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June 05, 2011

CALL UPON THE LORD Church Announcements

“Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be

saved.” Romans 10:13 (LB)

Are you at a place in your life where you need to be

rescued? Are you ready to call out for help? It doesn’t
take a special phone or signal. All you have to do is ask
and Jesus will rescue you. You can ask him to rescue
you in any area of your life – a relationship, a financial
situation, a health issue, anything. But you have to ask.

In Psalm 91, God says, “When you call on me, I will

answer; I will be with you in your trouble and I will rescue
you” (v. 15 NLT). That’s not just talk, because God
doesn’t lie. It would be contrary to his character because
he is total truth.

Notice that God says you have to do your part and then
he’ll do his part. You call, he answers. That’s it. Just call
on the name of the Lord.

Weekly Schedule
Worship Service:
Sundays: 8:00am & 10:00am.
Starmall Cinema 2
Prayer Meeting:
Tuesdays: 7:00pm
3rd Level – Higher Ground

3rd Level Starmall Las Piňas City CP #: 09235001616 Join us @ Facebook: NewDay Christian Church

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