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** Aptitude Test Similar to GRE, GMAT, CAT.

1) Rohit Wagle (WIPRO)

1> What is strictly binary tree?
2> What are the different types of binary trees?
3> What is the difference between 8086 and 80386 architecture?
4> Give a name of a new microprocessor?
5> What is a union?
6> Structures….Manipulation of pointers to structures?
7> What are the characteristics of op-amps?
8> What is CMRR?
9> What are the different operating systems you have studied?
10>Do you know anything about LINUX?
11>Say something about your TE and BE project?
12>What are the different power supplies used in PC’s?

1> What are your expectation from the company?
2> Why should we take you in our company?
3> What are your areas of improvement?
4> What is your salary expectation?
5> Where would you like to be placed?
6> Would you like to change your field or specialise in one?
7> If one of your team members does not wok properly and you have only a little
time left to finish the project then what steps will you take?

2)Namita Lal (WIPRO&IBM)

1> What do you mean by static variables ,explain?
2> What are activation records ?
3> How are activation records implemented ?
4> Give the name of a latest processor in the market?
5> What are ADC’s and name the different types of ADC’s?
6> Write a recursive procedure for calculating factorial?
7> What do you know about multithreaded and multitasking O.S?
8> Pointers ……..Manipulation of pointers and pointers to pointers?
9> How do you approximately determine whether your processor is either 32/16/any other bit
10> What is cache memory?
11> What is Virutal memory ?
12> What is paging?
13> What are the 7 layers of OSI model ?
14> What do you understand by kernel ?


1> Expectation from the company?

2> What are your job location preferences ?
3> What are your areas of interest?
4> Salary expectation.
5> Would you like to specialize in any particular field?
6> What are your aspirations concerning higher studies?

3)Dhananjay N. Khare.(SATYAM)

1>what is your area of interest in technical fields?
2>on which factors does height of antenna depend?
3>what are different frequency ranges?
4>why can’t we hear electricity despite of having freq in audible range (50 Hz)?
5>how many satellites are needed to cover the whole earth area?
6>explain conceptually satellite telecommunication.
7>different types of ADCs.
8>some questions in C,Assembly.
9>do we have something faster than light & sound?
10>what is maximum power transfer theorem?
11>what is dB?
12>what is Vsat?
13>what shape does the dish antenna have?
14>do you know anything about dipole antenna?
15>what is the BAUD rate?
16>some questions about sky wave communications?
1>what are the extra curricular activities you are participating in?
2>do you like taking initiatives in social activities?
3>are you ready to work in applications in which you don’t have interest?
4>tell us why you opted for e&tc?
5>where do you rate yourself in the technical ranking (0-10)?
6>are you confident about your grasping ability?
7>will you prefer to work as a group leader?

4)Hemangi Garad.(SATYAM)

Technical :
1>interfacing of 8259 & 8086
2>what are compilers, assemblers, loaders & linkers ?
3>how many tracks & sectors does a 1.44 floppy disk have ?
4>if the same C program was compiled (using the same compiler)on an INTEL
system & on a SUN system & the OBJ files are interchanged will they run on the
other system ?
5>which are the different types of data structures?

Personal :
1>Why weren’t you selected in wipro ?
2>On the scale of 1-10 how do you rate your technical knowledge ?
3> Why should we select you?

Story for GD :

Once a young man, his girlfriend, his friend , an old man & a sailor were
sailing in a ship when suddenly a storm broke out & the ship capsized. They had
only 2 life boats. In 1 boat the young man, his friend & the old man were seated &
in the other boat was occupied by the girl & the sailor. The first boat reached the
shore safely but the other boat strayed in the ocean. The girl saw her boyfriend
near the shore but he was helpless. She asked the sailor to take her to the shore.
The sailor agreed , but said that he would oblige only if she agreed to sleep with
The next morning they both reached the shore safely. The girl went to her
boyfriend but he did’nt give her any recognition & refused to have anything to do
with her. Then she went to the boy’s friend & told him the whole story. He
sympathised with her & said that such things happen in life.
Questions :

1> Who showed the maximum amount of responsibility & commitment ?

2> Who should be applauded ?

4)Sukhdeep Sodhi (Satyam)

***same group discussion as above****


1.Explanation of T.E project. Followed by questions on it.

