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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that

randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured
format. It is concerned with the structure and delivery of acquisition of knowledge to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organization. Therefore, training is a key to
optimizing utilization human intellectual technological and entrepreneurial skills.

There are four phases of training in Sahara India-Training need analysis, Training design,
Training implementation and Training evaluation. Training evaluation is the most
important part of training process which refers to activities aimed at finding out the
effectiveness of training programme after they are conducted, against the objective for
which such programmes were organized. Training evaluation techniques give us solution
to answer questions like where was the capability level of learners before the programme
and where is it now, what was intended to be achieved by particular programme and
where is really achieved now, and what is the monitory value of training outcome against
the cost incurred for conducting the training programme. The key issues involve staffing
policies selecting and retaining talented employee, training and development whilst
encouraging employees to be innovative and creative, culture barriers, and legal frame
work. Sahara India Pariwar provides soft skill development training to their employees.
But still they need to work on providing product/process development training. To
evaluate the training program, questionnaire is the most popular method in Sahara India.

Training initiatives and programs have become a priority for Human Resources. As
business markets change due to an increase in technology initiatives, companies need to
spend more time and money on training employees. In today’s business climate

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employee development is critical to corporate success and organizations are investing
more in their employees training and development needs.

The main objective of the study is first to gain some practical knowledge regarding the
functioning of MNC’s and other organizations which is very necessary to fully
understand the primary functions & hence it fulfill the purpose of the Summer Internship
under MBA course.

The other objectives were:

1. To study the Importance of Training and Development.

2. To study the roles of Training and development Programme.
3. To study the process and functions of training.
4. To explore the methodology and types of training provided to the employees in an
5. To study the purpose, process, principle, functions of the post training evaluation.
6. To study the different types of methods/techniques used to evaluate the training.
7. To study the level of evaluation.
8. To study the relevance of the post training evaluation/feedback for the employee as
well as for an organization.
9. To know the challenges in training and development faced by an organization.

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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that

randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured


It is concerned with the structure and delivery of acquisition of knowledge to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of organization. It is concerned with improving the existing
skills and exploring the potential skills of the individual i.e. upgrading the employees’
skills and extending their knowledge. Therefore, training is a key to optimizing
utilization human intellectual technological and entrepreneurial skills

Training and Development referred to as:

• Acquisition and sharpening of employees capabilities that is required to perform

various obligations, tasks and functions.

• Developing the employee’s capabilities so that they may be able to discover their
potential and exploit them to full their own and organizational development purpose.

• Developing an organizational culture where superior-subordinate relationship, team

work, and collaboration among different sub units are strong and contribute to
organizational wealth, dynamism and pride to the employees.
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Development defined

It helps the individual handle future responsibilities, with less emphasis on present job

Introduction of training

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills,

concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of


Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the
participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into
the distant future.

Skills: Training is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills to operate

machines, and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is a basic skill
without which the operator will not be able to function. Employees, particularly
supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills.

Education: The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop a

sense of reasoning and judgment.

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Development: It is less skill-oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about
business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific
industry analysis is useful for better management of a company.

Ethics: There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training and
development programme. Ethical attitude help managements make better decisions
which are in the interests of the public, the employees and in the long term-the company

Attitudinal Changes: Attitude represents feelings and beliefs of individuals towards

others. Attitude affects motivation, satisfaction and job commitment. Negative attitude
need to be converting into positive attitude. Attitude must be changed so that employees
feel committed to the organization, are motivated for better performance, and derive
satisfaction from their jobs and the work environment.

Decision making and problem solving skills: It focus on methods and techniques
for making organization decision-making and solving work related problems.


The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the
availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that,
there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.

Individual objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in

turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

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Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by
bringing individual effectiveness.

Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to

the organization’s needs.

Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible

to the needs and challenges of the society.


It helps to develop human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

• Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the

employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

• Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work,
team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within
the employees.

• Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and improve

the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning
culture within the organization.

• Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the positive

perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from
leaders, subordinates, and peers.

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• Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and

• Healthy work-environment – Training and Development helps in creating the

healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that
individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

• Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the health and
safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

• Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work

• Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

• Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more

positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

• Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets

more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and
carrying out organizational policies

• Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty,

better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display.

• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development helps in

optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve
the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

• Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to provide

an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources’ technical

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and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal

• Development of skills of employees – Training and Development helps in

increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand
the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employee


Training is a sub-system of the organization because the departments such as, marketing
& sales, HR, production, finance, etc depends on training for its survival. Training is a
transforming process that requires some input and in turn it produces output in the form
of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).


The three model of training are:

1. System Model

2. Instructional System Development Model

3. Transitional model


The system model consists of five phases and should be repeated on a regular basis to
make further improvements. The training should achieve the purpose of helping
employee to perform their work to required standards. The steps involved in System
Model of training are as follows:

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1. ANALYZE and identify the training needs i.e. to analyze the department, job,
employees requirement, who needs training, what do they need to learn, estimating
training cost, etc The next step is to develop a performance measure on the basis of
which actual performance would be evaluated.

