5,lOO'pound thtust jel engines in each pod for added speed over the target. This version ~ known as the B-JIID. AU 11-36" will be so modi-

miles and at a reduced range it has carried II maximum bomb load of 84.000 pounds.
A L "i-man

whit::h was dropped at rlre end of 5,00.0

The 11-;36 has a winsspan of 250 fed. a. leo th of 162 feet and a height o·f ~euly47 Ieet. Maximum gmss weight IS 35-8,oOD pounds, The Af claims. it will fly to.QOO miles with lO,OOO pounds. Tiley pur a big fat fuselage 011 it to cany c:argo and deSignated it the )C;C-99. The a·j(; has Hown 10,000 miles nonstop with a 10 OOo-pound bombload,

pipe:' flight rernote-eontrolled t U. belly and top turrets with 20 mm cannons comprise the armament. All but the nose and tail tur(efs retract in flighf.
8-45 TornadQ


JUes the

"Ay,ing drain-


Most jet aircraft have little re emblance in shape to conventional plalles, w~1a.r with their wepiback wings. thin 00 props ,uod. ,most power plants bUIJed out o( Sight- In the fuselage or wing roots. An exception to this Is the' North

It looks

like a conventional


four-Jel: _light bomber.

13.-26 in

m.tOy ways. Its two long nacelles extend fore and aft of the wing and each houses rwo }-47 jet engines. gfving it 20,800 pounds of thrust fa. take-off. Like many jets, the elevator are mounted fairly high on the rudder, with dihedral eo 8et them our 'Of thl:: jet exhaust blast. The landing ge:tr is the conveotional tricydc type instead of the tandem or other arrangements Found in jets like the XB.-51 snd B-47. Rccogo1tionally peaking, the B-4.> ha the typi. Cjl.] squared-off Noeth American horizontal stabilizer and rudder Jike the F-Sl. Its evenly-tapered Will!! is well back Ilnd higll. The long prejeerion of tbtl nacelles ahead of the wing is probably the best way to spot the plane. The- rwo JATO units of the Jh4j have been mounted on the underside the nacelles to giyc it an extra 8,000 pounds of thrust for take-off. Its wingspan is &9 feet, cempared 0 116 For the Boeing ~-47 ... hosl! wIng. arc actually much v

standard features of the plane. as they are. with all jets designed for higb altitude and fast flying. The jet bomber to eater .squadron service. it carries four crewmen to the a-az's three and can pack 10-ton bomb loads. 8-47 SIrdfo;ef One or the deadliest planes in the air today is this Boeing rnedlum bomber with its slim, swept-back wings and thin fuselage, For all the world like a Aying arrow, the B-47 will !;Ie tWiy on recognitien experts---pllots will know what. it is but they probably won't be able 1'0 catch it. The Air Force puts the bomber in tbe 500c:mph class, but on a rout-me hop across the country from Moses Lake, Wllsh., the B-4-7 with some tail-wind help tU"'1'ilf-ged 601 mph, for the 2,:289 m-iles to Washington, D. C. in 3 hours and 46 minutes. Beat Ll$C 0 fits extreme s pl'!ed for a bomber, the lH7 has practically no defensive armament, only a rail turret with 10 mm cannon [or r-ash figbters who try to intefccrt il. Any other kind of attack would be impossible on a jet. The ts-47's J 16· Foo:t wing spm is sLightly dec.~[ltive since the wings are swept backward at I). 35" Al1_gic, The span woulzl be much g_reater it the wings were 'iH right angles &0 the fuselage. No other .alrplane flying has its 1Jbwer phnts- located Jn the- pO_~ltion the J3~47 carries it. ix jets-von 11:1 elles 10cale"d several feet below the wing. Six --,17 [ers give he plane 3.1,200 pounds of thrust. To get the bomber in the flit faster, 1 JATO unit are installed inside tJlC fuselage on both SIdes forward of the elevators. To slow the plane down for landings,

The T o1' wejgb,s 110,000 pounds., Pressurized cabin and refrigeration are

longer because tlley are swept back 3:i Q •









u.s, AT





if required, the pilot (,'llO pop 3 ribbon parachute located in the fuselage below lhe tai1. Three men romprfse the crew, the pilot and co-pilot sltting in tandem Inshien in the small cockplt and the bombardier-navigatoI.radar operator in. s-ide the fuselagQ. The plane i. . l08 feet long and tands . 28 feet high at the tip of its swept-back rudder. Maximum pay load is more lha:n 20,nOO pOW1d,~ of bombs and gr~% weight loadi'd 19'UltlO pounds, Ceit· ing, rhanks to pressurized cabin, is 35,000 feet .and cornbalrange 800 miles. Refri£:crntiQo is provided when the speed gets IIp so high the airstream heats up the fuselage. An unusual feature of the B-4i is its tandem landmg gear wiu1 stablli:zing whecls on (lUtriggrrs [leaf the wingtips.
6-49 Flying Wing cJli:: rwe

and EH() .• a a- medium bomber, this strange flying machine never be mistaken for anything I1ying on this side of the ocean at least. TheBritis.h have had flyin-g wings but small ver ions: this one is an 213,000 pound version that looks like a B-;;f.l wing thl;!Y forgot te aJ:t(l.cha fuselage to, Without a rudder and el eva tor to help in controlling it, he fH9 relies on elevens and jaw-like oops Jar.a rudder

fortresses, the

Classed with

Boeing Super-


effect'. Four vertical air separator} help give it longitudinal ta1ilily and hold down yaw. The photQgrJtph shows the Rars ORen at either end of the long wing. Because of its strange design, little need be said abo u] its rccQgnitia:nn1 felltrues. One look at a photograph of it tells aJI. Besides the eight jet exhaust pipes a.nd four elevons, the t[~illng end the plane has a buller-shaped projection almest like a Siant .so cal bullet facing aft. Atop this is at bubble ca!1O~y where the flight engineer operates. A D-man crew is required to fly the big w;ing, Air SCl'JOp - for the eight jet engines arc in the leading edge of the wing. much ItS theyare 0-0 the' BOJ(; rroreUe_nid bomber, In fact. Northop ha tried lISiog conventional engines .snd props on another version, the XB-3~.. Various combinatiens of [ets and tlltbl'l-prop engjnes were tried out 00 .the XB-~5_ The Air Force at one tune contemplated buying 30 RB'49t.-c:.O' from Convair but that order was shelved. The second YB·4-!) crashed at MUfOC during te~tjng. Currently there f only one B-19 ill existence, and the Ai! Force has no plans (or :I,JdftionaJ ptlfCliases at tb is time. A few statf'tiq; will help give II dearer picture of ~hi- oddity, lts wing .span Is 172 feet, 60 fcet less than the

B·;;(>. Overall length is only 'i 3 feet, owing to the hc.k of a tail. 1t weighS loaded, 213,000 pounds. is] isted in the SOO.mph class and has a combat radius of 1,)00 miles, grcate~t of aoy jet bomber by almost twice. It (an pack mere than L5 tQns of bomb~. the: J,l-!9 once flew 3.600 miles in 9% hour. loosest jet flight IiIn record. -


B-SO Superlorfress

hom a recognit'ion standpoint. is its much larger rudder: and horizontal stabil izer and its different nacelles, The 13-50 tail sweeps sharply up to make it look as if It were in n ".tlUlding up" posltien; the B-~'!l slopes gt'ntly up to reach _and suggests a "sitting" position. Thus, from the side, there' .liould be little trouble diJferentiating between the two. From other ditcct'ons. not so good. The 6·29 is powcmd by four Wright CydonftiJ with 22QO bp ilriece. To gi~'e the later version more speed and, range, the ls,ia came i.\ut with four IP asp il1rllorr with 3500 hp. To a(commodJ.te ~he larger engines, bigger nacelles of different d~ig!1 were put on the newe-r plane, hief visual differenre from the front 0( below is the big chin $COOP halfway back en the nacelle, The 8-2'1 had it~ scoop dirertly on the cowling leading FtOm underneath, the 8-50'5 ntl'([flies a (e' all.ll,bout tju' same leogl:h and extend to Or paM bhe tr.aiJing edge of the wing. The 13-39'5 two inboard nacelles reach the trailin.gedge but the ourbeard nacelles end at the rrant of the llap. In the phoro on page 19 the B~,jOD Looks like it six-engine bomber with its two 70o..gail0!l ex ternal fuel tanks under the Wit1,gS. Tbe lime fittings can


RetogniLioll of the B-50 medium bomber of the USAF is especially important today since the Air Force also is flying B-2'j's and the Russiar; Air Foree is known to have a. number U-2$I's built by the Soviet aifCrllrt juuustr}'. ometirnes tailed the "non-identical twins", the 8·50 i5 the bjg sister to the

Us main d1fference.


Restricted carry 4.000-pouna bombs if required, The big bomber has a speed of more than 400 mph. compared to 350 for the 8-29_ Its total bomb capacity is 28,.000 pounds, as compared to the 20,OO()pound load the 8-2\l _can (arry; The !HQD has a combat radius of more than 2.300 miles. Gross weight is 170,000 pounds, rompa:rcd to 278,000 pounds For the giant Convair bomber. e« radM and radlo equipment. an ill-plexigls:s nose cdion, a new to_p ftll'W:ud gnn turret and a sillgle-point refueling system are olher features or the (HOD. The planes can be refueled in Hight. as can some of the B-:~>"S' (seephoto, below).

The B-?. and tHO, rated as medium bernbers, form the backbone of the stl';1tegi air force. Outside of fhc; bigge-r tail anti. higger engines and nacelles. rhcr is Iittle apparent difference between the two planes. The a-so has three inches more wing "pan and both ate the same fength. Five feet more heighl in the tail is the 50's main si-de view difference. XB~51 Newest of the Alr Force's ligh~ bombers is the Martin Xli-51, a three-jet higb-spee-d g r ou n d- su p po r t a i rrr af t which will giye few persons trouble in recognition. The fusebge the new plane looks Ilke a giant cigar. Midway along it are two wings with tbe c.oo\,elltIonal 35 degtees of sweep- 00. k. A smallish rudder and verti tal stabilizer pcrdlatop the aft end and On the. exact cop of this

come the- elevators, H is the onl y plane in the U.S. today with that arrangement aod Iifts th control surfaces h\gh above !lIly jet exhaust. One of the big re(Ogni:l'ion features, also, is the srrangemen; of two of the J-47 ,jet engines. In separate na elles, they are slung under the b.elly of the plane like II fighter currying 11 pair Qf TIny Tims. The tfUrojel is within the ru elage, Ils air intake is , trap doat located in lh fairing ahead of the ver-


it also has 1I ribbon-type parachute in the rail for deceleration during land-

tiCil sta.biliJ"cr.


The Air Force's rLrsl fu_ree-Jet airplane. the XP-Sl has a lipan of only 'S feet and a fuselage SO feet lOOK Lateral rontrel is aided by spoikr-typ~ ailerons on the upper surfaces of the wmgs to those on the avy NM. Lal'lding geaJ' is -Qf the tandem or bicycle typt or-igi03lJy developed by M;utin· [Of the Jffi"4S. Only two men are required to fly the new plane, a pilot and bornbardier-radar operato~.j1avigator. The XlI-4lJ was a six-jet lOO,.OOO-lb. plane. The >'C-51 has- made itsii r5t i,ghts but it will still have considerahle testing to go through before it drops the "X". Like the 3-47, the 51's swept wings dreop downward when not in fLigbt. carrying a illght cathedral angle <.nega-ti"e dihedral, for begilli1ers). Like the'

ing' on short field}. The Air Force has lrad a number of bombers which flew b.ut never .got out of the experimental class, One Was d pencil-like four-jet X1H6 built by Convair. It has it. quartet- of )-.35 GE's in two nace] les UHJdl as the II-45 blll it was a considerably larger plane, Another "almost" bomber was the Xll-48by Martin with six jets engines in square-nosed nacelles. 1t had tandemtype l;,!ociine: gear fi_rsl used in Mart1n-s XB-21,H in 1945. The Martin plane had a los·foot wingspan and weighed 51 tons, sli:ghtly larger than the Can vair


A thitd bomber which was tried out XB-.1S, the Plyil1<g If?ing with four pushet y:r_op~n.e,? or six to eighl hirbojet engines. This plane was the forerunner- 0! the Ii-Ali and was purely <lJ1 experi mental attempt. There lire -some more "numbers" of Air Force bombers- abuut which not much is known, such as the XI3-S2. a turboprcp aircraft by Boeing; the Xn-.5.1 by Convair, the B-~ at1t1 }tn·lOS by

was- the

Boeing, The


43I)O-VDT engines. be on1y letters.

is a




The}! may always


CAN 8t
















A Salty Tole From Alaska

Ice Bothen Migtdting VP-l Men YP-l, Au KA~This squadron lays claim to the title- of "The altiest Land Planes in the Navy," Ourlllg its reccnr deploymerrt to Kodiak, eight P2\!·;;'S were firing underneath a:t 500 feet j ntn the teeth of a fuJl gale, when a coa~ing of the most tenacicu: Iorm of time ice ever enceuntered began tQ form on the >\i rcraft.

sisted in remamrng, the Pantber w free the invaders and ready to fly within an hour after r.he routin,g.






Offkiol Records Needed

A collection

The less experk'nceu pilots irnrucdiarely turned 011 the .vinS heaters, but to no avail, Alcohol couldn't rerno e it from the wind.'ll:tield. Thi teetotaler ice just wouldn't melt. Its presence became a matter of concern when the airctaft were ordered to the alternate at Anchor::lge_ Nigl.\r bndings were made by all planes with a bil~e minimum of forward visibility and ane:xtt"a five knots thrown in for
the ice,

Told" records published by lighting units of the Army, HVy and Air F'Or{:(' has peen ~ecently esrabl ished . by the ew York Pubtic_ Library, Such a (,01Iection is bound to increase in value with the coming years. Every effort h being made to have the collection complete" and Mr. C E. Dornbusdi, tlie Co.ver,nmlm.l Dorumeats Oi isien, will appreciate r\ calion by un}' group ,1.5 to the availsbiJily of its tour book. Anyone interested in haVl!lg the (he permantmt collection should write "Mr. Dornbusch. New York Public library, Fifth Avenue and 420d treet, r ew York 1 S,. N. Y.
record of his

10 fill Gaps of the "Now It Can Be



a parI"


After the landings, an immediate

spertlon revealed that the persistent



which shunned heat and wouldn't imhibe was J10tbing more than a thick deposit of powdery white sea-dust. Fire hoses were broken out and soon the sdt was on its way back to the sea.

Bees Swarm In Marine F9F

Puerto Ricon Queen, Conolrts Routed MAG·l , PURIl.'fORrco- To bee or Dot [0 bee was the main sopic on the AlAG-I~ flight line n:ctotly WhCH horde' of the little "stingers" invaded a 'P,mf/m' jet: to set up hou ekeepirtg. The group of everal thousand bee had been roaming the local territory for several day when VMr-li~ landed BF'· at Roosevelt RQads to take pad in Fortrex. They rendezvoused inside the

cause bees set "riled up" when conIronted wi~h 11 person not absolutely potless. Donning a bead net, gloves and with trouser-tops stuck in shoes. the Marine bee-herder opened the cowling

plane's owl iog. S/SgL M. P. Morton, a crew chief on one of the Pantbus, reported he cO.l,IJd. handle bees so be was elected to rid the plane of them. . Prior 10. any maneuvering, MortoD. retired to a shower stall. This was expl-ained as wise as well a welcome be-

Corry PBY Saves Fishermen

Craft in Gulf Sighted by O'Bryan NAAS COR.RYFlEW-Six fishermen lost in. the Gulf overnight were sighted and rescued the next morning, thanks to the seafch and rescue llnit's PEY piloted by it. George R, UBryap. The overdue boat was last heard from six miles off the coast, The Coast Guard asked Cor:ry to help the search. While on the second leg of the search, 0' Bryan spotted the (raft £tying distress signals. O·'Bryan passed the word to radlo Pensacola whieh notified the Coast Guard picket boat in the area. The PBY then circle the disabled c.cart until the boar took it In tow. TIle disabled craft had drifted to a position 32 miles sootheast of anta Rosa Island.

,-lod proceeded to gather quitea follow109 [0 a short time, With theal,;! of a brush. Morton SW<l'pt the pLace clean after locating the center of acri ity surr5)undlng the queen. Marine photographer, panylhg Pfc, photo.


M, GargigJio.

bra eel
II \,):'0 In-

the buzzing

insects to snap the

Asid" from

few die-hards who pu'

0111:" in



WI/ flOt'; be ,!,.. Pf1.JIT

Y _.


exiresne! r hyoh.hJlJh

AE'W' ~qll;""um'

drJJ "f~b(JI'rlE lCarlj' 1I'llming ahtJJll, A 1i»U' Nal"J fi)"illg f./(}';I' I.1PQMfary. ""J""(I"I.,,I 1 ~,..bhn",J r,,,'rlpl/"'IIl"-;r ,,,,,U'/8 urn



<IrQ/MId tl,~ ilifl"/Ill ,J/lrjlttt,

tirocedures,« ",d.aT canno: I'lillfI.<g !"d,ff ;" ,1 high·flying pl~'11! [till

mer e-, IJ£f JQe ftl"ltI'JJ: a' which emml) shiPl IJr phme,$ ran be 1[.'0.1' Tl: modified CrJtlJif!.IMi(JIJ h,u uao lafge f;Ji(Jftllt bJfmp~ ll1id. 'My (rI",,? the Ifll' <1/[(/ bQ.IIQ1/f "I Ib(!'Jo~l.'I!,l!. pllJ1 a lot 1)/ dn/~l1J)(J.s ~!.rmg iff back, ,,~ butbom noseto h/)/J~I? mOte radJlr lind .. f e'V' <'wmr .dllle-lJ)ldI J ItrlJhlf!. "lit ()/ ill I",r:e,Jhe!L /!I.e/age.




Nine minures .directly below,


rhe Army plane


wJn:~ up.

II did. The

den!", errae 1('1 lifl:", Wirh the 'cusine wJliog 'sw~etl}'. th~ pjl~'c helped rake !~ff the \I'lft' bcl'fre- ;1 turned jnl!"J ~ pudd le, said J rf3YC, \\ hile he teet-e-red IIp .)11 the "'indy nfl.", putting his scoup and cowllng back into plie'{!, :>lip'ped hi.t}; into the. corkprr, and somt!d back to :);<ltOll, No t l1.i1I,g ""<l~ rl'II-U y hIlt c XCl:P! S<-HTletim ~

barbed wires (llt'ned tho color (j{ a IIttnk"l'1!~iI TQas-rl"l"l"slet:. and Ih~ Till'" n"rt:e-I sud-

indicating Jess than W mph grcll1nd5pe~ trum li,e 'lange tn the field, . Adak ~"r(lIC!8Y len!-15 t"reJen~" I(J HIe f1Ilc by re port ing w inns alu ft t~f 111 1m" l.,; ~ n J nblwe-attbe tirtte-




nd a fn nner's l""d"-~l1d that was .~nre-d. r~e J,ilt,( tuld the oM boy he cnuld skip next .Iul'HltilJD til It.e Int,t! J]·IU_CJ4 B~,[k.