2.Same as above for B.E project.
3.Diagram of a thyristor. It’s applications.

1. Personal
1. Do you have good communication skills? If yes, why?
2. Why should we select you?
3. Explain why your academic performance has deteriorated.
4. How can you assure me that your academic performance is going to improve?

5) Sushil Koul (Satyam)

1. What is the difference between AM and FM systems?
2. Which would you prefer and why?
3. What are the deciding factors for the height of an antennae ?
4. UHF and HF antennae, which is taller and why?
5. Explain decoders, mux , demux.
6. Features of 8085 and 8086.


1. Why didn’t you shave today?

2. Why should Satyam hire you?
3. Why didn’t you get selected for Wipro? Was there a flaw in their selection
procedure or was it your incompetence?
4. What if Satyam doesn’t select you ? Would it depress you?
5. Why aren’t you smiling ? Does it cost you a lot?

• GROUP DISCUSSION same as above*

1.why did you interpret the meaning of “ sleep ” the way you did?

1. name any one type of ADC.
2. What have you studied in communications ?
3. draw the ckt diagram of diode detector?
4. Explain the architecture of 8085 MuP.
5. What is Max Power transfer theorem?
6. Write program in assembly language to add two numbers.
7. What is the difference between
printf(“%d”,++a) and printf(“%d”,a++)

1. You are wearing gaberdines, are they formal trousers?
2. Why should satyam take you?
3. Give us your family background.
4. Tell us why you want to get it software?
Is it just because there are jobs in this field?

7) Anuradha Sreenivasan (WIPRO)


1. Questions on data structures.

a. Circular queues : creation and its applications
b. Linked lists : singly linked list and doubly linked list : difference,
application of each and which of the two would be more suitable to an
c. Coding of datastructure in PASCAL and C

2. Questions on sorting methods

a. explain bubble sort , quick sort , merge sort , heap sort
b. write a program for any one of the sorting methods
c. give complexities of each kind of sorting method
d. in a give situation , would you prefer to perform merge sort or quick sort
3. Questions on C++
a. difference between C and C++
b. Explain Polymorphism, data encapsulation, data hiding ,inheritance etc.
c. What are classes in C++
d. What is OOP

Personal :

1. why did you join PICT ?

2. something about yourself .
3. if you were offered a job with a better company than ours with a better pay
what would you do?
4. Why don’t you want to pursue further studies.
5. Preference for job location
6. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now.

8) Shailesh Deshpande (Satyam)

Technical :
1. Concerning T.E. project
2. What’s your favorite subject?
3. Diff. between A.M. & F.M , which is preferred & why?
4. What is Radio Frequency ?
5. What is micro-wave?
6. What frequency is used for T.V. networks in India?
7. What do you do to keep yourself aware of the latest trends in I.T. ?
(magazines,papers etc..)
8. Why do you want to shift to software?

1. Why is there a sudden drop in your % after 12 ?
2. What are you doing to improve your marks?
3. What about further studies?
4. Why are you so keen on working for Satyam?
5. What is your long term goal in life?

9) Pragati Shingavi- Infosys

Techanical :
1. Differences bet Cobol & C?
2. Which among the two do you prefer?
3. Write the shortest program in C?
4. Will a C program compile without “void main()”?
5. What are different loops used in C & differences bet them?
6. What is linked list? Doubly linked list?
7. Goto statement in C & Cobol?
8. What is a thread?
9. Questions on multithreading, multiprocessing , multitasking?
10.Cobol project?

1. Academics- marks & awards
2. Family background
3. Are you ready to go out of Pune for some project?
4. Any special field in which you want to work?
5. Why not COEP?
6. Like to work individually or in a group?
7. Two puzzles were given?

10) Krishna Ramachandran ( Wipro )

Technical questions :
1 > How is a C program converted into a .exe file
2 > Write a program to insert a node in a doubly linked list in ascending order.
3 > How will you decide if a number is a power of 2.
4 > What is the difference between a union and a structure
5 > Implementation details about unions.
Union tag{
Int no;
Float f;
} a;
a.f = 3.5;
int main() { printf(“%d”,; }
explain what is printed

6 > What is a static function

7 > Tranverse a tree in preorder fashion
8 > Questions on the all T.E. / B.E. project.
9 > Write a assembly program to divide a number by 9.

