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Plu# 4263

6 heads of napa cabbage, chiffonade

6 C. water chestnuts, sliced into sticks
6 C.red bell pepper, julienned
6 bu. green onion, sliced
5# soba or lo mein noodles, cooked, rinsed and cooled

3 c. apple juice
3 c. rice wine vinegar
1 C. sesame oil
2 C. peanut oil
2 T fresh gingerroot, grated or minced
1/4 C. tamari
2 T black pepper
2 T fresh garlic, minced
2T hot pepper oil or 2t. crushed red chilis

Combine dressing ingredients and mix well. Set aside.

Put cooked noodles in a plastic prep tub. Add dressing mix well. Add
prepared vegetables. Cover and refrigerate 2 hour or as long as over night.
Check seasonings and adjust accordingly.

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