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3 112 Second sweet -” . PAUL SAMUELSON Cage, mses City of Langley oe 900) 2b t046 Fx (860) 221-208 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 3, 2011 MAYOR PAUL SAMUELSON ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT There are times in life when one comes to a crossroad and mus! make difficult decisions. Deciding whether, or not, to run for a second term as Mayor of Langley is such a fime for me. | feel honored fo have been entrusted with this job for the past several years. However, after much soul searching and with enormous sadness, | have come to the decision not fo run for a second term as Mayor I came to this job feeling called to this work, and | have loved the job. Service is my calling, and | feel deeply grateful to have been able 1o engage in public service for 27 of the 33 years I've been on South Whidbey. | hope my future will include public service in some fashion, but I must take a hiatus at this time. We have completed many of the goals that | set out to accomplish when | started my term nearly three and a half years ago. This was despite the most Challenging economic times we've faced in decades. In addition to positive structural changes in city government, we've created a climate in which successful new businesses are thriving There continues to be exciting opportunities for Langley’s future and | will encourage and support the vision of the next mayor of our wonderful city. | would like to see our community move into this nex! chapter engaging in conversations abou! how we can be part of the solution. Each of us can choose to step out with courage to make a difference in our community in a positive way. Ihave been given invaluable support during my tenure as mayor, and will be ever grateful to those who have cheered me on and helped me face the challenges inherent in leadership. We've done great work. This includes the talented and professional staff | have had the honor to work with, the many volunteers who have been advisors on the city boards and commissions, and those who have come out for city work parties and taken action in the city’s neighborhood programs. To all of you, | humbly express my gratitude and appreciation. In the coming weeks, | would like to have conversations that reflect upon the successes and positive changes in Langley, our hopes for the future, as well as sharing my perspective on the best form of city government going forward.

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