10 > Explain shared variables in Linux

11 > what is a fn. Pntr. And give the uses of fn pntrs.
Personal :
1 > Tell me about yourself
2 > If you have any problems with your project head , how will u sort it out ?
3 > What are you expectations from the company
4 > Why Wipro ?
5 > What is your opinion on Testing and maintenance ?

11)Anureita Rao (Wipro)

Technical Questions

1. Write a program in C and assembly lang to check the parity (even) of a given
2. What are the diff. sorting methods and give their space and time complexities.
3. Given a particular list of data, based on what criteria will you decide the sorting
method to be used ?
4. Given a tree, write the infix, postfix and prefix traversal of the tree.
5. What is an AVL tree? How is it created?
6. Implement the diff. Flip Flops using gates.
7. Write a recursive and non-recursive procedure for finding factorial of a no.
8. What is a chopper?
9. What is a DLL?
10. What are the diff. groups of intructions in assembly lang prog.
11. What are pointers to pointers and what are their practical applications?

Personal :
1. How will you manage to stay in a new city away from home?
2. When are you planning to get married?
3. If you like reading, what do you read and why?
4. Will you be willing to do maintenance work and for how long?
5. If you find that your project partner is not doing any work but getting all the
credit, how will you deal with the situation?
6. Aren’t you interested in doing your MS?

12)Vishal Singh(Infosys)

1. What is a static variable?Details about its scope.

2. What is a function ptr?State its uses.

3. Explain the difference between call by value and call by ref.

4. How are arguments passed to a function?
5. What is ptr?Why is it used?
1.A mathematician meets his friend after several yrs.His friend has 3 children,the
product of whose ages is 36.The sum of their ages is the no. on neighbour’s
door.The mathematician is still not able to solve for the ages,thus is given one
more clue ,that the youngest is a girl and is the youngest.What are the ages?
2.Measure 15min with a 7min and 11min hour glass .
1.Talk about your self.

13)Vishal Kudchadkar (Cognizant)


1. TE COBOL project.
What was it?
What files were used? Why?
How could you improve it?
Which is better COBOL or C for your project?
How long did you work on it?
How did you go about doing it (Spec.,Implem. Etc)
2. What are pointers?
3. What is the difference in the sizes of float * and int * ?
4. Write Fibonacci series program?
5. Implement the same w/o arrays.
6. Write a[0] in terms of pointers
7. What is your favourite subject?
8. What is segmentation?
9. Major Diff. between 8085 and 8086
10.What is IVT?
11.Can you do w/o interrupts ? How?


1. Talk about yourself.

2. Plans about GRE / Higher studies.


1. Tell me about your TE & BE project.

2. What is 88 level variable
3. What is PERFORM statement
4. What are elementary and group data items
5. What is Linkage Section.

14) Aarti Kothari – Infosys and MBT

Technical –

1. Write a small program in C

2. What is preprocessor / precompiler ?
3. What is the difference between
const int x 2
# define y 2
In the process of compiling which gets compiled first ?
4. What happens when we write
char c;
c = ‘2’;
and c = 2;
What actually gets stored in memory ?
5. How do you pass a string to a function by it’s value ?
6. In COBOL, are all variables global or local ?
7. Does COBOL support recursion ?
8. Write a recursive program in C to calculate the factorial of a number.
9. What are the different divisions in a COBOL program ?
10. What loops are used in C ?
11. What is the difference between while loop and do while loop ?
12. What are their equivalents in COBOL ?
13. What is the output of the statement –
for ( ; ; )
printf (“hello”);
How many times is hello printed ?

Personal –
1. Tell us about yourself.
2. Tell us about your family.


Tech – 1:
1.Write a C function to add a node in a linked list maintaining the ascending order
of the list.
2.What is exception handling in c++?
3.Uses of different data structures.
4.O/p of following prog.
unsigned int I = -1;

if(I < 0)
5. Difference between macro and a function.
6. Write a macro to get square of a number.
7. Tell me something about your T.E.Project.

1.What are your favorite subjects?
2.What are kinds of flip flops?
3. Which one – edge triggered / level triggered flip flop is better?
4. What are different kinds of power supplies ?
5. What is OLE?

