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Newsletter of the New Afrikan Service Organization (formerly the Black Brigade) Published by Rising Sun Press, PO Box 4362, Allentown, PA 1810 Serve The People #9, CChainman Shaka 8. 28 NASPRPC Eto: Once again the wrt winseang he tard estechass of US. toerafam that was assayed Sing oreo Kena bl bie une on a grnder ss he US" govermort esses is dorinason over earbquke caged Ya fod wh ot Presider Cra pk ned op {he Te elo” George W. But, remem because he i eo wal dire Katina), 2d Bil Crt. hone Psd do have exence st mad a nd at js What US olf efor fas boon a ear aon ig ay th Stary lok one Pot uno cnt ‘ad made su ts tansporing tops snd er tapes tock [Poccdene ovr the nismowona ee eat and Re puppet Fen govormert nan raced to sop te Sear ache tad fe ble, Nest US. try deca ot acuson of realy wounded pars bck 10 fe US The ‘rcs rn wan hat Gov Chae Citta, @ Repu ‘urvng forthe Son ard a presderl hope seed ‘Seo govererasta shoe some te cot ac Fos cfs tod thatthe ss hoses a ro reise to take mere patois Or Green of fe Ma Mer ‘Seton of ede sat is gop ne oun aed wo zen pate ay femtre energy cre yap Te arporuralhe US mtr sorped he is, The Whe Hous deni hat tha sac he spesion cfs, ant Preadort Chara adore hat fy be eared ‘er wor ress got ol fu sory. Eu ih ye ‘of seroaty red bare oracuaed oe ft pana, he ‘ust dw arinsrabrs pets Fon ce ha ten, Se S00 case, he Feds sy 435) ba eso oe see 0 fave been US. aah ranonais WN 25000 people ad (ae 20060 da) Se Dope ot Hamas Say soy as on oenced hart praeto ran U'S cere 2 ‘ces feamert canted by Nese. Yep show at 6% f US. aes hay doi many pe eet oer DG sated a, Wo ave oes hom iat vey hor umierey Pesan Und Stee ko fuente tart car bum onthe gun” Bat op ames Love cisgred, calming tat he need fr waco of ie ctealyrjred od ntcarey ded” “To undead he stes and reuse to fp the Haton peopl, we must jm te nob fe Nay of Reran rrpercion sed the long sterng cf the aon pope Saclay ence 1810. Tat was your al he Naor Cy Bark of New Yo ew Catt) page ha Earn Nation ‘Sn Hats on conmmerea tartan snarl Yeas ve years tor, Pesnt Weatow Wen date iy Invader are osipaion Hatt potecs US mess. Ut 154, the US Mares murdered Maton otic sn ad ast Sato US. barks ay can 40h of eens ose amos pra In 1967, ne US. ings tho repme o “Papa De” Dwar, ines. Torta Maauane Seah sais deappeared, some ‘000 Hatans an een ony mote ee scour Wan he he in 97, Ni ony Do ek ver, an socked ay ‘eto $0 $80 mon in Sie sont bore Rona Reagan hao Sora Pe Mae wo wek mri ele Franco Before he Hatin people gt ah on Soe then fe US, win depos ne ply led ret Josten Aisi. 200% re Chopped Pa ta, vere he femane wner vied etme Bree Bt te ‘age ges on rl yer ths bot ove at a tng on tp of raj oad go acres, ch fe U.S (lerrgnes hve kun rr i, In tairg NASO, ve st way to oho ou Han New Phan bess ers a ute es ages ve ‘We fave 8 cinon rey of slay represen, and’ Gave enn n cape rea, ‘Te 2010 Hal estate was a caiatopie magrtude 7. Garoquake I epcare’ wae ow fhe "ow of Loogann, Spyroxrataly 25 un (18 mie) wee Por a Pon, ipa. "The” cotnauake oaaued at 1953 loca te Tosaay,vanuary 12, 20%0. By Jonuay 24th at lest SE _Meshacks rocuing 450” gtr hod bee roca A of Feb, Tah an aerated twos milon poco ware alee by ‘Re gua, and the Hoan Goverar opr hat bees 217000 snd 23,000 peop had boon Ware 98 dot an ‘ramated "300,000 tnured. snd or ta .000000 Fomaless. Tho. seat tl is epected toe. They a0 ‘simaied Pat 220000 fsdorese apd 50,000 commer lange hadcoapsed cr were severly daraged ‘The eathguske caused major damage to Portau Pine Jacel and ater coo tb rg Mary note rca instangs wore sgnicanty comaped or detoyed nes the Psion! Poe, te Nabonal Aesenby bung, the Partau Pires Caedal ad be mala Anong tose ile ware Ariaop of Peau Pre conan Serge Mit, ant ‘copoaton leader Micha Gold hw headstone oe ted atone Statoalon Mision nat (MNUSTAN, leat into canal, clapesd, lg many, ‘ncang th Masons Chet, Hoc Annet May counties respands to appeals for humanitarian a edging funds and depatng fesse and mecca tars Engiaot and auppor poreomel,Communicaton sya Sana, and ae ranapot faites hospi, and electra ewes ed been danaged bythe erhauate hich amare rescue and al fos onion ove ho wasn Charge. a Waffle. congestion, and probeme ih brit2aten of tights tater completed cary ret work PortauPrnce's morguoe wate Qucky overelned ers of thowsance of boats Were buted Io macs. faves At feecues taled of, supp, modal car and santaton Became potion Gola i oi srouten ed 12 any appeals tom ai workers and sures, and some lting ‘Set spore olan ware obvoned (On January 22nd, the United Natene noted tat th Sreigunoy poe of he af speraon mas Sooty e's ‘lowed on te fotowry ay tha Hatin goverment ‘fic cated the search for severe Wyclet Jean's Haiti Earthquake Relief Miselon January 13,2010 ele Jean is taking te lead in sskng for eip and Stistance forthe mifons of poop focal bythe massive Semnquae mat ack Hal Serve The People #9 According to his Titer pos. the singer, om on the sand, ‘Seated t Hal Wednesday mora, "am on my way ‘he DR lo get to Hot, Hesse ie you courcl ran overors ec, we nob 2sat of emerge or Hal” "ai loday faced a natural easter of unprecedented proportion, an arteuke unike ani the county