Amazing Sea Lion

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The Amazing Sea Lion

By: Olivia
What is a Sea Lion
A Sea Lion is a marine animal that lives in the
pacific ocean that loves to eat fish. It can
live up to 20 or 30 years I think I want to
live much longer then that! Won’t you want
to live longer then that to?
When the baby is born
A baby sea lion is born one at a time. The baby
Sea Lion is called a Pup they are very playful
and can be quiet I am surprised that the baby is
quiet babies are not quiet! WOW!
Are a Seal and a Sea Lion the
Yes they are but don’t look like each other!
They both love to swim and they might not
look the same but they are the same! Is that
cool or what?
How fast can they swim?
Sea lions can swim 30 miles per hour that’s like
as fast as car goes! They love to swim that’s
all they do in the daytime. There's a little facts
about Sea lions hope you love it!
The end!

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