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A speech on faith never delivered

(Inspired by Morgan Freeman, written by Peter Berexa)

I come bearing parting gifts. Two gifts, not overly complicated but deep like the nerves and
veins that surround our hearts and minds. First, let me tell you that I believe in a God- a
powerful being above our heads. That is my faith. But that’s only one gift- belief and trust in
something more powerful than you that can give you strength, chastisement, wisdom… but
that’s only half the gift.

To keep things simple we’ll call the next part hope. Self-hope. In this day and age let there be
no gods but men on this earth. The Lord is a god but so am I. I have control over my future, my
destiny, my time with love and passion. Truly I am the all-powerful navigator of the path that is
my life with my faith to give me strength. But I don’t want it. All this power? It needs sharing.

Take faith, hope, trust in yourself and others.

Take control of your life & love and make your own light in that darkest of tunnels that is sheer
despair. Such miracles are possible and I want you to take charge…

And be the possibility.

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