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Annual Accomplishment Report

S/Y 2010

Part I- Foreword
Lourdes Elementary School Administrator, Teachers, Pupils and Stakeholders and
made an effort for a constant change. By this calendar year 2010, two of the teachers enrolled in
masteral degree and earned units, and joined in the ranking for a higher position.
Most of the activities were participated in by the pupil’s garnered awards in the
academic contests. Stakeholders especially the PTA shows their effort to realize our school projects
also our school canteen though, it is not finished yet. We acquired also one additional classroom for
grade VI through the help of Sangguniang Barangay.

School Mission
To provide quality and relevant education to the varying needs of pupils through strong
partnership with parents, community, and stakeholders towards the achievement of school goals and

School Vision
Lourdes Elementary School:
An environment-friendly school envisions productive and competent, God-fearing, value-
oriented pupil and responsive to the needs of community.
Part II. A. Dep. Ed as an Organization

Governance of Basic Education Sector

Guided by the permission of RA 9155 as the governance of Education Basic Act of 2001,
the school has to revolutionize the envy learning aspects of educational system. School Base
Management has to be employed to construct building of quality performance and competence
among the school learners.


* Enrolment
S/Y Gr I Gr II Gr III Gr IV Gr V Gr VI Total
2009-2010 47 27 25 34 24 21 178
2010-201 39 25 29 26 31 20 170

Grade Name Position Status Educational Attainment
I Maricel D. Bongais T-1 Reg. Perm BEED
II Virginia B. Belarmino T-1 Reg. Perm BEED w/ 220 units in MA
III Nora V. Alcaraz T-1/TIC Reg. Perm BEED w/ 27 units in MA
IV Irene S. Flores T-1 Reg. Perm BEED
V Jeneth M. Macalindong T-1 Reg. Perm BEED w/ 9 units in MA
VI Joy D. Septimo T-1 Reg. Perm BEED

No. of Classroom Classroom Needed Classroom Needs Repair
6 1 3

Grade Tables Chairs Desks Arm Chairs Needed
II 14 26 0 0 0
III 9 13 0 8 9
IV 0 0 0 24 10
V 13 24 0 0 7
Vi 1 4 0 18 11

A. Key Outcomes
Targets for S/Y 2009-2010 versus Actual Accomplishment
S/Y 2009-2010 with Analysis or Description

Grades Enrollment
2009-2010 2010-2011 Increase Decrease
Preschool 0 25 25
I 47 39 8
II 27 25 2
III 25 29 4
IV 34 26 8
V 24 31 7
VI 21 20 1
Total 178 195 36 19

An Analysis of why target achieved or not achieved

Targets were achieved especially in preschool because last school year we have no
preschool enrolment. Enrolment in Grade I and II decreased due to the opening ready Barangay
Salvacion Community School. Grade III and VI enrolment increased while Grade VI decreased

*National Achievement Test

Achievement Test 2008-2009 2009-2010 Increase/Decrease
NAT VI 49.88 54.71 4.83

As the table above shown that the NAT result for Grade VI increased for 4.83

Grade English Math Filipino Sibika/Hekasi Science MAPE EPP Char.Edu

I 39 40 28 50 ---------- -------- --------- 4
1:1 1:1 1:2 1:1 1:10
II 25 26 8 24 ---------- ---------- -------- 4
1:1 1:1 1:3 1:1 1:10
III 39 40 20 28 14 -------- --------- 6
1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:2 1:5
IV 24 24 26 26 11 --------- --------- 6
1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:3 1:5
V 22 23 23 11 10 --------- --------- 6
1:2 1:2 1:1 1:3 1:3 1:5
VI 21 21 10 21 16 --------- --------- 5
1:1 1:1 1:2 1:1 1:2 1:4

2009-2010 2010-2011
1. Participation Rate 88.23 96.28
2. Retention Rate 82.91 82.39
3. Cohort Survival Rate 42.85 36.36
4. Drop Out Rate 1.12 1.76
5. Graduation Rate 80.95 95
6. Completion Rate 34.69 34.54
7. Promotion Rate 73.25 88.82
8. Failure Rate 14.60 8.23
9.Repeater Rate 13.88 13.52
10. Teacher Pupil Ratio 1.30
11. Per Pupil Cost 7,420
12. Achievement (Rate) level (NAT) 149.88

