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– Consumer Behaviour

Credits: 3 Lectures: 40

The course imparts knowledge and makes familiar with the contribution of various
disciplines in understanding behaviour of the consumer. It helps in designing marketing
strategies & understanding pre purchase & post purchase behaviour of consumers.

Contents No. of Lectures

Unit-I: Introduction 10

 Scope & Relevance of consumer behaviour

 Buying Decision Process
 Basic Model of consumer behaviour
 Problem Recognition, Information search, Alternative Evaluation
 Outlet Selection & Purchase
 Consumer research

Unit-II: Individual Determinants of Buying Behaviour 10

 Consumer Personality: nature, Freudian, Non Freudian and

 Trait theories .Role of personality, Product personality ,Self image
 Attitude and its components Formation and modification of attitude
 Cognitive dissonance theory and attribution theories
 Consumer perception, Motivation and learning

Unit-III: External Determinants of Buying Behaviour 8

 Family Influence on buying

 Reference Groups
 Social Classes
 Cultural influence on buying behaviour

Unit-IV: Models of Consumer Behaviour 3

 Nicosia Model
 Howard Sheth Model
 Engel – Kollat – Blackwell Model

Unit-V: Post Purchase Behaviour 4

 Consumer Satisfaction
 Consumer dissonance
 Reducing dissonance
 Relation ship marketing

Text Books:

1. Schiffman L G and Kanuk L L: Consumer Behaviour, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall of

India, New Delhi.

2. Assel Henry: Consumer Behaviour, Biztantra,6th Edition New Delhi, 2005.


1. Hawkins D I: Consumer Behaviour, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2005.

2. Gupta S L: Consumer Behaviour, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2002.

3. Laudon David: Consumer Behaviour, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.

4. Suja Nair: Consumer Behaviour.1st Edition, Himalaya Publishing House .

5. Blackwell, Miniard, Engel: Consumer Behaviour,1st Edition, Thomson Learning

The list of cases and specific reference including recent articles and research studies will be
notified by the faculty at the commencement of the course

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