has ter experienced" Jean wrote on Te Web ste, The fartnquae, the lrget the isand hae aeen Ih more than 200 yeas, suck reuna #50} pm.on Tuesday, Joan has set up a donation poge on ie Ye Heit eundaton Web sto tho ste hes been cown Wedvesday ‘moming, posstiy ‘duo to igh fie. mccorang ‘Wikipedia, Jean set up to foundation and yl. og fn 2008 te provide scholarships to chen im at ar the ‘devastation by Hurtane Jeanne, (On his Web ste Joan sad people can make & donation by tering "Yee to 801801, whic wat aromataly comet $6 {oe YelaHalt Eartnqcke Fund tw be chaged To Your ‘phone ba) He spoke on CNN Tuestay right and a he wasting oa fad ae ohne Ha tn ae 2 kan eartoushe is Coming” andthe eal was, doped ‘oniacng her ajanha wos ld tgs wee alan, “There ae 4 milion tian cusie of Ha nd hi she time forth 0 step up and cal the congressman Jean {oid CNN “Anders “Cooper. "We need a ate ef ‘morgen igh now Jeans sistor and tary are also working fo Gti tthe ‘atin ety Jean opean to WNYWETS cncssay oe {si thal she’ hasbeen contacting people rough Faceback {nd Twlter wre cellphone coverage har Seen spay Heir hoping for to best The Hallan people re vey restore ae ei. Yele Hat P.O, 8042545 Now York NY 10108 Are We in Haiti because of Oil? ‘Thursday, sanuory 2a, 2010 has been a filo over a week since the devastating tathquake ft ust outa Pont a Prine, Hai Sc at fay nave waited in horror a he Haan pple a hes Society have quickly submerged into a quagmive of cal avest and polteal grandstandeg Ones Pabseved ‘mass-nurder posse of Team Obama, Bush and iron ‘oan cang the wagons andthe repi'US ltareaton of Pott au Princ, incing the cocpaton of he Print Palace, to te uno f row sinoet 10,000 U.S boots oar ‘ground, began fe get susicos, Cal me cagy. 1 hnow of ‘he sad history of Hat imposed on th ty eer love ‘aon by one enperal power afer ne nest Bt when |e 40.000 American scr descend opon @ nto Ines ‘an a week. my radars into he ved Zone Jat when | was Beginning to brush vp on the sry behind tho sary "egardig Yorn, sow Tn hashed abdul ote more ts Sn frend fo begin werarbing fr the not ly behind he sor forts week’ latest NWO het ope ‘Aer afew hours on the Inte, | sscovered an are posted in January. of 2008" totineseane-nd hn Indeaing nat large amour, you guessed GI Pad Ingeed ‘been dacovered In Hat. shot wri, back, ‘According to the arse, Sientets Grate ‘ard Oar! atti indicated that “under Haan so kis ch no rc ‘uel "We have ied 20 ses” sald Baie! Wathrin stating tit" of tem ae consie’ed of reat inporonce by specaits ona patictans “The Central Patoau, nctrg te raion of Tomende, the Pisin ofthe Curde Soc an he bay ef Parva Pence ar Of hyérocarbons,” ho sal adding that“ fesenss of Hai are more inporan tan thoes of Vonosuela "A ‘ym pool compared to's lass of water that ia the comparison to Musto the mporaree of Vaan ‘amparod wih thove of Vennzula ho cain, "Venezu is oe of he word's largest produces of” We snow tht trge amount of ol had bean discovered in Guba ails over a year ago ae appeared sn 2 London (Guario ace rom Saturday Cone th 2008, ‘Mother Nature, i emerged this week, appears fo have ‘Bossed te iland wih enough of reserves to vault Rn ‘he ranks of energy pours, Tho govern announced ‘tere may be more than 20m bara of fecoverble of ofshore fs in Cubls share of te Gul of Meso, mors than tc the prev estate contest sus Cutts esaves on par wn those ofthe US snd ino be wort top 20. Daiing ie pete To sit ‘et yar by Cutts st eompary Cabapcn of Supe “would change ttc whole equation. The. goverment would have mere money and na longer be depart oo foreign ol sad Klay Jose, founder ofthe Wachgton, brsod U.S.Cuba Trade Aesocaton. cud Jn the eos fol exporing natone” Wee Rory Cael Lat America ‘osrespandont rhe Guardian, ‘one looks ats map and neces tat Hat and Cuba are nly_sbout 00 mis apart separaid by the Winward Exe, rat fy ese at gs ero Ccarbbean nations might be ingen the sro cet of of field ‘Ande pot Ciekens."Aecorsng To ter ‘egoring Halon ci “Dana snd ine Hath nae ‘hat the Amercan goverment had In 2008 suorced the use of srtepe reserves of te United States, The Gact ‘Should be used by posas tauren Hatlannegobasons ih American companies nthe cores of te Selatan those dopant” Te specials contend itt ne goverment of Jean Claude var had ‘vetieg ho xstenco ofa maj old in the Bey of Per-su-Puinc sony bere hi down” Hmmm, intiguing. would seem that he Pertagor Interest in Hat cringe cre uct migh ach 9 bt bajond “new normal ‘wr and hey huaraarian ‘tendons Tele tke weve been here before Keep your yes on he bouncing bat and wath fa Big lo move te {he region shorty. Parhape tis may av see ss a woe OR of guntoat apiomecy.tageind at Cuba, ahd, mare ominously, a backup pln secur reserve. in the Empire's backyard as Obama andthe Wat Mochi gel "20 fake on Vermzusa, More wi be revesies Serve The People #9 Haiti could have larger oil reserves than Venezuela vo wortdoiLcom Amidst be iter devastation lt in the wake of te ‘artauake that rocked Hat on Janay 12, nw Sg meat the existence of 3 mitonbarele of on halon ‘oxmaton osnore the and, ‘The Greater Antes, whieh Iockdes Cuba, Hel the Domincan Repub. Puan Rico and fa fshore wat, brobably nod atleast 142 miton bale of ol end 18 Sion cute feet of