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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Narkoba dan artinya

November 12th, 2010 Posted in Pidato

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mengangkat materi tentang narkoba dalam pidato bahasa inggris merupakan hal yang menarik.
karena anak-anak & remaja adalah yang paling banyak terjebak kecanduan narkoba sehingga
perlu pengetahuan bahaya narkoba.

contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba sebagai berikut :

Good Morning Ladies And Gentlements. Thank for the chance that has been given to me. My
name is Tascia.. I’m representative ….. The honorable . mr…….. …. …. And all the young
generation that present here.
Ladies and Gentlements,
Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of illicit drugs in our country,
Indonesia. They were mostly victims of a ‘cruel’ environment, a broken-home family, of
ignorance, of curiosity or particularly of the illegal drugs mafia. It is estimated that around 4
million people in Indonesia illicit drug users – about one in every 50 Indonesians. In the capital
city of Jakarta, it is estimated that three out of ten young people are users. A study by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) office in Indonesia showed that around four per cent of
illicit drug users in the country are children under 17 years old. Two out of ten users are involved
in illicit trafficking. Some teenagers start being involved in producing and trafficking drugs
between the ages of 13 and 15. Chairman of the National Narcotics Coordinating Board said that
the country’s illicit drug users include around 7,000 junior high school students, over 10,000
senior high school students and about 800 elementary school students.

Ladies and Gentlements

People usually take drugs to have fun or escape the pressures of life. Drug users among students
are particularly worrying. It was reported that a number of traffickers operate around schools by
cheating, forcing or giving free illicit drugs to students. Once the students are addicted, they then
go to the traffickers to buy the illicit drugs. If they do not have money, they steal it from their
family members or others. Narkoba’ is the Indonesian term for narcotics, psychotropic and
addictive substances. Psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu are
considered favorites among the middle and upper class users. However, for an increasing number
of young people, the drug of choice is low-grade heroin, known as putaw, which is cheap,
plentiful, but potentially deadly. These drugs are readily available in all major urban areas,
including schools, Karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discotheques, nightclubs, and they even spread
into remote villages. Therefore it is not surprising that drug users continue to increase from year
to year.

Ladies And Gentlements

The facts above showed us how familiar “Narkoba” issues In our young generation. First we
should know what’s the meaning of drugs addiction? Drug addiction is a complex brain disease.
It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that
persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive,
in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on
behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after
long periods of abstinence. The Definition confirm us how serious the consequences of using

Ladies and Gentlements

Drug abuse has also contributed to the increase of HIV/AIDS patients, through the usage of
unsterile injections. According to a report based on an illicit drug and injection safety study of 20
Asian countries conducted by the Center for Harm Reduction in Australia’s Burnet Institute,
drug injecting is spreading to all the countries [of Asia] and its popularity is increasing. Our
Country, Indonesia have up to 1 million drug injectors, and 19% of them were infected
HIV/AIDS. How Dangerous the drugs abuse for us.

Ladies and Gentlements especially,The young Generation

This is an extremely serious issue for us. It’s a threat that could kill an entire generation. One
generation of this nation will be lost if we do not take action together and immediately. In short,
we must be ready to go to war against illicit drugs and the war must start from home.

then, what can we do as the young generation? Prevention is better than cure. AVOID the Drugs,
don’t ever think to try just b’coz you curios. because once you try, you will be trapped and later
become addicted, and the addiction will finally turn you into criminals or take your lives. We
have so many example around us, what happened to the users. Some b’come crazy, Some was
going to the jail, And The others were died. All of them loose their future. I believe we don’t
want such things happened to ourselves.

The Young Generation,

Now its time for us to say ‘NO’ to drugs. It’s time for us to arrange our future. It’s time for us to
face the world with our ability. It’s time for us to prove that we can do something for our
country, With The spirit of ‘Indonesian Awakening Day’.

Thank you.
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