Power Circle Diagram

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621.315.09:621.3.012.2 Monograph No.



By F. DE LA C. CHARD, M.Sc, Member.
(The paper was first received 24th June, and in revised form \2th October, 1953. // was published
as an INSTITUTION MONOGRAPH, \5th January, 1954.)
Power circle diagrams drawn for either sending or receiving ends of
a transmission line do not have a common centre for the voltage
circles, nor are the power axes within the same semicircle. There is
also a possibility of confusion over the sign of reactive power when
conditions at both ends of the line are estimated by means of separate
A quadrant diagram with current taken as reference, which com-
plies with the convention of the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers for reactive power, is shown to be a satisfactory base on
which a combined send-receive power circle diagram may be con-
structed. If such a diagram is built as a calculating board, all sending-
and receiving-end quantities may be simply read with sufficient
accuracy for the estimation of system load conditions. Fig. 1.—Receiving-end voltage phasor diagrams.
Examples of the use of the calculating board are given.
DE, 0.
A,B,C,D— General network constants.
Es, Is — Sending-end line voltage and current.
Er, lr — Receiving-end line voltage and current.
Zt/_P — Line impedance and angle, per phase.
Y = Line admittance, phase to neutral. r2
Zt,/_h = Transfer impedance and angle, per phase.
Zs,/_Ps = Sending-end driving-point impedance and angle,
per phase. Fig. 2.—Sending-end voltage phasor diagram.
Zr/Pr — Receiving-end driving-point impedance and angle,
circles, within the same semicircle, if the axes, in respect of the
per phase.
sending-end diagram, are rotated through 180°. This axis
8 — Transmission angle (angle between Es and Er).
reversal might be objectionable were it not justified by con-
Ps,Pr ~ Sending- and receiving-end powers.
siderations of usage.
Qs,Qr ~ Sending- and receiving-end reactive powers.
Power-system metering has long made use of the terms
WATTS IN, Pt — Power received or absorbed by the load at the
receiving end of the line.
WATTS OUT, Po — Power supplied or produced by the source at
the sending end of the line.
VARS IN, Qj -~ Reactive power absorbed at the sending or
Decrease Decrease
receiving ends of line, by source or load, i.e.
that due to a capacitive source or an inductive \
VARS OUT, Qo — Reactive power produced at the sending or
receiving ends of the line by the source or load,
i.e. that due to an inductive source or a
capacitive load.

The power circle diagrams for sending and receiving ends of
a line are derived from the corresponding voltage phasor Increase
diagrams (Figs. 1 and 2). These phasor diagrams are usually
drawn with the reference quantities in the same direction, VArs, out
although they refer in one case to a source and in the other to
a load. The derived power circle diagrams have different Fig. 3.—Quadrant diagram, in accordance with the current
centres for the voltage circles, with a common active- and American I.E.E. sign convention for reactive power.
reactive-power axis. They can, however, use the same set of
These terms imply a quadrant diagram (see Fig. 3) in which
Correspondence on Monographs is invited for consideration with a view to current sent or received is shown on the horizontal axis and
Mr. Chard is in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bristol. sending- and receiving-end voltages appear in two diagonally