K--En IV. T.t(1I;:)


V II l.l--E Y, lUll 11·,)

You Never Know Fence-y Doings

wonders If the~e- new n iaWl'S 11.Jl:d their f lI,ncy airp !]1.[lI;_" are ~lIjrlJl, {(, helve !lD)' fu II ~ I all Aw~'1 back in 1944 ••. 11D(ped'j.lul;lll W.l.~ doing irl> racket tm1ning .at ~.AS SA1.TON $'liA.. One (by ..1W III the planes l!lIperiun~J2d l engine trouble J1!Id landed nt Thermal AfB, a damJj' Beld if Y(lll like w:tlldag on live O(IlLjS. The pilot dhc(lv~'red tila! i'be eegine w\j!.l-ld idle on [y in sphe of throttle posiuon. Af:lrr !L eNl!,le 01 Army rnechs had tippi.1;d KI1~'l._~wllo.g riff and slopped and started the l'1lgim: numerous l·imes with nil vIsible re lIUh~. Ih" pilnt gilt f1-!rilll.J_\. Pbkl~ arol.lI:ld tn the accessory secnon. he d iscovercd thnt the hrcttle extelisi,rh tu'd had dmppeJ off
OMllTrME.S tl rnan

China: Sea 'Comment

T W;\S A ~lmkilVl Jay early II'! '.f''5- m the _ Cb! rut Sea. Seve..ill air gm u 1'1; w ert .!-irhorne (Of ,( strike ugamst Hong K"I1~. A

K(),:huk 1'1 liemenaru (rll~lli' hO'l)kud ~f>a;ce for 11i>; wife: nhMnl {1I11l" of thl: VI{-'; ~le!1",nd~11 f!·ighL' from 5~otlll~ t,'

COlTIplieatlllns 'lOI)'e~t S~;Irtlc-. when lilt: I;ti.lY p r1"1 "n~etl ttl riLke .1 la rg e P(l'(~i ilil cat \\' irh her, Aft~[ ITI>WY p1l.tlern explunations,

·she ugreed to ~hjJl rlw [eEoc, b.y


'·...I~e carne over tJK air: "Qnly Ii dumn fpol WI/lIiJ fly I ike thl!;!" B,lek ",tme:. tl prurnpt rel'ly. dnnrn Ionl ~10:l0(\Ii1(;l'--n~S~t·!" CAG-1

irt \\!trttrl,,,, r



C~k J, D.


Officer ...Arrest That Ma!n!

pilot from NAS LII>:COI.N uarrcwly missed UQ ii-ut,on;l~blh: tbl11 had mlstakenjy turned 0Tllu t\11'e qf tlw rU.l-,way. of the MlHlicipld Airport (LIS!. US the !,bnt' was lnndlng. Angl)' offidar~ ya"tle_y 1'0 the car, bill were -silerued ~Y .II~ in.ciignilnl hl,dy driver "Snm¢thing l~ !f,t; matter with lhat plane," ~he

PlA 'J! [lJwn by. a Ni!,'lal Reserve

the rnrhnretor


a nul ,mil !lwtt~r but "Ft;er he g"t hi~ rowjj~8 back on he discovered tl1:ft lhe plune wouldn't starr, Primer had quit,


'[hi> he ft:mcdit'~

with air lind p.oa:crleol on the liR-_; lligJl! WIl110:111 the ~(. Norro 01 I NJugl1 wtt;l[ha was CIlt'["4rJt¢I1~d enroute to. Kodiak. The lie~tcnarit~s wife, trip 'v-as ever,
Pays couple ~1:OI"Ig w;.H, m,l1l), other )MS5Mgers, rhnn 'it litHO!' lIirsitk lind was-sInd
'WllS mere


t,,[J 'I!ic:ln , "it hJghwi/;'1!"



in the


[tldloe-- "I tookoff the earburetor, drained some gas from the bombbay jot,; j1 bucket, und pourer] it into the open CJ rburetoe. SmUgly he .teap~d nitrlb!y ht<'k into tl~eIhe atr s~9P
11 nd threw

TIll." Army suid -sor!)', nn pruners. I'ijO\ [ook th e toF' section cri cowling

SCI die

Moom Pit·chers
lQ!et~ept on " 11-$0 bomber. 0111 of thi~ exec ci se ca me 13-nimeres ti ng sea ~ro ry.



lOUR- AD""~



mack ~ routine

tile starter



It. groaaed, B;rucry w:tl,~ dead. Army ilaJI}' the ~if line explained tl1m the enr ,11rugged.; Sl) rry, 1.10 p1'l'l'tab 1e starters, liJIJ, 111l.d bfCOfL1C .airmk and, without lurther T he f'iI'lt asked !.hem to taXI t h elr :SQI~ 'ido, Jl~J ~"",n c:hllCk~_ oyrr (be 5id~ ~-(l(U:n pbfm: iJ_['lTJg-~ide. He disuPI1< Oil'! atrll~'· the Queen Chru:Jl'Iltc> BIOlOds. "Go~-I;." th'1:I me~qurte, teapp,'lIr ing 'ShDftly W HI! two numbed eli" b,-wildt'tedlieutenllf\'t. "whal if I..ngt:)),~ ul [tc$bl),.dippcJ barbed wi re f~nee. m)' IV if"" bud beelt fln thit p IiIne 1'"
111~se jl~ lip tli the "ohage- re.euJ;ttors flf rh'e 1'1" j Pbnes, l{cpi1atin_g hi, unique r1f!mil'~ "l'l!nllion. til" pi IJlr ,igllal It·d

passed Sitns cat. Firtnl,iv th c tlHm;teJ soughr out rhe com~ero~J .tiJ:lint agents It> Inquire abeut the: missing anima l,

S"~~mJ Navy p,ihJ{s were Jl.Uendii'lJ; I~e """ctie indoctrinatien K110nl nl -Mnrk;s AFR. Nome, Aliisk"" "-,,,J. ,oose'lucOIiy ha.d close
C\lntact "'f.ith Air Force j)iI(lt~. -A~' all IOl'al men shoukl
,ill of VA·5J;'S_ pilol5




.s:n~ritl)" br,liS$:od d tlle'll" ~-l", Imtl1 !m't ,i~)'

~tQPpc;d them cold. Thcil wav'i';(Tjl went something like- this: ,Air FC/fcc-: Hit>''_' youc_\'er :men a!
[f'J& ~

Where But Alaska?

to back \\"hl'l'e Gould

C who


tbe hand fnr r.~.(IS) l.>.1/Il-!l<.J, daimli It) lie th.e first p.(jnt e"ef up toa pctfr-c! tlCdJo tnlle. Ami


h:1ppro but uri



lhe rlalre p·rm:l.'~.kd V_lrlbOlHlG (~i~hlll· • "'iAS a~l!I.p'u!; CIE[I\.IYTr-A rf~w wny 10 tit:' to ~,O()!l fe~~. Upon ~.t",wing up,· wilh a heLICOpter. At fI~p5 drJWn, the p..illM we"" >ta_rtl~d to ~ee start a fmntbn1! ~aIn_u.>e Hat ADf n~I~, ~wil1g (win -(lft w tlh!l~d. thi';; stllti(lIi"S fall hnlpCcolllrn,g 8"ml', in· .... ·ith mark~( blinking w.d ~U ~llclJ.u mltlllfe:s· ~tt;.rd nf (me tl!nIll kld:.,i_rtg Illl', a h~!i,tiJPtlJr ta.lfons of ;:t .. (}n~. d{o~p~d tms bllil in the middk {If rht'" lil'ld. 111" pilot, retU('l!Q Oajls. ~pp'liud pn;ver The team ffi[1!~TIlS ,ruffled for 1l nod Ihe amI. una;, ttgJItn C!Qs!ed the: statio!) (lo!1Jlaf!v. win.ner I'O[ the ii,~t ah:t-m:eat Q.!f'e:Il,ive play,

ttmt Afu,r (lnce J1.j.lng ')"er the Adak r~l'lge ~t'a'

Sure, we have pic[(l.rc" of il. Air Fot(c:Wb,at kind (If pltt"lirt:s' Na.vy: Gila ·[amem, Ai< Force: (Iii][lking qUId;) S\HI::. Jeu CJn Sb<'hJt rl down. Navy: We're flying ~h'l: b"mb~~",. Air FtlRc' Oh! Needt~:; to-' say. fll' tiT'" [l'rrmimh;r tlf Nav)': theif ~tai'. Ule h'~~ W~5 nlJr mcntill,ned..


Marines Win .Reserve Awards









all-around performance in 1~49. Vl'olF· 1-12, NAS Mvu"lt, nd MGC!S-19. NAS GROSSE U-E, have been awarded posses'ion of the Marine Air "Reserve Trophy

best J Reservethe'qtJadJ'olisF/~illgthe nancn rn




fighter squadrons have learly demonstrated that they arc combat-ready units. On two-weeks summer maneuvers, CO[]in single-engine fighter crafr without a S'ingle fabll accident. III lts graHn,d conlrol i[] tercrerit squatlrons, the Marine Air Reserve Training Corrunand mainralns the only organized ltnjl1 ing attivity of ltstype amon,g the nation's air reserves, These units orm a unique air combat orgilllization. omprising mobile elements of electronic 'potting, trading and plotting devices. to Locate appmaching enemy aitwlft and to di rcct inferceptiou by Marine figl1ter planes, clijke peCffi[\l1cotelt.:tlron i:ti I1stalla· nons. Marine Reserve 'rada r" squadrOI15. are strictly front·line functional. Tlreir' uquiprnent is . J,£'cific:aUy designed and pac:k.tgecl fer qLlick transport by air, road, rail and/or waxer to advanced bases to work in liai on ith Marine ana Navy tighter l)wneS operajing from carriers or fIQIl1 newly-establisbed land strips. These squadrons are also constantly (eady Por service [I:> mobile c@mponellts

ducted under simulated combat conditions, they have £iOWA 4,112,240 miles

for the coming year_


danr of the M.nrine COfPS, presented the

trophy to Lt. Col. ltolanJ F. Smith. CO DC the Ilghtltt squadron, in A ceremony at Miami, while Major General Merwin H. ilverthorn, Director of the Marine OtP~ Reserve, made che award to Capt. Kenneth J. Mudie, CO of the intercept squadron. at Grosse lie. Runners-up ill the ccmperition were VMr--25L also based at Cwsse He, and The 21-jnch, solid sil.\--eJ: ttophy, mounted on a mahdgaIlY base, WM given to the Marine Corps in 1949 by Herman H. 'Ridder, rublisher of the Dt,?lJil"h and Pioneer p~(!.JJ. St. Paul, Minne ota, and II mnjor in the Mariue Corps Reserve who saw acLion in the Pacific durin~ the last war. ~It is awarded annually to the mOSt cil(1lent lighter and mter€f'pt squadrons 0(1 a rotation basi, with each squadron receiving miniature trI.)J"llir:~ for permanent retention, In ,winning top 11On0t:S In 1949, the thespjrited liiJs 9f 19 other 1igMcs S9l1aOWI1S and 10 other ground cent rol intercept squadrons under the Marine Air Reserve Tr:ainin_g Command. ombat recdine s combat prefieieney, a aihLbility of equipment, dril] attendance esprir, and administrative and engll1eet:ing excellence all counted in During their three yeaI~ of post-war or,g!lnization, the Marine. Air Reserve

CJJftOn 13. Cate~. Cornman-

of the defensive "radar screen" Mound the nahan. The present strength of the Marine Air Reserve Training Command i Itpproximately 7,080 officers and men in 10 fighter squadrons and L1 ground rnntrol intercept squadrons blLSeJ at 25 1111 val air shltions iD the count ry _
CDC Tfcrining for Reserves




squadrons had te overcome

Lhe final scortcg,




'Operation center training is made available to O_rg,ul.i2cd at, 13 stations lind N ARTU's Naval Air Reserve 'rraining Electronic allowances far lhis purrose have been ;luthor;ized under a recent CNO direc ive and the rnstallaricns are new being made, Naval air stations at Atlanta, Columbus, Dalla, Grosse lle, Los Alamito~. Minneap0Hs,. St. Louls and Willow G mv~, as wel r as NA R TV MEMl>l-fll\, have each been ass.igned a majer ad"anced CO . The instillations at these command, wilt permit lrruning with Air targets (actual and/or synthetic) and urfare. An I{)CI'CQC allowance has been 'el up [or Denver, Glenview, Olathe and Squautum naval air slahons. This typc instlLHation will permit traln Ing with ac.rual' al r t(Ll'gets 011 Iy. However, special devires sutl'l as tnc I"-;'ll> wiIJ make tr~ning with air synthetic tergets possible, The combat operation remer unit at AS ",rU.LOW GROVE already has made sucress ul tracking runs ee irs (tH-1 aircraft with the SP'IM gear, The open~· Lj~n proved suecessful up to 20,OO{) feet and as far in a.'>30° elevation. Cocrdination work has- also been completed and an operation plan adapted 'between fhe COC tmit and the SeA unit, Combat now being Reservists ~\~tbjn the Command.








Reserves Push NavCad Recruiting W l.l:h the recent transfer oI aVID Aviation _adet procurement pr{)gram in the fie1a to the Chief of Naval Ai, Reserve- '[raining, fl ava I air stations and NARTU's in the Reserve rhain are e.'(ctting £ull effort to sign up eligible young men as future naval aviators. NAR.11J NO.RFIOLK i' planning a refresher tbwr aniong cOUcges in the virinif}' tQ supply dorms. f.latcmitie and libraries with the latest NavCad litem-

that tiley l;#ed GCA

even though

it required

a 'hffe:rent type o] orientntion ILA m:is,siull(fd at Sll~tamelltp

Sellers as CO nnd • NA OM<.LMm-AVUA-6 LLranley

in Hying from

with 1..1. juck


n com-


A. Stark

elle!!ut.ive "ffi.cer.
• NAS M1NNIlAI>Ous-A sn1,lppy drill IC;W1 Ilf 40 men participated in the I.llnd Parade: and the Torehliglu Parade at tbe SL Paul WrnRr carnival. Capr, Fickling, station CO. was nonOHld as grand marshal the Tur<hligl1t Parade. The station' portable field-lighting equipment Jed the {"'(,11lng parade, iliurnina.tinR the massed colors, The truck )l'ortcd II banner which read Tbe K'III,,/ Ait RNer! e P(J(1iJ Peate Pouter









and NAS

fro rn t',tlch statio narc in tli e process of hki·o# tr'llLning in maintenance of the :\M'S R--l.l~O engirH!s at the Pratt and 'WOn' in four avC1Jds :ihd processed Whitney plant in Hartford. 10 ad12 more. Pre enr p~1I115call for a tour of local junior colleges, where !>be dition, 12 men are slated to attend a .hort course in overhaul procedure students have al rcad)' become acquainted with the Naval Air Reserve via the givell at NAS Nom'OLK. ropiC5 0'( NAVAI_ />.VIATIQN NEW AccQrding to present plans, Glenn which Me sent ~cgulllrly to their scheol L Martin ompany field representatives libraries. will work at etten of the si sta60ns Pive Nav 'ad:; Were processed by gcuing the i\{/1tr/U/,_f to help the Reserves NA5 DENVE{! during january, while Jearn to fly and servlce their newlyNAS Mli\MI and 1 ARTO MEMPHIS re<trgui:red. phlUt:S, cruited 1;\'10 each. These, course. am The A:M·-t'S hold the world', recerd only a few of the results turned i~ by fOI weight carried by sin-,gle-el'\gine Reserve stations. btl! they indicate that, During tests off New YorkReservists Me already om the ball pushlate In 1948, tbey qualified for daylight ing the new procurement program. carrler landings and later made their night {1I1alifiG'd,tioIl5 .durrng maneuvers Reserves Get AM-l's in the Carlbbeafl Sea. 'rhe Able Mahle, formerly featured enly on the FI er circuit, is nQW JOIning SlcHion Round-Up the line 0 Reserve aIrcraft at six naval • AS Los AtAMlo&-Lmteu Airlines air :statioM in the Reser " c_h;l1n. pilots ure new being (becket! I'ui oJ(I GGA Reserve pilots a.t NA A~'LANTi\, prv(!S unt! JlIl\dinl$S. Ref'QtlS from th" NAS CmuMBus. NA DALI.J\S. NAS fir t 411 t(l com plr:te thelr ·~hei:k·t:1U itldiC.'lte ts

lure and posters, N,wCad spot announcemcnt are lilted to be used In all intensive campai n by radio statione in the area. NAS BIL1MJ.NGHAM reports that the special ed ition of the NAVAL A VIA noN F.WS, recently Forwarded tor me- in couneetion with NavCad recruiting, has been distributed to local colleges and dl.rports .ao-d that G follow-up campaign to sign up NavCnds is now underway. During ],1f1uRry, NAS SQUANTUM

ST. Lours will now have a chance to Ay this dvanced type of Qperaciona~ plane during theit regular drill periods, Alre:.ldy the rust of the 82 AM-I" ,shiled for these LX ai r 'i.tatiOI1.s, are in the pro['es~ of dtJlivt'red. Two enlisted men from eJlch tariou have completed a hort course of indedrinatron in AM lin·!;'operations at
AS PJ\TUXENT RIVER, while two more






ar Grand


til the


h~s heen muved


r rOl11


at the



Na ...i,l !~t'st:4Ve 'li~fll(e Truin: jog .. enter. where surface. Lnd :'I ir ~1)mponents ate now wodung In uQse harmony. AVUA 1"!Linillg g~t'-' :1 tifl since the equipment 1)'£ the ~Ucrfltll divis;;un is now made avnileble til' the l~iJ re;en isrs. -P,"\SRON·73'5 with LCJr. Baden us CO, wnlket) (If{ with the John Womack Rich!.')' Trophy which is awarded each j'eat t\1 the



SqlItlUJ'Or1 abr)ard the

has. dllirncd


M 0;)".11 aQiiUioo's ?h;Joc'Cr~, Chief Avril/on maC'hinf:;t';; mate Sol iegel, well-known veteran of 30 y"at 1Il the- Nil\'Y arul the
Naval Reserve, \\Ill", once served Langley. died in January. • NAS




the '!tear


Ad.l11iral A. K. Doyle, Cllief ot Nava] Air R el v~ Training, made his annual io-~~ctiun of NA ATLANTA~firsl station in the Re erve chain to I~ "i~ft~d !hi~ year. Appn')Xltlla.~<:ly 21100 Atlnnt.l.. Resl;rvtsts were
present for the insperticn, AIter the cerem (lnj es we're Clt"f·r, all hand>: d Winded 11 aMt·e-

l ~ February,

wJlich featured Tony P,,~!w's band,

• NARnJ AN"('O-'TlA-Tw£'llty •.fivi." students from loeal high seboots, winners and t u n aers-o p in rb e rC(I!U t N ,lVa I Air Reser v e "ss~y !:oflle5~, visited th" U. . . Naval. Aca.denUl "t A ana pflli S us pnrt of t heir 3W3 rd,


Headlights Save Pilot, SNJ

Pert Tow"scend Ughts Golf links

Flies from

Sets Mark in West

SF to LA in Half an

N AS Sl;;.nLl~-H

isn't every forced

111ndlng that is turned into II j"j event, but that W(I$ the experience of Lt. (jg) Wayne A. BawngnrtnJ'f who landcJ an "t Port Townsend On 4 December,

He wns on a




for bell' b)' rlluminatiog an ern~rs~ ~ larldillg sLcip by massiJ):g the: hghts f rom their cars on the ,l!:oJ course. F In appreciation of this l!fe-~aviMg u. t, Baumgartner Btw an SNJ to Port Town end later .Ind RAdm. John Pe,rry.

