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The babies movies

Babies movie tells the story of the birth of four babies born in the same time with four
different countries. four countries are Namibia, Japan, Mongolia, and california. in
Namibia precisely in opuwo, a mother gave birth to her child with improvised tools
because the tribe is still classified as ancient way of life and the woman gave birth to a
boy. in japan, this woman also gave birth to a baby girl with a much better condition
(modern times). in Mongolia, this woman gave birth to babies whose condition he lives
with his ranch. in california, this woman gave birth to female babies whose condition is
very much different in countries monglia and Namibia. This documentary film tells the
story of the beginning of the babies were still in the womb until they can walk. with
different conditions, different environments, and social circumstances and patterns of life
that is also different four babies still can adapt to their original birth and these babies have
one thing in common ie sayng get love from both parents because of this documentary
film shows the people parents of four babies is to keep and guide them until they can
walk. so, this movie is very nice to watch for all among those to benefit from the film.

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