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Binge drinking

By Lela-may vandermolen
8 yellow
Purpose of the campaign
Video clip
Types of advertisement
Key campaign messages
Adolescents 1
Adolescents 2
Adolescents health 1
Adolescents health 2

I will be arguing against the binge
drinking to try and stop people from
excessive alcohol consumption drinking
The target audience of this campaign is
teenagers aged 15-17 and young adults
aged 18-25 years of age.

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 the purpose of the campaign is to try and
get people these ages and above to try
and stop drinking constantly.

Purpose of the campaign

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The type of social marketing appeal used
was emotional because the boy in the
video clip was showing how he was hurt
and was not really changing his voice into
different tones to much and just kept it
simple plus he looked really sad like he
regretted what he did

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Video clip Back to menu

The campaign has used TV, radio, poster
and outdoor because they as many people
as possible to see this message to change
there actions

Types of advertisement Back to menu

“don’tturn a night out into a nightmare”
This was created to get people thinking
about the choices they make in drinking
and partially the consequences of
excessive alcohol consumption

Key campaign messages

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These key messages are relevant to
adolescents because:
1. Because becoming a young adult doesn’t
mean that you can drink consecutively
because will make you ill and most people at
this age do it because they think it cool.
2. This key message is to get you thinking
about the consequences and some people
aren’t taking it seriously and it is effecting
the way you work

Adolescents 1 Back to menu

Don’t think that there really is any better
message than this because
1. People don’t want to turn a night out
into a nightmare especially at a young
2. Because it will get the younger people
thinking what it has to do with them and
will hopefully realize it has to do with
alcohol overdose

Adolescents 2 Back to menu

This advertisement will be effective in positively
influencing adolescents health behavior because:
1. Because people this age have a lot of time to change
the way they act and they way they have promoted
the advertisement “don’t turn a night out into a
2. Because it will effect there health which will make
people ask themselves questions such as “do I really
want to have bad health ” or “will my bad health effect
my carrier”
3. It may end up what they want to be and there carrier
because people don’t who drink to much.

Adolescents health 1 Back to menu

A more effective way of positively influencing
adolescents health behavior would be to put
some sort of information in how it will effect
your life and what you do.
1. Because we don’t want our health effecting
our life and what we love to do most
2. Because we don’t want our health to be bad
so that we most likely live a shorter life.

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