2. DESIGN and provide training to meet identified needs. This step requires developing
objectives of training, identifying the learning steps, sequencing and structuring the

3. DEVELOP- This phase requires listing the activities in the training program that
will assist the participants to learn, selecting delivery method, examining the training
material, validating information to be imparted to make sure it accomplishes all the
goals & objectives.

4. IMPLEMENTING is the hardest part of the system because one wrong step can
lead to the failure of whole training program.

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5. EVALUATING each phase so as to make sure it has achieved its aim in terms of
subsequent work performance. Making necessary amendments to any of the previous
stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices


Transitional model focuses on the organization as a whole. The outer loop describes
the vision, mission and values of the organization on the basis of which training
model i.e. inner loop is executed.

VISION – focuses on the milestones that the organization would like to achieve after
the defined point of time. A vision statement tells that where the organization sees
itself few years down the line. A vision may include setting a role mode, or bringing
some internal transformation, or may be promising to meet some other deadlines.

MISSION – explain the reason of organizational existence. It identifies the position

in the community. The reason of developing a mission statement is to motivate,
inspire, and inform the employees regarding the organization.The mission statement
tells about the identity that how the organization would like to be viewed by the
customers, employees, and all other stakeholders.

VALUES – is the translation of vision and mission into communicable ideals. It

reflects the deeply held values of the organization and is independent of current
industry environment. For example, values may include social responsibility,
excellent customer service, etc

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The mission, vision, and values precede the objective in the inner loop. This model
considers the organization as a whole. The objective is formulated keeping these
three things in mind and then the training model is further implemented


Instructional System Development model was made to answer the training problems.
This model is widely used now-a-days in the organization because it is concerned
with the training need on the job performance. Training objectives are defined on the
basis of job responsibilities and job description and on the basis of the defined
objectives individual progress is measured. This model also helps in determining and

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developing the favorable strategies, sequencing the content, and delivering media for
the types of training objectives to be achieved. The Instructional System
Development model comprises of five stages:

1. ANALYSIS – This phase consist of training need assessment, job analysis, and
target audience analysis.

2. PLANNING – This phase consist of setting goal of the learning outcome,

instructional objectives that measures behavior of a participant after the training,
types of training material, media selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer
and the training program, strategies to impart knowledge i.e. selection of content,
sequencing of content, etc

3. DEVELOPMENT – This phase translates design decisions into training material.

It consists of developing course material for the trainer including handouts,

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workbooks, visual aids, demonstration props, etc, course material for the trainee
including handouts of summary.

4. EXECUTION – This phase focuses on logistical arrangements, such as arranging

speakers, equipments, benches, podium, food facilities, cooling, lighting, parking,
and other training accessories.

5. EVALUATION – The purpose of this phase is to make sure that the training
program has achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance. This phase
consists of identifying strengths and weaknesses and making necessary amendments
to any of the previous stage in order to remedy or improve failure practices.

The ISD model is a continuous process that lasts throughout the training program. It
also highlights that feedback is an important phase throughout the entire training
program. In this model, the output of one phase is an input to the next phase.

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An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective

training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap
between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance.

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Training Need arises at three levels:

• Organizational level
• Individual level
• Operational level

Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization
performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its

Organizational level – Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on

strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of internal
environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and
weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats. After doing the
SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths

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can further be strengthened with continued training. Threats can be reduced by
identifying the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by
balancing it against costs. For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the
company requires to be involved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops
strategies to be sure that the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge,
Skills, and Attributes (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level.

Individual level – Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every
individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an
employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the
difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be
positive, then certainly there is a need of training. However, individual competence can
also be linked to individual need. The methods that are used to analyze the individual
need are:

• Appraisal and performance review

• Peer appraisal

• Competency assessments

• Subordinate appraisal

• Client feedback

• Customer feedback

• Self-assessment or self-appraisal

Operational level – Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work
that is being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information on
whether the job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information

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through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the
closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are dynamic and keep
changing over the time. Employees need to prepare for these changes. The job analyst
also gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus the tasks that will be required
in the future. Based on the information collected, training Need analysis (TNA) is done.

Benefits of need assessment

Training programs are designed to achieve specific goals that meet felt needs. There are
many benefits of need assessment:

1. Trainers may be informed about the broader need of the trainees.

2. Trainers are able to pitch their course inputs closer to the specific needs of the
3. Assessment makes training department more accountable and more clearly linked to
other human resource activities, which make the training programs easier to sell to
line managers.


The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training
objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to be achieved
by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able to do at the
end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the training program.

The trainer – Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical,
interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers.

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The trainees – A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their
profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the
important factors that affect training design.

Cost of training – It is one of the most important considerations in designing a training

programme. A training programme involves cost of different types. These may be in the
form of direct expenses incurred in training, cost of training material to be provided,
arrangement of physical facilities and refreshment, etc. Besides these expenses the
organization has to bear indirect cost in the form of loss of production during training
period. Ideally, a training programme must be able to generate more revenues than the
cost involved.

Training climate – A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings,

positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is favorable
nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes wrong.

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Trainees’ learning style – the learning style, age, experience, educational background
of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the

Training strategies – Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer
translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority list
of about what must be included, what could be included.

