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June 1, 2011

TO: Jilliane Joyce De Dumo

Law Student Government

CC : Jemimah Grace Garcia

USC Chairperson

RE: Anti-Discrimination Policy within the University

Dear Madam:

On 7 February 2011, Ms. Hender Gercio (an European Language Major) filed a discrimination
complaint against her professor, Ms. Dominique Del Corro. This complaint was submitted to
Prof. Wystan de la Pena, the Chairperson of the Deparment of European Languages of the
College of Arts and Letters of the University of the Philippines.

Ms. Gercio identifies as transgender, as a transsexual woman to be exact. She was assigned
male at birth, but she has undergone gender transition and now live full time as female. Should
you require more information to familiarize yourself with these concepts, an FAQ sheet
published by the American Psychological Association about transgender individuals and gender
identity is attached to this letter.

To shed light on the issues related to sexual orientation and gender identities (SOGI), UP
Babaylan was able to schedule a meeting with officials of the University to discuss our programs
and plan of actions to prevent and stop discrimination from propagating inside the University.
This is the solution that will prevent faculties, students and employees of the University to abuse
loopholes in University policies that allow them to abuse and hinder students and other
members of the University to grow and learn to their fullest potentials, by exposing the students
to harmful and discriminatory acts based on biases against chosen sexual orientation and
gender identity of the students.

The organization proposed for an anti-discrimination policy to be implemented in the whole UP

System. But the meeting lead us to specific course of action that is, INTERGRATION OF THE

As the Law Student Government, we believe that your support is essential in making these
endeavors a success. We would like you to be an advocate of gender equality and an ally in
making and pushing for this policy. We look forward to your reply and to the possible dates of

Thank you so much.

Heart Diño
Councilor and Head of Gender Committee - University Student Council 2011-2012
Member, UP Babaylan

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