\X'hidbcy Island ro Seattle and WIlS caught in II heavy snow -term. The pl'Ople Port Townsend answered his tall

Vr·112~LCdr. John L Butts, Jr .. executive ffio:r of this squadron. ea new speed. record between San Francisco WId Los Ange1e$ in an F'W-2-, zipping south in 34 minutes and '1--1 SC{'omls, His -ave.rage Was 'i'~5 miles /In. rnuni [pa.! airport control tower, he \Va, clock,ir~g 6W. A tail wind of five kllOts prevailed thr(,)lJ~hout most of the rrm, The prevIous wco.rd for the rcurse W3.S 36 minutes and !) seconds. -et by Ma], Robert Del-laven of the Naeional
11111/ ,PI oM VIC/II/I,I 6(})·'1 Of .. WhidPo(!l. Kimld"; 1.. f.le-rl·IIIi1IJ. ADI {!IaJl.E' rur'/,I'" Qf ,iii fJ-l ,II r. AS Los If/wlli/oJ. is (/;crliiJtg (b~ uir IIIt.d_f .Jr /1>11'/ of hl.i lOP.


hour. Whl;:n





An reles

Fi"l"re this rug Jllt'l!!'d

0111' filII."!

11 !J





i~Cdr, Joseph T Lawler,


an 1-'-80C:.


NROTC To Lenm Aviation

A long.range


Month in South

SUl111ner aviation

ing program

or NROT . midshipmen, 'orHfn~ent on budget limitations, ha:i be-en approved by Bureau of Naval PerCommander


certtficate if') appreriatlon of the citlzens' aid. In the photo above, t, (jg) Baumg.lrlner chats with Richard Dale, seaman recruit, whosu:udcd his SNJ

to the Mayor, Harry R Anderson


Fleel Air,



sonncl, Durin!:; the corning summer, 1,894 JUluor midshipmen. divided, into ~\V('J

groups, will par-l;_dpa~e in this year's

on the return trip. Dale isa

of the Volunteer Naval Reserve commanded by tedr,


posite Unit 13-23 of Fort Townsend,

E. C. Sherman.

ACI Reserves

Visit Norfolk

cruise. In addition to two weeks of smphlhious training -at i~t1e Cr-eek. w..• each b'"ouP will get four weeks of aviation i~docrri n atio,n at Pensacols, Th is Includes two weeks of academic l1.vJation instruction, it week of aircfaft maintenance training and a week of fliebt lndoctrinstioa. The first grOl.lp will come aboard all "26 June, and the secoml 24 [uly.
AS OAKLI\ND- The "-Y-l can Ay faitlyLnst. One made it ttClm here tn Burbank in 3~ minutes, ;iveragiog 638 mph.

FromCliirk AFB.. MlIIl.i1JS. wm~r rbiJ /Jim/I'll' ADC F""I;k C. O{e"hm"II hdug ('lJlIgN/f· ul.ued (,')1 LCd._ ll~·bew M. '{Ollllg, CO ()f


Ibe N.H') Dd4dl1/1.. H.' tl'r)J/ two bOIi,lillg Wh(JJ ;,l the b.:l~ele4gtJ.~ (/ftd the next (Jd) re"~h'l1d Md.,,,,! JO$(,I back JQ U.s. Oil rt1l.1~irlll.



Haunt Alameda
Stir Up Station

Discs, Plots

Get Special 2-Day Refresneli' Course Two hundred <lnd thirty Volunteer •ind Organized Naval Air Reserve efficers residing in the east attended 2 twosored by ComAirLlDt. Officers were bi.JIC::leJ

day -ACT symposium



)Wt)J'ctle/r. Highlight af the conference, whi h featured lectures by eN personnel, wa a one tby operational cruise Aboard. the [<DR, VAU 4-1 was one ~r the unns repre-sented at the sY/TIr-o~ium. Fifteen officers. Izom this group tkl1dt:!d. They reaped. a further dividend. when trnnspoctatior1 back to Willow TrQVe was provided for them on the C(m Iti/lll1 011. 1'ypiC"JI 0.[ the Reservists who were present v.'1I5 Lt. Luke Greene, member efW&-fi7. NAS ATLANTA, and city ediIJllarJta CQnJritlltf(m. ,,[ • NA.
lhGAH"- FM1s-T~e assignment


On 6 February an object .shaped like ice cream cone WtL~ reported over the station by several observers, This renewed the flying 'aucftt stories, and many and weird were the tales told. On 9 february the PIO office reO?Lved phone inquiries, {lsking "How ~OITlC a iWm·.J plane is doing loop~ over an

VR-2, ALAM l:OA - Strange things nave been happening around here.

the Bay area?" reliect[Oti, the

"Wa' But 110 answer

Pausing a moment for inquirer was asked. it an out ide or inside loop?"
wa forthcoming other

than it definitely was a Marl, A quick cheek an squadron places revealed Clone
with upsmopt wing.

T·h·efirst R~glllij' Nlny IVa'" lo"o~lld .i''''-''<7Chme ,.ij!gu',t scboot al LaJuhufII


tor of the

several W.M'li ofi](er! has helped $qUlldrl)J1~ luke over tbei~ own m.lm_j(l_ist.~lItJ,,1': orkload. w

111- (18 l!JIe •• wh>!IJ $hr gfCfJdflall!d irom tb'li uhntJl. Sl;e 110", ls 1I':t/) J#e t,,;r,t. 'ch!lle iHlr~ eotun. .11 NAdS 'c QJr~ l:ieJ,:}• /;1", .


/';1"" R~dli''''. D''';Tl~


Mos ~edfet'l/

b(l"" 10

Ih-e Wolf W'/1'e$ If;<Jff' If'i.l-'i.e- /-Itlf;,t bl/l·~ jl/mIN, bill

Oakland fire depanmeat had overheard a whis~el'ed ~a~ning over an emerge-nc}' phone circuit .st«ting that the naval air station. would he blown ut):l.1 040Q. Guards wert doubled in the face of the unha] py prospect of crewless Marsplanes becemiag airborne, but rome

TltJ!lgs were back tq normal when at 0200 on 13 February a all was reeei, ed [fo'm l1he station OOD thaI the

0400 and no "boom" could be heard. Restritlted



C.aptain E. L a.Weiml'r, forlni1r Co of NA5 Akron, £LCId hss pnrry JX<S"S before of. ficers dmins peEsonllel in!;p~CUoII ~t commissioning of lH1 br8an.i,,~d Reserve squadron

the birthplace of FG-l, a spt:iwHng factory building near Akron's Municipal Airport, shQuld continue to play an ill'lporlant role in the development. of the Navy's air arm. This building is now the home of NAS AKRON. 'foUay, .instead of manufacturin.g Corsairr, it is turning out it streamlined program for tra.i:niug Grganized Reservists. \XI' itb all .0 f rts f aci Iities eoace nrra ted in one plant, NbS AKRON is the largesc naval ,~if station under one roof. Remodeled and refurbished, it is iI. worthy

Fl"I'T1NGiliat ITthe Navy's famed

addititJn to the nationwide chain of Reserve statiOhs • .But. when the Grst naval ofri·r;ers rolled .into "Rubber Town" in the summer of 1947, jhe bleak f attor}' building ~GJltt;eIy looked like a suitable JrJ.~alt:ionfor the- 24th st trion in the Naval AIr Reserve Tpjinin,g Command. In the advance guard were Captain E. L B. Weime:(', Pacific Navy- Air veteran, and Commander. W.tldo C. Grover; his exetutive officer. As cornrnsnding officer, .Capraio Weimer'·s Jlrst jQ~bwas to make tlre commull!ty Nav)'. minded" preparal-ory to the big cam"

['aign . for C'nli5te_d s_tationkeepers- and Orgamzed Reservists. His job. was made ~er .by the fact that the northeastern Ohin industria] community took the Navy to its heart from the start. In tact, the response was so great that the stationeeeper billets were rapidly filled. and the. station was assigned 3 CVB,G instea..:\ of the iotended CVE.G. Today the station S\lp.pttlfts an air ",ing a11cd 11 sglJ.!l:d[oris hit Orgu,ni:r.edNaval Air Reservists as well as a Mar-inc Air Reserve figbter squadrea. On that bitter cold day in J.ammry 1948, b.owe\'er, when Rt!a:r Admiral J. M. Mcquiston placed th~ station in commission before the original 100 plank owners, it Jooked likf' a long Pu.lI "head. Then LCdr.. E. L. ·'Rip·' R0WHl. pubill works oflicefo and Ohio, Unlvt:tsity football player of the L92tl's, and IIis men got down to the work -of transr erm [ug the emrty build ing into a live D a 1';1.1 ai r station, OM,S1'OOft!$ wen: built, shops were constructed, and the gll.lloHne tank j'ann was installed, St!ttionkeept:'h pitch(:!d in on hurulred:~ of D.tbet jobs ro bring tile station through its gawky adolescence. BLlt ;1 Wjl'; not until) June t 946 thnL
the community



weat}1ler officer,



LCdr, crank MeJe.w[t"~, shows operariorrs nflicllr.. LGdr, W. K. new machines whidl receive nationwide weather maps hy facsimile

"\\rings group CO'ok


t!ikin~ pbce on the scuthwes; of its mumdpnt airport. that date the station got its· \,..jtb the l,.'Qmmlssioni~,g of its air under the~ommand of Ledr. Cleland, nee ii,ghret pilo:~ who

awoke to the rrernendous


Reservists Rvoerts ~M2, Md:lddc 1'01 and Lt. West, tech trauung officer, appear Oil TV show telecast over tdevision station W£WS


Hundchey, Mnj. Gulp, Lt. Col. Tyler MAD ce, .md jhe station 011 the tremendous erides it had made sipce its commissioning. ~v that time- Cdr. Grover had been moved up to (:0 0 N I\S 5"01(.... ',and Cdr. William L Cleveland had replaced him, Upon CJJr. Cleveland's retiremem, dr. ~ranV'ilie C. Brjant, it graduate of the Naval Academy with the class of '29 and former exec at NA Los ALA· MfrC)5. took over as exec, Meanwhile, Captain Weimer was chosen as Chief of Staff for the Naval Air Reserve Training Command at Glenview. His replacement was Captain David W. Shafe!, Nsval Academy graduate with the das of ''2.7, who had been associated with the naval air arm since 19~O when he took TA tl"liining t Lakehurst. lie came t-o Akron from NAS SAWLI\Y FrELP. where he: h d also bC(.r11 commlindin.g offi.cer. uptain Shafltf, like hlis predecessor. has constantly encouraged the Reservists to take part in community affairs. 0 both officers and men pJay important rales in local fund-raising Cllffl[!aigns ~Q.r the Community Chest, the Red Cross, the March oT Dimes -and other ('ommlll),ity projects. Biggest e1torl came uw:iog the irisimas holidays of this year when more than 200 Reservists donned uniforms to help in the all·night drive to rai c mOllf') for needy farnjli~. They collected approximately $J 5,000 frOI11 resIdents in the area and wen ?Jaodit:s f(Om the Council of ocia] Agencies, wJ10$e member groups benefited from the rroeeeds, Other cooperative activities have II' eluded a demonstra+ion of Navy lire-fight-ing tecnnlquc., which the statron lire h.gllters put on [or some [,000 volunteer firemen from nearby communities, and an eight-lesson course tn aviation fundamentalagjven to 60 Air SCOLlts by the aviation technl~! t.raining



lhig. Gen. Gales

briefs Lt.

But the station didn't stand back and let the eemmunily carry the ball alene iJl regard to recrl1i~ing. Exhibitions of RlNGS REA.U y began rolling then .. Reserve trnu,(ng equipment were held at colleges ·and un iversities; the most cores of wartime ;tvy and Marine pilots, anxious to keep up .io-dste 00 notable being the demonst[iltiM,g_~en for aviarion school directors- at Kent tile late:st~n(tics, dll5cende_d on the station fi:QJ11 all parts of ooithea.stem Ohio State University. The Reserve display of jet and reuproc!ltiJlg engines, radar ana joined the squadrons. avy Reserve planes soon filled the and gunnel;)' devices. ar he Centennial Wayne Count}' Fair was called "the Ides over Alma. The Marine' Ace of S/,adet squadron be arne :.1. going 00- pair's most outstandjng exhibit." Actual classroom sessions were telecern under rhe direction of Lt. Col. east over the two Glc:vdand television Marshall A. Tyler, a member and later CO of the Ol"ig:inaJ Ace of pad.:.! stllticmS to show the ty-p'e of instrutticn the Naval Air Reserve Wl1S giving. In ~uadron. fa t, Akron was one of rhe first naval Organized Reserve: on-board figures ,tir stations to utilize television for resoared and finally hit the 100% rnaikcrujtiilg~ and stayed there, This up-to-complement record put AkfO),! .out in froat as one \'(fhm Rear Admim,! Richard F. 0f the pacemakers amof!8 the 27 sta- \'i(lh.jtehcad, then Chief of Naval Air ti_ol;lS now in the Reserve chain. Reserve Train lng. conducted til ru~ In addition the starioa built up :t bi,g military tn pection of NA • AKRON in backlog of Volunteer Reservists. 3,5 we)! May 1949. he found operations on all front in h,igh gear_ He ommended as a wailing !1st of men who wanted

had served aboard tile L(Jxillg/(JI1. Ohioans knew Cook Cleland well both as a rece pilot and as the Thompson - rophy winner ro the National Air Races In. Cleveland. Now they were to see him in action llS CO of Akron" first weekend. warriors.




Community organ)Z1l:tions, newspapers and radio stations all helped keep interest at

bl,gb pitch.

The band plays, Reservists 110,i civilian digrUtarn~ stand proudly at nuenuon, as the fiug Iii railiel.! during thli! impressive cerernenies eommissioning N&S Akron in Jlll'lUary 1948

departmem, Borh proved -very beneficial


others qualified for standard inserumen; tatings during the cruise. Li!'ce all R~erve stations., Akron has: developed a speciaL course fur its seaman recruits. A feature of this training was the dockside it1tiqc:!.rination ig shipDo(ud nomenclature given 27 recruits through the cOciperatltm of Cdr. Livingsto[le, in spector. in structor, Naval 1'raining (!enter, Cleveland. • With t~fe,('9uve.rsion of the air g10up

rnto 'an

air Wing and

component squad-

rl)·n's. which was completed in January, training at Akron ios going more smcotbly tban ever. More than 400 new billets were gained in the reorga!1¢tttiol'l. lind, in the usual AkrOIl Mitian, the enlisted Re:$(!rvists McVick!'l, Orr, Bowers (below) oornplemen: iii already filled. Today. wmk do cllgrne (If une <If Akron's ·al.rcra:n U03 enHsted and 231 officet Naval All this has done much to cement Ol:gll!liwd Reservists M well !l'S 144 enthe fine reIationship tlmt exisss between Ji~tea ruld 44. offiCer Marine Organiz'l;,d (lie community of Akren.and the: NAS Reservists, come out regularly fot week~"it5 newest and fastest gcowip8 in- end drill. . dustry" according to the local news In addition, the stcJ,tion SUP;POItS sn commentators, . associated vel unteer unit at Fittsbu.,gh, On the inter-servire rronl, U~e ~la;- Pennsylvania, whirh hal; mort than 200 tion has become the official IUllitaJty members. it is .also busysettln§ up II hest at thi:: Cleveland Air Races nnd as 1igh rer -t h an-al ( Orgftnized Reserve such is the central arrival pOint for all Squadron, which will provide rmirrinM "i..~iringmnitary planes. fOJ some DO offic'l!fs and men. Puting the. three-day period last But the clearest picture of the Reye.'"!f, '·']'l1e World's Smallest Aidl [t" serve training pt0!Ualll at NA.s' AKRON I'IUl eontinuoasly betvlten Akron and can be ,gained. from looking at the flight the Cleveland Airport, with lmnsports hour IlgULes. In th:e lasl s;?:l1Ionl!'J:; ef and additional personnel. supplied by 1948, the year the station g{)t its wings. NAS GROSS}' JL:ti nnd NAS COLlJ;MBUS, Orga:riized Reserve fliers were in. the air Sgmc 1(0)(;1 slruule aight~ caating more 5,0;.4 l:touI.s. than )(mO military passengers were 111 the same p~rio.d of 1 ~4~, the made each dav. weekend Wa,rdOIS racked up a tot{ll of Akron shared the pride of the whole Naval Air Resel've when three Reserve 7,819 hours. This sharp increase in the' number or hours flown is tlOConi.y .a pilots were the first (0 OOS5 the Iinish sign of the tremendous growth of the iine III the 1949 Thompson Trophy prognuIl butalso a tl"zhu!1! to thefi~u Rate. LC4r. Cleland 'NUS the ",imler for the second lime 'J.nd Ray M!;KeJIEll, teamwork that exists all 'along the line at NAS AARON. a Volunteer pilot at the NAS, placed


GOllk Cleland


CQI(lr~ from

'flal AII~n

~'f'cl!"r and ~I<!D:lIl;~1 srand by .Air Re.serve Squddrons

NAS Akr,on

WS,65-Cdr. E .• SabvJ. WS Cor"",,,,,,,d<tr: Cdr, C!",,,", S.:h~th>:r. A.s!. WS CUlh"1.m~~o.\l·


VF·6'>1-J.,Cij". 'iV, L.P~!

~<lYCI'. ExeQ,

.. nd,

CU: L~. C. 1,'.

CO; Lt. [{, P.


1""' .....



N. W, l)un"",,,li,,,",

V,hH3-W,lr. Conk Cl~l,>.!lrT, GO. s. F.ob:l~("r. J5'x~~ VF·6s4-LI..

LI,/:'I"Y,mo:nd . Lt, c. Lt. J, It, A.

M""tel. E~~.

.T. D. D''''\l',


VII..M1-LOJ,. VA·669-LL.

M.avl'!'111dis. r,;""",.

v. ~. Ce.letH. .co,





,r;.t, C. W, Rorh, 1..1., J. J,


nl e';,

f. B.

tI",I~,',"h.!i. GO:

¥P·6·51~-LCllr, C. 1'" toni<;Y·, E:uW,

.T,,"~., GO:

I;C!lr, .

~{. J,

VR.651-Lt, 1:1. D. W1;II:o,""'''' CO; Ll. '1'. U. C:l~mfilll~. ~~".

FASRcft,651-LQ<1L'. p, B, A.IIM., 1!;lU"I'OQ, I.C,!r. H,

'FA'SR.,n·6~S-LO'lr. W. Y. G\"l~rh, Ch""g~ll". 1;:".",. C"IJ'l, t:lltil'le.

CU, ·LOd1', '0,

VMf·231-MuJ. l(~an" ::;. HuJI.;ukl!r Jr .. 00,

10'. H,u"h~"., E>;u~.

