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Time Management-15 points

1. After receiving the registration forms, from cads section getting it signed by the
students and returning to the cads section within two weeks.(2)
2. Task completed before deadline is considered excellent. After one day of deadline
completed task will be considered good. Delayed than four days is considered poor.
3. Work done on time i.e; 8 hour job time. None of the important daily task should be

Interpersonal Relations-15 points

1. Helpful while solving issues of students and teachers.(3)

2. Calm while in stressed situations.(7)
3. Positive behavior while addressing students who have not paid fees yet. Who are
prevented but are sitting in exams.(5)

Creativity-5 points

1. The procedures which are time saving ,and immediately communicated with students
and teachers.(5)

Communication-10 points

1. All the essential points should be mentioned regarding dates, fee structure and
2. Timely clarifying whatever instructions they get from Dean and HOD.(3)

Adaptability-5 points

1. Receptive to change/new ideas(2).

2. Shows courtesy in tough situations.(3)

Attendance-20 points

1. Reports to work on time.(7)

2. Communicates schedule changes promptly to supervisor.(10)
3. Maintains regular attendance.(3)

Dependability/Initiative-15 points

1. Adapts to change.(2)
2. Follows-through on work assignments.(1)
3. Demonstrates eagerness and positivism. (2)
4. Shares ideas and suggestions.(2)
5. Takes on new responsibilities(2)
6. Shares ideas and suggestions.(3)
7. Willing to assist co-workers(3)

Consensus-Building-5 points

1. Actively resolves workplace conflicts.(1)

2. Willingly undertakes assigned projects .(3)
3. Supports organizational goals and endeavors (1)

Teamwork-10 points

1. Interacts and exchanges idea Observes the abilities and ideas of fellow team
2. Works fairly and attempts to share an equal work-load with others (7)

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