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Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues:

A new coolness in the air As the work of the Friars
tells us that summer is continues, never ceasing to
over: it’s time again to inspire us, let us continue
our work, which is to
focus all our energies on support the wonderful
the work at hand. activities of the Brethren.
In Washington, D.C., Anything you can do to
student brothers at the identify potential donors, or
Dominican House of Studies— strengthened make a gift yourself, we
by the new Academic Center and Theological would deeply appreciate.
Library—have resumed their studies, and the Sincerely in Christ,
distinguished Pontifical Faculty has mapped
out demanding course work for the academic
year. In Cincinnati, at St. Gertrude’s Priory,
11 novices have embarked on their novitiate Ray Clark
year under the watchful eye of Novice Master President
Father Walter Wagner, O.P. Dominican Foundation

Friars throughout the Province of St. Joseph

are devoting themselves with renewed
energy to a full range of ministries
—university chaplaincies, parish work,
counseling for the sick, and their overarching
preaching mission. At the Dominican
Foundation’s offices in New York, my staff
and I have started a busy fall season of
working with our distinguished Board
members and collaborators, continually Please Support the
developing and implementing strategies to Dominican
identify and engage new potential friends of Foundation
the Province. Please consider
contributing to the
These strands of activity ultimately all strive Dominican Foundation
to accomplish the same goals—attracting new today. Because of the
vocations, providing young men with the best generosity of our
possible intellectual and spiritual formation, friends, w e’ve been able
and preparing a new generation of well- to do so much. But this
rounded preachers to serve the people of can only continue if
God. I cannot stress enough that the Catholics like you
Province’s machinery, if you will, depends on continue to step out in
your prayers and unfailing generosity for its faith and generously
lifeblood. contribute.

Be on the look-out for the new issue of The

Trumpet, which will soon reach your
mailboxes. You’ll meet Sean Fieler, one of our
distinguished Board members, as well as
Brother Michael Dominic O’Connor, O.P., who
has started his third year of theological
studies. We also pay tribute to newly-minted
Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O.P., a Friar of
the Province whom Pope Benedict has
appointed Secretary of the Congregation for
Divine Worship and the Disclipine of the
Of course, you can keep up with all the news
of the Province anytime on our Web site.
Please be sure to visit it often. It’s an active
site. And do sign up to receive an email
notification each time a new item is posted.

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Thank you for your friendship and support.
We truly could not flourish without you at our
side. On behalf of all the Friars, I wish you
and your loved ones a blessed start of fall.

Fr. John Farren, O.P.

For the Dominicans
Province of St. Joseph

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Dom inican Friars.
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