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Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues:

July is a wonderful month

Mid-summer is upon us. to spend time with our
Many of us are already on families, enjoying our
leave from our ministries precious time together.
and jobs or are preparing While engaging in this
to go on vacation with activity, please keep our
friends and family. It is a Friars in mind; they need
blessed time of spiritual and physical our prayers,
refreshment. For the Friars of the Province of encouragement and
financial support.
St. Joseph, this is also time to look back at the
accomplishments of the past year and to get
ready for the challenges of the next season. Sincerely in Christ,

As you know, last April saw the formal

dedication of the new Academic Center and
Theological Library at the Dominican House Ray Clark
of Studies (DHS) in Washington, D.C. President
Undoubtedly, that was the highlight of the Dominican Foundation
year. And I cannot stress enough the vital
role you, our dear donors and supporters,
have played in making this momentous event
a reality with your generous gifts and
prayers. We call on you again, in gratitude, to
support us in the year ahead, as we focus on
the completion of the renovation of the Priory
at the DHS and a host of other initiatives.
But I want to take full advantage of this
pause in our busy lives and express gratitude.
God’s blessings continue to be so abundant
that words fall short. This month, 11 new
candidates began their three-week
postulancy at Providence College in
Providence, RI. On Aug. 8, they will formally
begin their novitiate year at St. Gertrude’s
Priory outside Cincinnati. Thanks to you, we
are able to welcome these wonderful young
men, house them, feed them and begin their
formation toward becoming a new generation
of Friars to serve the people of God.

This month, too, has brought tremendous joy

and blessing with theepiscopal ordination of
Fr. Augustine DiNoia, O.P.. Pope Benedict
XVI has named him Secretary of the
Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments. This is an
enormous honor for the Province of the St.
Joseph and, again, a tribute to your
commitment. For Fr. Di Noia’s comments at
the Ordination and to view and relive the
event, please click here.

Also recently posted on the site is the audio

version of a magnificent lecture Fr. Romanus
Cessario, O.P., speaking at a recent vocation
weekend, gave on Dominican spirituality. He
speaks of it as a grace freely bestowed by
God, in contrast to contemporary formulas of
spirituality that substitute “mental creations
for true Christian devotion.”

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All good things come from the Lord. It is our
task to be open to His gifts and collaborate
with Him to the best of our abilities. You, our
dear friends, are answering that call month
after month, year after year.

My friend, Catholics throughout our province

are longing for solid preaching, instruction
and pastoral care.
I truly believe that the Province of St.
Joseph through the grace of God, can help
bring about a renewal in Catholic preaching,
teaching, and parish life. But we need your
Please, pray for our Friars and co-workers.
This is by far the most important thing you
can do for us. We are deeply grateful for the
blessings we receive from our friends’ daily
prayers and spiritual offerings.
And please, contribute to the Dominican
Foundation. Because of the generosity of our
friends, we’ve been able to do so much. But
this can only continue if Catholics like you
continue to step out in faith and send a
generous contribution today.

Join me in this tremendous work. Through

your prayers, your energy, and your financial
resources, we can, together, help bring about
a new springtime of faith!
As always, we want to remind you to visit our
site regularly. There are new items posted
almost daily. Better yet, sign up to receive
our email announcements sent out each time
a new piece is added online. Just go to, follow the prompt and
enter your email address. It is very easy to

Sending you my prayers and best wishes for

a blessed summer, I am
Sincerely yours,

Fr. John Farren, O.P.

Vicar Provincial for Advancement
Dominican Foundation

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