B. Accomplishments of Programs and Project

1. Participation in the Mid Year inset
2. SLAC Sessions and Conference
1. Phil. IRI Pre-Test and Post Test
2. Participation in a Read a thon Competition English and Filipino
3. Remedial Reading Program
4. Library Hub
C. School Based Management
1. Downloading of MOEE/Procurement of School and Office Supplies
D. Health Sanitation
1. Organization of YES ‘O to show the pupils concern to our environment
2. Planting trees. Malunggay, Jackfruit inside the school campus
3. Construction of Mini-School Canteen
4. Deworming and Health inspection of Division nurse, doctor, and dentist
5. Distribution of toothbrushes and toothpaste to grade I pupils, 7 o’clock habit
6. Gulayan sa Paaralan
E. Adopt a School
1. Brigada Eskwela- 70% parents attendance
2. Fire Safety Inspection by our Fire Protection Group
3. Invitation of some foreigners to visit our school
F. School Beatification Program
1. Landscaping of the school ground
2. Halimuyak Garden

B. Accomplishment by Programs/Projects

Learning outcomes

MFO 1-B Public Elementary Education Services

1. % of increased/decreased enrollment-due to the nearby barangay opened a school ---4.49%

2009-2010 2010-2011
178 170
2. % change in enrolment of children age 6-11’ 2.94
2009-2010 2010-2011
102 99
3. % increase in public elementary school graduates
2009-2010 2010-2011
` 19
4. % increased in proportion of G3 effective readers

2009-2010 2010-2011

5. % increase in average score of Grade

2008-2009 2009-2010 Increase
51.63 54.71 483
6. % increased in proportion of Gr. 6 with achievement and mastery level or better
2008-2009 2009-2010 Increase
51.63 54.71 483
7. % change in Pupil Ratio in Public
2009-2010 2010-2011 Decrease
1:30 1:28 6.76%
8. % change in Pupil-Classroom
2009-2010 2010-2011
5:178 6:170
35.6 28.3
9. % increase of enrollment in Elementary School with health and nutrition program
2009-2010 2010-2011 Decrease
178 170 4.49
10. % of underweight children to the no. of Gr. I to 6 enroller
2009-2010 2010-2011
33% 47%
11. Establish Elementary database or children with special needs

Priority sector activities by programs/projects
_Reducing Drop Outs_
1. Feeding program from Gr. I-VI
2. Make school a Friendly School

_Reducing Repetition_
1. Remedial Reading Program
2. Close supervision to the slow learners

_Increasing Coast Survival_

1. Home Visitation
2. Make school a Friendly School

Increasing Transition from Elem. To Secondary Education

1. Encourage the pupils and parents
2. Livelihood Program
B. Quality

Priority Sector Activities: Program in Improving Quality in Relevance of Basic Education

Improved Health and Nutrition Status of Learners

S/Y Enrolment Pupils Weighed % Below Normal % Normal
2009-10 178 178 32% 57 65% 116
2010-11 170 170 41% 68 59% 99

*NAT Result and Nutrition (Targets VS Latest Accomplishments)

TARGET Latest Accomplishment
75 54.71
School Readiness Test Results for S/y 2010-2011
Enrolment Pre Post
M F T M % F % T % M % F % T %
Not Ready

*Phil IRI
S/y 2010-2011
Enrolment Pupil Tested Frustration Instructional Independent
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

Enrolment Start of School Year End of School Year Gains/Progress Number %

C. Implementation of Legislated Reforms

a. Stake holder Participation
1. LGU Participation
Allocation of school supplies
2. PTCA Participation/Brgy Officials
1. Brigada Eskwela
2. Tree Planting
3. Homeroom PTA Projects
4. General PTA Projects
5. Preschool Fund Raising
6. Ground Improvement
3. Instructional Supervision
1. Peep in Visitation
2. Checking of Lesson Plan
3. Checking of Attendance

Sources Amount
1. School MOOE 12, 639
2. PTA Membership Fee 2, 500
3. PTA Contribution 10, 000
4. Fund Raising 12, 750

1. Travel and Trainings, Seminars 4, 366
2. Electricity
3. Photocopy and Printing 126
4. School Supplies 7, 798


S/Y 2010 -2011

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