1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. Are you planning for higher studies?
3. What is your dream job?
4. Are you ready to leave Pune?
5. If VERITAS offers you a job with more salary than we pay what will you do?

6. Do you have something to ask?


1. Tell me something about yourself.

2. Why don’t you mention your T.E. Project in Resume?
3.What will you do if we ask you to work in COBOL?
4. Higher studies—
5. Why do you want to join our company as a dream job?
6. Which one is better – Wipro or Cognizant?
7. Are you flexible with locations?
8. What are your career objectives?

16)Satyajeet Salgar ( Wipro , Cognizant , Infosys , MBT )

Technical :-
1. COBOL project details.
2. What files did U use and why?
3. Which files are more appropriate for which purpose ?
4. Draw a flow diagram of U’r project .
5. Java – What is the difference between an applet and an application?
6. What is AWT , what is JFC?
7. Which version of JDK do U use ,what ‘s the difference?
8. What do U know bout Java security ?
9. Is the Internet and the WWW the same thing?
10. What decides the speed of the computer?
11. Please draw a pin diagram of 8086.
12. Interface a DMA with it.
13. Explain 16 bit and 32 bit differences
14. How is memory addressed?
15. What is the use of the BHE pin?
16. What is the difference between an interpreter and a compiler?
17. What is the difference between an interpreter and a linker?
18. What does C use ?
19. What does Java use?

20.What is the byte code?

21. What are the advantages of C++ over C ?
22.Write a simple C program.
23.Write a sorting routine in C.
24.Write a structure for an address.
25.Write a program to generate a linked list ( in C ) ?
26.Not a bad idea to know a little M1 , M2 .
27.What’s the configuration of U’r PC ?
28.What’s the problem with it ?
29.How do I insert nodes into and delete from a linked list?
30.What is the difference between Java and JavaScript ?
31. What is better to use VBScript or JavaScript . why?
32.Which browser supports what?
33. WILL U WORK IN COBOL ? ( SAY YES !!!  )

Personal :-
1. Describe yourself to me in a couple of sentences.
2. What are U ’r strengths and weaknesses ?
3. What are U’r plans?
4. How do U rate Urself technically ?
5. Do U think Ur project leader material?
6. Do U have an inclination towards management ?( if U’r being interviewed for a
programming postion ,please say NO)
7. What hobbies interests , why ?
8. Given any situation how will U react ?
9. If I offer U the job with a bond for 3 years will U accept it?
10. Who’s better Michael Jordan /Magic Jhonson ? why?
11. Who is the best football player in the world? Why?
12. Which premiership club does Dennis Bergkamp play for?
13. Who’s the captain of that team?
14. Which country does the captain play for ?

17) Sudarshan Gaikaiwari

1> What is practical application of doubly linked list?
2> Are friend functions necessary? Where would you have to use them?
3> Paradigms of networking models.
4> Client server 2-tier / 3 tier differentiate
5> Normalization
6> Differentiate applets application
7> Explain JVM
8> What is DAO?
9> Draw flowchart to prepare tea
10> Assembly routine for binary multiplication
11> Circular Queue implement in C
12> Modules of an operating system
13> What data structure for telephone directory?
14> What are short and long pointers?
15> How are static variables implemented?
16> What is use of COMP(Cobol)?
17> Write function to reverse string
18> Can a function and macro in same source file have the same name?
19> What is a profiler?
20>What are NP-complete problems?
21> Write a macro to return squares of 2 numbers


There was an old farmer. He had a cow which he was very fond of. His son wanted
to do agriculture engg. for which he needed Rs 600 for the admission. The farmer
had to sell his cow to pay the admission fees.He felt bad about it
So next year he bought the cow back for Rs 700.Later his son had to pay the final
year exam fees ie Rs 800 .The farmer again had to sell his cow for Rs 800. He
missed his cow a lot so he worked hard and bought the cow again for Rs 900.
What according to you was the net loss of the farmer?
The farmer had to work a bit harder for some time. But he did it to build his sons
career and some day his son was going to come back to him. so he was investing for
his sons future.

Q1: What is stack?
Q2: Tell me something about your TE and BE projects?
Q3: What are the features of an object oriented language?
Q4: What were the shortcomings in your group task?
Q5: Describe yourself?
Q6: What is linked list,queue?
Q7:explain insertion and deletion of a node in a linked list?
Q8:Adv of Linked List?
Q9:questions on 8086.

