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t a"d {3alottcc
gffvvv ^ .fcl\#-

( terl,, e

and Balame,
r Weighb

I t it (oncun"rJ wilh #r. ctirc'aft w e1,hf a",d dec;clin3i f

iL (on {'ly a( naL f* a tpec;f;c k;p ' ^ol. Pa'arnrL"s rnusf

bo Slt^cj;ed *t ard7 h lno* rninirnum anr] maxirnurn ollo*t-d

weigh| al o^ air craft . tl ort af node,n a;t cralt, 'Jort


nut foue fiinirnurn u,eiShL li^i lal;on, iI Ll,osin d JJ aircraflt

fo, laod di*,ibuLion fo, oir cralI bolonr. du,,:njf ]ghts .

5a*" dtfini licns '

J- uleig|l;"g:

, it ^ut k hte'J
A flu, rna;ntenow of dn a;r craf,L

in arde( [o :pecify thr- inue4te(o, decr.ort) df ih c.teiXhL

2- Bolat"ctt

[,rAen on otrcraf L i) food,J en ,

patseng carga, it;,cral[
sLaff and fu'l , if m.,st b. bola^r.d by d;s['ibuLiry{Ac

loods :uch thot if s cenlet af graui\y irrust L,6pprd,^imal"ly

3- Basi. [np\ weiSht

ll," air cra{[ weihL [us[ a{lt' ,'ndnifaclur,y*.

It is

Ifrts rueyhI i: {A" ,re,ylI of {h. aVtrall .r.ri[ho"Lan/

peoplc or Lary in , 6lso *ilhou[ aI furt or**|ood.

D,y operaL;1weilhl{ OowJ


I I it
lh" airualt
,get1n1+ cabin(rer,..r(
p,lolr + flight

engineur hbin atllrr.d + {'rrd + SparePais'

(nt"i , ur|a and furt)

utright ,rxctucl;nj pa\sen6cr3

5- O1>era{iy t^teght

IL i, +
lh" d,y operaLis weigh| Iturl- re,yhb.

( A,, c raf| we,ghlet cludiry all iLuns lh"L flivt*rnonel

{o /4" air linl- (unpanft $ry orc Passen1us ,o'7oJ

(- H ininu^ Oper
o[n3 rue,glrI

urn allo*.d w aight fo, an airc,afL [o

IL is II.,. rninrrn

laf. dfp s iLs [r;p.

and ur-rlinuc
7- Hc,xi^u^ [o,h.a# ,r,e,glrl( g,o",wright),( HTovJ

il i s lh" rnlx imurn a llo*ed weighbfo, on eir

c,alL to

B- H o r i m u r n la"clinSwe$ht nLw}'

lL is lh. molirnurn g/Jo*.d ,r,:e;q

ltl fo, an c;rua{L la

rncl. londinS

( usuolly, /r\. rrtoxirnrarn

lonclil weighi il lers lhonlhe
nax'irnumlo[,. ofl ae,yhb. An airc,oli
idn nah, lab,
6ff ,.ilh tl... rnoximurnl-ah, o$
u,tefihL enrj bu,n, lu.l

dw\ ilr L,ip such lhoL the_o^wnL

ol bu,nrj {r rl ,_il!
,^na,t. lh. oircralf ,le,JhF Icrs ll-n (h. maxirrrurniandi11;


9- fi ar imurrla llo.,abl. Iak, 6l{ u:e,gAL

l( ir Iik. lh, max' irntum

lah. ol I w eijhL, bul;', fAis (dre

/4, gfu, and ,rlral/,* aft no[ suilobl,fo, an afruafl

la[. 0|| h,tllr ils (nonrnurn
[ah. dpp rueyi L. 4Lrn,fhe
rt\arimum allaroblt foht
ofF ure;ghLls /.rs tho" rYloXimum

khc 6lF{^rryht.
to - Pry lood'