gas, according to 2009 rept by the ‘US Geologic’ Survey. Undiscovered amounts may Be 38 igh a8 4 mon barat of 8 ana 1.2 on cube foe ot 988, scoring othe repo, ‘meng nations inthe nore Caribbean, Cuba and Sama nave awarded ofenore Iseee for ‘all and 9a ‘fevaopment. Teigad & Tobey, South Amercan Islands ‘ho coset of Venezuela, account for most Cabean fodueton, according tote. US. Energy Department [Recording to French sents Oat Mata, “The Can Pateau nduag tho regen of Thomond, the plain othe ‘at de-sac andthe bay of Port u-Pince ae fied wth Fe dos that "Has of reserva ara ager than those of Venezuela. An Ohms pot compared toa las of water thats the comparsan to show tho iportance fof Hatin ‘impare o tea of Venetuaa atria aso sited tat We hve ned 20 ates a. 5 of them ae considered vr trp by practenar andi” Presiort Hugo Chaver teeny seroinend hat he would ‘wie of he uncecedsum Hall owes Venezia fr OF 38 Bat ofthe ALBA. Bocs pans." heb te. mpovertod aren naton ator dovaststg ana 12 carat, ‘wadl nas no de wih, Venezuela, ut the opposite: Vensnuela nae a nitoreal Sebe wi hat nation wth fat oop for whom we fel not py bt ether srr, snd We share thar fan hee hope" Chaves said afer te ‘raordnay meeting of foreign ministers ofthe Bolan ‘tines forthe Sara, ALBA He sleo announced that ALBA as decided on. {amprenenive plan tat nc an inmecata conan ot 520 ll o Hal’ eath str. and fund tet Chavez i, ibe test $100 miion Yor ares Imperialist Invasion in Guise of Aid: U.S. Sends Marines to Hé ‘Te Word Cant Wait, Fay, 18 Janay 2010 By Konrath. Theisen “The devasaton and death hat hes cecured ts week in i as mage me cy rod azure and sea pices of he ‘agody tae Th subors of esd wl aly bein te ot Thats, ot higher The lo wor i wanting. nd sop wart to do what hy cane hlp the Haan peop ut as the Halian people sue, the U.S. goverment is ‘conducing what amour oa mary eyesion of» serng Dopulaton, snd accompanying ths wth a public rms ampaign io potay the US mitay and US. enperation {5 come sot of humardarn savor. We must Net forget the real roe layed by the US. war machine found he ‘ros and ae in Serve The People #9 “The Now Yor Tinos cared a stay abot he fst Amacan Ship to reac Halt sir the eartuake. The Coast! Guard Gulor Forward wae dlepatched fem the Amercan naval Base at Guantanamo Bay. Cuba. The Band Arbore, the ‘anes, and te ara carr Cal Vinson have 20 been nt by the Preadert On the Pentagors webate ocay inere ae Sales sbout how he US asary Hos come the id oft Haan people. The Who House hae tated Ina Halla Obama's mater one ory A his i tended to recast U.S. inperaam and ie vast rly as poste fees he worse are expected © {ergot the many current ware In which the U.S. is the ‘restr and De hunereds of ousands of dees caused By tees wars, We are spposed to ignore that the “mean Empre has oops deployed in ovr 100 nations ‘2nd pats he seas wth rca armed armada 10 meee the word sole for US, perio, ‘And evan the many intentions, coups, and cczupations of Hatt by tie U.S. se not montored In tha mese med. ‘ve at Seen one ae or rondo snes the earhquske ‘hat mentioned thatthe US. loaded Hai and oreupled {fom 1018 to 1094. The US. Emponed mary eon Heltans for two decades, braaly suppressing any ‘esstance, Hot ne meron vi aden any rice al he US forces led thousand of Halas astig spor eagle who dared fo resi the fog oscupaton of er ounty. people caught nthe csste, people who were eg Becaute ey were Haane ‘Tho Times ale at takes abou ge bing depioye rm Gunmtararen fay tor tion et res pe ‘Sed'in te 10808 ma dtonon car fo mpron HN infected Hatane wih were seohing spyum fhe U.S. The Srice renloned thatthe Cone! Grad cuter was et esol n Be otf ele af aba fot menon to my ars that the Coast Guard hae been paving the ea ® agp Halon rigs fom racing US. shares. Ass rest ofthese pals are U'S. iran ples, outanse of ata hep ney kobe ‘The manstwam mesia has aso fled 6 mention the vent ervow and forced ele of Hats cemoersboay ected Present ean Sorand Arse ate hands ot he US Imgeiatn 2008. Te yas oe US supponed dct Fn Dura ene ae ab lo ou erent mac pa ‘tte numantaran mono tthe. rally ‘Som woud ay that al ts ent event a thine. Aer itis is marly 3 "ntl aster” We bow tat Nature iad Yo the earhausk, the extent of the death an ostrscsn ig nat netrl Tne poverty of Halts ct nate ‘a lace of properly conveted buénga which colapoed into carmauae 1a no natn ‘The poor nature ‘this ihbts tba role ‘of Nas not natura The iasequate neath suture tnt return this ha ed Unnecessary death aftr the earhuako Alt hese ee Sresty caused by the nunseads of years of pers ‘Sominaon mite upon the Haan poop Ils nat he purpose of sare octal at he cppression tthe Haltan peopl tthe Pande of he mperaiba {i ot come tobe one fh pret nets the wee y Soccer or becauve Haan ae may. Most oth poole of ov ar the descondanls of Ses erly removed om ‘Aca hunded o years ago. The Hatin people wo have ‘teqsenty ree to damand foodam fx tameaes and ho ation have been tepestogy” put down Oy malay Kos, Selig he Stal xe Fhe US. tay. vor toast cont, he Haan people have been directly ‘overod by the US. or by US-mippored roposeive {overment or most of tat tine. Oosoaton forces have [afro nes naused the US. marines ard amy. 3 ‘even UN forces, The