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Training topics – After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to be
delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These topics and
modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Sequence the contents – Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:

• From simple to complex

• Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance

• From known to unknown

• From specific to general

• Dependent relationship

Training tactics – Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program
becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or methods
or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:

• Trainees’ background

• Time allocated

• Style preference of trainer

• Level of competence of trainer

• Availability of facilities and resources, etc

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Support facilities – IT can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various
requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc.

Constraints – The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are:

• Time

• Accommodation, facilities and their availability

• Furnishings and equipments

• Budget

• Design of the training, etc


To put training program into effect according to definite plan or procedure is called
training implementation. Training implementation is the hardest part of the system
because one wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training program. Even the best
training program will fail due to one wrong action. Training implementation can be
segregated into:

• Practical administrative arrangements

• Carrying out of the training

Once the staff, course, content, equipments, topics are ready, the training is implemented.
Completing training design does not mean that the work is done because implementation

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phase requires continual adjusting, redesigning, and refining. Preparation is the most
important factor to taste the success. Therefore, following are the factors that are kept in
mind while implementing training program:

The trainer – The trainer need to be prepared mentally before the delivery of content.
Trainer prepares materials and activities well in advance. The trainer also set grounds
before meeting with participants by making sure that he is comfortable with course
content and is flexible in his approach.

Physical set-up – Good physical set up is pre-requisite for effective and successful
training program because it makes the first impression on participants. Classrooms
should not be very small or big but as nearly square as possible. This will bring people
together both physically and psychologically. Also, right amount of space should be
allocated to every participant.

Establishing rapport with participants – There are various ways by which a trainer
can establish good rapport with trainees by:

• Greeting participants – simple way to ease those initial tense moments

• Encouraging informal conversation

• Remembering their first name

• Pairing up the learners and have them familiarized with one another

• Listening carefully to trainees’ comments and opinions

• Telling the learners by what name the trainer wants to be addressed

• Getting to class before the arrival of learners

• Starting the class promptly at the scheduled time

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• Using familiar examples

• Varying his instructional techniques

• Using the alternate approach if one seems to bog down

Reviewing the agenda – At the beginning of the training program it is very important
to review the program objective. The trainer must tell the participants the goal of the
program, what is expected out of trainers to do at the end of the program, and how the
program will run. The following information needs to be included:

• Kinds of training activities

• Schedule

• Setting group norms

• Housekeeping arrangements

• Flow of the program

• Handling problematic situations

In general programme implementation involves action on the following lines:

• Deciding the location and organizing training and other facilities.

• Scheduling the training programme.
• Conducting the programme.
• Monitoring the progress of the trainees.

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The process of examining a training program is called training evaluation. Training

evaluation checks whether training has had the desired effect. Training evaluation
ensures that whether candidates are able to implement their learning in their respective
workplaces, or to the regular work routines.

Purposes of Training Evaluation

The five main purposes of training evaluation are:

Feedback: It helps in giving feedback to the candidates by defining the objectives and
linking it to learning outcomes.

Research: It helps in ascertaining the relationship between acquired knowledge, transfer

of knowledge at the work place, and training

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Control: It helps in controlling the training program because if the training is not
effective, then it can be dealt with accordingly.

Power games: At times, the top management (higher authoritative employee) uses the
evaluative data to manipulate it for their own benefits.

Intervention: It helps in determining that whether the actual outcomes are aligned with
the expected outcomes.

Functions of evaluation:

There are basically two functions of evaluation:

1. Qualitative evaluations is an assessment process how well did we do?

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2. Quantitative evaluation is an assessment process that answers the question How much
did we do?

Principles of Training Evaluation:

Training need should be identified and reviewed concurrently with the business and
personal development plan process.

a) Evaluation must be continuous.

b) Evaluation must be specific.
c) Evaluation must be based on objective methods and standards.
d) There should be correlation to the needs of the business and the individual.
e) Organizational, group and individual level training need should be identified and
f) Techniques of evaluation should be appropriate.
g) The evaluation function should be in place before the training takes place.
h) The outcome of evaluation should be used to inform the business and training

Need of evaluation of Training:

Training cost can be significant in any business. Most organizations are prepared to incur
these cost because they expect that their business to benefit from employees development
and progress. Whether business has benefited can be assessed by evaluation training.

There are basically four parties involved in evaluating the result of any training. Trainer,
Trainee, Training and Development department and Line Manager.

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• The Trainee wants to confirm that the course has met personal expectations and satisfied
any learning objectives set by the T & D department at the beginning of the programme.
• The Trainer concern is to ensure that the training that has been provided is effective or
• Training and Development want to know whether the course has made the best use of
the resources available.
• The Line manager will be seeking reassurance that the time hat trainee has spent in
attending training results in to value and how deficiency in knowledge and skill

The problem for many organizations is not so much why training should be evaluated but
how. Most of the organizations overlook evaluation because financial benefits are
difficult to describe in concrete terms.

The process of evaluation is central to its effectiveness and helps to ensure that:

• Whether training budget is well spent

• To judge the performance of employee as individual and team.
• To establish culture of continuous learning and improvement.