Keeping Organized Re;>el"'Vil;t:s in a ~'tmshUlt state, of readuw5s, of course, is Whh 75 planes and the btesf types of trainLIl£ dey ices, the stfrtion is well set up to accomplish its mission. HLghlightin,g the training piCture were last SUllllner"S cruises. Akron·s fa nice ~gLl ad rons took P;l't of their cruises at NAS· GllGSSF. Iu., whese they gpt in pl€'nty of bombing,. rodH-W-illg, ~tl\1fing and gurmerJ, fhckl!d by €lOCeJ· lent Sllppot't hom the enlisted gnllund crews, pHets logged an average of 40 hm!!SaplfCe duriog these cruises. VMF-231 Hew to MCAS CI:l:EWR:Y POINY fm tw:o·weeks of CQClr'dirIl\ttcd

HIe main busil1(~,,$




maneuvers with other Nhltioe Air Reserve squ.l1drons ftiillTl U,e eastern half
of the country. Akron pilots chalked up mare than 700 neurs, Two ViI'!F.;DI

pilots checked out in

jets and two


R,e tricted

PLierto Ricans With Marines

Ahnual Exercises See Services Mixed Puerto Rican National Guard for Air flying F'47 fighters pa:r~icipnted with the Navy, Marines. A~my and Air Force in 01lerd/irm Partrex in the Caribbean winter maneuvers,

Rock~et Has




Fins Attoched

A new-type air-to-a! r ro ket with folding firu, nicknamed Ai/gIn] Morm', has been developed by Buteau of Ord-


The new missile,

the 2.2,.-' SCAR

practice rocket now used @11 aircraft, was built specifically for use with blgh_ speed :U r.;;rafl. e pecially j ts. tt Yilt!; tested on an AD Skyr,1id'N' at NOTS INYQKRR, Special rocket launchers are bejng developed by BIl·

slightly luger

for use with Mighty '\{(J/(Je. buttests, it was fired out "pllckage gun" (00' 'i~ting of open lengths of pire mounted in 11 Jcoflpable gas tank. 111e Folding fin idea was tried out during the \\tar to reduce air re5i~tan(e en the plane and increase the cllrryi~g c-apacity af the launcher. Sp!IHtibil.ized rocket- wicbout fins also have been tried out on aircraft. The fins fold togcthe,r while iI1 the launcher and extend outward to their normal !tight position when the rocket is fired.

if! rhe Ctlifornia. of an ingeriious

'The Puerto Ricans were attached to Marine Air Grcup 15 MOllg with V1>IF· lIS(N) -53'1) the tir t Hying F9F' Pari/he,,! lmd the latter F7F night fighter', It was, natural that the Puerto Ricans combine operations with the Leathernecks, who have peen holding annunl rnnneuers in rhar urea ince the (lady 20'$, One of the \11'-115'$ pilots is all Aie Force pilot, LL Jesse Hearin, who IS with the squadron as an "exchange pj~ot" A number of Marine fliers piloted F-84 Thtmdtlf'!itJJ in the maneuvers while attached to the Air Force under the same deal,

Marines Get New Transports

R40-1 Packets Supply Ground Me" Marine aviation has tal<m11 del ivery on its first Fairchild RAQ-l transports, the first use of the big P..tkel which bas been in operational use by the Air Force for some time. At Cherry Point, the Packets will be used by VM.R-25Z, col'llltl;lt1ded by CoL Henry . Lane. Two or the planes 111ready have been delivered to the Navy tit NATe PATUXflNT, Marines '\liU lise the Flying Boxcar» for normal air 10,!>:i • tical. support of their aviation and ground units. including supply by para, chute, Marines no longer have paratrooI s, Tile new-type Fair(hil~ transports
have two ~-4JMJ l'&W englOe.\ and can make 2-0 mph. Huge rear clamshell doors open 011 a truck bed level carg0 compartment. It will carry 42 fully-


VP-l, ALASKA-It takes high morale on the pn rt of pilots and III a i11tena nce ~[e'l\'S alike to break Aight records, as YP·I did during January ..vith 11 hours of operatiens ill the AJeut-i~n urea, This is believed u record for 1>1\1 sCijuad rons for on€ month's aying. 'toe squ ad ron pickcd IJ PIts 6 rlit J OU hOUfS mo\'irp.r up from WhidIlc)' bland. VP-l had rheduled rummitmecta f r an additional ')O{) hours. This 'gOld called Ier II ombined effort by all hands. The exi,til1g record for the area was 550 hours. singing them on the hangar deck to the tun e of "Tah ! Rah! Raj, Boorn l ' Tee AM":

I' "r~vl'-·lly w\"'n

th~ [,\ud of tee and all w i hot t" gQ (lun.'l nl!(td the sun ;tlout f)o.w{~r.e t" hUlillr",1 hour","

On 08fJo on J;J.[\li!ary 31, tile maintenance departmeut reported lOOI}t availability, All nine aircraft took off and circled K,odi:Lk in formation for ItO hour to salute- the people most resp~)Hible for the attainment of the goalthe' m(lintr;o<'lJ1c<' crew'S of
V1>- J.

equipped para roops plus 20 500-lb. bundles of supplies or 35 Iirter patients, Maxirnum sell~rngcapacity is 64 merr.

schedules Were prepared


ll1lJ arried A ruaht check crew worked until 0201) each~' morning. The planes flew ICC patroJ~ of the 5ering tea and (overed the Navy-Marine Corps task demc-nt wh ich I!lj:H:led on the .sob-pclnr ALl$k"Jl1 peninsula. Toward the end of he month. with
the 6 '1().hQur gOtt] in si~ht. word was



'lItrl maintenance

received that .1. l' JV squadron 011 the east COR~t flew 627 hcurs in one month. FII!\hl crew llLld maintenance men strongly requested that squadron beat the mark. A visorous and renewed effort. was made maintenance personnel, who were imbued with the SFiitit



wrote the

and drive



an airman apprentice who l.i111;5. and kept

COUld the. /Jl}(JIQJ;t'ul';' "br.tll~ \I'Q).I " '1611' f)."e "I CI'(;lCJ.,,)illg i!M,/tlfg .ltc,1t Iq, IM'J,m ,f,- tI be, hflt II iJ/l'I .• Wh,," r·fI1P·:'>J<l at JII Toro 'iUtlli) illJl,(,;,,,J itJ PIf{J-<f:B'J (dl '"r!lllc J(i~jm:j ilfJl"'uiol/, ii !Cluml 32 (!1Jt~i 9(, Ilwe ff{uk'll(/ 0, 1hqu·,," tiKI/.' 0/ (,,'fgm; 1'1 h"lll. The ,Ji{1U!fe /lind) thf!l'j the wbeels 11 h eled .t/Uir the !fh II!I'J /m:d beei: vemored.


EI Toro Honors Pilotan~ His Talkers. MCAS EL Toao - Taking it page f_rom ~he book of fl.Lrcrafl (MII."'r 5l:jUIiJ· fans. Marines here gave 11 13-pouno cake to 1st Lt. :&h.rvin L. Berg, th", 8,oomh pilot to make a. GCA bading

GCA tanding Wins Big Ca:ke

·8. E.·,W· A·- R··'E· OF·· J. E',"T H, O'T:, F·'O,.0'1·

. .... . ...

Sharing hit-take with him were TSg,t. Eldon E. Greber and Corp. James R. Betker, who "talked hiin in." (5'(ebcl' is the only enlisted lTnal controller in the naval service at present'. the job US'lli1.lIy beitlg handled by a flying officer. H~ got bis sp~6i1J Iraiming ,II NA'ITC O LAnn: , K.'IflSU.




sta.l1d.tiOfls. dlvi~ionQf BuAilR, It was found that the jOO-degree "hot" heat coming out of the tailpipe for can make "het' , hlkt'oifs,rotJ, wh~d, .\iev.emxl rnjnutes while tile ~l,me i~ b-eing pat!:eJ'n at the entrance oJ the bar bum the IIsphalt covcrillg off the runpositioned was, deleterious t-e the deck_ entirely by radar. The squadron got way;. This is: el)pCcililLy true 'of the FgF, TIl!;: 34 direct hits out of ,,6, ru.ns on the The accompanying photograph shgw:! PJ. fit-I .md p;rH sit with thei r j et .low altitude bombing exercises, One what bappened to runway 10 at NAS exhausts more nearly parallel to the of the two misses WIIS orusud by a QUON,SET PO.LN1" when (in.e fD'F pil~t deck. However, to ,get a better laundi· mal rU (l(tiolli ng bomb rcleast mechanmil:de a prolonged fuJI power Hill-UP ing angle {rom the ca1apult, slurlles an: isrn on the pI ane, prior to I:.eie:llsing his brakes for tllke0tf. belr(g made to raise the DOSe of jets. Offici,a! observer 011 the exercises MCAS CHERRY POlN'f aod_ NAS SAN \vhic;h weukl uite!:'t the blas: lIL <I- sh'ltpwas Capt. R. R. Briner, CO of the DtEGO report they have had similar er allgle downward, G-re,eIlIlJic/) Bd)'. H~ observed the rna- cccurrences, A project has been launched at the neuv e(~ while hovt!ring above the fine DVefyonc t-110W;' how $O(l .ellf" aspball' N.rl'ai A,. ir M~!ft:riilI Center, Philadellido and the bombing ta.rge:ts ill a heli- paving gd~dm\"'"I"ltt"l'wn Ofl d hot SIlQ1ml1'r ph iu, to develop ;m lJ.utomafkUeflei:\l;or copter, Thls method proved effective day. SOme Navy Jets shoot theirtxplate Cor installation on carrier Jecks a~ he was able to riot all drops with !Ja;usj- sh'tl.ight out 1h e Du:rk. put !he F"lF ochlnJ the ~ablrlJLt. Ril~er than throwpinpoll1 t ,~"('uracy and also wa,., free 10' )1<1:5 II sli;ght downward tilt to its fuseing the- iet exhaust onl.y upward, rl, also f10lt: o:ver-.u,jl'fficicncy [he ope-riL' lage whirh ;ib?o~s- .hollfase'"", a;gai:llst tlyc would turn: it olltboarJ. It was felt a lions f rornth is v.inl:ag~ point. Mphalt, blQwtng u C~f1' the n111~VJy if Jeflertor which throws the e-J:"h:'tusl upth'e rWHljJ IS ('00 long. SImilar tIQlIward would nor protect the deck sufCor:pusBird on ~Instruments billS' wi tb j eis 'H!;l alSo b.f ing .stia died fIciently because of wind over the deck. Bee,chc:raft Crashes Inlo It In Clouds aboanl ain:raJt carders:wh:en: the l~0t' 1'l"lis dcflecror l~l.ale "r:ould have to NAS COlU>US Cxnrs n - An All blasl melts the pitch and li..'iph"ll ill tht be dt1ligued to retract into or against Weather FOghl S('h'o&] Beechcraft re- deck caul k 111 . g tlw de',('k When 11tlt in use, It would. ports instrument ~)7illg has !"lOW exrendhave (0 be cunstrurtcd so that it would but less extensive damage to ed ['0 the bird world. tha.t 5hO\'I1I1 in the photograph has been not overheat ;lnJ burn ti res of plan ~5 \Xf!'l~re cl Jmbin1; irI ail!)' Id overcast at done t9 other runways at Quenser by a taxiing OVer it. The FMJ MU £'"jH jets F<'!w f'YFpiIQtc" No d~nuge has been in1,100 feet, the pilots felt a :>lll1rp imhave been tested a! NAMe in rormecpun, A t the same instant they Gmgh!' flicted in the w:mi'H..!:p are:Hi and none tion with this dciledor pJate projfti"t, h(lsb(!('j1 0bsl!'tvcd following. normal Til," r,jlJ twin-jt:t 'U(/;Jo:.l, which JiqlLilts J RL·etingglimpsf of m1l!1Y large birth, takeo(t". Unlike peopsllered planes, jet on the deck at 1l mush gnta(cru1J,gle perhaps geese- going south for the winencgii1es require 110 \Va[111--11P periOd b).lL than any 0theT' N.wy je!, I'i'tight introttr. taklt1S e",ls1Y-t:' "uio.i"L duce nee problems of possible: deck Fligbt dJl.lradetilit1cs of the pl.ure up- mill" be d~by~ llt lhe l,lkt:-~_oif spot QY heavytralhc-. U,II"!l~tg.e. ,1:$ well as M :1Sph'llt runways . pe:.r;:-d normal, and check of the .cOIL(ll) land, hill!!: iudi(llted it appnrtntly was not Since the l1"1 ajor it)' OfF'! f pi] ots use dilmaged seriously and flight was (all" .11. tilke·olI tcd~l\ique does I)ot dum~ tinned. On return to base. it was foul1J age the I1.tnW:<1yt>, it .anf'e~rs thnl this the implICl ruptured n db in the leading dafllJ.g{! ran bi- llv(l'tde.l Bureau of WAS N!AGA~i\ FALL~ - Vr-Si2 edge of th", starboard wj[lg main panel. Y£ird'~ ::,.Iltl Docks and BuAliR bGtll are pl:l-j"?d weekend htiru to Royal Canadian llece,:,g'ltll'tillg a \V"in~ cha ngo::. studyin,g the problem, Ai,r Force Squadron 4-00 wbkb. urri 1,¢t1 Birds oJten have been ~1'ghted above The p,rob.le!p or .hcr jt:;!- I<rxh-::J.).tst 01'1 In L:! plafle~. The RCAP was made to ove.rClst, hut this WI!Ji the first time: they carrier decks, especially -nt the rutapult ceru en the goodwill visH which "'';-&52 lrave been enceuntered on instrcmcnts. $pot. is being :>tudJed by tllt: Ship's In- ma.:1(' to th€ {Toronto) .Airdrome.
HE "NAVY Jl(15

Fleet Ex,ercise In Pinwheel VP+i. NORFOLK - Everyd~ly lilt' Navy is 6nding new ways to use IJeH· copters. One of !'he newest is [0 By QbSer'\<t:H who tan Riot mine ,m.1 bOlTI_bdrops during fleet competitions. This squad roo operated off the A VP GI'<!ellUll.~D Bay at Gll.1ntunarno .Bit}' dutj.n,g January. H laid a full closure

its "hot"

it has its "hot"

planes which make l:llJJ.m,g.s. It ~d50 has it~ jets that





Rest rictea

FIRST RAFT RIDER SAT 5 DAYS with ·WHfl e.:.:tended use ofavi~torlife spot orght Har hrnan itsighted a ship's the first naval .to Thne make his

wet find covered


maa who spent :five da.ys f!oatlog

raftwben f reed to ditch in the OCean! Possible "liim.ln~ to that honor, 1I


the Pa ifrc Ii){f Panama, is Chief Aviat ion Pilol Verne W. Harshman, Record of hi teat carne to u.ght iu BUAh"R air-

masthe: d lights. He fired his last two S1:atTs but they were unneticed. He met the c1.ptain of this ship lhe E1e>;;1 week ashore and hook hands with him. he captain said "JesU5 Christ put.

borne equipment division


On March 17, 1931, while fll'ing rover (01' battleship spotters, Har h· 1l1i)(1 got lost in his ljghtt'r when douds closed In. He made n water lilocHog, and breaking out his Mk 1 IUe raft, BuAliR had just d'l"veloped the raft 11 few )lears before. A few hour' later One of the AotJ\lioD b;tgs sprung a leak and the plane par· tiaUy .lUJR, Harshman fired {our Very stars with no results; BigBest bother was the backs, He mamlgeti to keep them from spil1ning hi", life taft around too mudl by uliing his oar [1$ u spear and hitting them 111 the head, NIlI1'IeJ"o,l1$ spotted dolphins rubbed on the raft. ince he had only one canteen of water, fQ conserve it he caught 1".1111 water in his silk ,.,carf, f;uslli.oned ail a sed the ~U1 was so hot it starteo to melt the rubber in the raft, One leak was started, but be patched it and kept the

inflating flotarion gear on the wo


crude: Funnel.

On his Inurth


lime rarne!" A colored native seaman who was 011 waldl that nigl1t reported he saw "two fnlJingstaa" und thou.!jh! it queer ~hey were ted. On tile fifth day he sighled a ship. tile u: S CVl'"ig() of ihe Harnburg-Ameri(rut line. He waved his red flag at it, The cuprain later said he thought it was a corrnerant sitting I'm a log BappIng J'ls wlogs. Howev r•. the ship Iion_lly picked him up at1d hauled him ,tbolittil, They gave him :t drink of schnapps "which nearly blew the- top off my head," he reported. Harshman was ravenous but hi sternarh had sh run k so he cow d hold on Iy a small amount of food. He had to leave the table huagry ahhough he felt. full -liP to his neck. A number of Harshman's recommendations, indudin'g pludng of cement and tools for raft repair. plus a cord to fie the oars to the raft. were put intG effeet later by fhl All!: after studying his report.

me off my course 3() miles to pi k you llr .and r had to be asleep wben the


ASW Neptune

j's Revealed

P2V-4 Carries Radar for Searm A new version of the Lockheed Nt'-p· lulu' has been announred-c-die j·.N-~-


equipped for sub-killer rnisone of the primary missions 0-£ naval aviation, Holder of lh~ world's long. distance
La eRg

combines long a heavy load of armameat plus antis.ubrl'larirle warfare gear. Just ,,,,hat this latter gear is cannot be tOld, but external views show the NelJ/IJtllf with a luge radar g:uppy on the beJly and wingtip tanks which may contain addItional gear or fuel. To as, i t in Iocating mbmerged ubmarines, the ?2V-~ wcll carry radio !\{)f1i)~·uoys.The bomb-l ike buoys are dropped 10 the area where a sub IS su 'pected to be. A mi rophone in the buoy picks up sounds from the: submarine's pro· pellers and rebrosdrasts this information sub, The plane can CUI;}' torpedoes, depth chaeges, bombs, rockets and cannon to att,ack any submarine it c-an 10cate, It is powered by the Wright "cornpound" engine which uses exhaust gase •

nighl record, thePlv ral'ge with the ability


to the:

PlY, whirh

they can get

11 pIOL 00

Quonset to Launch Carrier

Model Patterned af.te( 'North Island' Nt\S QUONSET POIl'l':r-The Navy ",,-W Jgunch an ENtlX'-class ll.i.wraft car· rier here on Armed Fol'CCS Day. May 20, complete with air group, gUns that fire and bullhorns that work. Of course, ir is only a mode] of an EJJex (arrje:r,~ ,6·£oot long one weighlng 12.000 pounds. Built along the [jDes 01 the USS North lJ'Icmd (NANliWS, reb. 1950) which has
been . appearilJg at civic

around San Diego the past two years,

10./.1 I:llblllt1l'lIlf-kji!erfIjU"d,'/J/ii. umh fiuo' U·boatl II) ill cred" !j'<,,! d~t(J'JllllbJf¢lIl!d t'eU'/illy 11[>·40'·r ,et~I""t r-/1llg,'d {.-rrrtl {t:,,}t1(ld If') P/J'W1IllJ, rim Ii'll<' lr/ P;lrlfif. (jIlt (d fbI! ,rubl, I_1J1tR WPf. C<lfM;,wd b; !'_<If!.itm!. . LiUIIII(l!li. G'#J{,k efibergef, who haii bl}~ Jecvtaled b H111et far _fl~lkinJ!. Jbl/ Br#lfh "'l'crl1f, csrner Ark Royal. Ml'lUbnr <1/ Ihl r'lfMilrtm ,11 d~'C'()IIWJiJjif>ltillg II'eO<t~. /.gfl 10 ngh!, [mnr raw: LI. fl. T, Hiu/Jwd;: rig) I. N. Price. lV1. G. Hatfield, Af1C(AP): Ens. t. D. Fuller. W. E. C. '{'it)f(JIl. Elll. D. B. RUe). U. (If!;) J. E, Lm1/ilh,. Lt. (iJi) R. L. (.fl'i) on, Lt. fix) /. C, M.isl 0, D, A. T, M Ki/II/t!). Lt. T. C. Beaver), U. R. D. cu..r$. . .Bark row: L,. M. C. -MtKit#fI y. U. (,~) J. Henson, E/}J. 1/", JIl', McCue. u. 117_ I. sucrort; fig) If.", P. Pug«. J;.Cd,. H. 1.., J. p, LYII~h.~xet; tcs« 11", D, H4"llIgtoil:,


One of the flllUJ,II'g Ibw






R. R, SI'_l11o}')'l.Cd.. C. H, Tolbert, 15lIJ. IV, C. Sbtl,rpe, Ens, G. [, Fl.;y, Lt. D. 5. C()od. "lJuQy" RJley. rqIJadf'Oll 1/1<,1$(0.1. h in [amI,
CZD, LCd.,.






pILL!; and salvage material. Launching ceremonies are planned when the Iittle carrier is ready to take to the water. It will hsve actual water flowing past her bows, It continueu flow water pump supplying it with It miniature bow wave, Her tiny p.uns will fire talcum-powder pu-ffs and a synchronized phonogrnFb record will provide the sa1utiog battery in action.