underaevetpment of Hale oct ‘es of US impenaiem. Tat underdevelopment 8 lage feason that the carhguake hes vested sn 20 much estion. Sut yu wll et heer tht story fom the US bropogandt. stead over he coming wake we wl Rear ow generous tha US. ein prowdng oo fe Suny We wit sco saree of te U.S. woops handing au foc to the Hacians or uocing cargo pine wth riot supplies, ‘We ‘ull see crcodle tere tom US. oficale who are “concamed” abou the sevesation that ty naan, Gu do ot forget that much of tat devastation is aso the ‘esponsbly of te U.S. goverment. And 30 nat get the ‘eal le of the U.S war mache to enor he damon TUS mpetaem over he word Bush, Clinton and the Crimes of U.S. Imperialism in Hai by Patrick Marin Global Ressaren The Obama admission has announced tht foes presidents il Cnt and’ Gaorge Bush wil head the ‘Sots mr pon At yet sng ens ‘tenn roy the US etanaonin Hak Tecate ps tee tem U.S. prensa Sau ‘Sota, bck nee van Aron, ond Socata aie Serve The People #9, fndraing for cae! efits in the wake of the Hat bernquak. In hi rio speech Saturday, Chama declare: “hese te leaders sand an anrstakatie easoge othe Boople of Hai and the wail in'a moment of Reed, he ‘tea Stato sane United “Te message ofthe Cliton Guan apponiment indeed ‘Borcant but hardy what te. White House and ho ‘metean media have suggested. In seecing his two nmediate predecessors, se who Nave sot US. poly {he Canbbsen shee T0ia. Obama demonstrate that te ‘Sevactating aman tragedy fr Hat wal no beng ny ‘toraion inthe rapacious fos of US. Imporasm i tat Impovershod soneeconal cou, For eg years apace, Clinton and Bush ware dec and Seapy incved ns safes of pica machinatone ard rly ‘etererons tat have played a major rola perptiating whe poverty, Dashararese and repression in Fat tat have vosty compounded. by the aster that Suck that county lat Taesday Both men have the hood ‘of aan workore ana pacar on th hands Clem ook oes in inmate tama ofthe miltary ‘up wicoused Halls tre omecaaly elected peer, ‘o\opalt cere soot Borvang Arsoeo That cup as acted by he ecrrseaon of Bus tar, ho sow sie {35 an urwartd and portly dangerous adic Prenton At ‘The new Domecrate Party adrinisrsion undertook @ {acted chitin poy. Cron Imposed econemiesanctons tn he Haan jr, whch stoyea Hat's edging export Inaustres, ten dapatced the Marines fo Hs =f the ‘atime in th 20% contry ~ to compel Gen, Raoul Cedas ihe junta leader 10" depart The US. restored Déstide 1 te presidency, ater he had gen aecranees ‘at be would Go nahing to chaflenge the domination of ‘ihe Weshinglon eth eae Halen ste and Bat Bo ‘ui leave oes n 128 wihoit skin electon, Aer Aiside obedionty Hf offen on schedule, ne was ‘Steceedod by Rene Preval who served th fat of fi 0 ferme ae prsiert ftom 1608 to 2001, carying cut the ‘Suntes ofan ntematonal Monetary’ Fund “sbuctural Shatner pon Wal sete erelomer, oa pee ‘mon Ais Fan Lavalas pany won a dsr vtory in Nay 2000 lepsatve olecions, th Cleton administration ad the Republcancntaed Congres feted to sccoot tho etecton and ct of US. ait ee hm rotued fo the presidency sor wining a anda econ vicar In November 2000, ent faco an impacable ona i the Incoming Bash asrinseaten Fo thee yrs, Hall was systematcaly staved by he U.S. ‘cut ad moaauos ttn by the Bush samAistaen to ‘oc itematona ald end lta the Aratde govsmmant Fall In Febracy 2004, mid procs foraroa by the Hatt cing olf wih covert American eacg. te U.S. ‘tary agin itorenad ine courry,beang Mieoe and ‘Dipping nam at of weary ede ‘ne Marines tuned over fective cont ofthe county to a Untied Natlens peacskseping fre, with Baz pode the ‘iagest oop coninget. propping up a seis of unelected Haitan pane minster un loca 2008, from ich ‘anddates of Fan Lavalas were fargely excised. Rane Preval was elec presizent for te second mena tom Scheduled to ond ate Bis year Once’ support an Frotessed poical “war” of Artie, Proval hat lang since Fade hs peace wih btn Wasting snd he ain lng Sit and hi second term Nae beon characterized y lah {nt itemaionat envy Fara Troughout te Citton and sush adrineratons, US. emands for saherence to MMF austrty poles were Soreined wit a videus program of fpresion agaist Hattane Beer the county of arb fo cook retig an ‘ofr fen he Unod Sto. ni fret campaign fr te fresdency, 1082, Caton ete te pesecion and fercedepatiaton of Hatlen teugees, ony To reverse himseit and continue those poles unaed. For the next {years and contain wth ho clange form Obarna- furore of rougecs have dod In ma Beals esking to ‘ade the US. Coast Guns blockade ost recent, Cinton has een the ofl UN envoy for Hai, Sacang the cori Prova rege. and seo 1 ‘evel Halt ote ave for pofiabe US-nm garment Serve The People #9 industry founds on noarstanaton wages, Food rots wept tho couray Age 2008, but tat hot sop Preval om Uockinglogsiaton that would Nave rise the rnin ‘rage of $1723 ay fr workers in he gaent facores 4 for Cocrge W. Guth Nie slacion a8 coleader of a Supposed humantaran campaign fa neu othe people ‘of both Hell and tw Unted States. Hs appartment by ‘bara sn heeping wih the Damocrate prescents ‘omtaging eflets nce hi steson he reat of popular haved of Bsn and his cary, to rehaitat the Republican. ‘An unapslogetic war ciminl who is cesponsble forthe ‘itughier