Q1:what is difference between Oracle and Cobol?
Q2:what is networking, DCOM?
Q3:Explain your TE and BE project.
Q4:What multitasking ,multiprocessing?
Q5:what are efficiencies of different types of sorting algorithms?
Q6:explain B-tree ,binary tree.
Q7:what is portibility?
Q8:what is meant by platform independency?
Q9:What r the features of Java?

19) Amit Lavangu [ Cognizant Technology Solutions]

Technical & Personal Interview:
1.Why do you want to join our company?
3. Since you are in E&TC, why do you want to join a software company?
4. Tell something about your family background?
5. Have you taken GRE?
6. Give a five minute lecture on digital electronics?
7. Give difference between the interrupt structures of 8085 and 8086?
8. Tell us something about your TE & BE project?
9. Tell us something about your hobbies which you have mentioned in your resume?
10. Tell us something about yourself?
11. Questions on AM, FM, and about basic communication.

20) Supriya Phadke (Cognizant Technology Solutions)

Technical Interview :
1. What are different types of data structures ?
2. How will you define a linked list in C ?
3. What is dynamic allocation of memory ?
4. How will you define a 2-d array dynamically ?
5. What are different types of sorts ?

Personal Interview :
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why do you want to join our company ?
3. What are your favorite subjects ?
4. Are you interested in studying abroad ?
5. Give 3 reasons why we should take you in our company ?
6. You say that our company is progressing at a very fast pace that’s why you want
to join it. But tomorrow if you come to know that we are having heavy losses
still would you want to join our company ?
7. Are you ready to work outside Pune ?
8. Do you have any questions about Cognizant ?
1.What is a skewed tree, avl tree?
2.Explain the rotations ?
3.Write a program:Given an array find a subarray such that sum of its elements is
max.(positive & negative elements).
4.Explain the different types of grammars with examples.
5.Is anbn a regular expression?
6.Write a program :reversal of linked list(three pointer & two pointer method).
7.Explain your B.E project.
8.What are cyclic linked lists?
9.Explain 4-way merge sort and give its time complexity?
10.Derive the time complexity for 2-way merge sort?
11.Program to swap strings using pointers.
12.Do you know Java ,Windows programming?

13.There are 8 players (tennis).how many matches are required to be played to get
a winner?

1.Would you like to go for higher studies?
2.Tell us about your family?

22. Anuya Kulkarni ( Premier Technologies India Limited. )

Technical Questions :
2. What is polymorphimism ? Explain with example .
3. What is operator overloading ?
4. What is inheritance and encapsulation ?
5. How polymorphism used in C++ ?
6. What is a structor and union & difference between them ?
7. How memory locations in a stuctors are accessed using a pointer and .
8. What is casting ? What’s the use ?
9. Can a string be casted in interger type ?
10. What is a pointer ?
11. Which are different data structors ,tell in brief about each one .
12. What is difference between linked list and array ?
13. What is a tree ?
14. What is dynamic linking ? (with an example)
15. What is meant by virtual memory ?
16. What is a turing machine ? What is the use ? what are the advantages ?
17. What is XML ? What are its advantages over HTML ?
18. Brief description about the COBOL project.
19. Program to convert a string to a variable of integer type.
20. What is difference between Java and C++ ?
21.What is pure virtual function ?
Personal Questions :
1. What is your family background ?
2. What are your commitments to the company ?
3. What are your chances of joining the company ?
4. Any Questions about the company ?
5. Any doubts about the salary ?

23) Prashant A. Rane ( CISCO SYSTEMS )

Technical Q’s :

(Q’s on project )
1. What is CORBA ?
2. Why are you using JAVA?
3. What are OOP concepts ?

(general technical)
1. What is virtual mem ?Its Advantages? Is there a limit to virtual mem?
2. What is paging, and page fault?
3. How do you determine size of a structure?(hint : alignment, buffering)
4. What do you mean when you say ‘32-bit processor’ ?
5. What do you know about Interrupts in 8086? Any serial communication intr’s?

Personal Q’s

1. Tell us about ur self.

2. Tell us about ur work in Impetus & Concepts .
3. Can you tell us about any difficult situation which you have overcome?
4. What is the probability of you joining CISCO?
5. What are your plans about future studies?
6. What are your future plans?

