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LONGMAN HANDBOOKS LANGUAGE Teaching English inthe Primary Classroom hi Vy ENGLIS: LONGMAN HANDBOOKS = for— LANGUAGE rt TEACHERS 5 he Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers prone teachers with guidance and assistance seties i concerned wth teaching techniques _in the classroom, and 1s of great value to the ‘and problems ata practical tevel. I aims to eaperienced and inexpenenced teacher alte Teaching English in the Primary Classroom Teaching English in the Primary Classroom is about classrooms where children sometimes misbehave and where teachers are sometimes too overworked to spend hours preparing lessons or are anxious about their own knowledge of English. The book gives a valuable insight into how children learn language and how to achieve a positive and uninhibited attitude to language learning in your classroom. Part 1 identifies priorities for working with young learners and suggests strategies for teaching in English. Part Il offers guidelines for creating or adapting work programmes and explains how English can be taught with other subjects in the primary curriculum to promote real language use Practical Activities sections at the end of each Part provide step by step suggestions to illustrate the teaching methods described and detail many versatile activities which can form the basic repertoire of even the busiest of language teachers Susan Halliwell is highly experienced in the training of primary school teachers and has worked in teacher training for the British Council in several countries. She is currently Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of East Anglia, ISBN O-582-07109-7 9 (I) 071094 Longman Group UK Limited Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 28, England and Associated Companies throughout the world Distnbuted an the United States of Amenca by Longman Publishing, New York © Longman Group UK Limited 1992 All rights reserved, no part of ths publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmatted in any form or by any means, electrome, ‘mechanical, photocopying. recording, or thersise, ‘without the prior wruten permission of the Publishers First published 1992 Reprinted 1993 ASBN 0 $82 O10 7 DRITISH LIBRARY CATALOGUING 1N PUBLICATION DATA Hallnwell, Susan ‘Teaching English in the Primary Classroom ~ (Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers Series) I. Title Ul Series 372.6521044 ISBN 0-582-07109.7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA, Halhwell, Susan, “Teaching English im the primary classroom / Susan Halliwell. p.m — (Longman handbooks for language teachers) ISBN 0-582-07109-7 1 English language-Study and teaching (Primary)-Foretgn speakers 1 Tulle II Series PEI128 A2H287 1992 428.2'4-de20 91-3793 ap Set in 10/12pt Monophoto Times by Servis Filmsetting, Ltd, Manchester Produced by Longman Singapore Publishers Pte Ltd Prunted im Singapore Acknowledgements We are grateful to the following for their permission to reproduce copyright photographs Ed & Trudie Barnes for page 82 (lft, right) Trudie Barnes & Lisa Howard for page 82 (middle) Malcolm Booker for page 103 Susan Halliwell for pages 99, 123, 124

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