Before Training: The learner’s skills and knowledge are assessed before the training
program. During the start of training, candidates generally perceive it as a waste of
resources because at most of the times candidates are unaware of the objectives and
learning outcomes of the program. Once aware, they are asked to give their opinions on
the methods used and whether those methods confirm to the candidates preferences and
learning style

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During Training: It is the phase at which instruction is started. This phase usually
consist of short tests at regular intervals.

After Training: It is the phase when learner’s skills and knowledge are assessed again
to measure the effectiveness of the training. This phase is designed to determine whether
training has had the desired effect at individual department and organizational levels.
There are various evaluation techniques for this phase.

Techniques of evaluation

The various methods of training evaluation are:

• Observation

• Questionnaire

• Interview

• Self diaries

• Self recording of specific incidents


Donald Kirkpatrick developed four level models to assess training effectiveness.

According to him evaluation always begins with level first and should move through
other levels in sequence.

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• Reaction Level: The purpose is to measure the individual reaction to the training
activity. The benefit of Reaction level evaluation is to improve Training and
Development activity efficiency and effectiveness.
• Learning Level: The basic purpose is to measure the learning transfer achieved by
the training and development activity. Another purpose is to determine to what extent
the individual increased their knowledge, skills and changed their attitudes by
applying quantitative or qualitative assessment methods
• Behavior Level: The basic purpose is to measure changes in behavior of the
individual as a result of the training and development activity and how well the
enhancement of knowledge, skill, attitudes has prepared than for their role.
• Result Level: The purpose is to measure the contribution of training and
development to the achievement of the business/operational goals.

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Sahara India- a corporate, which believe that quality, is never an accident it is a result of
planning, team work and a commitment of excellence. Sahara India Pariwar is a multi-
business conglomerate with diversified business interest that includes finance, real estate,
media & entertainment, tourism & hospitality, and service & trading.

Sahara India Pariwar

Year 2005, headquarter in

1978 in Gorakhpur, India
lucknow India
Workers 3 9.10 lack
Dependents 15 45.50 lack
Asset 2000 Over 50,000 crore
Establishments 1 1707
No Trade union
No owner

Important points

• The employees at Sahara India Pariwar greet each other by saying “Sahara Pranam”
• Every year, republic day and independence day is celebrated as Bharat Parv ( national
festival) and Sahara India Pariwar celebrates it as the biggest event of the
pariwar( family).
• Sahara India Pariwar has been the official sponsors of the Indian cricket team and
Indian hockey team.

Page 32
• Sahara India Pariwar in often referred as the world’s largest family
• 910,000 workers/ employees and no trade union
• Its five star hostel ‘Sahara Star’ near Mumbai airport has the world’s largest pillar
less clear-to-sky dome of its kind
• Holds the Guinness world record for planning 125,256 trees by 1400 volunteers in 6
hours and 35 minutes 0n 5th June 1988 at amby vally city
• Hold the record in India for 25%-50% hike in the gross salary of all of its employees
at one go.
• Conducts mass marriage ceremony of 101 underprivileged girls every year
• Subrato Roy Sahara is also referred as “Saharasri”

Profit Sharing


Page 33
Sahara India Pariwar is a major entity on the corporate scene having diversified
business interests that include Finance, Infrastructure & Housing, Media &
Entertainment, Consumer Products, Manufacturing, and Services & Trading.

Quality is our essence and we, at Sahara India Pariwar , have always stressed on the
Qualitative aspect. Consequently in this run for quality, quantity has always pursued us.
We look forward to reaching the zenith and reaffirm our commitment to the process of
sound nation-building.


• Emotion
• Discipline
• Duty
• No discrimination
• Quality
• Give respect
• Self-respect
• Truth
• Collective Materialism
• Religion
• Absolute Honesty

Page 34
A commitment of Sahara India Pariwar to the genuine needs and rights of anybody &
everybody - Be it to a depositor, newspaper reader, consumer.... all business associates
and Sahara India Family Members.

India needs effective consumer protection and protection of workers' genuine rights.
There are various agencies, promising protection & action. But no external body can
provide justice unless the company becomes 'QUALITY CONSCIOUS' WITH
its very dominating nature.

We not only believe but practice NO DISCRIMINATION, JUSTICE & HIGH
QUALITY - means enthusiastic, productive performance of duty "KARTAVYA' towards
the consumer', workers' genuine satisfaction.

To provide justice - be it a matter of the tiniest imperfection or injustice in our
COMMITMENT - products or services. direct or indirect, short term or long term.

Kindly rush your grievances/suggestions or any queries related to Sahara India Pariwar to
the nearest Sahara establishment and/or to:

Page 35
Response Will Never Be Delayed And Justice Will Never Be Denied



Infrastructure Media and Consumer Services and

Finance Manufacturing
and housing entertainment products Trading

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Page 37

Data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and

collecting business data - for example as part of a process improvement or similar

Data collection usually takes place early on in an improvement project, and is often
formalized through a data collection Plan which often contains the following activity.