Any loacl( weighb) on llt. oi',.of t e nl e r r r n o n e v h [ 4 "


Air ltlnt CanPony it pal lood. (Pq l r o r l s u c A a , p a:senfle


and arga)

tt _ Tik,
"lr fr rl
It il lh" wejAt oN lurl in tA- Ou LraIfIr {Lrt loni., br{oo
ktlr. alF ( buso*
sfa,lin3 Prtgine>
{r, lir" l. r
iltP J

/e- 7i,p fu,l

It jt /4. fu"l weghb consurneJdw;n3 tt


{on.-l,ip ; dne foh. ofP and ont La"din3) ti .AC 'r-,f_li ;*

,3- Re*ainin3 futl ,

I I is lh" re^o,nrd furt aflr, Ih, {,ip jr f,n,:h.C ( a{Lu

porLiy /h. aircralL a,rd s fl,"y
h,r dwn engrncs

/l+- /e,o fu.l we,6ltt(zrlvJ,

It is dry operaLiy rue$hl+ paylaad t t;l a* ua{[ l,"dd

weyfil ,.ill''*l lu*l urerghtj

tz/ 1! zaas
( L"rLi^,,z)

. fi oxirnum Structuru [ah. of[ weighL= tl oximumlaA. ol'F

weighL= grcss ure7ht

. D,t Ope,al,ry
hlcyltt { |rw}'

Dow= l3arrc operaL;nj

w eryfiL (rrrr -+ Cabinall"end+ Spare

parts+ weighb golb

- Bafic aperoLngtNe$ht :

ft it /A. basicenply weight f *e ight ol u^p) aut,ofL o[ (orfo,

peaplc,food, lurl, spor. parts
, .-..)

(ter t:

p.opl. rn:ids tl,. rcakpiL ( piJoL>

+ f hght Faginrtt)

- Cob;na [[e.,d,
People,*ith Patst.'1e: ( SecuiLy+

&nponnLsal ai, crall k b. usrd il any pa,ti: lcd
gally; ffu

Hatirnurnla"diry weyht { HL\^/},

flLW = DOWt pal lood + fu"l renainirtj

\e,o f;rt we;jAt{ ZrvJ,


( Zr,o frrl t ,e,gl,I it lh,- k[ol uttighb etxteplf, .t )

8 a:i. enpLy we,jh t ,

IL It ih" air c'a{L we$hl *4.,. iL {,\. lotlo,y

floes ouLf,o^

5o^. I^pol anl, nalcs

. 77k. olf turl'

it is tl,, reyui,zd f* a [,ip. AttI oossibl,eusrb
fur! ,'teight
must 6. [akr;. thla con:ideeaLiana,hile euoluaLrng $. amarnt

of lah. oft fu.f . (euenls ruch 6, bad wealhrr, Changiu

r ll

d es|iny airpair ) , f ;noly 1a'/. al llr. {o[ol lurl i r addri

fo, no .nimttmsaf. hy.

UNally, ll,i- uings or 11.,.r€ss€uoi

{ 0f turl. Whenlcrnc

fu"t 6 conumed, fu"t (on l. norrd fro^ righ[ k lrft

trlnyr ond fro^ I*Nt *itJ
I" riyttl *iIJ f* LalanunS.Iu.l
cansuncdis a u ery rmporI anL
l)aumtleln f t,A hls.
7A. dislonc"oF a L,;p ir a vety ffip'tlonL potamtler (A.t

i5 relaLed [o ffi0xknun hk. off we1,,ht,m\axrl,nurn


we$hL anl omountof rcntumcjl.urt

- Jn lonJ lripr, rnuch furt ;5 (ansumerJ

, so twximurnlai, olf

are,yhL(on L. ,each.J (orga,propk,lrd ,lur),..

b add;y
ond rnuch fur! 15 tuntum<d,ro
r/,u akcrall u:eght,*ilr b<
red'ced lo Jesr ljron $. rfioximum lonrl,y ueqght.