the US Ollpmef Poitlt was built eotirely by -;nllitary personnel from sur-





T ovver

Operator "D" mans the intercommunication and Ian d1me facrliries connected to Milirary Flight ervice and the CAA'$ Air Route Traffic Control. A supervisor, ql1llllfied inany position, e that the whole team doe its work smoothly. For v:'lnety 01' traffic.. indudUlg test aircraft of all size and description ilOd MAT' pl'lInes, Patuxent is hard to equal, ThiS new tower adapt itsel readily to Whell iL'E!(tallaticms arc completed tile tower will be the best equipped in the ll. S. :lJld perhaps the world, Eguip. ment. includes @ medium tMgC' surveillance rada '. improved Iype< VHF direction hodet. MHF direction finder, two ludio equipment. To avoid local declric;d interference two dupl itu!:e 'remote receivers ;lf~ I.Otaled everal miles away on Cedar "Pomt. Rather than have receivers and transmitter on the tQwer level the racks ace on the level beiow where th~r can be worked on withoul interfering with operations. 'through the elimination of much noise and ra(jilltioIJ interference and providin,g !L dear cut divisiorr of responsibilities 'a.nd Quties of the operators, Patuxent's tower IS a dte'JJ.u of efficiency find a pleasant place to work.
aD}' CQllG'eivablc situation.



















atop P ~t thea:val the .operatjons Station.


breakdown permits rontrol of II variety of traffic with I ittle clutter and jnterRiver, Mu .• IS t\ Ierence withiQ the tower. Volume of air llCli\ity would be proud to own. trl1ffic determines how m~lIly personnel Gomplt<tednnd placed in operarion man the installation at one time. Foul last Qc;:l~.ber, the tower bas four posicontrollers are Oil the job 10 rush peririons .and wi1Ji eventually include 11XOO ods, two during periods. G([A ;lOU fixed lLS irrstallarions, The control console i~ designedespecially to PE~AT\llt ",4." monitors the Dermal meet the requi rernents of over all traftower f reg uencics and controls all fic (oatrol. It contains new and im- coarad traffic within the Landing ratproved features so delligp.t'd that it 0111 reru of the field. The ·'B'· stand cperaror be adapted to and become st:and;ud mcnkors all the normal eAA and inequipm nt for all Navy control towers. strument traffic control Irequencie for Basic facilities are rncorperated also to relay. information, ere. to civil and miliallow [or future installation of electary il.jrcrafI fiying tile artw:ayS. t-[Ollie tnrHic contrel. Conttoller .'e" stands by operations OriS.itl of the projecl dates back to frequencies and controls target assignNovember of ]948 when, at the request ments, radio range practice, GCA asthe CO at Patuxent, BuS:&IIP - undertook signments. lost plane procedure. etc. Q modernize the tower, It was soon building
Patuxent control tower that any

to illltialc a 1MB range to develop and j nstall ;1' complete electron ic. ccnrrol system.
Ute ~ob of designing the ccnrrol console was 1lSsigned the E]CEtronic:s Branch of the: Naval GUll Factory in WaSl'lington, Qbjecti,,'! kept in mind was that it would 11(lVC to he an over-all control setup combined with GCA and ItS. Personnel of the Patuxent tower help d with the design br recommending certain features which would aid in the efficient aml safe control of air tralhc, The whole installation W3.5 expedited through work conducted by the ommuakations department of the station. the Publk Works department. Ajrport Lighting Se('tion of Eledrollics Test 'ana the Operations -departmenr. The (00501i; is divided into fall! main pcsiriens, stands A, B, C, and D. This

recognized that this was an opportunity





contributing their talents flu office and 1J1!l;;ntenance work on regular squadron cruises, 'I) ighl en Iiste.d W 1\ VF.5 and two filii cer S !LC. companied ,Air Gn'up 6~ to Pensacola and "hi;xenJisfcd WAVRS crui~ctI wir/J Air Group 9, at 13!'Illidjl. • NAS jil.l,"J{S()NVU.Lll-IllI: former exerutive office.r of the )ap"Mltst cmiser Sakawa !s will. V"-1;\3 here nuw, No, he isn'~ a J~Pt lie'S LQ"!r, Jt!f>.lt Mi!lllt. Aft(;t the War he volunteered to btc exec ()f the ship when It "WMt to 13j'ki.n,- for the atom oomb rests.


Neptune Has A New Sight

p~V·4 :J rCraft now being delivered from T,odlwl!d Aleen t 'CO!"pM!lUOlJ art' equipped will1 ~jllh,l1 jflfJ/rIitldl,~ii 1igh!! g /Jilr;r/ fJ
whkh have M (ltljuJwMe retf.em:n Ali: ;I Mod (I. The- rl:ll~Wlr on these I1I:W sight> replaces fill:! adjusrable r.dioctm Mk .J Moo 0 used un ,earJlt:1 versums of lilt" N"1"IIIH series alr0'11ft. 1\ fwnr,!w' " diced r,, iii the adtustmeat srnle and pcdils-ll IllClltr;r downward IfHI\'(.'!ffmj oJ{ lhe rellector plute th,kU wJ!.5 pl)~sibl" with the adjustable reflector [nfr,lll.llitlll. It the. newer sisht


sea. during d,ad(nc1!s. Contact condition

Considerable training Is required before a pilot is capahle of hOisting a manout of the water while hovering at

Mk·1 Mud O.



is not p lim 11 e<d to insm J I

retroacti rell' in 1"!v-2 ur

with lights fer a reference are required for all nr<>ilt bovering at sea. Lights trom hi-ps. .a shoreline, IighlllOUSes and the like can he used. LCd!. E. A . .Amold. Jr., Lt. (j ) S. K. SchmuCker and Lt. (jg) W. J. CQX of the detachment made the fitsl nigbt t-ruining tlights. jH~er becoming capable of hovering at Tow.altirude over objects at ell, during darkness; th~y considered themselves qualified ror night rescue,






I'N-l u,rtr,tk I'eJlentJr

BLiO~D, however, will not "b· iect to ticJcl activlries jnst31ling the adfu.~tabte Mk 7 Mod 0



re'l";'" J.

IHumlmued stg-ht~ equipped wll.h the :1<1. Iustllble reflector Mk 7 MIld 0 arc available No. JnM,-Jl1..j I~O.

economies th mugh 'ej'imi~lt i08 [he we of writt~n directives: StIHl..ruvdi:iitl-,!; routing unJ processing: desi~nating and JefimDg r"~po"· s,bil(tias_ but there were problems to be- solved before lht' proiec; could be completely effedi\'t!. One vf tJ11I'C ptlJblenn was tn pn1' ins the parts vi tb~ subassemblies as ille\' W~I e removed fr"lTl the JlrLJ'~ (t {lnd .ctl'actn. !ng eh<;: pn1pet set ()f burr,. 1 (I burr these)Ya:rts Pl'np~rly by fir.! chcdUng as;); ns] written J"~Lrip-rl"r" or bh.Kprifl';; would en-



in the :I-"iJtiqn urdnunce -:>uPpll' system under


,iile U means W eu~ily and arcurarely





FBF Taif

NAS AMMI'rv.-A ~afe!y lock f<l~ the I'W wil ge;!t, [~hric"led til III the hyIDlllI!r( (I I00, fl.1 b~<:" dI;."vl:l(Jpe'.! by K, C _HI'h:k. S air(r.l[' ni~d'lJ:Ili{ Wl~ra.l, LInder tllr.! N.I"),
J!mp!\1)'1:t:5' Benefirinl u~gf'stinn Program.

Ioek is u mild ~t,,!,1 lackd %">:6" (:<IjLiil'ti~.J Wlt~ J lo"king pin, ~~rured .Ito,)und the «leo piston shaft, Thus, til oleo 1$ iinllH'J 10 an ~Jeu positi"'tl r.,g>l~dl",,> (If who;th~'r tile- hy~·tlluji' ~'Yst~rn is runcuon.ll"l!' or not. 11 )1.];.." elillH:mlit's n!1b,:>,ity qf hll:)\'I'_I"1I \II' till! W".I' uf l1w plune earh rime it ~~ moved, arid ~·1Lntinllte.~ danger III trw plune heing the
j"trf;,.j 1ll the t,[qd,"S wltb possible p~r"lnncl working under it.


tall dupikatilll'l of effort, considernhle 10> "f nme, :lI1J rt-quirl:' till" ~-"r~ ~Cti uf Itlgll!}' trm'~ personnel for th~ iub, Arter d,.scussrng tjl~ matt ...r luIL)'~ Jrn.'c'Hu I'Illl't'~J Quonset Hut Flown North I-h1lJ j::'-J9tureo; • .-r these Pllth "jt:h the- rurlrQnsportSq'uadron lifts Heavy Gear Ie'C! M!t of fln '~t:~smg hurr~ WUU lei ';O~Vl thL prohlem, Ph,ltugrnph: was th~ answer. VR-5. llATTJ..E You get sorn [WI-

During the past year, numerous nighl Aigllt have been made by four differeot pilots for ~c\iIch and~es("ue. On 14 , ovember. the helicopter was used all an all-a ight search for an F7F reported ditdied near shore, The maximum dislance Ro\~n off snore by the helkopter is- 14 mats. The helicopter proved valuahle- rot iden t j Fying oi':lrect5 00 thesurface seen from conventlonsl airsraft, thus preventing it waste of time ill otherwise idtnrifying these objects at night.



rne~"''''lb''',. -pl"'t"!lr,!ph~ ,,; purL, .Il1tl "Lib· assemblies were prepared s.llcl b~ rr bO:lrtis were set up in the "lIriOU~ <l..Ibll'~tfllbty "~\.'Ips. met' the hlUr (U~S nrc prc-punrherl hr the til cusunds, i I he{ff'Tl>;',1 simple rnerter Jur personn I l(I att",h the: !,I',il'l'l) hures I"


Aids Overhaul

the ~Iibl\s~t'ltibly li)' J\pkin,g ;\ \ isual ,-h~("k I)f the burr boH!il With tJlI! lid \Jf rii()tllgrD phs, uHltt"le
burring of parts

nu lim zcr a peoblern.

P hllt, 'gr;J.nhy 1~ "P 1:1 ing ~11 irrrpu nan trlJrt Y in lJ11: i\ICt'l'llfild f'A1grarn. A .. pari IJi .rn dfJ<i~nl proredure th'lt im£,"l11ies overhaul and rl'I'uir, if I'S' pal"f\8 OJ fl!;;11 JkjJclid~. AI,uuc Ihr~ ;,e:H~~g')" the use 'oi" t'lllhuSStd 1f1t:W I hun tllg_" [ur niLl(io_e ilrld processing a>lqplt'~1 in th" OVl'Th,,-uJ ,:lnrl iltpilir
ll1~n~ at


Lights for Pinwheels




Helicopter Operation In Dark Tricky RUt, HAW,"lI~This he l ir opt er squadron' Hawaiian detachrnent hll~deljgh~ so it can operate its. ('gg.beater~ at night. A'detach1iPle R+D wnding Jigbt WaS mOllfl ted on the .!;tep boot C 0 f -:1 n HO'JS-I, with the directIOn of the light ad]u table n des-frEt! hy the pHot. tnn,dard instrumenl llgbt Wen: in,staUed on both sides of theinstrumllJlt p,lnd
veloped landing and in rrurnenl panel







designON!' thE ~1i-l(JpO[ Sllup, fespons.ibl~ f,lI' pmces, in" the 1'''-£1. m,d gi~'" l'llwr ,nf('rmtL· tHJn nocess-ory tp LflI'r the part fJlr<1ugh thr
oV<'i'lla'ul cycle. Tht' ...s~ .. f Ule~e I;lII:rr~ efFecte..l Jefillilt'

l\;A5 '1\N DiEGO. These butt tilgs the r"m~ witb h,,:sfl UbilSStlmbl), ,"uting and flTll~~~siog u;1f(Ju;mJ[llln.

ll}' carg-ots when YOll By Logistic Air Wing planes, lind a couple- of recent 'hipm~nts to A,l.a..\ka wen: no excep ion, The; N'lVY'\ Petroleum PrQjed Pour at Point Barrow, northernrnos point ill Alaska, wanted a speeially-designed cold weather Quonset hut. The hut was :u Poim Mugu, Calif,. so two Jl30'S fii red up the 17.QS3-pound dlr,lgo. The bulky QUQnset filled the rubins entirely ;;\.1'1(i it wok extcnsi e plnn.nint to'et it all aboard t w planes. 00 the return trip they brought 6~ passengers (tom An(ilor(tge to Seattle. The SeCOl1U unusual shipment was 113'1;71 6 pounds of sefSmOWJ ph it: instrurncnt g~ar frorn to' 1:0 Point Barrow, On the Wil)f back, the two p}ams provided lif] for 66 passengers nt Ancborn.;ge.

• c A.,'<Wrs--Dur-ing: pecembt'r, :Ui nIt... 'U(res~hIJJ)' (QlIIpleted the. 1Jig.h SGIl,ml l~\d CEO testsand; tilt" ~pllege level lests.



13 Blind Boys Tour Alameda

Show on Aptitude for 'Flying' links NA ALAMEDA~I[J the public inFormation office is 9. letter of appreciation written in Braille. It 'was ent by 1 _3. blind boys; students at the California School for the Blind, to thank person. nel who had helped make their recent aU-day gttided tour of the station all ourstandiog' experience. During their tnur, the boy, some of them blrnd from birth, visited the eonrrol tower. Thev examined a JRBfrom win~tip 'to cockpit. They swarmed over the Mrlrs, which W:lS "like a llying house" to them. At the aviation ground school, they operated Link trainers and "saw"mnchicc ,l:uns and. model ships with their' finger tips. Most noteworthy to their guldes was the way the boys "flew" the Links after brief instruction. Most of them achieved near per ection in banks, turns aile! be-am flying. They had P' ked up by through
!iight. QUe> oned

Letters Reward Good Shots

ComAirPac Planas Show ReCiordsVP ... . PACIFlc-CornAIIPac f has a new system of marking :ai rcraft whose pilots and aiccrewmeu hay!': made: so(')d marks in gunner)'. If the}' receive an "outstanding" mark in sdaeduled primary or secondary weapons competitive ~xcrcise5 they can G1isplay a white "E" on tb(! fuselage beel.tND SnlDfJIITS ~XAMIN£ AIRCRAFT MODElS

comb, and have .L broader world because of it" Needle-S5 to . ,It, the world is also broader for many statio!, personnel, who. perhsps for tlu, 6n;:t time, realize it's not so much whll,t you see a's how you se€' ir,


sound and touch the !±lings normally

regarding aviation, the boys surprised everyone by dis losing il cOII(~ept of flying almost identical with !:hat held by technicians to whom planes are l visible reality. After the visit theit school instructor made the following comment: "When you're without si,ght. the world can b very narrow unless you're. able to come rn physi at contact with the concrete objects you hear l:lbout. These kids went over your gear with a fine-teeth

29 .j.ugu_.sJ 1J48. R'lI Mil} II,.. IqtMtifi7'ri ill,· liMed ,Pia,!;' O"'IIE" ce;r/ifir-41'{;,1 fa,- ••)1 patuh
oJ/I r~'I''''1 QU"







lhe J'ay aU


(0 f/11JJI$fiOlIi"-g. <llld HI"



1(' b< 1011.g

remembered hana! r tria




low anJ forward of the pilot's window. 111C '1:" will be followed by a smaller letter (B. G, Or R) ~boul one-third the sise of the "E" to designate whether the m ark W<I' attained in. bombing, gunnery or rockets. The "E" will be followed by more than aile Ietter when the pilot or ,lircrew ha-s won the award in more thm one wt!'apon during the fisml year. A lush [nark wJ!! be displayed under the "E" to indkate the number of year the plane wins the letter. VP4 has niae P!W-2'S which have won eight "E's". Five arc di.spluyil'lg the letter followed by a Band R. One _plane ha a hush mark below B and R.

Heat Control

on AD Planes

·.~\'t'IllJ compi11ill15 Iln.qt b..en (ea:ived hy B~'AElt from Ol'~r~ting squadrons .~rding mao ~q uate- remperatu re se J ect ivit}' in Lrl e uldi:pit rtf MhZ and Arl-.l ai rrra fI,

Recenr InfonnJltion from OougJas Ait· wtlt Cn .•, re'l:e~l~ tila! tmermeduttlt po itiom Me I'rllvldeJ for the heating and venti latiuS
contrlli in these planes thtnugh use (!/:

frictintL adiustment. This adhlstlJWDt j. /(" ruled bt'low the upper surface of the righthand cuntrol pAMI •

.Any deslr~d tfghtflC5, of tt)e (l,m,.)1 Ivers (an hI.' obtaIlled by mno.villg !he "~ttfr pin rom the outboard end of the ~ODtl'ol lever ~b;ltl ssseni bly and dgitt~ninil the "Shu t f .~gRinsr the lea F· ty Fe ~[,fin"!> fIb ~ <"iJ n rro I

.lsscmmly. TOp of tile

1 )'l'olJnd f...rre al'plied near tJ~c control hand I", in 11 f re nod 11ft direction 10 milHJle rmrvernent pf eitber conrrol, is recommended ,IS .' satjsfu~tnTY adjust-

A ](} to

JJ11!nl to providrt 1):I1"[i« I output.



or is .. II mgr

A1nil,tenanc« "JlJl1ual will b t(Wi~ed tfJ Include debtfl in5truplO[)..~ to,r adjusting t~e Irie~i(.11l controL

The next issue

the Brecuo»




rN)-5J]. l(ttl! of Edetrto»


In the meantime, 'the j"rOflna, presen ted herewith sh n 11,1 besu d f!i~'en! i

10 enable maintenance personnel of operating squadrons 10 mala: ildju~tments as required,

pilor r~[t1''~ n, le]«, i,oh/ t~U';' CIIN. R. R" SI. Jphll. C{rili. 1-l. M. Turner, M~i. S. C. Oier. exee: Mil) B. C. MdJ!I)(wy, jr .. "'1<>J, E. P. D1iIw. CajTl. D. D: Hunrer, Cap), L. T. F,-rc)', 6"d rn,,'! Lt. L, B. IYLtllhell If>. Lt. C. L. OI.1/lil, Jr •• £1. t. H. It'''hflt\ Cq'l. 1.. A. ~Iifll!", o,lfJJ. G. O. RQJJ. u. A. ] IP",d, CJil't H N. M~"r41.}. 1170 f. A. Gan,j, u. D, W. C'''1Jbl?af, M;ni/Ig were. C"/IA. G . .A. KrU1i11r;. 11415gl.1, 11", Uy' Wamd. E. L. BatlJIIU'lfrt.

of time and '".(}'I"~Jllt;',g

ide-{l.! to'

.'~4'!.·J I"'hl) 111111IUlU'I11



Ib~ N~WJ 10 Iprt"d

on» oj the /Io,1I1;ng e»PQlIel/1! of Point, ;II [reqsem ((Jll1ribmo 10 Mhj!r Jqll"d1'l!)JI.r. rJMFfN)·5J)'J




Ope-Totting Lim e 5. Provide sa1isfactury

bow'S, RUO:"llflttldalillil: hntttory filler ClIpS.

Voltmeter. The 'Voltmeter In the circuit £rum tile number I ~lternatur failed. Discrepancies nder investigation:
Broken transpareat plastic slueld in('If the valve assemblies f<l) the Ilrnergency 0!?~raLiiln of rhe bomb bay, landi.llJJ. seat and llaps, 1. Broken exhaust dnfl1[1,ul<J Iwlt. hoard



'I'hu. dlI1e~1 MU".... fit e I~ F'~br"a !i l"ted", .. <If S"chJ«:ff 'flll<t, '~t'1'0 r'atux'n,~ •.. 'lid. al'~~. m,t ',.c"~8q.ih,l reI/oct UllA~R Ifll/i"lI.