1. Pre collection activity – Agree goals, target data, definitions, methods

2. Collection – data collection
3. Present Findings – usually involves some form of sorting analysis and/or

There are two methods of data collection which are discussed below:



(Data collection techniques)




Page 38

In primary data collection, you collect the data yourself using methods such as interviews
and questionnaires. The key point here is that the data you collect is unique to you and
your research and, until you publish, no one else has access to it.

I have tried to collect the data using methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The
key point here is that the data collected is unique and research and, no one else has
access to it. It is done to get the real scenario and to get the original data of present.



Questionnaire are a popular means of collecting data, but are difficult to design and often
require many rewrites before an acceptable questionnaire is produced. The features
included in questionnaire are:
• Theme and covering letter
• Instruction for completion
• Types of questions
• Length


This technique is primarily used to gain an understanding of the underlying reasons and
motivations for people’s attitudes, preferences or behavior. The interview was done by
asking a general question. I encourage the respondent to talk freely. I have used an

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unstructured format, the subsequent direction of the interview being determined by the
respondent’s initial reply, and come to know what is its initial problem is.


Sampling technique:

Initially, a rough draft was prepared keeping in mind the objective of the research. A
pilot study was done in order to know the accuracy of the questionnaire. The final
questionnaire was arrived only after certain important changes were done. Thus my
sampling came out to be judgmental and continent.

Sampling Unit:

The respondents who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the sampling units. These
comprise of kartavyayogis of corporate HR,S ahara India Pariwar , who had attended the
personality development workshop.

Sampling Size: 20


All methods of data collection can supply quantitative data (numbers, statistics or
financial) or qualitative data (usually words or text). Quantitative data may often be
presented in tabular or graphical form. Secondary data is data that has already been
collected by someone else for a different purpose to yours.

Page 40
Need of using secondary data

1. Data is of use in the collection of primary data.

2. They are one of the cheapest and easiest means of access to information.
3. Secondary data may actually provided enough information to resolve the problem
being investigated.
4. Secondary data can be a valuable source of new ideas that can be explored later
through primary research.

Limitation of secondary data

1. May be outdated.
2. No control over data collection.
3. May not be reported in the required form.
4. May not be reported in the required form.
5. May not be very accurate.
6. Collection for some other purpose.

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Training calander
Training budget
Training feedback
Training manuals
Approvals/concept paper
CCT Networking

Training MEMBER4
IT support Module design initiative
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The major activities performed by the Training and Developing function in Sahara India
Pariwar are as follows:

(1) Training needs identification/ assessment: From employees through interviews,

questionnaires, etc. and secondly through HOD recommendation.



(2) Training (Internal/External): Training depends upon its scope, whether needs of
the training can be met within the organization or whether has to be taken to an
environment outside the organization.

(3) Certified corporate trainer: Certified corporate trainers are the employees of the
company itself. It is their voluntary involvement. If they feel like in their service tenure
that they can, for some time, train the employees of the company on the base of their

Page 44
experience, then send in their CVs and on approval by the respective authority, become
certified corporate trainers.

(4) Types of training given in Sahara India Pariwar:

• Induction/Orientation training
• Soft skill development training
• Project training


These terms are interchangeably used to give a friendly welcome to the new employees
as members of the organization so also to introduce the new employee with the available
installations (plant and machineries, systems), work norms, organizational objectives and
the job position of the employee.


• The company size, structure of the organization, history, market share

• Achievements, objective and mission.
• Product training
• Shop floor-rules and regulations
• Personnel policies
• Union contract
• Company services
• Service department

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Modules of soft skill development training in Sahara India Pariwar:

 Personality and positive attitude

 Business communication
 Team building and leadership
 Stress management and work-life balance
 Business etiquettes and corporate grooming


About the Module

Personality as a whole cannot be defined without the positive attitude. It is the positive
attitude of a person that plays an important role in various decision making process and
reaction to responsibilities and challenges in work and life. The module has been
developed to help the individual to develop the understanding that how individual
personalities can influence the organizational development & the organizational success.

Objective of the Module

To understand the concept of Personality & positive attitude in relation to organizational


Page 46
Coverage of the Module
• What is personality
• Attributes of personality
• Three levels of Personality
• Personality is uniqueness
• Internal & External Qualities
• What are the determinants of personality
• What is a Organizational Personality
• Linking personality and organizations effectiveness
• How Positive Attitude can influenced Personality



Effective communication is very crucial in the business success. It is the lifeblood of an

business organization. It includes conveying messages to other people clearly and
unambiguously. It's also about receiving information that others are sending to you, with
as little distortion as possible.

Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. And it's
a process that can be fraught with error, with messages muddled by the sender, or
misinterpreted by the recipient. When this isn't detected, it can cause tremendous
confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity

Page 47
Objective of the Module

To understand the importance of Business Communication in order to enhance the

capabilities of understanding and implementing the correct communication channel to
bring the effectiveness of the organization in order to succeed in business, and maintain
good relationships with clients, customers and employees

Coverage of the Module

• What is communication?
• Need of communication
• Communication flow
• Types of Communication
• Barriers of Communication
• Overcoming tips of barrier
• Essentials of effective communication



Page 48
In the context of globalization only high performing managers can survive, grow and
excel. This calls for continuous enhancement of the dynamics of leadership capabilities
of managers. Today’s managers will have to demonstrate positive leadership capabilities
by creating and sustaining trust, shared vision as well as synergy to achieve
organizational goals.