24 > Krishna ramachandran

cisco questions

1 > tell me about yourself

2 > u have captained a sports team … so wot have u learned new ?
3 > some questions on the leadership related to the ? in 2 above and some other
4 > tell me abt ur projects
5 > give me the methods to swap 2 variables using no temp variable
6 > write an algo for solving 2 simultaneous equations
7 > tell me abt cisc and risc processors
8 > few questions related to structures and pointers

Name: Amol Ashtekar. BE II (204) Company: CISCO(I)L

Questions Asked In Interview:

TECHNICAL Questions:
1. What is a static variable?
2. What is a register variable?
3. Can you access address of register variable?
4. What is parallel processing?
5. How will you calculate size of a structure?
6. What is padding?
7. What are the types of sorting?
8. Explain sorting methods with their time & space complexities.
9. Explain working of binary search.
10.Explain working of quick sort method.
11.What is a class?
12.What is an object?
13.What is the use of <head>…</head> tag in HTML.
14.What is the use of <title>…</title> tag in HTML.
15.What is data encapsulation?
16.What is polymorphism?
17.What is inheritance?
18.What is enum?

PERSONAL Questions:
1. What kind of a person you are?
2. What are your qualities & weaknesses?
3. What difficult situations you faced in last 20 years? How you handled

Name : Rahul Kochhar Company: ICIL

Personal Q’s:

1: Tell me something about yourself and your future plans?

2: Some q’s on project
3: Why do you wish to join ICIL?

Technical Q’s:

1: Q’s on C.O.(TE subject) – RISC CISC etc.

2: Given a C function describe its function
3: Write a macro to interchange two integers without using a third
variable/temporary storage
4: Q’s on JAVA applets, servlets etc.
5: General q’s on functions and macros(use, definition, comparison etc.)
6: Time and space complexity of functions/macros

Name : Amit Joshi (company : wipro and cisco)

Technical Q’s

1: what are the type of grammers ?

2: draw the state diagram for accepting the string 0011110 ?
3: what will happen if does’n attach printer to the lpt1 port and
ask the device driver to write to the printer ?
4: what is the format of the device driver for dos ?
5: how will dos communicate with the driver ?
6: Q’s on transistor amplifier ? how does it act as a switch ?
7: what is the pointer to pointer in c ? where are they used ?
8: how do you interface the device in a microprocessor system using assembly
language ?
9: how will interface the memory in the microprocessor system ?
10: what will happen if we have “continue” in the switch statement ?
11: what are the different types of device drivers ?

• Vishal C. Kher and Bhalachandra S. Barve ( Wipro)

1. What do you mean by real time systems ? give eg
2. Why is java a machine independent language
3. What is multitasking,multithreading
4. Draw 8085 block diagram
5. What is transistor
6. Explain the concept of paging, cache , virtual memory
7. What is scheduler in os
8. Synchronous and asynchronous data transfer
9. Time diagrams for the above (q 8)
10.Some questions on cobol
11.Which language os closer to os c or cobol ?
12.Explain your project in detail
13.Give examples of multitasking systems
14.Preemptive and postemptive scheduler
15.Number of address lines and data lines in 8086
16.What are different hashing functions
17.What is the use of hashing functions
18.Alog for binary search and complexity.
19.What is sizeof
20.Find sizeof the foll ( some complex structure was given)

1. Please introduce yourself
2. Which is your dream job
3. If suppose xyz company offers to pay you more, which company will you
prefer. Why
4. Tell me your drawbacks and plus points
5. Are you planning to write GRE
6. What are your expectations from your job.
7. Place of work ?
8. Hobbies
9. Would you like to do testing and debugging for few months ? how about
marketing it ok with your parents if you get a job outside Pune
11.would you like to pursue higher education

• Aniket V Apte BE 1 (wipro)


1. What is big-endian and little-endian notation?

2. How does DMA work? Why is it required?
3. How does multiplexing take place in 8085?
4. How to convert a char value in C to an int without type-casting?
5. What are cross compilers?
6. How to maintain a linked list?


1. Introduce yourself.
2. Why have you chosen Wipro?
3. Are you ready to work outside of Pune?
4. Are you ready to conduct debugging of software initially?
4. Planning to give GRE?