opposite quadrants. Thus an inductive load demands WATTS IN

and VARS IN, which necessitates WATTS OUT and VARS OUT 6=0
from the source. A capacitive load absorbs active power and
produces reactive power, which necessitates the production of
active power and the absorption of reactive power by the
source. The use of the terms VARS IN and VARS OUT avoids
an explicit sign convention, but the quadrant diagram
shows an implicit convention by relating the American
Institute of Electrical Engineers sign convention for reactive Watts in
power to the Argand diagram. Thus, reactive power taken
by an inductive load circuit (VARS IN) is in the +y direction
and reactive power given by a capacitive load circuit (VARS OUT)
is in the —j direction. Similarly, WATTS IN may be considered
positive and WATTS OUT negative. It follows that in calculating
the in-phase and quadrature components of apparent power, in
order to obtain reactive power with the correct sign, the current
term must be conjugated as follows:
P + jQ= vl
An advantage inherent in the quadrant diagram and the use
of the terms, VARS IN and VARS OUT, is that the behaviour of Fig. 4.—Receiving-end power circle diagram.
OF = Er, ON ~ En
the synchronous machine as a generator or motor is seen to be
consistent. In either case, increase of excitation produces In this equation Z is the transfer impedance Zt, with its angle p,,
VARS OUT and decrease of excitation demands VARS IN. and the line admittance Y is assumed to be a pure susceptance.
It is not the purpose of the paper to justify the quadrant Then the intercept ORF on the reactive-power axis is \YE} and
diagram which is already in general use, but to show that a the diagram is normally drawn by first setting up this distance
combined send-receive power circle diagram may be based upon from the power origin O R . The Es ( ~Er) circle then passes
it. Previous "universal" power circle diagrams have had to through F.
use the entire circle, but the method described in the paper
places both sending- and receiving-end regions within the same (2.2) Sending-end Power Circle Diagram
semicircle. This compactness has made possible the con- The sending-end components of apparent power are
struction of a line calculating board based on the combined
or using the nominal-77- arrangement
The phasor diagrams of Figs. 1 and 2 are drawn for current
in phase with the reference voltage, from the equations Ps+jQs = EsIs^El/P-
Es = AEr + BIr and Er = DES — BJS. Taking A and D as
(1 + j Z r / 9 0 + p), it can be shown that the lines OP and OQ
are at right-angles and that an increase in the power component From either of these equations, Fig. 5 is drawn for particular
of current moves the extremities of Es or Er along OP, while values of the receiving-end voltage Erl and the transmission
increase in quadrature current moves them parallel to OQ.
Thus, on a power diagram, OrP, OSP form the power axis and
OrQ, OSQ the reactive-power axis.

(2.1) Receiving-end Power Circle Diagram

From the above equations, the components of apparent power
are obtained in terms of voltages and impedances.

From eqn. (1), the diagram of Fig. 4 is drawn for particular

values of the sending-end voltage Esl and the transmission
angle dt. It will be seen, by comparing Figs. 1 and 4, that the
BIr phasor lies along the active-power axis but that the reactive-
power axis is in the opposite direction to that which might
have been expected from Fig. 1. This change results from con- out
jugating Ir in order to comply with the convention that the
reactive power due to an inductive load circuit (VARS IN) be
considered positive. Sufficient accuracy for a diagram is
obtained by the use of a nominal-n- arrangement which modifies
eqn. (1) to

• (2) Fig. 5.—Sending-end power circle diagram.

angle 6{. Comparison of Figs. 2 and 5 shows that if the phasor The choice of a common origin for both sending- and receiving-
diagram is superimposed on the power circle diagram, the Bls end diagrams makes it inevitable that the active- and reactive-
phasor lies along the active-power axis. If a leading quadrature power axes, although parallel, are displaced for the sending- and
component of current Isq is added in Fig. 2, the corresponding receiving-end quantities. The receiving-end reactive-power axis
receiving-end voltage is Er2 which shows VARS IN in the —j is the vertical through F, and the power-axis intersection is at
direction on Fig. 5. This is the opposite direction to that a distance \YE} on the power scale, below F. Similarly, the
previously obtained for VARS IN in Fig. 4. sending-end reactive-power axis passes through G and the power
axis intersects it at a distance \YE} vertically below G. The
(2.3) The Combined Send-Receive Power Circle Diagram load angle 9, which is common for both sending and receiving
ends, is measured clockwise from the zero line for the receiving
Rotating the sending-end diagram (see Fig. 5) through 180° end and counter-clockwise for the sending end.
will make the reactive-power axis correspond with that of the
receiving-end diagram (see Fig. 4) and will give WATTS OUT in
the negative direction on the power axis. The axes for both (3.1) Method of Using the Combined Diagram
sending- and receiving-end diagrams are now as shown in the Given the receiving-end quantities, Er, Pr and Qri the diagram
quadrant diagram (Fig. 3). Eqns. (1) and (3) have a term of (Fig. 6) is entered at O R , and Pr and Qr are set off along the
common magnitude, Efir\Zt. Rotation of the sending-end appropriate axes. This gives Esl in terms of Er, which has been
diagram through 180° also gives this common term the same angle taken as UNIT volts, n and also the load angle 6{ are noted,
to the reference (power) axis in both diagrams, since and a second circle of radius n2 times the unit value is chosen.
E s Fr
The intersection of this circle with the 6 = 0 line gives the point
, if 0 = 0 G, and a distance ^YE} is measured vertically below G to give
the sending-end power origin Os. From the intersection of the
This equality is the basis of a combined send-receive diagram n-circle and the line at an angle 6X to the load-angle zero in the
having common circles and a common direction for zero trans- counter-clockwise direction (point K), perpendiculars are
mission angle. dropped to the active- and reactive-power axes, from which Ps
and Qs are read off. Alternatively, if the sending-end quantities,
Es, Ps and Qs, are known, Es is taken as UNIT volts and the
(3) THE COMBINED SEND-RECEIVE DIAGRAM sending-end power scale is positioned by setting the origin Os
The combined diagram starts from the origin O (Fig. 6), at a distance WEjx vertically below the point G. Measuring
which is the same point as O in Figs. 4 and 5. The line OFG, off the sending-end active and reactive power along their
respective axes gives some point K on an intermediate circle,
whose radius is nEs where n = ErlEs. This circle gives the
value of Er, corresponding to the sending-end conditions, and
the transmission angle 62 is read from the direction of the line
OK. To estimate the receiving-end power conditions, the