of a mifln Inde, Busts signature. domeste “ctievernent war to abject fale of te US. goverment anor to prevent the ovastaton of New Glee and tre ‘Gif Coast in Hurieane Katine, or to moun an eects Fol ana recovery ofert aera, “This the record of ho wo men tom Barack Oba has aleced a8 publ ace ofthe ast US. nite Hall Bush snd Cirton made «cence ofa agpearroee over tne weekend, incu riervews on al he Senay ten ews programs, curng whch Toy engheszed be nod 12 "esses Hath, adhe Errante at he Ue ‘Sats vouldhaveto pay nat tat Bush and Clinton porsoniy the amicus and reactonary tole tat American imparalsm haa played Hat for Ist centuy iso exaggeration fo Say that te poles ot ‘hoe earnstatone havo cained at much death and Patek Maren isa roquentconbibutor to Global Ressarch. U.S. Imperialism: No Friend of Haiti "Abaya Aziwe, Edler, Pan ean News Wis Sunday, January 24,2010 The flowing adios was given at pubke meeting an Hs hots on lnaty 23, 200, Many days ster te January 12 earmquske in Ha ‘moutands of tons of supplies and food reiting atthe ‘torino capa Port s-Prine and nt beng Sette {othe eo who need espa Tene tsa of Iured people ao. loseg ims, tecomng fermarenty taated and ching because the obrcton of ad Sevory nd the lack of 9 coouinated eft between las, ald Spence and the Ratan community eadersn ‘Alte epicenter of the quake people nad nol bean provided ‘nth any outside assistance. US. heleopters fy ver the ‘ea and drop places of toad to he thousands Of Suro Gn the ground” As a reuatof his daconner between ro Haitan people andthe wostem asad rat eto. anger ‘going among many a the gasses ov In an Assocatd Press ale on sanuacy 22 sate that "he trsooke su shook ely tno days ler, acd oskers dreamed io Hat wih vate, orgs, stings, doting, tucks, conetucten equipment. fleptones and tone af uher rest supp, The ernaiona Red Crees Caled ibe greatest dntyment of emergency eepondars Ins Bt year hsiony (AP, Jan 23) Neonates, he dtibuton ofthe asstance is extremely ow, The AP ate coninves oy parang cu hat "he Bot in bottonecs of tha. dotperety poor, underdeveloped ation a he shear scale fhe caaatophe el et any of the hundreds of heusande of ves thou hep The Us. itary reported a walieg Int of 1400 main ‘ale ihe Seating {land on Por.aubrnes single Fenway. where 120140 fights ware ating ay” Wy ater ve an extended period oti sce be quake and later atorhoss, hat eel Ns bt goon to he Haan people "mate? Wy doos te comprare sok ut des 10 valdate is carn that te Halen peop are nespable ct anaing er own ators and deeming the sin of te uray? The answers fo ese queston ar fob fund he ‘tory ad cntamporary soon Fa ana Carona, As of lite January 2010, tte US. has anexnced the Gepioyment cf 11,000 Woops. fom the ty ond. the ‘marines Aso ihe United " Natone’ 9.00-persan Deacohoeping force wil Be increasing ts preeence wih Snathor 3.500 actors to bolter the Ascen ih Hall (MiNUSTAH. The Cama acminsvaton pledged. $100 Ilo in ret asistance bute appartment of Bl Cnton {Geog W. Bush to coocnate flats ent the wong, ‘Sora for not ony the peopl Ha andthe Carsbeam, bt ‘aso toe wihin the Unted Sates ts who vy recall ‘he oie of btn howe presient nmading te coun, | myriad of ober US. Exepean and Canadian agencies have announced tna f mitone of dais in elt oe, Yet fromm a edt accounts emanating fom ine Hat, te Iiliany forces depioyed by US. Imperium are soning more a an mpecmett lng he people than pow ‘ha ype ot asetance tats ely neon ‘Rete have been news pons showing U.S. woos feng on stars who ate snp ying to gl oo, ver ad supp ‘tom destoyod businesses damaged nau exquake, Such ‘scenes (revise the Talore for teased represen and amet f the mary ofthe peop in Hat Atte anelusin of one weak afer te quake, wa sated ot hundrecs of eusards cf people woud be eceted fom Portau-aos to other rons o he county. “Therefore, despite the presence of thovsands of marines, say uns and ow U'S.poranna he condone of iatlan peopl te worsening. The aganzaonal expec of ‘he workers and yout to being sed a8 0 rosut of the orinanee ofthe Untes States. Aistory of Rebeon and Revolition Against Slavery How di Halt arive aie soil ston whore it eon (escibod as, the "bastest county neta FnpherAbeont of ho sn of canes that ie unt over the fet wo years andthe raat devastating Serteata vat rogteed at 7.0" wns. number ot Substantial atershoce atid frer damage 1 lng, ‘he character of Hasan peltica cannot be {Separated fom fe istry of saver, cons and na ‘Senile inthe Crean ‘Westen Ewopean contact with the [land that became own a8 Hispania, where both Fad andthe Damien Fepuoe are locate, was Yaumatc one, The. Spann Honarhy sent Courts sn 482 To pave te way for hs Imperial td coon aime tat rested nthe xerinton fhe indigenous peop on ho sand Falh Korgld nie poleal biography ot Toussit owvertreCtzen Toussaint” sates th torneo he Inaigenus poopie in Hispania that" he indars penhad Dy tens and by nUneraa of house, tho wht Eons ospere Mines and parators were Sevecped. The port fe isan wore Cewced wth nous gateons rng ‘manutacied pedis fom the moe cut ae arg [ay ren aonal poses” orga 644 5) Komgolt contoues by nating the tremendous wealth the Spanish gated rom the explotaton of te Tesoures and Deople of Hepancla, He attest “For