Neeraj Joshi, BE-1,

Company – Wipro

Technical Q:
1. Eqn of Fourier Transform.
2. Eqn of Laplace transform.
3. Dia of DAC.
4. Graph of low pass filter.
5. Program in assembly to count the no. of 1’s in a byte
6. Program in c to show passing by value, reference etc
7. Program in c to show use of static variables.
8. Differences between 8086 and 80386.
9. Differences between compilers and interpreters, adv
and disadvantages.

Personal Q:
1 1.Introduce urself.
2. Strengths and Weaknesses
3. Plans of higher studies
4. Thoughts on working in bangalore.
5. Would u leave this company for a dream job
6. Would u like to work in testing and debugging.

Mohsin Shaikh, BE-1,

Company – Wipro

Technical :
1.What is the name of cable used for serial communication?
2.Write function for inorder traversal of a binary search tree?
3.What is difference between SRAM & DRAM?
4.What is virtual memory?
5.What is Multitasking,Multiprocessing?
6.What is circular queue? Write program to implement circular queue using
7.What different kinds of RAM are available today?
8.What does EDO DRAM stand for?
9.Create tree for given inorder expression. Traverse given tree in postorder.

1.Introduce yourself.
2.Why do you want to join Wipro?
3.What is your dream job?
4.Do you have any plans for higher studies?
5.Do you mind working outside of Pune?
6.What do you think about testing and maintainance?

Abhishikt N. Jain.— BE I -- WIPRO

1. Questions on pointers in C
2. Explain static variables?
3. Link list (doubly), node deletion and creation.
4. How to interact with 8253/54 to count time for digital
5. Question on data structures
6. Question on binary trees?
7. Difference between 8085 and 8086
8. How to capture interrupt?
1. tell about yourself
2. family background
3. your interests in computer field
4. why you want to join wipro
5. what about higher studies
6. what u do in free time
7. Preferences for working areas

Harshal Haridas (WIPRO AND T.C.S)

1> what is the difference between lex and yacc ?

2> given a linked list ,how will u remove the last 3 elements?
3> How will u find out whether a processor is 32 bit or 64 bit using a c program?
4> What are the different programming languages?
5> How does a prolog differ from lisp?
6> What are intricacies involved in a COBOL program?
7> Details about the project ?
8> What is E-commerce ?
9> What is the scope of E-commerce in india?
10> Where is it implemented ?
11> What r the net securities that shall be reqired for E-commerce ?
12> Explain in detail the 386 architecture ?

What r ur hobbies?
Why do u want to join wipro and tcs?
Personal background ?
What is ur vision in life?
How r u going to achieve it in life?
Would u like to go abroad ?
Why would u like to go to states?
Any plans about pg?

Anand Sarda (Wipro)


1) What is RS232C used for?

2) What is max speed for serial communcition using RS232?
3) What is 8259?
4) Draw the block diagram of 8259.
5) Explain working of 8259.
6) What is the best method to find whether a no. is power of 2?
7) What are the latest technological advancements in IT?

1) What are your ambitions in life?
2) Describe yourself.
3) Family Background.
4) Why do you want to join Wipro?
5) Would you like to work as group leader or group member?

Sagar Dharia (WIPRO)


1. Time & space complexities of different sorting methods?

2. How will you use command line arguments?
4. What are advantages & disadvantages of Recursion?
5. Where is 8253/4 used?
6. What are activation records?
7. How are parameters passed to function(In what order)?
8. Explain structure of MS-DOS device driver?


1. Describe yourself.
2. What is your family background?
3. Why do you want to join Wipro?
4. What are your hobbies?
5. Where would you like to work in India?
6. What do you expect from job?
7. Why did you go to Computer Engg.?

Nirmal Purohit (Infosys)

Puzzle :
A man everyday leaves office and boards a train at 4:00 PM sharp from
office station and reaches home station at 5:00. During this time his driver departs
from his home and reaches the home station at 5:00 and takes him to home.
One day the man catches the train at 3:30 PM but does not inform the driver
about the change. The driver leaves the home according to his usual routine. Being
early on the home station , man decides to walk down the home. He walks for
sometime. His driver notices him the way and takes him to home and reaches 10
minutes early from schedule. How much time the man was walking?
Technical :
1. Which script should you use for ASP ( Javascipt or VBscript)?
2. What do you mean by static variable and static function?
3. Why extern, auto is used in C?
4. Which part of data segment a local variable, a global variable, a parameter, a
constant (string may be) are stored?

