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plu# 4265

3 # spirals, cooked al dente in boiling, salted water

4 C. spinach, roughly chopped

2# Red Onion, med. dice
8 C. pinto, cooked (or black) and rinsed
5 Red bell peppers, med. dice
2bu. Scallions, sliced
1 C cilantro, chopped

2 ea. Containers of Vegan sour cream (12oz. Each)
1/4 C olive oil
1/4 C red wine vinegar
2 C lemon juice
6 T chili powder
3 T cumin
3 T garlic powder
1/4 tsp cayenne
2 tsp mustard, dry
1T. corriander
2 T salt
1 T paprika

- Cook pasta al dente. Rinse and toss with olive oil. Put into plastic prep tub.
Make dressing. Mix beans and veggies in dressing first. Add to pasta. Let sit
for 2 hour. Check seasonings and adjust accordingly.

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