many ot the Eons te ofeam of weash came tun. Some etimed 0 Spain and pert in voto wg tne weal wrg amt Indians. Ober bull fre houses, poe coty mere {he cing and too ound a clonal tocaey™ “The colony of Hspaiela began to val te European capa in weath ad opulence. Accrang Yo vedo, wha woe Charles V saying “hat thee was not aly i Spain ampsrable wit) Sanko""Oomingo” Cy, tere were ‘mansions surpassing sie, splendor and como the Psaoos a whieh royal ved ss the mathe county Fredrick Douglss he former abolition and US. Minster tothe Republe of Hat dalvefed an adress in Chucago tung 1803 whore Pa discussed he ‘ele of Spain in te anqueing of Hispaniola. Douglass pied fo tho la of the {Chueh he recess and the convauclone betwwon the Principals of Civistanty and tho race of he Spanish in brat execrination of he Cartbsannatve people ad the bralavemat ofthe Aiscans Douglass said this spesch that “ntinking of Hat 9 panfu,perpxng and consi fet moot Us at ine faea, fe hat Nog slavery wae rovgnt fo the New Word by the same pees tem whom Hat caved her reagn ind her civzston. No people have ever shown (ester relgious zeal or have glen ore aeron to fe Sranancee of he Christan chu han have De Spire Yet no bacpo were ever guy of ore muss ahd ood {hing cust to Bes Tolowren han hase sme Vlg Spanien more earmodin th hry frig han | an may ba abo fo explain and econ tase wa acs St tome they seem fo prove tha men may be very nous, 2nd ot patos ory Fellous and yet prac te ‘oust trimes. These parish Chistans fund Ha a maillon famiss men and werten, ann as nan aby yar hey ad murda neat a of thom, With eagion a hee pe the therin ther heat and the sive wp te hanes ‘hey Tasted these Innocent nates 1, death and ‘Sehcton” When thane que ails eal Uenoyed te fates, they opened the slave vase wit Anca 20,3 ‘ner doves. Suc, at east is the testimony of toy (at & Slave Revocation, 2008, p77) tor he French, Bish an the Ouch would come seeking {tar forunse on te land. The econome dedine of Ne ‘stony undor Spa opened up the ard fo setment By te Pench who took ovr he western region bythe second (ocade ofthe 1h conta Begining inthe mide 17th centary, the main products on he eland were cocna,rlge and oboe. in ‘eee Beryarn Daron brought in sugy cane preducton trom ava which fod 10 rap gow in the due, ‘trougha the land and ne Carbs Komgld points cut that “Sugar cane might five been ‘oft gown on smal ams ad dopant mis beh Sree. But here appeared ntons ange suger fanations ‘Tat ad tor own mils and ware manfoctree 9s wed 8 gtcutal esablehrants, To pediensogar nth fanon ‘equed a great cay of captal Val estate Swatowed UP the mal ts” (Kempo 1), By 1789 over one millon Afeans had been impo into Hispanols as slaves CUR James wrote i in “Black ace" n1638 That “In 1780 the Fenen West indan felony of San Domingo (at) supped two-eds of he reeds ado of France and wee the grstet Ind aa rthe Eepean slave Vase was an icy part fhe economic He ofthe age the ratest clon inthe swat, the pede Of tance, andthe ey of evry har Impeatt ron. The wola stare ered he oboe sthae-mion saves” sme, Prefac) Serve The People #9 James continues by recounting he sheet magetude ofthe ‘erolutonary staple lanesed by the Aan people of Fat ogenng dung he tat coca of te Yat century He saye hat "n August 1791 fer two year ofthe French Revaton ane epranors San Comegs, tw Steves revled. Te sul std for 12 yar, Tne shes ‘efeated In turn th local whies andthe coors othe French monarchy, 8 Spansh lnvasion, Brit expedon ‘of sme 60,000 ren, anda Fron exposson of snes Under nari eothore‘aw. The delet of Sonapare's ‘ipoaten ss TB03 resed nthe esabishvort of Negro sat a Hat which hs lasted tet dey “The revolt and subsequent size of power io Hal isthe nly recorded ravouton Mal wos eonceved organized and aries out by slave popuaton in tho ene Nstoy ot humn Society. lames see “The tansfonnaton of sives, trembing in tunéeds beore a ange white man, io oopa abe 1 organize omseten nd Stent te Most ‘ower European nations of ek day ie one of fe great pis ofrevoldionry stugle and achavement ‘The Hain Revlon hata wenondcus meat cote Unto ‘Steal stck har foe sve asides nf Su an the Nort wo ew fem tat pant fred there aa fel lena fo he vertow of fo paren Owner and he Seaded “sjtem of oxsctaaon and oppressen The ferouterary smuggle in'San Demngo ended bout he ‘eon ofthe iret sup ofr European no ry ‘the Aten pose bon fee up and dea ha er Inside continental North America, the defeat ofthe French Impeast army in 803 weakoned ts sangiaot on large Seeone of me tortor "nampa say fat os fk ‘Tousesnts irenen to help tbe Unted Sst of orca acqute the Louana Terry, whien doued the ae of ‘he county and mate posta futher expansion westward [Et hore reason to Sve tat Bu rte Nogre gene the Terry might have remaneda"Frener elony (Kongo) in roger tone le of Toussaint. Jamas says nthe "lack ncobis” Bat “Te victor boteve ond confident ie aratve wit prove. tat Between 158 and 1846. th the Shale excepton at Sosapare nse no sogle gs Ssppeared on tne Mist‘ sage more gested then is Negro, a save he wae 45 et Toussaint rt he ‘evekdion, twas the rovoliton that made Tous Ana ‘Sen tats atthe wane ans. 3) As elles oth le fhe cali isto, James ates, tha Toy by antral ecson wo tend