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Week 1 Assignment

Kenneth Rayl


For this assignment I choose to analyze Trevor Clark Photography

( The cover page is nice a simple, it has a layout of links on the top,

social media links on the bottom, and a slow changing pictures on the body showing some of his

work. His logo is on the top left and show a sense of outdoors, which seems to be his focus of

photography. When you hover over his links on the top any with more options has a dropdown

menu that is smooth and easy to hover over. His portfolio is in three sections; Action, Lifestyle,

and People. These all take you to a large screen slideshow of his photos that changes

automatically. You can browse by clicking the back or forward button, but also have the option

of seeing them all in thumbnail view for easy navigation. This is a nice feature to have for

someone who wants a quick look at his work. The remaining links are a blog, about page that

tells about him, prints you can buy, and contact information. This is a very basic amount of

information that does not go overboard with additional details an employer may not want to look


The site defiantly feels like a photographer site as it has a high concentration of photos and

the logo that looks like one you would find on a piece of outdoors merchandise. The page is laid

out very well and simple, and upon investigation was designed by Simple Flame

( which is a business website design service. Simple Flame specializes in

simple business designs that only have what you need on a page and none of the additional junk.
As far as relevant technology, the clarity of his pictures makes one believe he has an

amazing, and possibly expensive camera as well as the ability to edit photos, which can also

require expensive software. Both of these require many years of practice to master and get a

technique down. His about page is an interesting look at his life, from traveling as a kid due to

parents in different parts of the world to holding his first camera in 2002. My issue is whether or

not this information is needed or if this section should be full of from the first time he picked up

a camera to his progression of a professional photographer.

His prints section is one that I don’t see a possible business looking at, and is laid out fairly

well and easy to navigate. His contact page includes a contact for him and two other people, but

with multiple contacts does not give a full explanation of why to contact the other two people.

With photography, even though your photos speak for what you have done, a resume is still

needed. He spoke about certain things in the about page but there is no resume on the page. He

does list his call number and an e-mail address to get into contact with him on the bottom of

every page, but a resume would have been a great addition to the page.

There is a cool piece of technology on his page. There is a link call Lightstalkers which shows

some of his photos and where he has taken them. It geocaches his photos and has a Google map

of where they were taken. This is nifty but I would not have known what this was until I clicked

on it. It would have been a better feature if it were incorporated with the photos in his portfolio

of works, even as a small map on the bottom corner of the page.

Overall this page is very simple and easy to navigate. I can see this being a good site for

photographer and photo needy companies to enjoy looking at.

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