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SHEPWAY CYCLE DAY Saturday June 18 To celebrate the start of Britain Bike Week and the launch of the Folkestone/Shepway Cycle Strategy join us at The Hub Cycle Shop, Sandgate — all day! 10am Bicycle Bring-and-Buy Jumble Sale - all day ‘Second hand bikes to buy and sell, plus parts and accessories 11.30 Parents & Children Bike Ride - Hythe & back A gentle spin along the promenade for kids, mums and dads 12.30 Cup Cake Decorating for Children ipm Bike Security Marking by Kent Police Have your bike security marked for free - all afternoon 3pm Tea Tasting 4.30pm The Hub-to-Pub Mass Cycle Ride Al welcome for this mass assertion of the joys of cycling. From Sandgate along the prom, around Hythe Green and back via the Military Canal to The Bell Inn, Seabrook Road, Hythe, for refreshments and barbecue in the pub garden. Bags of parking. To ride a bicycle is to have wings! Organised by Folkestone/Shepway Cycle Forum and The Hub Cycle and Coffee Shop, 61-63 Sandgate High Street. Tel 01303 210311 email 31 Enbrook Road Folkestone, Kent CT20 3NS Email: Dear Trevor Many thanks for offering to pass on details of the event. | have attached a couple of posters. These are the current drafts, there may be detailed change. A brief explanation might help. The Shepway Cycle Forum was set up by a local lady, Jean Baker, about 4 years ago to try to get a body to campaign for better cycle facilities in Shepway. She asked the local Sustrans Rangers to join her and this we did. Others joined us over the years, The idea is to encourage local people who don't cycle at present or who lack confidence, to start cycling both for leisure and other purposes. We are really after those who are put off by Lycra or young people who see cycling as uncool. ‘We have been working with- and sometimes against (!) KCC Highways to introduce a Strategy for the Shepway Area and this, after much compromise, was finally put to the council transport committee a few weeks ago and, reluctantly by some councillors, was accepted We have focussed on things like safe routes to schools and one success was, as a result of efforts by Sara of the Hub, Zoe Varian of Sandgate council & me, we got many girls at the Folkestone Girls School to sign a petition stating that they wanted better facilities on the roads to encourage them to cycle. The event on 18 June is to celebrate the first year of trading of The Hub cycle shop & cafe and in addition to celebrate that after years of trying, Shepway has a cycle strategy. ings will not improve overnight, especially in a recession, but we hope to have many cyclists at the event to show Shepway that there IS @ demand for cycling and thgt cyclists are ordinary considerate people, not some sort of rabid half human as me seem to think! Best withes Ov Paul Rees Sustrans Ranger

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