Be at It Too

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BE AT IT TOOA Beatitude for Non-Believers

Marvin A. Marcelino
Blessed are they that recognize they are lost, for God will find, teach and show them their true
Blessed are they that repent before it is too late, for they will sit with the saints and the Righteous
One in the great banquet in heaven.
Blessed are they that love the living God in heaven and live
according to His will and commandments for they will reap His promised rewards.
Blessed are they that believe in God, His Son Jesus and respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit, for
the gates of mercy will be opened to them.
Blessed are they that are born of God through baptism by immersion for they have the right to be
called the sons and daughters of the living God.
Blessed are they that turn away from gods made of stone, metal or wood, for only the true living
God gives eternal life.
Blessed are they that earnestly pray directly to the living God, surely they will receive answers
directly from the Throne of Grace.
Blessed are they whose minds and hearts are open to the truth of the Spirit of Prophecy for they
will receive the signs and seal of God.
Blessed are they that live and die righteous in the sight of God for they will rise up first in the
coming of Christ Jesus.
Blessed are they who believe in the Sabbath established by the Creator; it will be the sign between
you and Him; the true God.
Blessed are you who joins the Church of the true living God that have His sign, His seal for the
saints and have the testimonies of Christ Jesus.
Marvin A. Marcelino 2005 All Rights Reserved.

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