oa posers of the soil fotos, feat men (wore) bang merely Rey insromets nthe hands of ecnome deetty Aso on Me {nah dows rato eben Great mat (women) Make ‘sey tut cny so tery ot posable Der oak, ‘The odom of crower sito byte neces of {ter error. To paray thos of hee necestos sd tne realzaton. compo are fal posses. at so te bases of toa” Chronology of Historia Events From 1009-2040 ‘As mentioned sare, the ce of the Hatlan Revokon ‘tween 1731-1808 hada vemendous mpsct ot tre slave syst in the. Unt Stata. The foar of raetion inthe South the Louisiana Purchase ater the defeat of te French Impsast army in 1803 changed the economic sd soci Charade of ha Une Site ovssant, however, would note o see the tumoh ofthe Revoliten. He was bevayed and. iter decved in Gecussions wit "he ‘Franch that ldo his are, ‘deport France and evel dean prison 1803 Nonattwes, th Revoluon conned unde the leadership ‘of Jean-Jacques Dessalnes andthe Repco Nal as pyodtmed on January 7, 1604, Some. yeas lator Dessatnos wae assasanates x Pont ug ath he Unted States and France refed to recog the Hatian Republi: This ld ot ‘stop the new natn tom Paying an portant rtm Carbbean and (in American ‘tas drig the 190 cay. In. 1815-1816 Smon_Soliar, the Saul American ‘yollonary, was greed asym tice in Ht here fe sind supp and milary assstance 9 ha campaign to ‘erate Latn Arorica tom Spanien colonial rl Cater fn 182 Heron he Comncan Rapti (era Domingo) resulting te elapse of sive on he land of Hispano.” ™me Haiban eezupaon he. Comin Feud un 1644, In 1825 te Fronen grated conctonalrecogeton to Heit thor he Republic agreed to pay Sndermiy tote former ‘clo! power forthe pery “dooyed dung te ‘every wat of 1701-1808 Na prised fo Pay 190 ‘rion “90d anes ‘a6 compensation Tossing ll ‘eoarton in 1888 In 1901, me Unto States rung class spit over the (ueston of slavry and several sothem sates wd from he Union ead oto il wera ast ut 1853, ‘Althotie ofthe cv wer. same 4 ion Aiea terained ‘raltved by the unite ring cass. Duong te cl wat “sppromnatly 176,000 Aineans parceled in the Union amy inte ht toon sary wes during is porod in 1862-59 that both the EmanepationProciomaton was ‘stved_ andthe formal ‘ecogaton of Hail was granted by the Unted States Goverment. it becare cleus thal the nortan sates under eon coud et wn he war who te paren ‘of he Aifean: people. In 1880 Frednek. Couglsy, wos ‘Sppohtd 3 he US. Miniter and Consul Geer Het During the tun ofthe 6th and 20% conte he United Slates escalatad its va fo Become te words leading Impeiast power. The socalled Spansh-Amercan War wae Inachaty'aconceted ef suas cov of te Span ‘lene of Cuba, Puerto Rico and ne Pipes: The US ‘ald bo arty base on the and” of Cuba at Susranamo Bay. The Pat Ancient wea pated bye US. Congres win grate te mpacaiss 9 opal fot ‘oocniny ns secon of Cuba or dosages fo come In 1914, word wa ented in zope athough the US. st ot become deetyivowed intl 947" Nenetees, te US. Mies invade Hai in 1015 end italy rns the Afcan masses. Evenvaly the bora condone and ‘str rac edi he format fa gueriia erry mong the Haan ‘masses undor be ‘ecien of Charlemagne Pre ose ‘cans woul ly a insurer ea the iro ef Stoops dng he Rosset aomnraon, Serve The People #9 noi tragedy ified Halls i 1697 whan between 17.00 o 43000 of people who wor Ining nego ‘Damien Repub, wore maaaaed ty the armed teas the ae of Presiont Rate! Tro. This massacre was paused by the Unted Sates ten Secreay of Site ert ul sector tat Present Tyo wes re of he ‘fst pope atin America a proto, In 1957, tho most wettinow datos and US. puppets, Francis ‘Papa bec" Duater, became President of Ht Ih subaequent slcked his. opponents ad rove any ofthe ino ex. The ron of tor contd ‘wh te ut backing of the US. unt 1064 wan Duar “indered mest Precdnt or io” "Papa Dos and Baby Occ Duvaler ‘how "Papa Doe” Dwar dad in 1971, fs son, “Baby Doct tk over tho reigns of power in Hai, Dung Ne 870s and 1880, Poueande mere Haars fed the County and sought ssyian ide the Unted States: The lve of vet and repression aglnt the people acctrsoa wih ‘nase exlotaton cared cut against the poole Dy mary U'S"batea mat atonal comperstons. ‘etwsen the years of 1982-24, bo ageutura sector in Heit os vitaly -desoyed when” the US conoted rganzaton "of Amenan "Stee" and he Sats Deparinants “Agency for" intsmatoal Osvelopnane uersam the sigh of restock dead to be cats of ‘can Sine Fever” The cour has yl ecoer tomy is tremendous sat back the poasart economy i Heil Consequenty, many poopie were fread To fave the rinse a ake vp residence the urban area whch became extremely avoreoded Desote nace represe assures bythe Duvale resine acd by the Unies Sstos uncer uctzonve arnt, the tastes by Hal ose up fwough aes ad eben Sg dco geo Ssh Cot aa oe ‘aut. The US. Ar For roe sate pansoge tr Cuvee {218 refige in France. A malty joa ook Sag. od oy ‘Gen. ert Rare and Wim Ae, ages facihat o cohesive police payor craton was ma peetion "erecta sae poner Unrest n Hail contrued i 1087 when he landed oft rgnered he acs hiigs ef pearats who wore Geman ‘Sod een in Jarabe November 1587 scheds 10 tects were cand ate he itary athe pare-itary Teron Macetes, setup by te Duval regen, monceted ppc pills and he typos 1 . ai “Tonion Macoutes™ dates om fe