Objective of the Module

• Understanding the role of leadership, teamwork and team-building.

• Improving business results by managing team dynamics; flexibility and

resilience, self management and emotional maturity

Coverage of the Module

• Team Vs. Group

• Team & Team Work
• The essentials of winning Team
• A good team player
• Stages of Team Building
• Leadership, teamwork & team-building
• Leader Vs. Manager
• Improving performance


Page 49

During the last 20 years, the nature of jobs across globe has changed substantially
resulting in jobs becoming less and less physically demanding. Coupled with this, the
change in life style, has led to stress level increasing day by day, both at work place and
at home. It is therefore of utmost importance to understand the various transients
affecting health and fitness levels of individuals. In view of this, the module will help to
take a proactive approach to stress management in order to establish a work environment
that is healthy, stress-free and fit.

Objective of the Module

To understand the stress level, its symptoms and various impacts and to develop
a better work life balance strategies for leading a better life.

Coverage of the Module

• What is stress?
• Reasons of stress
• Symptoms of stress
• Impact of stress
• Managing Stress
• ABC Strategy
• Tips of de-stressing

Page 50


Self –improvement and self –development has become imperative for survival in the
changing and competitive environment. Business Etiquette is a very important factor in
determining the success or failure of a business or a person. This module will guide to
enhance the focus for Business Etiquette & Corporate Grooming.

Objective of the Module

To understand the importance of Corporate grooming, Power Dressing and how to make
our body language effective in order to enhance personal effectiveness with good
manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and
maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees.

Coverage of the Module

• Business etiquette
• Corporate grooming

Page 51
• Corporate ground rules
• Social niceties
• Work norm
• Meeting protocol
• Dining etiquette


Project trainings are the time-to-time held training sessions held by the organization and
with the help of experienced and learned employees to train students outside the
organizations, in various practical fields, for the accomplishments of their compulsory

(5) Training evaluation:

Page 52

1. What do you understand by training?

Learning 0
Enhancement of knowledge, skill &attitude 4
Sharing information 0
All of the above 16

Page 53
The above result shows that most of the kartavyayogis of corporate HR are well aware of
the definition, inputs and purpose of the training program. They are self motivated to
attend such training program as it will result in their skill enhancement & improving their
interpersonal skill.

2. Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance.

Completely agree 17
Partially agree 3
Disagree 0
Unsure 0


Page 54
The above result shows that mostly all the kartavyayogis of corporate HR are well aware of
the role and importance of the training. It means somewhere their productivity and
performance has been improved after the training program attended by them and it helped
them to achieve their goal.

3. (i). Have you attended any training program in the last 01 year?

Yes 20
No 0


Page 55
100% respondents had attended training program in the last 01 year. It means in
corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar, time to time training is provided to all the
kartavyayogis and it is continuous process.

(ii). If yes, which module of soft skill development training?

Personality and positive attitude 3

Business communication 2
Team building and leadership 0
Stress management and work-life balance 2
Business etiquettes and corporate grooming 0
All of above 13
If any other ,please specify 0

Page 56

65% respondents had attended all the five modules of soft skill development training. But
besides soft skill development training, Corporate HR Sahara India Pariwar should also
provide product/process or skill based training to enhance the employability.

4.(i). After the training, have you given feedback of it?

Yes 20
No 0


100% respondent had given feedback after attending the training. It means each and
every respondent are well aware of the importance of giving feedback. They know that

Page 57
their feedback is very important to identify the effectiveness and valuation of training

(ii). If yes, through which method?

Questionnaire 16
Interview 1
Supplement test 1
Any other 0


The above result shows that the questionnaire is the most popular method of evaluating the
training program and other methods are not very much in practice in corporate HR, Sahara

Page 58
India Pariwar But since there are various other methods of evaluation of training program
like interviews, supplement test, self diaries& observation so it should also implement
the other methods also to identify the ROI (return on investment) & effectiveness and
valuation of the training program.

5. Which method of post training feedback according to you is more


Observation 5
Questionnaire 3
Interviews 8
Self diaries 3
Supplement test 1

Page 59

I. Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar, mostly use the questionnaire to get the feedback
of trainees but only 15% respondents are in favor of questionnaire because in it there is
a possibility of getting inaccurate data and in this responding conditions are also not

II. On the other side 40% respondents feel that interview is the most appropriate method
of evaluating the training program because it is more flexible method, and in this they
can get the opportunity for clarification and the most important thing is that in the
interview, personal interaction is also possible.

III. 25% are in favor of observation because this is non-threatening and is excellent way to
measure the behavioral changes.

IV. Beside this, 15% are in favor of self diaries and 5% are in the favor of supplement test.
It means that Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar should also try to use other method
of evaluation of training program.

Page 60
6.(i). Do you think that the feedback can evaluate the training

Yes 20
No 0


100% respondents think that the feedback can evaluate the training effectiveness. It
means that kartavyayogis in the Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar are well aware of
the importance of taking feedback after the training.

