Planetary Yogs

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Bandhu Pujya Yoga

Bandhu Puja yoga occurs when (a) Ruler of the 4th house is a benefic, is aspected by a another
benefic, and Mercury is in the 1st house, or (b) Ruler of the 4th house is in conjunction with or
aspected by Jupiter, or (c) Jupiter is in the 4th house, or (d) Jupiter aspects the 4th house.
According to Raman: "The person will be loved by his relatives and friends."

Uttamadi Yoga
Uttamadi yoga occurs when (a) the Moon is in a kendra (1st, 4th, 7th or 10th) house from the
Sun, or (b) the Moon is in a panapara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th) house from the Sun, or (c) the Moon
is in an apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th, or 12th) house from the Sun.

Amala yoga: A benefic Planet placed in the tenth house calculated from the ascendant or the
Moon - philanthropic and benevolent attitude towards mankind, career in the social sector, if a
malefic is placed in this position, it may be favourable for the owner of the horoscope


When Jupiter is in a quadrant position (first, fourth, seventh or tenth house) to Moon, it means
the native is having “gaj-kesari yoga”. “Gaj” means elephant and “Kesari” means lion. This
means the native has the qualities of an elephant, that is, intelligence and magnanimousness and
those of the lion, that is magnetism and influence. People are generally in awe of this native and
he is capable of influencing them to a large extent. The person has an innate need as well
capability of thinking about large-term welfare. By virtue of his innate qualities of intelligence
and generosity, he is always looked up to in the society.

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