Sameer Kher

1) Explain Flip-flops, J-K, Masterslave, etc

2) Explain pointers
3) Explain advantages of C++ over C
4) Explain Polymorphism, Inheretance, etc

1) Have you given GRE? What was your score?
2) Would your parents be willing to let you stay out of Pune for extended periods
of time?

Khyati Mehta
1) What is the difference between Dos and Windows
2) Advantages of Object Oriented Programming
3) Different Layers of Dos
4) Explain LAN
1) Would your parents let you stay away from them
2) What are your future plans
3) What is your family background
4) What are you’re strong and weak points

Hemant Murthy
1) What are the different parts of an Operating System
2) What are the different parts of a Compiler
3) Explain Distributed operating systems
4) Would you like to work in Technology Solutions
5) Where did you learn C / C ++
6) What operating systems are you familiar with

Personal Questions
1) You have taken the GRE examination. Do you plan to go abroad for further
study ?
2) Have you applied for any universities in the US of A?
3) Do you prefer working in Pune or away from Pune?
4) If Infosys gave you a chance to work in B’lore and we gave you Hyderabad,
Would you join Infosys or Wipro ? (I prefered to work in B’lore and that is why
they (Wipro) asked me this question ?

1) What is your dream job (Don’t name any company ).

Convince them through your answers how much importance you
place on dead



1.What is hashing? Explain in detail along with overflow chaining and


2.What are the bit operations in C and state their applications.

3. Explain the design of your COBOL project.

Himanshu Joshi.
1) Explain your T.E. project.
2) Explain about the various features of 8051 and 8085.
3) What is an operating system?
4) What is the architecture of an operating system you use.
5) Explain the architecture of ORACLE .
6) What is the need of an RDBMS ?
7) What is a data repository ?
8) What do you understand by data communications ?
9) Explain distributed databases.
10) Explain the difference between C++ and VC++.

2) Would you leave your parents and stay in Bangalore (tell them it’s not a
big deal).
3) Tell us about yourself.
4) If INFOSYS were to give you more pay, would you go and join them ? (No
matter how ‘holier than thou’ you sound , tell him you would never do
such a thing as you have a moral obligation towards WIPRO , assuming
you got selected ).

4. Questions on linked lists.

5. Problems like the towers of hanoi.

6. Questions on BE project.
7. Questions on pointers in C upto two levels.


1. What are you looking forward to in the job?

2. How important is money to you?
3. What role do ethics play in your life?
4. If Infosys pays you more will u go there?
5. What are your future plans(gre,etc.)?
6. Are you a team player(convince me)?

Rahul Ganjoo.
(BE comp)




1. What field (E&TC or Comps) should the interview questions be based


2. What is ur background of Appication Software???

3. Data Structures: To what degree of complexity have u coded in this


4. What is “Threading” in binary Search trees??? Write an algo…

5. Difference between sets and unions.

6. Declare a “Doubly Linked List” with certain fields

7. How can u traverse a list in the reverse order (singly linked list only)

8. algo for reversing a linked list.

9. What is Recursion??? Adv and Disadv.. Explain “Towers of Hanoi”

10. Time Complexity … in searching, sorting etc.. (O(n) notation explain..)

11. Solve a couple of riddles and give the output of some subroutines in C

What is ur project (Lan Telephony) . Explain… Does it bridge a gap between E&Tc and
Comps… How???

Explain the feasibility of ur project…

Questions on 8086, DOS, FAT, Psp (prog. Segment prefix), PPI, 8259, 8051

Networks… Ipv6


What is ur weak point??? Ans . Short temper: What do u do to control it?

Would u lose ur temper if we decided not to employ u???

What wud u do if Infosys offers u a job..

U’re an NRI.. Why do u need a job in India

GRE.. PLANS to go abroad

What guarantee do we have that u’ll join Wipro???

How imp. Is money to u???

Do u want to be put in Networks or app. Software???

Do u have long term plans with Wipro???

Tell us what u know abt Wipro and wot u intend to contribute to it???

Good luck, will get back to u…

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