naite of he Cele “Bony Man who tel iden from ha bossa igh By January 1888 there had Seen 2. milan conioted econ that was boyeatod by the Hallan mses, Tel ‘acon brought Leato Mania 1 power In Jane Marat ‘wae overrown i a miary up by Gen, Nam. By November Namphy was vertroun by Gen Prosper Re Hatin ‘peope. In early 1050 te msitary was freed to ele ast of singe, Al was forced ralgn March of 1960, This resigraton costed be condor Tor the formation of 2 Proviona Government lod by Supreme Cour cates Enna Paso Toutot ‘Aether round of elections were ned i December 1980 ‘there the format pia Jean-Serrans Aside wos less ‘nth 67.5% oto poputr vote. The favor cant othe Unted States, Ware azn ned second wh oly 8.256 oft ota The lection of Jeon Serra Aside was opposed by the Unted States bacause he had come a sy of posal ‘presario forthe Hatin workers ane beast, Aa a ‘osu the Tonton Mecoute atemsted to tage @ Sop In Tanuary of T891,but was hated Gusto the sees of one of thovsands. of Hatlans who euunded the, Netra Palace and demanded the eam of Peston Ado ‘Aste was sworn a8 President of he Repub of Hat fon Apel 7. 1881, Howove, 09 Soptembe 20 snot ‘mata coup ovetvew hee wn wes forced io wale Venezia and later te Unio States. Between 1001-54, IRousands of Halians made stems to lave the county df to he United Sates, Many of thom wre captures tho coasiard and tue homeve mary cts were bof land side South Fonds 'n 1954 the mitary open in Has rested and Presient ‘Aste was rears 0 power as bythe Utes Stoo ‘inktraton under Sil Clison Ars’ ern to poet Wes cared out under unfavoratie sondtons forte ain ‘masses, Aside was orad to step down at lane afer Serve The People #9. ne yer. He ste relume 6 power in 2001 bt was ence ‘ga undermine by U.S gn py. (On February 23, 2004, the United States odnisration Uinar George Wl Buen iveded Had sgan and staged Coup agaist Asie, forcng hm in exe inthe Cental Siiean Ropubte Wih the rteretion ofthe neratonal ‘Acton Conter and tbe Congressional Sack Caucus Maa Task Foren, Asie wos laced om Banu, he cata of the Coniah Alcan Republe, and Te sraried posal Sym inthe Repu of South Aca under he eaters fe hin Nora Congress, Hall, Cuba andthe Afican Revoation Inthe mst recent saser to stke Hail with the artnquae on iarury 12, ether nations were ere end Stusance. Guta had over 400 medal parce the curity and et up fold heeptale forthe veuma ofthe quake “ho Pooplé' Repuie of Chin ago sent ress tars a win tba ctots to save ives and provide rohasaion Services fo the vctia. in Afien, there wae 2 major Imobraston to povao asslance le Hat Losing pote Sd veigous free such a fares Mazambiean and South ‘ea tet indyGraca Manel 22 wat a fame Neco Desmond” Tut have mouneedinatves to coeel avantaian aio te people of Ha In 1983, CLR. James wrote an append forthe risus ‘erson of "Sas latins” ich Mad boon pubtched ‘aay during the Great Depression when te anor was ‘mating rato rom the Ute Kengdon fe US. {hs appre which” was ers, rem Toussaint LOwerre fo Fidel Casto” James dhaws 2. iect tne Setwoen the Haan Revouten of 1004 and the Cuban evolu o 1989 James says tht “Castes revolution ie of the twontot ‘antry a= mucha Touseanfe was of he eighsenth: But Seopa the stance of vera cotuy and a al both are West indian. The peope who mada tem te prelems 2d tho ater to salve hem, fe peculy West inn, the product of a pocular origin and 2 ceca istry. West Inns tet became avare of emsehes as a pects i he Nattan Revolaion, Whatever uate atte Cuban Fevoluton marke the utimato sige ofa Cartoean quast fer natonal ony. In'a. scared sees of departs ‘lands the prcest consis of 8 soter of unecornated proce "of de puncusted “by spurh loops and Mtatophes “Cul the inherent movement Is ear and ‘Song dames, lack sacob, p. 381). “Tho author goes on o lok atthe rl of the suger insty ine Carblwan a a source of aber exatation and prot i ihe impeaos but to a 2 prosuon contr th Sayed hey part in shaping te consciousness of [edpl ofthe rein and consequent tot cortbutens 0 {he overal iematonal wortng tase fev ames goos onto pol out that “The history of the Wort ines & govorod by to factor, te sugar partion and Negro siavery. That foe moony of the pepulon in Cuba wae never slaves dose ot act the undering socal “ery Wherever the sugar lataton and slavery ested ‘heyimposed a pater” ‘Those evo fecre mat ave shaped ne netery and the hs. character of tho, Carbbean are fated within the [Hoducton process isa James goes on fo say That “The ‘Stgarpunation fas been the mon cemerstang nuns Ines inden development When two cannes 390 the ‘Saves cate to tho West Ine, they olrod recy ito the large seal agrcuture of the sugar pntaton, wines tras a modem sytem it futher eauies that he saves We {ogoter na codal lator far cover han ny pelea of the tne. The cano. wren reaped Rado. be raphy anspored to what was fac preducton. The prosut wa hipped broad forse. Even the cloth ne slaves wore and ine food they ste wae potas The Negras, thereors, from the ory stat ved se that nae ft esoence ‘odor fa. Thats tha nto ~ farts have been able foedecaver, a unique hisny ame, 592) ren toy ne ator of ho cust, t she need States =e leaang terafst gower on ta Jobe ~ att

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