Page 61
(ii).If yes, how can the post training feedbacks can help the

Improve job performance 1

An aid to future planning 3
Motivate to do better 2
All of the above 14
None 0


70% respondent feel that the post training feedback can help the participants to improve
their job performance, is an aid to future planning and can motivate to do better. It means
that they are benefited by giving feedback of the training, attended by them.

Page 62
7. Post training evaluation focus on result rather than on the effort
expended in conducting training.

Completely agree 14
Partially agree 6
Disagree 0
Unsure 0


70% respondents are completely agree and 30% respondents are partially agree with the
statement that post training evaluation focus on result rather than on the effort expended in

Page 63
conducting training program. It means that all the respondent are well aware of the purpose
and objective of the post training evaluation.

8. What should be the approach of post training evaluation?

Trainer centered 2
Trainee centered 2
Subject centered 8
All of the above 8


I. 40% respondents feel that the approach of post training evaluation should be subject
centered and 40% respondent also feel that it should be trainer, trainee and subject

Page 64
II. 10% respondents are in favor of trainee centered approach and 10% respondents are in
favor of trainer centered approach.

It means that the evaluation procedure should be implemented concerning trainer, trainee
and subject.

9. What should be the ideal time to evaluate the training?

Immediate after training 6

After 15 days 7
After 1 month 4
Can’t say 3


Page 65
35% respondent feel that training should be evaluate after 15 days.30% feel that it should
be immediate after training. 20% feel that ideal time to evaluate the training is after 1
month and 15% are unsure.
Since each respondent had attended different training program. So the ideal time of
evaluation of training depends on types of training. It could be vary for different training.

10. Should the post training evaluation procedure reviewed and revised

Yes 16
No 2
Can’t say 2


Page 66
80% respondents feel that the post training evaluation procedure should be reviewed and
revised periodically. It means that it has to be a continuous process and be taken regularly
by the line manager/Reporting manager of the participants. It could also be taken by peer
Still 10% feel that the post training evaluation procedure should not be reviewed and
revised periodically. It means they are satisfied with the post training evaluation procedure,
followed by Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar.

11. Is the whole feedback exercise after the training worth the time,
money and effort?

Yes 18
No 2
Can’t say 0


Page 67
90% respondents feel that the whole feedback exercise worth the time, money and effort
and 10% respondent are not agree with this. It means that feedback exercise is valuable
and worthful for the participant to achieve their personal goal as well as for the
Still 10% are unsure about it. So there is a need to create awareness among them that
how much the feedback exercise is important to identify the effectiveness and valuation
of the training program, to identify the ROI(return on investment),to identify the need of
retraining and identify the points to improve the training.

12.The post training feedback can be used:

To identify the effectiveness and valuation of training program 3

To identify the ROI(return on investment) 2
To identify the need of retraining 0
To provide the points to improve the training 0
All of above 15

Page 68

75% respondents feels that post training feedback can be used to identify the
effectiveness and valuation of training program, to identify the ROI, to identify the need
of retraining and to provide the points to improve the training. And others are also aware
of the importance of post training feedback.


Page 69

• Mostly all the kartavyayogis of corporate HR are well aware of the role and
importance of the training They are self motivated to attend such training
program as it will result in their skill enhancement & improving their
interpersonal skill.

• Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar , time to time training is provided to all the
kartavyayogis and it is continuous process.

• Two types of training is provided to the kartavyayogis by Corporate HR Sahara

India Pariwar -induction training and soft skill development training.

• Questionnaire is the most popular mean of evaluating the training program in

Sahara India Pariwar.

• Most of the kartavyayogis feel that interview is the most appropriate method of
evaluating the training program.

• Post training evaluation focus on result rather than on the effort expended in
conducting the training and it worth the time, money and effort.

Page 70
• Most of the participants are benefitted by giving feedback after attended the
training. It motivated them to do better, helped them to increase their job
performance and is an aid to future planning.

• In Sahara India Pariwar, post training evaluation is used to identify the

effectiveness and valuation of training program, to identify the ROI(return on
investment), to identify the need of retraining and to provide the points to
improve the training.


The management must commit itself to allocate major resources and adequate time to

 Ensure that training contribute to competitive strategies of the firm. Different

strategies need different HR skill for implementation. Let training help employees
at all levels acquire the needed skill.

 Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach to training exists, and

training and retraining are done at all levels on a continuous and ongoing basis.

 Ensure that there is proper linkage among organizational, operational and

individual training needs.

 Skill based training (product/process training) should also be provided.

 Besides questionnaire other methods of post training evaluation should also be

used like interviews, self diaries, observation and supplement test.

Page 71
 The evaluation procedure must be implemented concerning trainer, trainee and

 Post training feedback has to be continuous and should also be taken from line
manager/superior & from peers to find out the effectiveness and valuation of


Professional competence describes the state-of-the-art, Area- knowledge, expertise and

skill relevant for performing excellently within a specific functional department. This
competence insures that technical knowledge is both present and used within a firm for
the welfare of its stake-holders. To develop this competence regular Training and
Development is required

Therefore, Training initiatives and programs have become a priority for Human
Resources. As business markets change due to an increase in technology initiatives,
companies need to spend more time and money on training employees. In today’s
business climate employee development is critical to corporate success and organizations
are investing more in their employees training and development needs.