Pr \in n^circle
n circle

Fig. 6.—Combined send-receive diagram.
For Er — UNIT voltage, n — Ef\\Er
For E, = UNIT voltage, n = Er\IEs
E,i and Er\ are particular values of E, and Er

at an angle /Pt to the reference axis, gives the zero of angle on Reactive / Power' [\
the transmission-angle scale. The voltage circle through F may
be taken as UNIT volts and is the Es (=Er) circle of the receiving-
end diagram. The voltage circle through G is then of radius
(UNIT x EjJE}), where Esl is the chosen or determined value
11 ft \7 6 / 5 4 3 2 loutOl
of Es, and the intermediate circle is of radius (UNIT X Esl/Er). i . Power i
A number of circles whose radii are proportional to different
values of Es and E} are drawn. Alternatively, the circle through
G may be chosen to represent UNIT voltage, in which case the
circle through F represents (UNIT X E}JEj) and the inter-
mediate circle is (UNIT X Erl/Es), where Erl is a particular value Fig. 7.—Calculating-board settings for sending-end voltage
of£"r. determination.
active-power axes must be repositioned according to the receiving- (5) APPENDIX
end diagram. This is done by selecting a circle corresponding (5.1) Calculating-Board Estimations based on Section 3.1
to E}, which is the UNIT value times n2, The intersection of the
6— O line with this circle gives the point F. Vertically below The calculating board has three sets of circles. Black circles
F, at a distance %YE}, is the active-reactive-power origin O R . are used for voltage determination and have radii from 10 to
Setting the transmission angle 6 to 6{ gives the point N from 12-5 in power-scale units. For receiving-end determinations
which the receiving-end active power Pr and reactive power Qr the inner black circle represents UNIT voltage, and so the circles
can be read. are labelled 1-0, 1 02, 1 04, etc., up to 1-25. For sending-end
determinations the same set of black circles are used, but the
(3.2) Long-Line Calculating Board outer circle is now UNIT voltage and the remaining circles are
labelled 0-992, 0-976, 0-96, etc., down to 0-8.
Having secured the advantages of common concentric circles
Red circles are used for «2-circles in sending-end power deter-
for both sending- and receiving-end diagrams, a calculating
minations. The first red circle coincides with the inner black
board can be devised in which the active- and reactive-power
circle, and the red circles are labelled 1 0,1 02,1-04, etc., up to
scales can be positioned by engraving them on Perspex cursors
1 • 25, as are the black circles. Green circles are used for w:-circles
which can be moved horizontally and vertically respectively. A
in receiving-end power determinations. The outer green circle
third cursor, pivoted at O, is set according to the line constants
coincides with the outer black circle, and they are labelled 1-0
for the 6 ~ 0 position, and it reads transmission angles in the
to 0-8 as are the black circles when used with a sending-end
counter-clockwise direction for "send," and in the clockwise
voltage as UNIT volts. In the estimations which follow, the
direction for "receive." The only calculation involved is that
particular circles used will therefore be distinguished by a colour
of the vertical distances FO R = \YE2 and GOS = \YEl and
and a number.
the power scale in terms of unit voltage. For a given transmission
line, tables of values can be prepared for these quantities, and
the reactive-power cursor can be offset by the required amount, (5.2) Given Er, Pr and Q r , determine Es and Angle 6
according to its own scale. Examples of typical measurements Line Data: ZT= \(A/11'\ ohm.
are given in Section 5, together with Fig. 7 on which the appro-
priate calculating-board settings are shown. Yr=0 001083/ 90 mho.
Receiving-end quantities: Er = 220 kV = UNIT voltage.
Pr = 1 3 0 M W I N .
The following selected bibliography is confined to those
references which deal with fundamental considerations relating Since the radius of the UNIT black circle is 10 power-scale