~. FailUre "f the cubin heater vibrator and fuel valve solenoid . • Fallure of the drive :shll[t5 OIT bULl!
alternators on number one engine,

F2H-l [318 Hoursl

Corbon Deposit. Large cskes of carbon were (mfod ill th ~ engi ne rom b ustion liner .atl,t:-r "'N·F'-"~t JI'} "fe-fi:-ree" fuel wa used fot 2~ hours, "', -r-ss, JP~ (7..,) [ue] which i~ now in USf'. also leave conslderable carhon depuslted in the c nnl;imtiort liners, Turbin.e Housing ond .spac:er Ring. DurLng J Inulin\! '·B'· ffilliIlliJnUncc 'i ospf'ctiQn flf en!;; ne WE lO>!J4. the first and ~e(OIld $tlgt' turbine blwc I~p cJea,rfU1CC5 werlo: fuund Itl I~ bt'Jllw tne spe,ific;~ minimum (.061'1") in :I number uf pus] lOOS. After replaeemen! of Ih e turbine housing :lnd tJ,C turbine sp~c:tr rmg,lhe turbine bbdt' lip ..J Jt~m~ were slllisf'l(1.llry_ T'he tr:1LlwJ blaclt: In the .first Stll,ge tu rhine
(\0 r,nsuK -';0. WT 10llJ _lftef 22(,

Voltage Re<julatol'". During mgbt. ,at 2;;,[)O() pllct noriced smoke 111 the ,ockplt, and he imrn~>J..t.:.tE'lyreturned to the field. Wilen the hfld,ng g~I was lowered, the indicator did not show thai the _gear wa~ down beC'!HIS{'

,. [Z,ti Ilire of the drive shnfl 011 tot- hy" draulic pump 00 numb", lW!1 engine. IS. Oil Ienk In the hydtaubc pump Sell" bo.'C adaptor n the number <Jill! engine

AD-4 (205 Hoursl

Corredlon. TIrlgjlle. tcmperatuee rontrol Jj;J.~ gram, Jig. 8·16, page ~29, Ilf E&M Handbook for 1\,D·~ is Incorrect. IrtlWm'a('(lll Iisted under the nfmding i'JCI/I"JrIr ·'Y" sheuld read: A-Rxtt'nd·clt>~e; B-Ground; -RelrlLOupen: e.-Tran~fer swftch; Motor Rotation "X" .tnd "y.'; 1\- 'ouote,fI;locl-wiscj -

th-e ).ndic,i;WI clr\,u!I breaker

was open.

When the ciecuit breaker was pushed ;n, the iadicatur .,howed Ihllt the gtillf wits down. Post.·l!,ght inspectoon r"YCl~11.'d that several othor eircl1it breaker ~ were open. PhlltO.

phs, taken print to flljture ('If the (IIrnena, of u pI,\)tn ~'ll$lel im;mll~d i.l the DUSe sect J\Jn sbClWGd th~l (I minutes ...tIer tlti>6e·(\If, at an




altirude of 2~,t)OO feet, th~ voltmeter rellditlg WEnt lip to '>0 I (lit and S1l1y¢!1 there, 1:h",!8ul.l.tor ~esl pin was brully burned. It is believed th;ll ~ rhurt circuit m the resr !!lin ia.~k calil~ed the wllhtge regular,",' to mal tunction llnd allow Lt." t:tTIerattJr II) deliver excessive voltage II'! II.K· circull~. The voltage regulanu (lp~t"t{.,J >1tt.i..r£ad"ri·ly \11'1

was checked by
checked, The



Whell the- engIne rear section the Wright Aeronautical two ~R5I>U carbueetors were ;1is(' I
1irst carburetor was


but dle !:.'ugitle "'OL.lhJ nOJ operate


, peruuun



a subscq lent bench d\IIO.."k. All dumaged parts were replaced and the
voltage rogul, t<lr test over to ~J,e G rurnman f(;l, invest igatien. pl)"!


F9F-2 (360 Hounol

A thrust stand te,<;t n,~dr: witb N1-p-~ -ngine ,Ifter cOjOl hmlf<i. revealed. t-~~ the ~~tj thrust had Jrl'll'ped t(l approximatelv -1300 Ibs, a IQ S lJf -'lPI) Ins. The' engine was r~m(lved trnm the airplane For in;p~ltinn. "l1d another J IZ-P--l engine wnsInstalled. The fuJ)nwlng distre~aDf:k~ were rtI'Qrtoo to the £lOll cd nf Inspection and Survey: Combustion Chamber LineJ's. Failure uf the cambuAtio1n ,ha:mh"r lin rs after 12, hours were reported. The li[ler~ were reI"I'ac!'d. A nmi'~r ilWpedil:)n oJ.f the engin .. wrter Lll(l 1\tllt!'5 rt'vt'lded that t'.,dl Ull'Obu~·


was til rncd represeruan ve

E~houst Assemblv. During.Ln ~(lgine meek of 24:! hour, ttl" ,I rer f1\1t1gc of the exhaust assernbtj'



The carburetor w~~ f1clw-"heckcd Illcall,' and $o:;ttings w~r~ f>Jund to b~ below the pecified minimums, ~lllm.u!,:h th 'i}:Tright Aeronautical Corporation Iluw sheet showed that rhe earbureror .h.ld 1)q<ctJ _et ai the minimum, or Just lIbo\lQ. An~tl)e1" carburetur was installed, and the angm¢ operated ~ntis· htl'tlJril}', 'exoe:ptat certain. crt.Jilll·{ P!'lWetS where fough'1ess '11','5 encountered, TI,;, carburetor l"W been rem ved and sent to the Aeronucrical Engineedng Lahnrntory 10 be

The lbis tiJ(·ck. CIHl1.
tl' the Bn"-fl! of

P4M (26 Hours}

Acce,ptonce Check. Dunng

fulluw illg disrrepnncies were ropurred rnspert ion and SMf"('Y;

('0[1 d,3.mher IJIlI"r had buckled :1t fhe WIOtim" pje~e ~od OIl un: inj,C\JJrd si~ 41£ theII['per cy iind6 ai ~1!.1inn ,!lld thaI t'ra.:kJ) !I.ul

peted on 2~ )loIl1untl'. dllltlge}; specified In J-..lJ BULLETINS NO. () and NO, J. were incorporated illl the jet (>ngi.Ut:S by the AII1S110 reprusentatives, The high pres •un, fwd sys:tem wss cenverted hI low pressure, und ITIndi. lied el<l1liU~t uoit ILs~t:mbJiC5Wt're jn~~~ fled. G~ L. MartIn p~[sonn~i ~ho cumpkted the
[ollowiJl¥ ··'lpCO" item~ durillg this p~iil,d: The I'.j autopilot W\1S m~\,"fied: da.mper linkllg connecting bults ~lld bushing;> for the nose '''hl'd. mlJdifioJ tt, indudt Iubrit"ati<ln fitllng), "'(tH' Jnstnll~d; 'lIltl dll" nmln ~ellt ~IP loCk rn(>Cilall!$mS were rew'tlr.kcd in .1(cOi.Jim~l· witL lIflU"til'l Factory Ch~lfl,!:tt Rl'oord i!'j The prl1peUer £l\veflJors were remov!'d, lind mnlilfj"d ~u"emMs ;fllltalle(j b)1 the Al$o P~odu t~ reI' !1!Sell ...... ves. r. The following dlsctepHo(Jt'li "'ere reported !(> the Bnilrll' "f In;spc_;,~illn snd Sllrv(,>y: Ajnmete-r. bus dn;uiL hours. rhlt ;UI1r:n~terin Ib.: main hllltety f<liletl. 'l\.IIl'\ ('pe~Jlting t1m~ ~.7

G~Siket on Oil

hnurs I iperarlun. oil w ' leaking frorn the sump rnagneti dr.dll plug and 'fro01 tlw
The p-lll~;;' Wllr~ removed discrepancies were nuted: J. A metallic g{(ske! was instulled on bmh the m,,£nC[fC' dtaio ,)illg ami tl1e "'limp drain !'11j&, hu L Ihe gro up :lss~rtJ~ly lilll r! I r the reM (l,i) pUlnp nn~ Sl1JIlP j;h',WII- tha.l a i requued 011 onl)l the lI'J(lglletic dr"-rn plug. 2. The e.~~kets >lnd "0" rfng~ ..n h"tll








,1.11J the fullowing








SII1'~ he instilllllJi0l1 (IF ItieSC l;ner~. thj, I.'ngine ]'"d Illtl!'[) 1'f>I'Mted lit! hunrs (111 .:IN'F·;;!; Illei. It JS riot~cl thl!1 all iailuu:s of t11~ rjner'~ hAve ()CCt.ltreti. ;n JPPlt,xtml!-tcly Ib~ S; p"'~ltinJl. on lhe inboard side between
the lmerC(lnne tor tubes.


and lio,~(t the

R.efomllh'l/ulilJll: Cl1u,~e f,lr th« hU·

"re~ !,f the rombusdoll p.r"'~$grl·:d"9


11110:1"$, Hose.. The

dmio .?I~g~ wac deformed. It j~ qUI!S}iumlble whc~htl tht 8Jlske'l> ' n&t"-".ary to preve!)! 011 le:tkage hom the draiu plugs. Thl' gllskets: am be C'II~jJl' ,deformed whell the druin ph.l&;5 ilC¢ tiglllctle.L l{elll1!dud ACfI()I1: Removed the gaskets fJw:n boul the ~otnp druio plugs and lI~etl (Inly "0" rlng :>eals. RNf).lfi1l!<,ndaJ/(J1It In

o:nd. Cooling

the necessity

tWo n<;GlsioIlS. The lirst fail ore ot'curred. :u. ter 10' hours. ~nd the serufid f.,, nft('l( 19' h(!u.~, Bilth hOlies fuiled "["ill 1111.'end whidl is attached to the engine. RPf"!~· llil?;fdaliolt, P:rO'Vlde II oml;k.faCfOJ')'tdbin [lrCl!l.

,~bi", pr.:ssl.lril<ing lInll


failed un

the oil 'ump




the l,I~e oj gnskelS

surIzing :m.d roaHng lime.

Sottery filler Caps. The top covers ot 1.7 uf the 24, b:!t!crj' fiLler caps in~IDjJ~·tl !nO the tw(j butterIes Wer~ fouJ1(j Ii:) liave c{lml' 1ll.l.l5e <lod were tying 00 tOp the b;lttenes. T(:Ih.l


Engine Temperature Control. After llil h u.r~, 1111:fi.laJuent Ilf ill" .wguilltor tuoo- f"ited, 'fht're haYe .nISQ be n previous repurts tlf fil i lures of the volwgc reguJ,lior tub.:. A :<!Ittiifactury vQltn,ge .reguJ;ttl'lr lube for Ule tfunl'eHllur~ coDuol unit j~ needed.


Rear Cowl Flop A,hIGtor. Alte, 77 huurs, Ihe rear rrrwl flap JAttwt'/T r.!ikd. Iuvcstignlinn revealed tile ftJlIuwjl1~ Jl~.:rel'am;~s, 1, O~(" of th~ 1~.lJ,; to rile mll(1If \\<;" r,UI" IUJ'ed where it had lUiI'd againsr t1)1:'motur Irarne, an,1 Iht: 1"0(lt,,( M burned nut. 111<:UlI1-lhnfine; ~lrip nn dl~ lead wa-, t(~U <hurt tu pr~"{:nt chll.fing. The lends of ;1 new ,llluU[\)r ,.bmillt'..J (nom tbo;; Dnugln, Aira:1ft C'.nmpa[]l' hId no -:lJ:'lti·~h" ~n$ stnps H1SIi1,.U~d. TllI;- ~eli.l1 numhcr '111 the flew J1,ruator WaS

Jl'tl'rTllIlI~ "lll'th('r Ilo~ tuilurus hllv~ Iw"n ctlJ.I.4td b\ tUfh~ lent .. ir Chlw "round the JI"'''P''{·] ~J1!l'nn.LS. the ":'0</.111>".-1 antenna J\,IOl wJ urr the. under 1><lTfll'" ror tl'll .RH hnrizont« I stnbil i.(& \I til 151::ttlbl!".J VII' (til' Iwsllwn paralle! ttl the :urpIJ,nt;'s JunGJ' (l1JiOIlI nxi,) in order !U ff.tOU(1: tl,trlluJ"Il<-(: I~l\ly

In urder t<

the "bull" f the target oil dilfcreot I".rnges. Two leVeling bubbles also wen. mstalled

ll(e plnstic, as (he disranrr UK devire lrcrn tlle IrLrgct tn the coue!>pnnding altitL.ld~ nver the target. AJj ustmcnr screws w(lrt 1"U! into lrange II)!" position of the plasuc, .. 1st, ttl allow for '11~llgl!$ in l WC'I ili5UUl~ From

loclIted JOn the under SLlffo1(.'1; "I th~ LI [ 11'1111l\(Int~1 ,t"hil i.,cr will nu] he I'HI"l~t1. Canopy. 1'11(' GIMpy rnu k~d <luring. tine Jij bt. rou-


the -elevntnr.








luwer than thllt un the llttLUlWI thnr f~ikd. 2. The output shaft dnve ge:u hind rut
the C'",stell~tccl mil on thl;' crtd 101 the worm Wheel cross shuft, A remedial aruori, nntl'.chl1ling stripswere I' Iared ,In tli,' h:ilJs [if lh~ new (U\vl fi,rr acruatne prinr fO Inst,llluTj(1I1 lte,oMmel1datlon.s.~ atiCI',ha/ing ,(ril';' frlr [I" adw,I(lr remunal lead s 1. Imt"ll the nul '111 th e W,QfJll wh~1.'1 errtss sh~ft 50 dl~t it will not conrnc the oagotlt !"3ft ell ive gear Under InvestIgation. uf power II1~e5ti8 ted. .. TIK "1:11(110 'honing boost C},jmdefs I. bting
I, P.rn'li,h, adequate

engine Cowl Dill'lIs_er. Tire 11l'per r'ght art:II,·hml'nl. br.'~~' If rhe r\7>lr ~IlPJ'''rl il~, t!11lbly , bruk1! of! below the tttm.:flflle<lr hl8' ,1ncl twO rrvets r"ill.J .. n rhe l1rill.kcl "f HI(' INt !'lVI'pil~t nssemhly.

~~.d~d th..l th~ 1irliflt engint driven lIaCIIlWl

" r" ilure



(Of the turn ~nd

Imt'~tigatii)O (I( ;"I1(lIl<'>, tedrive sli,d,l (,f Iht'





\iwllzl' partid(.\s were: f(lunil in the vacuum 1'""11" ,,11<1 rhlLlllglluut -rho nruum sY511:m.

pr~f'n.ring for ,/)[,..1 "'<'l1llier opl.'nuion.$ ~I ArgellTIiJ" VP·21 ran into u nroblern rTf gettJroS ;l 130" henl ill M:illf1ti, Fla. t help install pm!" boots i.II de-icer eqtupment. 'file props He- supposed to be ke;rt at llw t~"mper,dll'[[C lOc ,24 h'ju,~ Sille" !JI~ prl'1P ~hop at Mi~ll1i b .directly he lI,w tI,e Air R..• Sl'~"t 'l rce spares, the latter COLJJ Jmrdly "l'pr<CL'iatl!' workiog "vcr n "oven". The problem was solved IiI1J1Jly by doinS tbe IIt:,alirtg tiveX week-ends, evcro I weekt:nd s lar er tl II 3(, VIH v- A prnpell ers bil'd 11I:en complered, Hcnt was obtained by USLI1f: rwn Hl:'ml1LI1" elsen healer ulltSide with th!' heat

PAIRIl:'TN'!:1 "

NOH ~Ol,,--Jn





the windows,

Til" and

f2H-2 115.9 Hours)

F2H~2. b11, 1'0:0, 113'213_ was received on ... r}' 19';1), An ;\n:upt.'nl't: hed: w ... conducted. and the '!li,ghr ph!l~" o( thc;c test 11,,,,· begun, N,l JI~"ICr"n,;[(>~ h;"'l ut'cul"~d in flight,

:n j,u,

reglIhd'ng \(11 ~ rur the turn bank .indrcnror \I"l5 removed ,mcl d is11111"11&1, Ima tilt j;mn~ \·lll"i: stern IlUld~ was found II) be IYoJdJy worn, J L is bel ic,,~d lh'l! Mrnalc pUtt-ide-<; feom til" valve stern ~ui.Je enreeed the vncuurn pump "rld caused Ihe tWve -c huJt Jet rail. ElihllL:S ,If th<- turn and bn nk ili;.ljqtl~r and the cng'm:.<lrl\'~n vacuum pump had heen 1'~(-vi"u,ly rC!,urted, AeC:llllllltGfor. Tlu lil" 1)1 the .It", In till. brake 1J.l',ull1\d\ltnr failed, Under Jnvestiaetion. The hrcaking OJ the C.llhn lI~t ddmr WIIill I hn ke a flet Ill" 11 IU r~ u.. beiog jnw5tig~ted, Brake

It Needn't



Ileeeruly an tlp.t'rntJ):lg ~,(rv'tl' l'~pt:1,~r1l:td dAIlIRll'C lu an f'!J·n; l)'p~ llittr~ft, "'hid1 ".,.a.~ ('311$1:<). by fatdt)" 1I1iI'nt"'mm .... It W;IS e. ,11(; arne old story; the arrplane W:I.$ -dRm'Iged when 11l"tlding gellr C'O',IJ,lp:«'.d.
The plane had b 'cn



bydraullc leak. A m~~htlnit JOvesug"(ed and {~IlmdlhtH un lI(hlJting q'lindt:r Wil.~I~~king


\'V'lwn the marn 1:1J1ding gt'Rl' wheels were rernnvcd I" repack the b":lrinb~, dgh~ hrtlke lin,n~' In (':Lch !>r:t\."
Brake as ernbly




ft, and

cylll'ltlel1 WILS mstulled rn the nfrth.: plane plilt;Od in C"'lI!1lI'i>~r\!1'I



out of the housmgs,

re!.lu)r.:d fqf 1-. 11 1(\ re<l$ ernhl~ lil(" hmltl;! assemhlie" Wil~ dj:>pmxill'~ld)' thr"" IH.ur-, It is n(''1:~s;ICl1' i'U! J n~~(han(~ tn d"prt,s Ihe hr"k" 1'~<1111~In The C\.d;:P,1 rnJlll Til,' flO1(! thE:' \ tll'ftl are rE'l11f1li'1lduntil th",y lit" t~rlnictl in 11rI11:.!I tl1 Imld Lhl.: brak' lmlnJ:" ,n PI1,illon f{<'wrI1l11tJ'/It/,ui."I/. l'm\'iu~ ,I ~3th; "HOrY bmke Jil~s~lnbly.


The uml.'


Is Help



Woeo tilt pl1l~ lIm:lrtpt\;t.T tv tax I tu tak e"ff. fJu"jti(Jo. om' lunJ.I'lS gl.!(L~ oJl,,-p, d In"c"liljg~ti"'" showed lliut the n",dl~n!r had

AM~l 1179 HQ!n~!

