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History taking in a patient

with cough
History of
presenting illness
Acute and chronic cough
 Acute cough  Chronic cough
 Foreign body inhalation  More than 4-6 weeks
 Inhalation of irritant gas  Tuberculosis
 Pulmonary edema  Post nasal drip
 Pulmonary embolism
 Muscle disease
 Bronchogenic carcinoma
 Compression of resp tract
from structures outside the
 Cough lasting for several weeks in a smoker can
be a sign of malignancy
Character of cough
 Bovine cough  Laryngeal nerve palsy
 Brassy cough  Involvement of trachea
 Dry irritant cough  Pleurisy, pharyngeal edema
 Cough with expectoration
Character of sputum
 Yellow sputum  Infection
 Hemoptysis  Infection, carcinoma, vasculitis and pulmonary
 Very productive  bronchiectasis
 Pink frothy sputum  pulmonary edema
 Rusty sputum  pneumococcal pneumonia
 Blood streaked sputum  tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, Ca lung or
pulmonary infarction
 Clear white mucoid sputum –viral infection or longstanding
bronchial irritation
Relation to posture and time of day
 Lung abscess
 Asthma
 C/c bronchitis
 Hiatus hernia and CCF  More at night and relieved
on sitting up
 Bronchoesophageal fistula and palatal palsy  Cough
on swallowing
Does cough occur in spasmodic
 Whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis 
paroxysmal cough occurs
 Cardiac cough can be paroxysmal especially after
Associated symptoms
 Cough with hemoptysis  A/c infection, bronchogenic
carcinoma, vasculitis, hemorrhagic d/s, cardiac asthma.

 Weight loss  malignancy, c/c infn.

 Dysphagia or change in voice  pressure on

esophagus, trachea or main bronchus.

 In pneumonia there is fever, dyspnea, chest pain.

 Pain  pleurisy, tracheitis, trauma of chest with or
without fracture of rib

 Associated with wheezing  Asthma

 Seasonal  Allergic bronchitis

 Cough at night in supine position suggest postnasal drip

 Cough associated with heart burn or sour taste in mouth

suggest GERD
Past, personal, family history
 Risk factors  Occupation, smoking, HIV
 Drugs  ACE inhibitor
 H/o seizure  Cough may be due to aspiration pneumonia
 Family H/o asthma

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