to the solution of transmission-line problems by diagrammatic £2
divisions, one division on the power scale = jj.r- — 29-5 MW.
methods. The numerous references in which such methods are
used have not been included. } = 26-6, and so the VAr cursor must be set down a
distance 26-6/29-5 = 0-9 division.
(1) THIELEMANS, P.: "Calculs, diagrammes et regulation des
lignes de transport d'energie a longue distance," Revue Procedure (see Fig. 7):
Generate de UElectricite, 1920, 8, pp. 403, 435, 475 and (a) Set the angle cursor with O RECEIVE against 77 1° on the
515; and ibid., 1921, 9, pp. 451, 599, 675, 878 and 929. /_P scale.
(2) THIELEMANS, M. L.: "Calculs et diagrammes des lignes de (b) Find the intersection of the 6 — 0 line on the angle
transport de force a longue distance," Comptes Rendus, cursor and the UNIT black circle (point F).
170, p. 1170. (c) Set the active-power cursor with O IN line passing
(3) EVANS, R. D., and SELS, H. K.: "Circle Diagrams for
through F.
Transmission Systems," Electric Journal, 1921,18, p. 530. (d) Set the reactive-power cursor with the zero line 0-9
(4) HOLLADAY, C. H.: "A Graphic Method for the Exact division below F (point O ).
Solution of Transmission Lines," Transactions of the (e) Scale Pr = 4-41 divisions and Qr ~ 1-45 divisions on
American I.E.E., 1922, 41, pp. 785. their respective cursors (point N).
(5) DAHL, O. G. C : "Electric Circuits: Theory and Applica- if) Read results: 6 = 20°.
tions" (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1928), Vol. 1, Chap. X. £ , = 1-23 Er= 270 kV.
(6) WOODRUFF, L. F.: "Principles of Electric Power Trans-
mission" (John Wiley, New York, 1938), Chap. VI.
(7) RISSIK, H.: "Power System Interconnection" (Pitman, (5.3) Determination of Ps and Qs under these Conditions
1940), Chap. II. The determination of Ps and Qs involves repositioning the
(8) SCHWAGER, A. C , and WANG, P. Y.: "New Transmission- watt and VAr cursors and the use of the red circle whose
Line Diagrams," Transactions of the American I.E.E., radius is 1 • 232 times the UNIT value. The power scale remains
1945, 64, p. 610. as 1 division = 29-5 MW.
(9) American I.E.E. Subcommittee: "The Sign of Reactive
Power," Electrical Engineering, 1946, 65, p. 512; and Procedure:
ibid., 1948, 67, p. 49. (g) Set the angle cursor with O SEND against 77-1° on the £P
(10) KIMBARK, E. W.: "Electrical Transmission of Power and scale.
Signals" (John Wiley, New York, 1950), p. 205. Qi) Find the intersection of the 1-23 red circle and the
(11) GOODRICH, R. D.: "A Universal Power Circle Diagram," 6 = 0 line (point G). Reset the watt cursor so that the zero
Transactions of the American I.E.E., 1951, 70, p. 2042. line passes through G.
(12) MORTLOCK, J. R., and HUMPHREY DAVIES, M. W.: "Power 0) \YEj = 40 = 40/29-5 = 1 - 3 6 divisions on the power
System Analysis" (Chapman and Hall, London, 1952), scale. Set the VAr cursor with the zero line 1-36 divisions
p. 247. below G (point Os).
(k) Find the intersection of the 9 = 20 line and 1-23 black to Es. Thus one division on the power scale becomes E}\\2-5Z.
circle (point k). Repositioning the watt and VAr cursors and using the appro-
(m) Read results: Ps = 4-9 = 144-5 MW OUT. priate green circle gives Pr and Qr.
QS = i • 1 = 32-4 MVAr OUT. As an indication of the possible accuracy of reading, after four
separate determinations involving repositioning of the various
cursors, the receiving-end quantities were given as
(5.4) Given ESi P, and Q,, determine Eri P f , Qr and 6
As in the previous examples, this is done in two stages by the Er = 221 kV
Pr= 131 M W I N
method given in Section 3.1. The first stage, corresponding to
Section 5.1, gives ET and the angle 9, by using the outer black Qr = 41 MVAr IN
circle (radius 12-5 power scale divisions) as UNIT voltage, equal Thesefigurescompare with the initial values given in Section 5.1.

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