' Jo thorL L',P, , small omountal

{url ir {onsumcc}
, sor^,c

ftn noL ! cod fA. a*raf L {a lh, tftatt num

{ak, aI f, weghL,

ber''''s"b lf . e^dol
{h;,shatl trip, ilir! /l* rarat
ai,qafl, *r,,e,ghti5 trlore lhon /A,

- ,f.sL,,cLed f'loxt,nrm [o[. o l{ w eyrA

L i5 ruually 6L hnl
I tl
b r i P r t b e ususr ^.recannoL lool fl,. ak uafl *,lh o,oft
tt I

,(r.ifri cLrd Hsx,rnr^ la"l;y weghl ru ,aguallJaL shor

triPs ( be(a{.{scdu. lo lrnall amoun| oI fu r I conrurn

lA. aircral'twef hf .n,lt 6. l,tr ilro" ,,rnaxr,.un
tu r lft\uft1 t^ I.
t an&ll
r-- ) ' --/-'-
\ (f--'

L rueiyht b*fo" lor.d

(oll maintrnontt,iL musf b' weishLcd'n a,de,
Aftr, 0irc

i F lh.o i: - ll
anJ cha,.gcin ils weighE $is
lo h**

weighE is changec)
, t anJ @ga *ill
ilr- laodt of russer.Jet

be in fl**rj. ( all loarltan {h. ar craf{ h.ult be rt(alculaledJ


D0w : La aoo lri ( Dry;ng ,^:e;ghtJ

7Zhco{l furl = Za o a 6 Ir5

lrip luel tt

f, IoW : la aaa ry { Hoxr'*.'.,.nfoh. oll w eigirbj

ffllv = dsoao tca ( tl odirnurn I ondtng * eightJ

T thr ( 7",0 furl weighL)


Noximu^PaJ load
- rl\

Jn ardq [o euoluofe {'4. rnaxirnunt Pol loctd, &tt calculol,ions

,nusL includc hk. aff and tonrl;,y'

Glc"lahons at hh, off ,

Ze'o frrl weigltt = paylrod + d,I operal,rywe;ghb

Pollood: VfW D}'.r

Poy lood = X aao La W

- Poylaod= taaoaS XC

6/ol weyAt'= PaJlaad+ s,y

operartywejhL + tah' o{'fl""i

h lAis (ale, {olol ,*tejhl = noxirnun hk, ofl 'xe;yht fo'

lrldxirnun ltossiblePry loud

.'. ky loal _ HT1W Daw Tik 'ff furi

Pol lood: 70 ae - l+oaoo Z oa a o

Poy lo,.i = lc ooa lS KO

It ofl h l c u l o [ i a n si A o t
f,o^ all passiHeAo,b.
is sho...un

(h. poylood mutL naL vtcccd toau 9 os calculat"J

( re:{.r,f(D a,rAO)

Glcrlalionsa[ londino,

/-le,r, (4. calculalions or.t bos.J aF maxi lnLlrrl lonC;n4



6hl wei7ltt= pqI lood + dU operatinXue,ghl+ a^ornt


" ol {;rJ (emaioclofla lh- l',p




!r Jn lh (ast, /A, hkl wegh1 musL not exccd il, ualueo{

fiar,imumlancliy weighb

AnountoF lurt remonedaflu (1,.{riP


frd lrip lurt = Zo ooa

;- A^ount oF fu"l ,e^a,^rJ of["r lrh.['ip = trooo lg

flr-w = pa7load+ Daw-F, 56aa

ry :

Poylood fl Lt^l Dow - aoao

Poylood dS ooo l*A Aoo - 5600

.'. Poylood : 7o ooa q K @

il (/,is hip, il ir allo.^trd fo, PoJ looJ qf 7oooa $ &' l*d,y

only, hrt i[is resl, icL.d to t0 ooo KJ fo' foh- ofF , l/,tn


Poyloud : lo ooo tg X X

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