The Ilii;hl f'haSI: pf tim Inl 111l' hCl'JI de: r~)'~d 11 ing W Ill<l.Jnt(Jnnncc til"" trml, whlth w~·rt.hdd d\lfing thi, il riud to ~";lIuJ" wIll, ,tJl A~H nlfi'ntt;;'lnr." progturu fe'I' ~vbl RI:.~r"c pt:F~mH;~1 UJndut:leu hI' dlt5 1t1'[''''lt1' Thl! f" IInw rl'l;( .1il'tl'et\'i1ndcs ,vt[< repnrted tn tve Hnnni IIf In,p"'l'linn Mill 51!rVl:y:
Mall.ifold. Tilt igpitll1" k d to tilt.- le:l.r .. 'puk plug on C}'liodtr number 4,0 ,h,Lflod llgllinSI .. ~LtI'nSN lif ll1~ hlWc., (",vling. TIle,olHnn'hlt hll\~ "pp.tlC~nll)' Illildt· u$lmdl (Ill· (JUI in LI,c ~trrllger in .m e.ll(m to ".rcvent int~rferellltlL ",nil tltl.' igrlifDn leJd, R':flUf/' 11I,'I/d",;o/l: Pr,Wldc 'ldl'qp~le d<;M;ln... ht:-(wct'n th~ fI" hng tlnd tlw tgl:lLtiqn J~a(I~. EjevGtol' A$selnblles, flt;i 11!JI 1T~ M NO. s·ltI r~po ,ted tbe repl:l\ cment \11 loos~ cheuf rivets wilh bl:;t~jel h~aJ ci~el~· LIn the' tI'lId· 109 lOdges ( f hl'lh cli:v.1Iqr~. t<W{;\! hr"~ltr IlIInd rivets"J, ,md 'Hill}lnlllg ,surt'~cc- ut the d~"~tcm t:r«dl'"J Jfh.f 2i hUtif "t 111.dH rll'\V l"'l t'lt·vntjlr w"" JlN'Jlrlt'.I. 1111 I j Imut'» "i flight. dlt'rry fjVt't. l"nHll~n~'t:<1 W jnl)~~ The- rlllht 11lIll,1 Cle91l(lfr '" Iw,ng replot!.eJ.

Olll! "lit

hnt'h~r'i()m<:;, he<;:lL,"-, Ilf tbe ImKc-ur,jq' or ~W, alhwetcf,s mId thl! rlul'l~'~ Itaav~ G '''LlI umtliliun In Ih~ pit,j II r.aJuit··.1 rtn {<l\utl "limO'

HL TORQ-M "'At. l1enry L. ~ d..,·ir<.: fllf uctetf\Jin. Lng (he- act".,1 j:>uJHut altltud{ I "I " plwoc i" .J hflll1blng run, d pr"hl~lll whi h h" h!."n

Berge h'~ c!('vltl"N'rI

T""hllimJ O~der 2~lS \~Ilc<; ISM'~'d hy I3tJAEJl 10 correct jU5t such :.' s.tll~lIiJn. Had Iht- mllt.'h;llli. .('tnplled Wllh Ilw c~l~lmg directive whkh reqlH(C"~ that '·wht:ne'll..'I' lLny .)mp~lnel1t ~,f lh~ Illn Itng gear is dl<lr'lged,


nauOltlng: tl'Jil'ld~r



will hI.- juck~d IIml tht" this 3cCld:t:rli would nut

!leH f

hll V~

Tho: ad jJl1rt ,)f JI,,' whloll:: "t,,11' i.., HIli! d'sdpltn#l ",wtwn hi"} Ilf be I~k('o. b'foml
T,edmiLaJ Orth~ts .ate HUI:lUr(a.,ll


.{ ..


Acts as 'Third Hand'





'lAS .If, Lrmls-FlJ,u:d ,,0 hI I Ihl; fleet I fOI ~ ··thfrd·· jn the u.e Or th" nir drill witll nIl III d:rlll~kl'l~IOn, Dalt Nt\urot: \\11 "f phe- m,';.ntft.nllrt<{" d~I'''lrtnl<!nt- J<'Vi~!!d Jl im, pk bm<k~[ whid, h(llcl~ the extension driU dgid w111.:0 in ~!e. PI vil1u!;iy "n~ h3ml Was. lI,seli 11> hoJJ tl,l" tlif ,Irill, while Ih..,. GI11er held the cJ(!I!nS;OIl tn ktlcj) it (-rom tuming, Nnw fh~ hrad:"et. ~bllwn in dIe dingl':lUl, m;td~· nf .D9 ikel.slitCl, dot'S till" trick.



till:: brgot to rno,nit"r f(~,,' PUI~'lllT., bt.,~t W,,"'IJl ro"D s~ti$bl'tory. Tu g~t JJl ao;:ou;~It" r~adil'1J!; .~ dt'c\,j(.'", Wn.~ made tl,il"lg lint "f ~lg),t lll1.guJlIr mOO5url'" (lll'nt, II w;,. m!1L1J1l~-d ill 1·1 ,ol,,~j-\'It,,,,, It t"w<~r- S"1I1" d"lnn V frlllll the Jar!;d Tilt: d~1'1"(: usc\.l .1 I,J,,,tk pl"tc !1I<!rl",J lur c\cn' Iil()' Itf .1Jlltu<.lt uhllvl: the 1,if~~I, ·rh~h~~11 lite <.ie,'! oC W:L~,n k~th I" (0rll'rtl",,~'l t" rlu> ht"ighl .If lht' ,.lil~tiltilln flrl urdil1~


"1 thl.'





ward end (If the gun


rtc~i:ver bqdy


Rocket Motor Woes :ContinueMisfires


!If rocket 'mnh,r,il'l




I,f Onlnanee.

to be of




to the lltlJ't:lI U

T",-kct~ and jerk the 1l1111e- plug~ "",t of th~ Ienude pJ iJJlI' rather lblln remove tbem in rh e 00 rill ,11 manne r, as rh is sa \'lOS re-arm i.lle: til1le. Furrbee, S(llllt!time!i- the plane oews
fIH'fJ11 ;tj plane ..".,itt] r"C!k~t" whi.:..h on n djfi'ert:nt plane, und j he nl{kl!t, "'(lll.!d iUl' fUllctimi 11IItmll.ll)'. J1H! twelve mjsitr.:<1 fNket m(>tm~ were >ubl!!cted ~o ;j. ~i"{Lli·t cnntinuity te,t at the derl)t. un d ,III pa%c<i I he t e~I $al ill f ,Klo ,lIy eJScl'p'l nne which had •• Iltqh~n i_gllltt.'t bridge ",,'ir~. 1'1,,, eleven Kirtl~j'lUtur)i motors eest.fired nil rhe dt'p nl'" rucker m (18e. fu nctione.] norm<llly. Tile depor fltrtl,!!r, ~t.uQd Ibm in tCJ;tillg '(I>tket mll~{Jr~ "it the dl'pN, It i~ nect~!i:tli' t',! renew -fern"l</: pi u,gs lit the- continu ity cirHlil te~l panch hml\J&_t? t>f Ihe:: wear PI) in. rerna I p:nl:l; ::dt-er ,1'[1,pruxiI1HUtJy seven 111.111,Ired rt)d;l:t rn'~Itt.'>j"shave hMn [",,''ted. Th e d~]"If)t I;JI:prt'S5cd rho:- (.'Pinion thit wear OIl ron tact P'" nts oJ fern ,d c: p lugs un pI .lltl> Wlollld !'l{r ~~)j\1eWhlll gre.!tt'r thUll tilt: 'CtJl" r<:~pmtdi():S I!1IJJllk on tl .. o depiJl 4.n. t)-nruty nccuit tC'st, pltnel 'for II Jjjv,,"n number (If tnull\.!' "wIng tIl ·r,lugh W:dl:mL'IlL RLlugh Itn n.dling ,rf r,,~{:e!~i 11 re'll rmi ng J' l~ III'S will "Is" ("",tribute tob.,o\;:en ign_it;;,r briciSr;,

[rnrn a NOl'Vld Ammllolti{,n D~p.'t, relative t", the C8u~e of twelve r~pot\l'd misfires of 2 ..!:5 Rr;ci",1 M(}I(I:>'J Me IIMfJJ / ddivcrt:'d to the deI>"t h,m] .""1 ,,!,ItlyiJ~1t nava] field, inJiOI{eS ('<lttr(;m ~ I,.. ~(1l1 til I l,..rltJl in!)_ The depnr ,tl!~~J it, n-pud rhut e~(Ni"r in exnminetion flf Ih€ m(ltm" revealed severul n11lIt' connector r I ugo; were lTiis~mg ~fld the rondihnn "f ttl" hare wire ends i:mlic,atcQ tlont ~"liirie'tll i(lm:- hOld been rued in pull,ing .u:tlO!l on the pl,u.s' til rause the "" ift:"!; til pnrt, nlliTiGi.i 1 in 11In11alion ob!a ined by the &:pm imlit;1rc,i tftilt. timing quitk re-armin_g nf planes, it Wll.~ the PfOCli(<l 10 g~lih the

Figur" 2 ilLu~lm~.. S the §wrlch a.~~~m~!~J for nl()lIodn;t; to rheriijht $lrt ... ur the- sun receiver, If required by the ;o~taJI~t1"n" rhe .'ii1me ,wit~h wlDpnnimis Il1ny tw re".*mI>Js;d fnr mlOU[l.\1ng nn the left "de ,lr the gl)n TIr.. i>wi!dl hm1y {Fi$ l} t'\),!!ajtl~ t h ree ~pf irlg W lr e "-(mtac~S. )/, 1J, and C, Con rart~ A, B. and C roencet illtwually w ~ thre-epwng .At"" cpnne(t'Jr mourusd nn the f!")r' ward end of the switch hody, The AN conn'ector i~llnl~Jied to die P~!Wt't ~(HJ.~ao. 'WiJ,~s 11 <lndC pnitrude tbrllugb -i! ,In! to !he tun rere ilier and bear [pi nst an iJ1sutmcd m eta I $rdp .1S$,cmblcd in thc fllrWltrd enJ of th~






The S)'.n~brollirillg Switdl MI!: 1 Mud n is ., three-prnng ~'im'w.CI- sw itch lUlll;;tt&d bJl de her the 11;:!l \! r ng h\ h a.hil j.lU n breech.

Ftgurc } i JllJslfatl;;"; t[,~ U'1:ct~I eontact !;tlif' '1~"embk"l to tlw slide. Wht'll wlres Band C contact the metal .'>trip in the- hrcel.:hht"dt slide, wire A 11! 11 ilppusj·k ~witdli~ It' eoe.rg'i'~ed. \'(I if.. .II GPnt.!\-ts the Ii riog pin in the bolt body rind completes rhe circuit I" the cartridge prirTi(;J'_ '11m5, O),f1tllCI~ B ,10d C prnv.i,lt" )yochr"ni~.~!;\ln and ornract II Gl.lJ~~ igmt-illn. Figure 4 i'll 110S the ji ring d ,,'W it used in aircraft turret jPStul['ltil1os. Lecers iI. 8, nnd C in th~ circuit di~nll11 c'lrre~pmld ttl '"i1tl'cf wi,...,., A, 8, a,nJ. (; in. Pigure-:t Tht ,lid!: contarr corresponds to [h~ slide morae! JsscilTlbl\id to ill" ~lid!;. figure ">.



Rats Chaw Up Sound Proof

m~infajnJJtg OlirpJanes. The en£;iMe,rjng secnon "r lh e Sqlll,cli<J1'l ire<;lline "WAre ,,! it ~D.PJd d~(eri, ,r!tlioo III the- sound provfin,!': nf nn H.>t,·! plane, Further jM'~I,gali{m ~h"w&J til;):! r<lc~ appufi1nd!' la,d been ""lting the m:t~cd:tJ. The plan e h;ldius\ returned from a SIJ-day tOl.>trcf

VMR~2-;2. CftJ'RRy' l'otNT-Add


block slide, The installation eire-uit h 51-' U rlUW;!J til ~t the bN!~e.hb Iud: ~Ii de 11 ,,'III: g un (h'~ct' tTw ~t~l1g (j~rujt j)f t ~e \,ppn,.~itc

duly in North
hlellily ~in(1:'

hftl ..:ll and Jrlid not heen fl"wl) tr'erefur~

were l/f the African· desert vari~ly ;1Htl Iwd ,el.:eiv~d {! gratis "i.rlift IrI Gillo!UY I'oint .11 ~h'~ l'l.e"sur~ Mar. W. P: Dukes, tI,e pt"l1e (\lN1nTillldtr. The ';lU;llk'n W35 remm]jcd b¥ e¥terrrunation l11...a~urcs hy CPlI~·1 H. ft Wri.ght (,f Iii!: statill11 m'll;lr~a clInt" II Mit.


W," ~s5"I1l~d

dw t Ilw



fire 'Plugs'
N:>vy muIti.engjne



Instllll ~tinn n f !ire·dd",·tl "n ~y,t(.'lli;;

ait~rl!:fi:. lncl uclmg iet fight·


Th~ Hurllt\u OtdrtanlC hm. ff;(eIlIIy P1!ll'IllllgwvtJ. Ordrlunc<: Htl.l1t1Jin'g Imt.rl1{"tt"!l~t" (,lIlptl,lsi~e .in! in h'llldling of airmJfl I'Mk· ds durin!; ant)l1Ig and nHJ.rmi~ nf 1!.ifCfU·ft.






Gun Synchronizing


.!I""U:'. L.gni1jon I;! f III r prim en ~<ltl.nOi O(cu~ 11.f'l j j but b bl'eerh b h)ck ll~Jl(!rnpl iC,5 a f e i"(ol;:,,,d t
ill battery, The 5Wlfch

E.l<'ctr ifu H y p.r in1("j lnm rn .<1.1 rcmJ t a (llI!"'llilinn hn j"!llwided "n "ffccdvt mC!llM (O[ timmg gilll the. Sy.c.~hronizjnS;Sfl 11 lite in a-;rH;J,f( LUrtct,~ r~J lice.) !lu n dj~ PN5i I,n 'i) niJ reactIOn loud,. A'!;..:t result, gJ.l n J.nL-cbll(mmS clc';"ilillOO HI Ilt¢. el~(.tri"uly prim'cd ammuni. tion ·I!-fl:' f'.tsr r<: f' bung rl, e p~rf1,J.s~il,ln tJ'1' ¢, Tests at rhe N:md Pl"{I'li.llg 'Ground, !)ah!B'fcn, Ila ve p.ruvt:d iJ1.1 t .n,u It top h: gurrs: (;In be


fn rhe 1o"

ex~. is p!ogri'~sing as " step fn lilt. N!fVl"'" 5~'fcty program iqr pJnDl's. M-o:st o[ ilie pjrr,m-,s or (If" ~Lh~,"hlk'i{ 10 ':,"li! tl1(! Ed 11'_0n fir!" ddectil)n s.y"~to.1rn iter ~ 5lJm~ ()ther $y,H'c):ns I:!',t!d m,t tended to give faIsc IIlarm~. On SOlll!: uf [bt pIn fie:; Un; theE!llon'uple 5J1$tem wilt be iJ\StriUo;t! "-<mmd t!". engIne arid vthtlr .sySt<'ll1S r~t<1 ined el~~· where in tI"it: pJ(l~. :PIB.nes ,ulrea.dy having thc,l' U{ul.> ;IrQ Ilw 1'.lV, i\lln', "2H. !'lot- L, PJ(>I, [>.iJ,(, with jn~!~nn· Tho: Pklll'be'r ,IS the un I y .siI\gle.engiIl!'! aircraft in thi! H5t. 1'hl·5 !lew SrStlinl has ~""'~fI t.j_l~rmu«Jllple ,ldectN:< $tr:UU$ like " ch"io (If Christmas Ut:(· li.!:lit~ ",,/lund th(' ((1",1, icing t)fea,'h <!I\ItTrlC .J'ld fou_r lin tr.l(h ~'I1t:i_tl<' haft]!:!. 'l'llf'${,

!lIons &fllh·J 1'''1' ~.'r., 1<$0.


11..1'1 ,m.! r'~~,



firt: in 1'11!l~eloy





S;IIl,J'f"Ill-~lng :'witdt. Mk I .Mrl!l: I). Tlll~ ~vndlfl,ni'liI!;_~ ~\IIJtdll i<: !ltIW buill!: !Js~'d wlth 211mlTI l\ut"I1l~t i~ G"n~ MJ~ in lll.n;.,t;.<If ncw produ(tJon ain:r,afL


~1'''i'kpl11g.Hke d"tl:lhIL~ aJ'c h,lohJ up to {(". h, y I':uld~ 1100 .:I lIght 'On t~~· instflllllt'ni



the pilr;n when




Hot Wire
HI A 1m r<',,~i "eli




rC~'~IlII)' ~hnLl ru rl,UlIi ~tll'tajn lin ,I p!\-l\': ""jnl' iruured When .1 ")0 I.d rnai lune gun hI.! llet ,h!tvrwwd llf1,!n t(lnta t with a 11M;" eli: Iriull wire whi!e re.,rmins: the gllO, The ll1{ln WI!' Lou i~ Tluuna , i\ DC, "f B, VI'·JI. HI' w~_.. IUHdJllg ammn 'JIlW th e fllr-

Airing Parachutes in Storage

A r(oct-nl I)UAIiR hotter dutifiC!> tbt: ppJky pI:rtaining It) 1111'pl10lldic aidn.!! and d [ tnl' of p"tath_ull'~ in stUt".lgL An escerpt rnl<1'I the Ietter, whidl refers 'I,) PI,tlldHL1(;' M.Il'1IJ1Ij • ,wAnll 1J+5!l1 dated 1 Sl<p~","bc;r J94"', rollmv. : 'Papl!'r.r}lh 17 pruvrdes that parachutes Ji~ ked .in ",c,'()'l'dume ith SpC{ititiUillll AN'I"'~ may he :>t~ll(:d in Ih17~~ (Ulilillnct .. until issued for services, whrch meuns no .airing Ilr d('YIllg while ~~, IX' eked, However, !,);!ntd'llk, in Hor,Q.,'1t that are nut. pnckod in flrJgiilJtl ntflt"ill~b or rcpucked in arcurdanre wiltl SpH: AN·p.)'t,.lfe I, h",


uvmt u.n rnl1T(·~i!", 11", Il(dletin ho II curuulauve feature; Ihi, j~, inf"tmnlilln "p-pl'lIting in the Ii:r;;t I;,h(j"fl will be repeated in the seroud edition unless the basil cal:li log sert iun h~s

be:cn re\'i~eil, "l'he ~t-r.mJ ediuun Ol( 1'1110 Changt- I:hll-Ic-ti n til he pub Iished 11m month will indude t!lt,"}Hgil'l~ Jnf'j m!ltlll~ nn ·r"!ll~. Cla~_,-e_ 4(1.•11-(\(\ in udJhlun I" Informanun .. Of ChIS es );77,




O~R Depanrneui, MCAS CI'II;f!RY POINT, ;nforl1l.·d AS0 thll! '{!ldelyf 70'n .\f
We fI BI9]{-,! and ACHU spark _plO1gs received f(lr vvnh,)Ld 1Ut" corroded 10 the extent tl"lt the cannot he overhauled lIS directed bv TCfhnind Order # 1()·49. Further mve ligal~nn n v ~{!I~ that approxinmtd1 lU'!? "f I1JJ [)'PC; spark plug. r{,c~lyl?<l M'der the Class 2-('~ Prnghl III ~-;Innnt be "'i~rl1<1U1",.1 hl;ClIlJ, of wm'"iuo. ASO rrcu I~r Lotter ;it ~'j.6, _Il.",v,~jon I, J,ll<,u 211 DL't'er.nbt'r l_9f1j\.1, p"cllkall)' "ulline l'[u; n(,C(!~~JI)' [ur the prnp(;'.r preservation. pll~kngillg un d pJ1(;ki:JJg t' tep~ irab IIt- rnnteri/.ll~ heit'g ~htpp~d II.) U\t!trlll:u.r·s plants, and Navy O&R Fadl it'(;$ ('Jr rq'~,r. _H', ..mrk. check, test t1r relubrlcanon. All ('I,gllj_~ltm personnel should study the cuntonts of A!:>) /1. 2~1S,

run with h"ldl IwnJ sensanon in Iii, lmnd. The nnt l-c-ad in the eme(genci firing circuit had ~ bare wire showing. Tilt: base Ilf ume orrtridge touched the wi ,'0;' 11110 the primer \Va Bred, Allhnugh 28 "nits in the llilt lead fIred this l'rimt'r. it d, I not ignitt' the main propellant harge in lbe bullet, Inspection \l! thll[ airunit disclosed no other bare wires, but EluAllR has had repurt ~il11ilJr accidents



when ht' fell

aired and dried in accor lance with gmph 19 M NAVAER 1.1''';0)'''



