ENERGY SYSTEMS - Analyse The 3 Different Energy Systems - 1.2

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2 - Analyse the three

different energy systems and
explain their contribution to
different sports and

In this assignment I will analyse the three different energy

systems. They are;
• ATP – PC
• Glycolytic system (lactic acid)
• Aerobic system
I will then follow on by explaining their contribution when
used to allow us to take part in sporting activities.

All movement requires energy. The way in which the body

generates energy is determined by the duration and
intensity of the exercise. Activities that require short
bursts of explosive movements require a lot of energy
over a short period, whereas activities like marathon
running require a small amount of energy over a
prolonged time period.
Energy is needed in order for the bodies muscle fibres to
contract. Energy is obtained from the oxidation of foods in
the diet, mainly carbohydrates and fats. When these

Ben Jenkins 12AM

substances are used in the muscle cells, ATP is formed.
ATP stands for Adenosine Tri-phosphate. It is formed by a
reaction between an adenosine di-phosphate (ADP) and a
phosphate molecule. It is a versatile molecule which can
be used for a number of things. When this is broken down
it gives the muscles energy so that they can contract.

ATP-PC system
I will begin by analysing the ATP PC system. This is the
immediate energy system. This system is used during
exercise of a very high intensity lasting between 0-10
seconds. In this process ATP is used without the presence
of oxygen. This system allows explosive work to be carried
out, but for only short time periods, due to the fact that
the supply of phosphate creatine is limited. Examples of
sporting activities which use this energy
system include;
• 60m and 100m sprints.
• Shot putt.
• Heading a football.
• Making a tackle in rugby.
• Tennis serves.
There are numerous activities which need
contribution of this energy system.

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When we exercise, energy is freed an aerobically from
the energy bonds in phosphates stored in muscles.
Glucose is split to release energy within the muscle.

During short duration exercise, ATP relies on a substance

called phoscreatine, which is also stored in our muscles.
The amount stored in out muscles is limited; therefore this
system has limited capacity less than 10 seconds for a
maximum work load. The net formula is; ‘PC + ADP = ATP
+ C’. ATP is replenished from the fats and carbohydrates
in our diets. Having said this it cannot last for a long
period but does supply us with an immediate source of
energy. (RJ Davis et al, 1994)

Glycolyitc system (lactic acid) system

This is the short term energy system, and is not quite
immediate. This energy system is used when the activity
is of a moderate intensity and it is not sustainable over a
long duration. At maximal work it can be used for between
60-90 seconds. Similarly to the ATP PC system, this
process is done without the use of oxygen. It is
Examples of sporting activities which use this system
include the following;
• 300m – 800m running.
• Javelin throw
• Tennis rally
• Gymnastics routine

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This process relies on the break down of Glycolysis – which
means the break down of sugar. Carbohydrate is stored in
muscles as glycogen. These are stored in high power, but
unfortunately have a low capacity as not much glycogen is
stored in the muscle. The break down of glycogen
provides the energy for ADP to rebuild into ATP and in
essence the muscle is now revitalised and has energy to
work once again. There is still no oxygen present when
this process is taking place.
As a result of this, once the activity has been carried out,
oxygen is taken in to remove any waste products such as
lactic acid. This acid accumulates and diffuses into the
muscle tissues. This will limit energy production which will
have a negative affect on the efficiency of muscular
movement. The aim is to change lactic acid back into
pyruic acid. This is known as repaying the oxygen debt.
Eventually ATP and glycogen will run out meaning the
athlete needs to stop exercising or they will simply
Once the athlete reaches this point of failure, there are 4
tasks which need to be carried out before the muscle can
work again.
They are;
• Replacement of ATP
• Removal of lactic acid
• Replenishment of myglobin with oxygen
• Replacement of glycogen
(RJ Davis et al, 1994)

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This image shows the structure of ATP and how it breaks
down to release energy to the working muscles.

Aerobic System
This is the long term energy system. This energy system
needs plenty of oxygen to work properly. It is used when
the activity is low intensity, exerting little force and when
muscles are contracting slowly. This energy system is
used when the activity takes from two minutes onwards.
Marathon running, long distance swimming and cycling
are examples of sports which use this energy system.
Athletes who take part in these
sports will have a larger amount of
slow twitch fibres and their lungs will
have a larger capacity due to the

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effects of long term training which they have part taken
This system needs oxygen so it can break down
carbohydrates and fats to carbon dioxide, water and
The first process is the conversion of glycogen into 2
molecules of pyruvic acid, 2 ATP molecules and a number
of hydrogen atoms. These all take place within in
mitochondria in the muscle cells. This location is often
known as the power house of the cell as it is where most
of the muscles energy is produced. Energy will be
released a small amount at a time and will be able to be
supplied for a very long period of time.
(RJ Davie et al, 1994)

ATP PC energy system =
ADP + creatine phosphate = ATP + creatine
Lactic acid energy system =
Glucose = 2ATP + lactic acid + heat
Glycogen = 3ATP + 2 lactic acid + heat
Aerobic energy system =
Glucose + oxygen = 38 ATP + CO2 + water + heat
Fatty acids + oxygen = 129 ATP + CO + water + heat

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These formulas show the amount of ATP produced by each
energy system.

How they contribute to sports and

All energy systems are active at any time depending on
the duration and intensity of the exercise.
They burn off ATP in about 3 seconds. The creatine
phosphate system kicks in and supplies oxygen for 8-10
seconds. A 100m sprinter would use this system mainly. If
exercise continues the lactic acid system would be used.
This is used for short distance exercises such as 200 or
400m running. If exercise continues for even longer, the
aerobic system will kick in. This would occur for marathon
running, rowing, cross country skiing and distance skating.

Sport ATP PC Glycolytic Aerobic

system system system
Archery high Low
Basketball High Moderate Low
Hockey High Moderate Low
Netball High Moderate Low
Soccer High Moderate Low
Distance Moderate High
Jumping in High
Sprinting High Moderate/hig
Throwing High

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(Adams et al, 2010)
This table shows the energy systems used in the different
types of sport.

I will now write a short conclusion including the analysis of
the 3 systems and how they contribute to different sports
and activities.
The energy system used is chosen depending on the
intensity and duration of the sport. These are the 2 main
factors which determine the energy system used.
The ATP-PC system is the immediate energy system. It is
used when the activity lasts between 0-10 seconds and
the intensity is very high. No oxygen in present when this
energy system is used. A 100m sprint is a prime example
where this energy system will be called upon.
The Glycolytic system is the short term energy system.
It’s used when the exercise lasts between 10 seconds up
until 2 minutes. The exercise is usually of a moderate
intensity. A 400m race is a good example where this
system is needed.
Finally the ‘Aerobic’ system. This is the long term energy
system. It is called upon when the exercise is from 2
minutes and onwards. There is plenty of oxygen available
during this process. Marathon running is an example
where the Aerobic system is used.

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The body’s ability to extract energy from foods and
transfer it to the contractile proteins in the muscles
determines your capacity to exercise for different
durations and intensities. Thousands of chemical reactions
are responsible for this energy transfer. (Adams et al,


• Adams et al, 2010 – OCR level 3

• RJ Davis et al, 1994 – PE and the

study of sport 2nd edition

• Mr M Evans – Class notes

• Google images – All images

Ben Jenkins 12AM

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