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Wednesday 11th May, 2011

Dear Year 7 Teacher,

My name’s Isabella Montecalvo. You can call me Izzy for short though. I come from America,
Italy and India. (I’m mostly American). I was born in 1999 and I’m 11 years old, almost 12.
Before I lived in Thailand, I lived in India. And before that I lived in America. Forget that. I live in
Thailand, period. I’ve been in NIST for at least 5 years now. I have a little buggy sister, and I live
with my parents and dog. The best thing about my family is that they care about what I do. But,
other than that, they are just plain old family.

My year 6 teacher is Ms. Denise Hazen. She would describe me as a funny, smart, responsible,
caring, risk-taker, hard working type kid. (I hope). My favorite experience about year six was my
teacher because she really helped me and understood me. My Exhibition topic was Tourism.
(I’m none too proud of it though). For year 7, I tried to help myself to prepare for year seven by
buying a book about middle school to help me get more organized. It helped.

One of my favorite subjects that I am also good at is Units of Inquiry and

Language arts. I also really like art and sometimes P.E. A big area that I need to
improve on is Math, of course and spelling. I really am not very good at World
Language. The best way my teacher can help me is by talking about the subject
and making sure I understand.

I LOVE sports. I play them a lot. I enjoy being outdoors, but not for long. I like to
play on the computer and I like to read and write. I read about lots of adventure
and mystery books. They’re fun. What I’m REALLY interested in learning more
about in year 7 is Science and Language.

I have some really great friends that I can count on. They are really nice and I like
to feel that I belong with them. I hope that in year 7 we stay friends, but I’d like to make lots
more friends. I try to be a good friend by sticking up for them, knowing that they can count on
me, caring for them and having a good laugh with them.

I’m most excited about being more independent and, well, free. I am super nervous about all
the pressure from teachers depending on me. I think I will need help with being more confident
about what I do and who I am.

Hope to see you soon!

Best Regards,

Isabella Montecalvo

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