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ECON2131 Public Economics - Theory Q3 - Tutorial 9

Earned Income Tax Credit1

The figure shows the effect of the earned income tax credit on the budget constraint facing a low-
wage individual (blue line) who receives a wage subsidy up to some level (interval AB), and
faces a tax beyond a certain higher level (from C onwards).

Income and substitution effects:

• AB:
o SE: Working is more attractive due to the subsidy (blue budget constraint steeper than
original black budget constraint)  works more.
o IE: Individual is better off (blue budget constraint above original black budget
constraint) and consumes more of all normal goods, including leisure  works less.
• BC:
o No SE: budget constraint parallel to the initial black budget constraint.
o IE: as in interval AB (blue budget constraint still above original black budget
constraint)  works less.
Adapted from Stiglitz (2000), pp. 537-538.

ECON2131 Public Economics - Theory Q3 - Tutorial 9

• CD:
o SE: Working is less attractive due to the tax (blue budget constraint flatter than
original black budget constraint)  works less.
o IE: as in intervals AB and BC (blue budget constraint still above original black budget
constraint)  works less.
• DE:
o SE: as in interval CD (blue budget constraint flatter than original black budget
constraint)  works less.
o IE: Individual is worse off (blue budget constraint below original black budget
constraint) and consumes less of all normal goods, including leisure  works more.

Participation versus hours decisions:

Even though for many individuals (those in the interval CE), marginal incentives to work are
reduced by the EITC (substitution effect induces less work), incentives to participate in the labour
force are increased (substitution effect in the interval AB induces individuals to participate in the
labour force). Assume, as an alternative to working, individuals can receive a fixed amount of
welfare payments, represented in the figure by point W (where they enjoy full leisure). The
individual is able to reach a higher indifference curve by working with the EITC. Many labour
economists believe that the participation decision is more important than the hours decision (for
many jobs, discretion over the number of hours worked is limited.

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