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MVC N-Tier

MVC3 N-Tier EMR Sample

Version 0.81

February 2011

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MVC N-Tier

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................4
2 NEW INSTALL ....................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 DATABASE CREATION ......................................................................................................................................5
3 LOGGING IN .......................................................................................................................................................6
4 ERROR HANDLING ........................................................................................................................................ 10

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MVC N-Tier


This is a MVC3 N-Tier EMR sample. It uses WCF to separate the presentation from the back-end.

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MVC N-Tier

1 Introduction
This samples uses the following major technologies:
 MVC3 - Presentation layer
 WCF - Used to separate the back-end from the presentation
 Entity Framework Code First - Persistence

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MVC N-Tier

2 New Install
Use the Source tab to download the software. Point the connection strings in the web.config and App.config
files to the database on your system. The following shows the values in source:

<add name="EmrContext" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial

Catalog=EmrDB;User ID=FIC;Password=MvcNtier+1;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

2.1 Database creation

The Entity Framework Code First (CTP5) will create the database and populate it with some sample records.

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MVC N-Tier

3 Logging in

When running the software for the first time, select the “Register” button on the top right corner of the
screen to create a user.

Figure 1
Registering a user

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MVC N-Tier

Home/Search Screen
Log in the application using the credentials of a user you registered earlier.

Figure 2

The options available on the left menu are:

 Home – This is the home/search screen.
 Demographics – Selecting this menu will display a paginated table of current patients in the
system. It also allows creation of new patients.

When starting, enter "8" in the last name and press the enter key.

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MVC N-Tier

Figure 3

Figure 4

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MVC N-Tier

1. Contact Manager sample
2. MVCPager sample
3. MVC Template Gallery
4. Various EMR resources on the web
5. Expense sample
6. PetShop sample

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4 Error Handling


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