Training evaluation is the important part of training process. It provides a feedback and
help the sponsors and the resource persons for improvement at the level of individual
performance and in the strategy formulation for training and development. Post training
evaluation can be used to identify the effectiveness and valuation of training programme,
to identify the ROI (return on investment), to identify the need of retraining and to
provide the points to improve the training.

Page 72

1. The study is limited to the Corporate HR, SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR

LUCKNOW. So the study is subject to the limitation of area.

2. The time period of the study was only two six weeks which may provide a deceptive
picture in comparison of the study based on long run.

3. Sampling size was of only 20, because only these people had attended soft skill
development training.

4. Corporate HR, Sahara India Pariwar only provides soft skill development training,
not skill based (product/process) training. So how can one evaluate the skill based
training is still unresolved.

5. The study is based only on secondary & primary data so lack of keen observations
and interactions were also the limiting factors in the proper conclusion of the study.

Page 73

Page 74
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reports, notes etc.

Dear Madam/Sir,

I, , an MBA student pursuing my course from As a part of my curriculum I am

undergoing summer training at Corporate Please give your views/opinions in the
space given below about the post training feedback in SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR.
The information provided by you will be kept highly confidential& will be used by
me strictly for an analysis only.

1) What do you understand by training?

a) Learning
b) Enhancement of knowledge, skill and aptitude
c) Sharing information
d) All of above

Page 75
2) Training is must for enhancing productivity and performance.

a) Completely agree
b) Partially agree
c) Disagree
d) Unsure

3) (i) Have you attended any training programme in the last 01 year?
a) Yes
b) No

(ii) If yes ,which module of soft skill development training?

a) Personality and positive attitude

b) Business communication
c) Team building and leadership
d) Stress management and work-life balance
e) Business etiquettes and corporate grooming
f) All of above
g) If any other please specify ___________________________
4) (i) After the training ,have you given feedback of it?

a) Yes
b) No

(ii) If yes, through which method?(can select more than one)

a) Questionnaire
b) Interview
c) Supplement test
d) If any other please specify _______________

5) Which method of post training feedback according to you is more appropriate?

a) Observation
b) Questionnaire
c) Interviews
d) Self diaries
e) Supplement test

6) (i) Do you think that the feedback can evaluate the training effectiveness?
a) Yes
b) No

Page 76
(ii) If yes, how can the post training feedbacks can help the participants?(can
select more than one)

a) Improve job performance

b) An aid to future planning
c) Motivate to do better
d) All of the above
e) None

7) Post training evaluation focus on result rather than on the effort expended in
conducting training.

a) Completely agree
b) Partially agree
c) Disagree
d) Unsure

8) What should be the approach of the post training evaluation?(can select more
than one)

a) Trainer centered
b) Trainee centered
c) Subject Centered
d) All of the above

9) What should be the ideal time to evaluate the training?

a) Immediate after training

b) After 15 days
c) After 1 month
d) Cant say

10) Should the post training evaluation procedure reviewed and revised

a) Yes
b) No
c) Cant say

11) Is the whole feedback exercise after the training worth the time, money and

Page 77
a) Yes
b) No
c) Cant say

12) The post training feedbacks can be used :

a) To identify the effectiveness and valuation of the training programme

b) To identify the ROI( return on investment)
c) To identify the need of retraining
d) To provide the points to improve the training
e) All of above

13) Any suggestion for improving the post training feedback procedure exists in
Sahara India Pariwar?


Your Views Matter

Dear Madam/Sir
We would appreciate your views sharing with us. This will help us to improve more. Please give
your views/opinions in the space provided below about this kartavyayogi and evaluate the
improvements after the training.
Kartavyayogi’s Details

Name E.C.

Cadre Department

Training Programme

Name of the module


Page 78


Kartavyayogi’s evaluation after training

Rating – Please tick ()

Kartavyayogi’s attitude towards his
subordinates and co-workers
Kartavyayogi’s ability to fullfil
2 expected job requirements
Communication skill of the
3 kartavyayogi.
4 Listening skill of the kartavyayogi

5 Writing skill of the kartavyayogi

6 Conflict resolving skills

Rating – Please tick ()
7 Ability to work in a team

8 Ability of taking initiative

9 Motivational skill

10 Patience and tolerance level

11 Stress management skill

12 Ability to work under pressure

Business etiquettes of the
13 kartavyayogi

Dressing sense of the

14 kartavyayogi
Mannerism and behaviour of the
15 kartavyayogi
16 Punctuality at work place

Page 79
Any other area where you would like to recommend this kartavyayogi to Undergo training?

Whether this training is relevant to the present requirement of your Department ?

□ Yes □ No

Would you recommend this training to other kartavyayogis in your Department?

□ Yes □ No

Any suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the training.


Visit for more project

reports, notes etc.

• Human Resource Management by L. M. Prasad
• Human Resource Management by Dipak. k. Bhattacharya
• Human Resource Management by K. Ashwathapa


Page 80





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reports, notes etc.

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