Jet Engine Parts

the past. orne :!() mm. ammunnlon J1J aircraft nuw 1111: fired by electrical current, but .so ...J .. (.trffidge, lire still perrussion-deronated with


IIw nAnuOlJ jnint C)"t'rhlllll and Repillt-Aviat-iol1 'uJ'pl~ C"nr"'r~nu~. the :'10servarion (If ~rrtkd and >tr:d.t<lgi II1l1leri,d" was atphasrzed, It W",S 38Te ....d tllal ccrWu,
~U1!tillll lJi [et enln the (I'Jlm!! ea~c8"[Y are Tet turbine parts: r()tnr~. blades, di -"S, JlO u ~J n:gs .wd n()1<:dl' .JjdphrO-b>-m~, Activities should exercise every cfron to sp,lrepnrts ,10 Ihe "hrn"



bit rctalned,

a firing



80lt Inspection


Insure thesalvnge Ilf the,e item, The mutt', till I ~h(lulil be collected IfflJ forWlI,rd",d !I., the Supply &. I;;sl'al Officer til the n~llrwt
major supply 5a 1vas",d it"llls from HllAB~. point.


bult ment

til rend

J. Bernard


rA,l..u-..s;Sgt. ]. S. Mct:ny
have Jesignedgr@se. tv f~dHlate the ,LJignSCISSOrs


whl1 will furl II!:"

hp.ld the instcL:lc!i Oil


Supplies Short

protectoes the tail wheel



whil .. re-J.llSlallilJ8 sln'e~ two JIWII hours p~r plane, One 1I11'e~ea thre'ad protectnr

buh titre;ld·p'(Jlectnrs, Illfo 1l1il wheel assembly,

has (l.I1 size of 7JHi~

Cat(Jlog Change B.ulletin

fi~t t:d.lrirln " rhe ASO Cahliog Q uurte rly ChuD Be Bullet i11 hils recent Iy been
TJ,e distributed. Thll< puhlk3t'<m m,~tIl6,d5, CIa~SI?,~'-17. Include information IIrI

of tools an,1 pimto/!>hutolid.logr;l.vhk lIlittecial (votinu t" b... "(;'fV limited, ana the resu It j~ .1 • hort
procurement ,-upply"mi\teria! All personnel




il1~idc t1hm!l.ter nnd thread 1 S ;LDd ;111 overall length 'If 3- /'16". A second thread protectnr h;ls tin Jnside diart1ciu! ant! II thread of )/R ~,y :10 1IJld .an uverall l~ftglh ,)f .1", BNh thrta" prot~ctors may be 1l11IJ~ of w!"1 rulled steel nf any
suitable mato;ti:Jl_ The Slllc!illll .....ll fprnisl1 i the l'rl,ledor5 no requfst. FJ'lltngr<lph




includes Aviauul'I ,.tanda.rd ut evenuuilly wil I the curnplere range





requJsiul10lflg sll~h sure tl1111 tllt:lr !(



Note Change ASO Address

TI cun nrrn will' dty[lry n·g_LoIil. tiuns, the j\ddrt:~ 01 the Av;'ninfl SUPJ,ll' OI1i~e.aval Aviation Sllppl.y Deput, Gtlo' ern I S'Io;1tCS uppl)' Oilil'e, N:.I'y I(~gi"nal A~~llUllts OffiLt:. nnd M~i$ltmt G.I'[ll!o;lJ lnspector Supply CIlrps (Ai J ) ha' heen ctmngeJ. ff(lnl Ox_fmdl A vt:n m' :md M;lft.ins Mill nood. Philadelphia. tI" 7(lJl Robbln~ AV.tclllle. Phrl ..delphia (II), I'll. 'rbi" i " "paper' rh1m).:", pnty: nil Ilhl'~it"J m(1vt" \1i"~ mnde. Use the new addrel>s (ur ,III GorJ't'~· plmdc1nCL'.







'1\- Thwogh


ruundsoll ADt, u spedlll 1001 W:>~ dcsrgrre.t thllt ;ISS\l1re.1 pc;rfcct [ns\fllh]tinn oj new ~ea's jn HHD wing fl po, ele lor v;tlw part #'''''_ J$llU-tn, PrevimJsly tl"" hydr,~uli shl'll" hilt.! h,.J difficu lty iI1st31tiog tilt' scaJs nnd a tOilsjd~rable number ",'Gre bdnl! cut bdu.e 1111 i"~!.d Inliull tuU 1J. be nl~~le. The rnol consisb of ~ i" "C' 1:1.""11" with lW" hroMe pLlIilS alt.;J,-hcd. -fhe ptLISS Iit ~llllgly in the 5~1""tot h Ie und u(: rna· C~UD~ tl! Il1Llt h u1e inneI surfa~e ilIc ,luter pistJJn. thereby tLJrrll$hlng II snlO( th waJl whicb I'rcvL,nt.1 Ihe .lilling tit the ~e31l> 115 they Me sliJ P3S\ tbe ~i'I(!f!VI hl.!lc.

the. combinud l!ffon. of A, C. H[TYes AVe Md '1'. G. fid~


the J'nnual

of ASO


C1J[nul"liv(o cdili[)<'! lIt .ASO if(\1liU l.etttr~ n~)w in ~!r~t,t J__, be-Ing )m;'1',wed. The puhliQlljufl will Ile "istrtbliled I~) tie!. I ,utJVi(t4~ ill. the I1ClLJ' ftl,Wr",



• NAS ATI.ANTIo-This-sta.timl, Jl'oihHy with Warnf:I BfoIth_!!l'li 1\10 ioo Picture Distribut. ing C:omp~ny und the CrJlmJuUirm, ~p(m 'preY ,1 2rl()-wllrd t'SS:'y coul!.' t f!lf huys- bCfl"ftln 12 lind J.8 in the 3;tCll Oil th~




111« N,,,,:!!

Til1lt' Ttl~k FI!r'lC I~

Air Reserve P<!lJct"" uund Pent"t [llliul1j.ll!iC'.



Iiestri ted


an'! vfflCe,'~ 'i\' II.. Ihwe served wah n.I'ld ,l~i,L!lml unih, uldlldU:ll:l Marin", ,trill Lilli'! t;~!rd. W hn arc 11,,1 "" .1, th" .hl rl III I hl lIlud~ to;':<'LJ RI:~r1/~. The) kc P JI,,~t,-J (1[1



t!.h vHV

Aeromedical High Altitude Ouest Flying _


I 'dlOiwl

n $,:
1 8

RNi Mu


My interest in av~Mmn prompted roe years agn to he-JlID 1~,g~iI!g dw Iears Dyt>mnding I'iltlt~ :Ind I td"l'fl.J il) 11'1' J11(C~ ~Jlcr n_·"Jmg your Odnb~r and Deremher r~f(!jtco)('e'; IU II IJ1IiJ>s 1I.J/li[_ llyllIg 1J1>5i,le ,I'JWiI




to- ... V"L



!1. ILL.
t,.ilL Uu,L 1o"g'.tI1 ff)~ 1'(. TI1"~i :M.·\I~I~ll Yll'lU'il 1>lIDli"ltlng it,:. IH'""Olil- h raJl io(.(Io

~ N.. Ntt.\"\~ 'dj!d A u""k lnn. wit"..


Slashes Hit Ai, Shows~ __ __ lO

New J-48 Jet Engine _ __ __ 11

Mr, Al WiIHa.m~. lnrmer Nn~~ lI'['tt'd ~nJ aerobauc king. liil.Vtl dt:<IlI' )l1~t rat ions ill his G liljl"'WIo e ~ the t'Ccl1ll1Quc uf ills clivehomhing IO~I:Olj.))1 "rill inverted precision JIYlng. Wh<:u I met rllm that I:Ycnlns. 11: _£<lVC mil .t picture of [Lis <·9"ftc. ~rir;jl. ing upside duwn "tf P~ns~ulill Ht'lid it \\'11." taken III 1'11~. "Ill ch shuws liN I tit' starred inverred n y ino!: researd, J' re tty ear Iy , I dJt>(.kt"tJ Bur~u fil~ 'll1d {"un.l "T~dl' ni".11 uk 191, Invested ll'lighL t\:,jvt'IJlbd t'i. 19~".bv Lt. AJfnrtj J Will'llm" u N,"

nver the Wu.~I{il1gtl'll munument At 01 Plttsburgb ahshow bt'£nre rhe war,


.re':4rl't~H\d. [-r;1'IW~\!t.·.I1~ '"'~. ]If't·~ent. ft;AJUN,r «r1kl, o( ~hi. nutnr "l:Ilgh .\ltlt11U Slal'li~ .,f .I~i Bnl!l"""''' 11\LM" i"l<1J", Willi ou r J rri1 it~d !HJI'I'I b~r Il}f l~'lJ~t.!S..we bn'9~II"t. he ..'H ;I101c to >I') i.uo a"CI,rl' into t,h, •• 'ul~ln"cr4 IlII oIl~ (ail.! ~f liP,", ,1~,~I"Jlm",!l",

I,. ,~lojc hel""".



tll~ "'"tl bwlllh!

Pilot Ejection Seats _ __

Counter,-Rolating P·attolBombing Props


104 _
,_ _ __ __



Air force Bombers

Morines, Aw~,ds _ __ __ 24



\1ifdlwlI1s describes




1)~1! IIf

Curris» JI,III'~ In vested llyiny.


like Ih"


This MI!t. II I~,-, "'ll~< puhlishcd J n A~rI1 Dj!,e~l ftor ' ~'Pltmbt,~. Ouuher and NoverniUVI:rwd "rin. lnvcflt'J! luop, <Jut~,rJ.., I(I! 'po 't:rliqo! fiJl,ure S lllo.d Inverted ~MIlV hnrrcl rull, Thi) ts I. 11:1')' _1:1Illpl(:tc ~~dlllJtal rcr<,11 !III invened 1l1.ghl ,-n rhnt it ,I~t"r,t, th.... .1~,~I"CUli",u; :lllLl normal und lnvelh,d JbglJ"1 G'~ fu, every UIOl"t'II{;jhl,: nW,nt1.lvt:r In II) _~ J also tuuad :1 wpy of thrs report in an RAEti1ti1i1l to whirh r ''''as uuached. 'Fur l11i" ,!Ill! other test work, Lt. Willo-om& retciv~'d rbe- DFe in l'129. OM (If I'll)' dip p',ngs, J,ln''} MOlY 14, 19'0, 1I".iSJmlgwfI P(lII, At' .srutes, ''l.r. Alford J \1ifflliIUU1i, n"lt,d naval aviatur, h1)$ ptel' formed dIe: lone rctmllning fcut Ollt previously (lc~'o11lplisl",d in aviation, t~Jllcd the "inverted Ldlipg 1~'1l.f:' I"f,n,

he) 192jj.

11(;:rcp.lrl describes

the inverted

"" nuxturc !,I'lde ;l,,,d InI n-.Lli lilt .,l,riill' In lilt- Jtlf1U~[Y 1 csn r..."I'JlI A\~ATl(1):-' NI' '~;"o nbout L TTl IT'" 1;I1";lnl'lr'N Oxt, Wilh p'lJe bl' ,LU~C; VF·I \WL~ rnv tirs! ,<,iL1I11111 July, und I"n. J \ ,l~ t), Oili en lt~t~<r man In rhe qUJJrnn I" rtu·j" Ih~- Nli\'Y CJ'~";, rill .IUjUll .m DCU'ln ber ~, t1,1<1 I \'11'1th iutcrvst. tW(:l:t5e CJ1 tilt" Ii'.,' m",II 1'1Ch1H·d "$ lia'ipg .l weal of ,}2 .l'('''''' ",-it II ,_r - r, '~ kn"I"" ~r..l l't'11Itml,_·r !IHIr ll> (rl('ild •. mJ slripmare», In dl!~lng. J \\1>11 m tlprH" In)' tll,III' S tor an exrellt-nt, well-written ,,, l,d,,- 111 II) C'1111Wli"M. It d";WI"L-" lilt! 1I.1 htll,mil "Well ril<l1""
lL'r~~t IllIll H"R)lY

w.,~ wuh


NANews Visits Akron _ ____ 27

JetHo~o~_____ First I'ofl Rider • RECOGNmON QUIZ

. 32

Top-Supermari ~e Allach. 1:,10/44 figliTer i. eosily ,,,<09",zed by IAU m bIHe l<liI. fol barrel fu<e[oge end cheek oO[.cih,p,. A .wept-boct wi n 9 ver,,:on QQlied A weigh~ The Swift £.'1 1/ 4ll ;. lighl



aloo nyi ng. "ppeofOlw:.

One Ne .. e II






eng'"e £Ii.". 5,000 Ibs, Ihru.l. lpwer-Weill~!lo:I Wr~e,n If fl'aMer. 'Finl predueflon ",odd fiehler 10 ·U·Slt ,,,rboprop enqine, A Cl-yd.,· I (cmp<>uMd ox",,,1 and <c!"lrifugol t)"ow turboprop engine puis Ihe Wyvern In tt..... 400'iI'Iph cia,s. Weighl 16,000 pounOi. No American .f'lon". !lyin'll loday l1J .bop'o;>


cngl ne,



th',," AW,en

)(T-~O Mgine

[o go In the XPS\r·l.

• A ra!1ar.eq,ti'lj//!j "if-Ul ...rir gllid/ld fm,pil". the R)',w Jlhcl7i~rJ, IJ 1h(J1I'tr dbm'c aJluchiJd
Ihl! ilij'll


he. used a Cwti~$ /-Jawk, It'elJl ~rphjn.c wi~11 sped" 1 S"" iLn<10;1 1''lliJP' I1U:nt HI permit pt"ll}l)g~d iIWertl':9 IUghl.

Lip an l he dl>.~ -<.>f the eva F"mkJJn D Roo,ev"l~ 10' tak ....oft dvrl ng the gidn] naval demon,t'raltoll p~t ,on FZH-l'~ line I.... ' ,,,II {or Seorelory of O"jen~e JQh h. son olld olher hlgh defen ... lead e ",

maneuver ill",,!tcd :l"wtnr dNerrrunt;di 1WJlJ J ing fj f ';001 51!'(ll ;\ mt,uI1I.1l'8

0111'01 '.

"The series"

b,'Ou,ght to c:ollduswn It flight tests in whidt tilL {,It tile N:IVY til Im)pCJ' to Is ttl llVu d SF rn~ ll11J



hmli'> (111 {III Cffe1fl) J".1I1C, l.;1/filI' IJ iON·iuMe in Itt! l(fl.i/r A hl).l>8./ti"~~(/;ml ,g;PIJI illil;,tl l'c/It"iIY, Jud Illghl rockeu .rtJ/~Jr/J f<'Jt @f tho {lIt;!"
rllJffr TO



of ,UI 1'-il2 J~Jmll1lt#_ tiT/!

Tbe mis-


<'1'<'11 Ihough

THE STAFF Lt. Cdr. Arthur




)'0111>1 11_ TlI!\NPl-


h:etta Winter Robb

AHociale Editor


Lt. Cdr. Lorry l. Boodo

A •• octat.e Edl10r

Jjb~ lO suge.est Hfut N"''''<'IL AVid.' '1'.tON l' ts_t:lbli~h ,t. d(p~rtm~t ("itfitu its COYfCS to prUlt it!~,,rfiUltn,)rI "f a l~dT' n.i~aJ InCUfJl1iltinl'l n!llllte I)r1{erlling pr"sent J... aircraft til o["'al a._ikl(i.,n. RI' let'hni«(tl v Lllfm!lllluon I roC'1n th .. hows and whys of IC:I'~. 11~lie"I't .. .r~, [urhl'ld'-~. luul m.'w llydmul,rc :utd ~Ilieu ir ClJ nI 10 I met:! lauiSlUs ctc Thj~ is JIll I my ')pinion ll~u!IC, H i~ IlflulilLy the pinion ul m:II1Y 11.1.1/01••via[oH I w,hilcl

Lt. Rosalie


Martin W. Brjght


All _\Nj wt,h {I {toal!" The cJil}' IMrld II/ JIll: 'fIQ/l)t Jlrlllld, ,while Jhl! CfB llilidu},;l.v !,',J,f ell I(lilir If! /1;1$

Grompaw t.!IJ~,y,hillg'


Lt. Cdr.
1II)I,' w'IlW I'1.'e JlUm


Auco;Joh. Edilcr



James· M, Springer
Art Dlreda,


fll .. liN! ·1I)QPlhJ


"~I dIll),

fubli.h~d monlhly by ChiM ot N"vol Op~<"I1C1n.(01'-501) ,,~d Bureau ot Aeronautic> 10 dl ... minah, ,.letT. nrvl'.1. malrn.naftc~ 4 nd. f.l:h.nlul .,ala, AI, mall .hould b. \I,edlf pl"c-H.~ 1>1 "dol,,,,.. .." Ch;';1 "f N <>'1,,1Oper mian .•, N AI"i",lo~ New.,. No ¥y, W",hl"9"on 25, D. Co Dlr.c! comrnunltollon ~"n b, mo.dB !'O N"....[ ,"'y!olla~ Now.. Roo,," (til56, pentlllfO" 8JdQ .. oll\e .... ~~..... 1~U6 ... 1131!

• Th" ,Hinting of lhij been appraveo:l by the Bvr~a... of thaIlud.gel.

publication ,ha.
Oirectof 10 JUlie of Ih. 1949










I.tlll-{lztt"f will teJ{li more than It bl:l:ksnake wh II'. VU-llJ, at .uantanamo, put Lt. (jS) Ma1lwf!;OIl to work L1Jnpcmnil1g erring pilots, The I p ~.t~IOOfH Jepkls the nuc pUN who taxied right in(0 the J[;lt1gilr~alfnost Number 2 pictures HR' bdl' -ol,lel rilot who collee ted L ldu~ foliage n his rotors. The pilot ~lclJ]lilled he [Il\d bC{'11 "pretty .Iosc" to the tree, Number.3 poke' fun at the JD I ilol 'i ho flew s [11$1 he .cuhln 't stream u gLlI')I\t'f~' sleeve, There wen. rOllr ill rhe air, IW~' n the tow when he finally slowed

ext IS the expert who t,l)(ieJ hi:. PAY·SA mw umber'; satirize. the drone control pilot who for;.:ot (0 watch hI nltrrneter and collected cactus in his flop!>. Last i. the pilot who wen o,ut 1(1 Jr0l~ serrobuoys lind jorgol ro take oi0n.g ~l rere Iv <Of. USI<lg son buoy" for intercom is something 1\<::W. lilt! carloons were posted on lhe bulletin bO!lr(l .Il1U pilcrs collected rib" [rom fellow flier until ,1 new 'goal" turned IIp to share their jIbes and heckling. This i a form or "!;JOIIN b<tdl'!lo" wh wb get:: good results, down. J!I,


o N~"


If i.t's Naval aviation and ilt's new, yrm'll fiud il I.. the Naval A iatiou N~ws, Thf" men, the planes and the events are going on eve..y day, Send in the coupon below and eet YOUl' COI.Y of
the News each month, Wher'c wiU $2


on more ..eading?







FOR $2.00.







. •..•••





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